7:42pm Nov 13 2010
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Siren purred, and then stared at Kazumi with wonder. Alek patted Siren's side. "What now Kazumi?" he asked. "Should we go to the library? The dorms? The stables?"
7:44pm Nov 13 2010
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Kazumi tilted her head while thinking about it "we should go to the stables." She said smiling at him.
7:58pm Nov 13 2010
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"I had a feeling you would say that. It's not far from here, we can just walk." Alek said. The stables were in sight, just across the meadow down the hill. It was surrounded by cherry blossom trees for the comfort of the horses which resided there. Of course, unicorns, pegasus and pterpius as well, but there were far less of them, and far more half-breed with malformed wings or a twisted horn or even both.
8:03pm Nov 13 2010
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Kazumi walked with him she looked at the ones that where mis shapen and felt sorry for them looking around she found a young foal that had both a twisted horn and misshapen wings "oh the poor thing." she said as she tilted her head looking at it. The little one looked lost and non of the adults where goign near it.
8:07pm Nov 13 2010
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"It's sad that the mishapped ones are fed to young dragons unable to hunt for themselves," Alek said. He stroked the muzzle of a curious buckskin mare who was sticking her head over the gate to inspect them.
8:15pm Nov 13 2010
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Kazumi looked shocked "they what!" She said to him really shocked she looked over at the little foal and was upset for it because who was to say that it won't be a good companion one day. She then felt something on her hand she looked down seeing it was the foal sighing she pet the foal's fur it was like the blue roan horses so it made her think something went wrong while the mare was pregnant ot it was in the genes but she still felt sorry for the little one.
8:33pm Nov 13 2010
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"The whole reason they breed half-breeds like them is to feed them to dragon hatchlings who have been for some reason abandoned by their mothers and can't hunt for themselves" Alek said. "It's not really a bad idea, because a dragon usually hunts its preferred foods, and dragons have exotic taste."
8:38pm Nov 13 2010
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Kazumi looked down "but..." she said as a tear ran down her face she didn't like to think about half breed only getting bred for food to her it was crewl (i can't spell today XD) it was one of the reason she didnt eat meat. She thought it was too mean for the animals.
8:41pm Nov 13 2010
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"If you want, I can buy this one from Miss Snow for you" Alek said, seeing that Kazumi was upset.
8:44pm Nov 13 2010
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Kazumi shuck her head "no youv'e done enough with the scan i'll save up to buy it myself" she said before looking at him and smiling abit. "Thank you though" she said before hugging him.
8:49pm Nov 13 2010
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Alek hugged Kazumi back. "Suit yourself, but we'd best tell Miss Snow not to get rid of this one first." Alek stroked the foal and then held Kazumi's hand. "Hey, my uncle owns a few horses here, and I think one of them has death horse in its heritage. It's pretty far back, granted, but he brags about it all the time. Wanna check it out?"
8:55pm Nov 13 2010
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Kazumi looked at him and nodded smiling "ok lets go" she said smiling at him linking her fingers with his. Yuki walked out of the forest and found she was near the stables sighing she walked over to check up on one of her pregnant pterpius that was due to give birth soon. She hated what she had to do with the mis formed foals but she knew if she tried to bred them they would die or be in alot of pain. They where ok growing up as long as they didn't try to fly or breed then they are fine.
9:02pm Nov 13 2010
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Alek walked with Kazumi to the other end of the stable and peered out into the meadow that his uncle was renting. "There are four in there" he said, pointing with his free hand at a dark brown horse trotting around the other horses dominantly. "I think that's the one with death horse in him"
9:05pm Nov 13 2010
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Kazumi looked at him and tilted her head "awwww he's cute" she said laughing seeing him prance around the others "are they all females?" She asked him.
9:10pm Nov 13 2010
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"Other than him yes, though my uncle has strict orders that they are not to be bred without my permission. They were sort of a gift," Alek said.
9:13pm Nov 13 2010
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Kazumi nodded before laughing "that was nice of him i just thought it was weird that he was watching the other males in the other fields." She said to him smiling looking at the females that where trying to walk away but the male wouldn't let them.
9:35pm Nov 13 2010
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Alek shrugged and whistled for the horse. "His name is Angel's Glory" Alek said as the horse approached. "Hey, do you want to ride him?" Alek asked.
10:24pm Nov 13 2010
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Kazumi looked at him before shaking her head no "i'm not very good at riding horses. I am more use to dragons." She said looking at him with a small blush on her face.
1:00pm Nov 14 2010
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Alek shrugged. "Suit yourself." he said. "What do you want to do now?"
1:05pm Nov 14 2010
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Kazumi shrug and looked at him. "I don't know i just like spending time with you" she said while blushing and looking down.