7:49pm Dec 16 2010
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"Yes Alek?" Miss Quence answered. "What is it?" -FAIL-
8:30pm Dec 16 2010
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Wicked sighed, rolling her eyes. "As ready as I'll ever be." She replied. "I'd much rather be outside though." Her tail flicked from side to side silently. She thought about outside, such a nice place really. She never was permitted there alone though, and even when she was it wasn't for that long. Ribunny smiled, "You're right." She agreed, chuckling a little as she remembered all of her experiences with cats, not one that she had ever interacted with had acted humble in any way.
4:29pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 5,279
"I was wondering if Kazumi could join this clas.s, since I'm the only student so far, and she's interested," Alek replied politely, rubbing his finger on the muzzle of a stuffed psygir. Mischief was silent as he waited to be taken to the training area. Miss Sharp smiled. "You already know so much about dragines," she said, "I'm at a loss of what to teach you".
5:23pm Dec 17 2010 (last edited on 5:23pm Dec 17 2010)
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Ribunny giggled a little. "Maybe we could observe them somehow so we can learn how they interact naturally?" She inquired. "Then we can learn something completely new!"
8:13pm Dec 17 2010
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((Is Alek talking about Dragon taming or the other?))
11:32am Dec 18 2010
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((the other one))
6:50pm Dec 18 2010
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Miss Quence thought a moment. "Hmm, it says once the term has started, pupils may not switch cla'sses, but it doesn't say anything about joining... And besides, you Alek, no one is in this cl@ss...." Miss Quence smiled. "I guess she may."
12:42pm Dec 19 2010
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Kazumi smiled happily "thank you" she said smiling more.
2:36pm Dec 21 2010
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"That's great!" Alek said with a smile, "Thank you Miss Quence, you won't regret it!". Outside, Siren gave a roar of impatience. "I think Siren's ready to hunt a little" Miss Sharp shrugged. "Well, I suppose we could let them outside for a while and see wht they do. We wouldn't want the burning wholes in your carpet would we?" -Fail post-
3:58pm Dec 21 2010
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Kazumi nodded she knew Shadow would just go off and do her own thing if she was left long enough but she always made sure she was close.
3:58am Dec 30 2010
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Ribunny smiled, imagining the two Dragines purposely burning the carpet the carpet, as they had been known to do at times. "That sounds great." She replied to Miss Sharp. -Yay for fails~-
10:46pm Jan 5 2011
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((Up, NEOW!))
4:43pm Jan 14 2011
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"Miss Quence," Alek repeated, "I think we should start cl*censored* now, before our dragons wonder off," he said, gently so that he didn't anger her. Denira pulled a clicker out of her pocket and gave it three swift clicks. Mischief looked up at her briefly before turning back to Wicked, "We have to go outside now," he meowed.
1:36pm Jan 15 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Okay, we'll first work on safety before we start the basics." Miss Q. said. " what are the basic rules to keep you (And your dragon) safe? Kzumi?" Miss Q. asked, staring at her gently. -FAIL- ((Sorry, I need to work on Miss Quence's character little bit, then hopefully my posts will get longer. DX))
5:30pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi looked at her thinking about what the answer would be and all she could think of was keeping away from dangerous animals but she had a feeling that was a stupid answer. "erm to keep away from animals like a death horse?" she asked confused.
5:35pm Jan 15 2011
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"And Psygirs," Alek added, shivering at the recent memory. Outside, he heard a roar from Siren and the beating of wings. He looked out the window to see an angry looking dragon of his clawing at a stray bear that had climbed down from the woods to investigate the dumpster. Alek shrugged. "Kazumi, is Shadow allergic to anything?" he asked curiously, before Miss Quence asked another question, "It could be a hazard while hunting."
5:51pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi thought about it "i am not really sure if she is or not up to now she hasn't had any reactions to anything" she said looking out the window seeing Shadow watching Siren happily.
6:07pm Jan 15 2011
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"You're right, Kuzumi, and thank you for poiting out allergies, Alek. Some people imagine dragons don't have allergies, but some do, so you have to keep track of wat they shouldn't eat or come in contact with." Miss Q. said. "What is the best technique for tracking an animal; in the air, walking alongside your dragon, or ridin your dragon on the ground?"
6:14pm Jan 15 2011
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"Riding on the ground of course," Alek answered swiftly. "Dragons, contrary to popular belief, are much quieter on the ground than in mid-air." Alek glanced out the window again and chuckled as Siren tossed the bear into the forest.
6:18pm Jan 15 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked laughing as well as Shadow ran to it and threw it to Siren as if they where playing catch.