10:31am Nov 13 2010
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Yuki did as He wanted her to and not get any closer before looking up at the students "he isn't mine he is free to run around and do what he wants. I bought him from the black market because god only knows what others would of done to him. I did try to breed him with some of my war companions but he was smart and escaped here but i know if he wants to be here then he can. It is also the reason i don't like students in the forest because he has a mind of his own he isn't like a dragon he is smarter and no one controls him." She said before whistleing having her dragon drop alot of meat next to her. "i will make you a deal this food if you don't kill them Faryn please i don't want any students being killed" she said begging him. Kazumi looked at a loss for words. She didn't know what to say or do it seems like it was the fresh meat by the headmaster or them. She hoped he took the meat.
10:47am Nov 13 2010
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Faryn sensed Yuki's desperation, and his own hunger. The meat would be a lot easier to snag than going through all the trouble to knock down the tree and chase down the students- and then he would have ended up with less meat. He let out a snort and trotted over to the meat, keeping an eye on Yuki in case she tried to capture him. He ate all the meat, not even leaving a scrap before running off to kill those psygirs. They might still be a threat. Just then, Siren's head came out of the foliage. He looked around with wonder, and tensed when he scented the psygirs and the death horse. He growled and climbed into full view, glaring around for some psygir-meat. After all, he hadn't been hunting today. Alek slid down the trunk of the tree and waited for Kazumi in case she fell or slipped.
10:59am Nov 13 2010 (last edited on 11:01am Nov 13 2010)
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Kazumi started climbing down the tree as well but when she was down near the bottom she slipped. Yuki smiled before looking over at the students and sighing. "What am i going to do with you two. I will have to give you both detention for coming into the forest and getting into trouble. i mean you could of been hurt." She said still sighing looking over at them. Shadow came out of the forest next to Siren and started growling as well as she looked around for the threat.
11:02am Nov 13 2010
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Alek caught Kazumi carefully and righted her to her feet. "Calm down Siren, Shadow" he said, "They're gone." Alek looked at Miss Snow. "Well we were never informed of any rules about the forest" Alek argued. "Why should we get detention?"
11:13am Nov 13 2010
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Yuki sighed "ok ill let you off but now you know not to come in here tell the others the forest is banned unless you are with a teacher or a member of staff" She said before walking back to the school. Kazumi looked at Alek "well that was lucky we only have a warning" she said looking up at him. Shadow ran over to the humans and nuzzled them both making a noise showing she was worried and soryy for leaving them.
11:20am Nov 13 2010
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"True that" Alek agreed, stroking Shadow's soft scales and then Siren. He climbed onto Siren's back. "Let's get back to school, and get that screening thing done for Shadow, her and Siren seem pretty perky if you know what I mean"
11:22am Nov 13 2010
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Kazumi nodded while laughing and getting up onto Shadow. "yes they are" she said laughing as Shadow then flew into the air and waited for Siren to join her before she flew back to the school. "I wonder why Miss Snow walked back to school she has a dragon" Kazumi said confused.
11:25am Nov 13 2010
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Alek shrugged. "She does't really seem close to any of her animals except for that death horse. She seemed like she really wanted him to forgive her." Siren snapped a birdd out of the air randomly as he paced himself to be with Shadow.
11:34am Nov 13 2010
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Kazumi nodded as Shadow purred at Siren and slowly started to fly back to the school. "I think Shadow wants to fly next to Siren to the school otherwise she would already be there" She said laughing.
11:39am Nov 13 2010
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"I believe it" Alek said with a chuckle. Not too long from then, they spiraled down to the ground in the school courtyard. Alek noticed Kaze, but he didn't know who he was. He looked up and saw Mars's distinct and unattractive silhouette. He shrugged and got off of Siren. "Well, I don't have another clas.s for an hour still, what do we do?"
11:43am Nov 13 2010
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Kazumi shrugged and got off Shadow "we could make a booking for the scan or just relax" she said smiling at him as she tilted her head. Kaze looked up seeing two students getting up he walked over "excuse me but may i have a word with Alek please." He said in a nice polite way he thought it would be better to talk to students one by one then as a group.
11:47am Nov 13 2010
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Alek raised an eyebrow. "And how do you know my name again?" he said suspiciously.
11:48am Nov 13 2010
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Kaze smiled and moved his glas.ses up his nose "we are in the same clas.ses you might not see me but i sit in the back of the clas.s." he said still smiling at him.
11:53am Nov 13 2010
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Alek shrugged. "Well, what do you need?" he asked, sitting on the bench behind them.
12:00pm Nov 13 2010
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Kaze smiled at him "i would like to know if you have any information on Kevi Williams" he said smiling at him still.
12:02pm Nov 13 2010
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Alek was sort of confused. "Yeah, I know lots about her," he said, "we dated about a year back."
12:04pm Nov 13 2010
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Kaze tilted his head "was that a bad break up or a good one?" he asked him he hoped it was a bad one so that he could tell Alek that he wanted revenge on Kevi in the furture and he might be more willing to help.
12:05pm Nov 13 2010
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Alek stood up. "Okay, just one question" he said. "Why are you being so nosy?" he said, crossing his arms.
12:08pm Nov 13 2010
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Kaze took his glas.ses off and started wipeing the before putting them back on "i personaly don't like her so i am trying to find out all the information i can about her so that if she crosses me again i can and will make her life a living hell" he said looking at him in a bussiness type way. "so do you want to help me?" He asked him.
12:09pm Nov 13 2010
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"I didn't think anyone could be so immature" Alek snapped. "I don't like Kevi, of course not, but snooping into her personal life to make her suicidal isn't going to solve anything" Alek yelled. He shrugged. "Come on Kazumi, let's get going."