5:13pm Dec 6 2010
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((:D now you found it XD))
5:18pm Dec 6 2010
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((Yes, I did.)) Sam circled in the sky on Lady Lucie, twirling and dancing in the sky. He peered down at everyone and noticed Kevi was in a huff. I wonder why? He flew down, landed in the courtyard, then ran up to Kevi. "What's wrong?" He asked. ((Sam seriously doesn't know what he did worng. Xp))
5:21pm Dec 6 2010
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((i am so bored. I need a rp DX))
5:25pm Dec 6 2010
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((o_o I couldn't stay away. xD Though I usually fail at RPs that aren't privet. o3o But this one seems too awesome to stay away from.~ 8D So.. I can join, right? o3o Since it would be a bit awkward if I couldn't))
5:36pm Dec 6 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((lol go for it XD i know fifi would let you bunny))
6:27pm Dec 6 2010 (last edited on 6:28pm Dec 6 2010)
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((Mmkay. o3o *Squish hugs Zenwolf* First I want to Rmail Whatevs some ideas for creatures though. o3o My head is full of weird and crazy things. xD))
6:29pm Dec 6 2010
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((*hugs back* isn't it always XD))
4:51pm Dec 7 2010
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10:16am Dec 11 2010
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((Sorry guys, I was grounded XD Failing a cl*censored* :O)) Kevi huffed and sat on the creaking bench behind her. "Nothing" she growled, obviously lying. She crossed her arms and scanned the area for Mars, who was obviously missing.
3:06pm Dec 11 2010
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"Don't lie, Kevi. I can tell from the look on your face that you're cross with me." Sam said, staring at her as if trying to find what he had done to upset her. "Don't you say 'nothing' to me. I did something wrong, and now I want to fix it."
6:32am Dec 12 2010
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"It's not even just you," Kevi snapped, "I can't believe you're so- so oblivious to not see what I'm really going through at the moment!" she hissed moodily. "You think it's alright to just fly off on your dragon, completely leaving me stranded to be picked on by this guy, and I don't even know who he is! He just barges over and talks to me like I'm a piece of dirt and then walks away with every intention to make my life miserable!" Kevi ranted. She uncrossed her arms and rested her elbows on her knees. "If you think I'm crazy now because, here I am, having a mental breakdown right in front of you because you went for a ride on your dragon and some guy wanted to talk to me for no obvious reason," she sank her head into her hands, rubbing her temples. "Go ahead and leave now" Alek peered into the CHE clas.sroom. It wasn't very well-kept most of the time, but today was special, and the various exotic trophies that hung on the walls were dusted very carefully. He recognized the dark shape of a psygir, posed in the corner, and gasped, gazzing at it nervously. He drew a few steps closer before realizing that it was already dead, stuffed and posed for the clas.sroom. "Miss Quence?" he called. He was the only student in this clas.s at the moment, but he was sure that she'd let Kazumi join if he asked.

9:47am Dec 12 2010
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Kazumi walked in with him as she looked around the clas.sroom. ((fail))
4:13pm Dec 12 2010 (last edited on 4:14pm Dec 12 2010)
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Sam blinked. He had never encountered an attatude like this before from a person. The words echoed in his head, painfully loud and sharp. "Go ahead and leave now." He let out a breath. "As you wish." He slowly bent down to pick up a lone flower that was growing through the hard earth, and put it over Kevi's ear. He leaned forward to whisper, "I like you, Kevi, and I'm sorry. I guess I'lll just leave you alone now." He walked away, hands in his pockets. I wonder how girls work. He thought to himself. One moment, they're all fine, and the next they're springing tears or in a rage. Wierd. He walked up to Lady Lucie. "I guess it's you and me, sadly." Lady Lucie let out a dragon-sized sigh, and nudged Sam, slobbering dragon spit all over him. "nice one, Lucie."
4:26pm Dec 12 2010 (last edited on 4:37pm Dec 12 2010)
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|Name: Ribunny Kellie |Age: 17 |Gender: Female |Favorite Animal: She loves all animals, though she has a special place in her heart for Dragines and cat-like creatures. |History: She doesn't really like to give away much about her history. There are rumors that she is a runaway, however there isn't any proof. |Looks: She has blue-gray eyes, or as she likes to call them, 'aqua marine.' She rarely wears makeup. She always wears a camouflage hoodie, no matter what the weather. It has very deep pockets that she impulsively puts random things in. |Courses: W.E., CATE clas.s. |Family: Doesn't say. |Other: She has a female Dragine named Wicked. (xD Sorry I've edited this so much, I couldn't decide on a name for her Dragine since I'm so picky.) ((I may make a few more characters, but I'll just have her for now.))
6:07pm Dec 12 2010
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((Ri- I added you to the list *wink* How about you're doing an independent study with Miss Sharp -my charrie- about collecting, breeding and selling Dragines?)) Kevi stared after Sam regretfully, wishing he'd come back. She touched the flower iin her hair gently and tugged it out. It flopped in her hand sadly, and she let it float to the ground like a feather. She stood up and walked into her cabin room, shutting the door behind her before collapsing on the bed with a frustrated groan. "Miss Quence?" Alek repeated, "Are you here?"
9:56pm Dec 12 2010 (last edited on 10:03pm Dec 12 2010)
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((8D Sounds cool. <3)) Ribunny ran her hand down the back of the cat-like creature in her lap. The black spines folded backwards as her hand went past them, then popped back up as she continued down it's back. The creature was a Dragine, the only Dragine in the school. Though Dragines weren't that rare, most people didn't know about them, or they did know about them, but never seen them or knew what they were called. Ribunny looked down at the Dragine, she was purring contently. The color of her scales was a bit like a bombay cat's coloration, which meant that maybe that breed of cat was mixed in at one point. Ribunny sighed impatiently, "Wicked, do you know what time it is?" She asked the Dragine as if it was another human being. Wicked's purring stopped abruptly and opened one of her yellow-green eyes, and the snake-like pupil slid up to Ribunny, looking her directly in the eye. "..Right, I didn't think you'd know either." ((o3o What Ribunny is waiting for is Miss Sharp for the independent study thing. I don't really know what else to do, and I can edit if it's not acceptable. <3))

9:12pm Dec 14 2010
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4:49pm Dec 15 2010
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((full- you need to reply with Miss Quence. -_- She's your charrie)) Miss Sharp slid through the door and smiled at Ribunny. "Another year of wonderfullness" she chirped, stroking he Dragine. "How is Wicked today Ribunny?" she said. Her own dragine had a strange name: Mischief Managed. He was a Siamese dragine, pure of breed, (the first few dragines created were Siamese, Russian blue and simple orange tabby). Mischief stepped into the room behind his master, his tiny wings fluttering slightly to keep his light balance. He had abnormally long legs, promoting fast running, but demoting any sort of flight. He coughed up a tiny ember and purred proudly at it before Miss Sharp stomped it out before it could burn into the carpet.
5:08pm Dec 15 2010
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"She's fine." Ribunny replied, smiling at Miss Sharp. "She's been a bit tired lately though, but that might just be because she's lazy." She chuckled a little, patting Wicked's head. Wicked growled a little, as if she understood what Ribunny had said about her, which she probably did. She shook Ribunny's hand off of her head, and jumped off her lap and landed gracefully on the floor, fluttering her wings a little just before she hit the ground to keep her balance. She then pranced up to Mischief, purring out a greeting.
7:46pm Dec 16 2010
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Mischief sat down and licked his paw with a fearsome forked tongue. Maybe this dragine wasn't a pure breed after all, being slightly more dragon then any cat. His bright blue snake eyes bored into Wicked's and he made a lizard-like sound in reply to the purr. Dragons never could purr. His reptilian tail curled around his paws, and the spines on his back barbed backwards, daring anything to attack him from behind. "You are ready for clas.s?" he hissed to Wicked, for humans could not understand the strange hisses and growls that dragines used to communicate. "It's only natural," Miss sharp replied with a smile. "Dragines are very condescending breeds. Cats act royal enough without dragon blood in them."