10:32pm Nov 12 2010
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Kaze looked at her with a bored look in his eye before moving his glas.ses up "who said i was saying hello to you i was talking to your dragon." He said to her looking at her like she was dumb or something. Kazumi smiled before climbing up onto Shadow before petting her. Shadow made a purring noise before she walked over to Siren and nuzzled him. "It seems they really like eachother" she said laughing.
10:41pm Nov 12 2010
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Kevi clenched her fist and growled. This guy was seriously getting on her nerves. She wasn't with Alek anymore, and Sam was off on a little happy flight. No one would stop her if she punched him in the face... so she did. Hard. She could tell it hit him, but didn't hurt him much. She wasn't going to put her full strength into a stupid guy she just met. No, she'd save that one for Alek if he ever spoke to her again. She growled. "You talk to my dragon, you might as well be talking to me." she hissed angrily. "Get out of my sight before I punch you again." she threatened, getting back into her fencing stance and putting her fists up. Mars growled nervously, ready to step in if Kevi made another move to hurt someone. -- "It's only natural I suppose" Alek laughed, as Siren leaped into the air with a great amount of force, pacing himself as fast as he could towards the forest.
10:50pm Nov 12 2010
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Kaze's glas.ses fell off before he calmly looked at her and sighed "well if i had known that talking to your dragon ment talking to you i wouldn't of bothered then." He said before quickly picking up his glas.ses making sure they wern't damaged luckly they wern't but even if they where it wouldn't of taken long for him to get replacements from home but it would be a h*censored*le and a waist of his time for him to do that. Soon he turned and becan to walk off before stopping and looking at her "oh and next time you try something like that i will make you pay for it." He said before smiling at her as if he had just told her some good news which made it so much creepyer. Kazumi nodded. She then laughed and making Shadow take off into the sky next to Siren and Alek while she smiled at him happily.
10:59pm Nov 12 2010
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"I'd like to see you try" said Kevi, loud enough for him to hear as she stormed away. She wanted Same to come down for Pete's sake, just so she could spread the word about the jerk-face and have someone to complain to, whether he wanted to hear it or not. She clicked her tongue and mars climbed down from the tree and towards her. Kevi got onto her dragons back and soared off, not controlling wherever she flew. She sat back in the saddle and fell asleep. --- Siren spiraled down into the forest, sending a few branches rattling to the forest floor.
11:03pm Nov 12 2010 (last edited on 11:10pm Nov 12 2010)
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Kaze smirked before going back to the tree and taking out a laptop He begins to make a file about Kev. He would ask other students about her and see what he can come up with. He hoped that he could come up with enough to make her life hell if she crossed him again. Kazumi laughed before making Shadow follow him and soon had her land next to Siren. She then smiled at Alek before blushing "Alek i want to tell you something" she said to him blushing a deep deep red.
11:13pm Nov 12 2010
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"What is it?" Alek asked, getting off Siren and patting him. Instantly, Siren was at Shadow's side; of course. Alek noticed Kazumi's face flush and wondered. He bit his lip nervously. What did she want?
11:15pm Nov 12 2010
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Kazumi got off Shadow who nuzzled Siren and walked over to Alek "well.... Um i really really um." She said before looking at him "like you" she said before looking back down and closing her eyes as she waited for him to laugh or somthing or to tell her that he didn't like her back. It was one thing she hated the most was rejection.
11:18pm Nov 12 2010
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Alek paused, then gave a friendly smile. "Cool" he said simply, "I like you too." He sat down on the squishy, muddy ground and patted the place next to him, his hand squelching slightly.
11:21pm Nov 12 2010
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Kazumi opened her eyes and smiled at him before sitting next to him. She didn't know what to do or say now what if he only liked her as a friend or something She was too scared to ask. Shadow lay down before making a purring noise at Siren tilting her head at him.
11:26pm Nov 12 2010
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Alek's heart raced. He hadn't really been so close to a girl since Kevi; excluding his mother and grandmother of course. He thought for a second about the words they exchanged. It hadn't really been clear. Kazumi seemed pretty nervous too. He put his arm around Kazumi and rested it on her other shoulder. "You mind?" he asked with a confident (and totally fake) smile. Siren purred some more and slithered behind Shadow's figure, nuzzling under her chin sweetly when they met.
11:40pm Nov 12 2010
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Kazumi smiled at him before moving closer to him. "i don't mind" she said smiling at him more. She really liked being this close to him and wanted to put her head on his sholder but didn't know if he would want her to do that or not. Shadow purred more before moving closer to him and going into a postion that said that she liked him alot and wanted to be his mate.
11:45pm Nov 12 2010
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Siren looked a bit surprised at Shadow, but let out a cute purr and flared his wings a bit before dashing into the forest chirping for Shadow to follow. Alek laughed softly at the dragons. "Kazumi-" he said. He would have went on, but he stopped himself. He looked at her, and then just smiled warmly. "Don't be shy, you can trust me, I like you" Alek said.
11:49pm Nov 12 2010
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Shadow made a simalar noise before following him happily. Kazumi looked at him and smiled before resting her head on his sholder. She couldn't keep the smile off her face. She was so happy that he liked her aswell.
11:52pm Nov 12 2010
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As the two dragons disappeared, there was a cackle from the trees. Alek sprang up and took Kazumi with him, staring at the woods where the sound had come. There was another cackle, from behind him, and then two more to either side. He let out a curse. Of course the dragons would be too busy to realize that their people were being hunted by Psygirs. ((DUN DUN DUNNNNNN))
11:59pm Nov 12 2010
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Kazumi stood next to Alek very scared as she looked around before thinking of what the techer had said to them about if they where getting hunted by Psygirs. She quickly looked around before seeing a high tree "quick we have to climb that tree" she said grabbing his hand dragging him to the high tree and began to climb it but looked back at him to see if he was following her.
12:06am Nov 13 2010
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Alek nodded, helping Kazumi up the tree as the psygirs came into view. He got up to a high branch beside Kazumi just in time. The psygirs snarled and cackled, four of them total as they jumped and snapped their powerful jaws at the tree to no avail. they weren't giving up so soon. He panted, the effort from climbing the tree catching up. Then he did a crazy thing. He laughed. Not like the vengeful laughter at the psygirs nor maniacal laughter, but he laughed as if he was enjoying himself in a game of tag or hide and seek.
12:12am Nov 13 2010
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At first Kazumi looked at him like he was crazy before she started laughing as well. She had to keep an arm on the tree to stop her from falling out of the tree but she was happy while laughing with Alek seeing the fun in the situation they where in.
12:15am Nov 13 2010
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Alek paused in his laughs. "I can tell you now, Miss Sharp would be proud" he said. His laughing soon stopped when he heard a louder growl from the bushes. The psygirs scattered. A death horse strode proudly into view, its pupil-less eyes staring at Alek and Kazumi. Faryn.
12:19am Nov 13 2010
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Kazumi gasped as she looked at the death horse. She was amazed at the proud looking Death horse and couldn't keep her eyes off him. "Oh my look its a death Horse and so close to the school maybe Miss Snow was right" she said shocked as she looked at it. Yuki slowly walked out of the trees near Faryn but not too close to him. "Thank you Faryn." She said smiling at him. She talked in a calm voice even though she was scared for the students.
8:34am Nov 13 2010
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Faryn stamped his foot and growled, glaring at Yuki as well to warn her not to come any closer. He kicked some dirt and then let out a chilling whinny, turning his attention back to the kids. Alek gazed down at the headmaster. "That's why you objected to our lesson" he said softly. "You have a death horse."