6:19pm Jan 15 2011
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Miss Q. nodded, then followed Alek's gaze. "Hmm," Miss Q. said. "If your dragon doesn't eat that, you better fetch it. Meat wasted isn't good." She then asked another question, "What time of day is the best time to hunt?"
6:24pm Jan 15 2011
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Alek shrugged, "I'm afraid it depends on what you're hunting, and the dragon you have. The majority of the dragons at the Academy are not nocturnal, so hunting during the day would be best, and hunting elk is better done during that time as well. However, if you are hunting predators like psygirs or wild cats, the night would be a better option."
6:29pm Jan 15 2011
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Shadow looked at Siren before walking over to him and nuzzleing him under his chin before walking into the forest. Kazumi could see what she did and paniced "no no no no" she said before getting up and running out the door "Shadow the nurse said no" she said rying to get to the dragons.
6:31pm Jan 15 2011
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Siren blinked and gave a quick coo, calling her back. He sat down stubbornly. He had to follow orders. Alek put his hand on Kazumi's shoulder. "Look," he said, pointing to Siren, "It'll be fine, they know better- well, Siren does." he chuckled.
6:34pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi nodded laughing abit "well atleast he does. She just seems to do what she wants" she said sighing. Shadow walked back while looking at him and calling to him while tilting her head wondering why he wasn't following her.
6:35pm Jan 15 2011
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((The nurse?))
"A hunting dragon can be trained to bring it's kill straight to it's master, without the dragon eating some or playing with it." Miss Q. said. "I'll teach you once we do our first hunting lesson."
6:43pm Jan 15 2011
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Alek laughed slightly, "I know Siren's well-behaved, but I highly doubt he will train easily" ((A few pages ago, Siren and Shadow had a 'thing', and Kazumi and Alek were stranded in the forest and being attacked by Psygirs when Yuki came and saved them. They visited the nurse to see when Shadow would be most likely able to produce a dragon egg, but she said that mating beforehand could be dangerous and ruin the chances, so she reccomended against it.)) Siren gave a soft roar, shifting slightly. He very much wanted to go with Shadow into the forest, but he didn't want Alek to be angry with him.
6:48pm Jan 15 2011
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((Ohh.... That clears it up Xd)) "Some dragons are harder to train than others. Jst like humans, they have personality and certain traits." Miss Q. said. "The cl@ss is dismissed. It was short, because it was just making sure you knew the basics. Tomorrow, however, we will try and work with our dragon to get a kill."
6:52pm Jan 15 2011
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Shadow snorted before walking away from the forest and lay down facing the forest so her back was to everyone else. Kazumi sighed laughign "i don't think Shadow will listen to anything right now shes having a tantrum" she said laughing.
6:59pm Jan 15 2011
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Siren cooed softly, trying to apologize. He trotted over and lay next to her hopefully, giving her a lick on the cheek. Alek frowned, "Poor girl, I almost feel bad for her having a boyfriend who has an ounce of self-control." He shrugged. "There's still about an hour before it's too dark to do anything, what do you say we put our dragons up in their stables and go to the cafeteria for dessert? ((I'm changing Kevi's name to Kevia- much prettier, and I'm using her in a story I'm writing.)) Kevia sat up on her bed, realizing that she never put Mars to the stables for the night. She walked out of the dorm, biting her lips slightly before letting out a soft whistle. Mars glided down from the skies swiftly, swallowing a fawn hastily. As the dragon came low enough, Mars put the leather harness onto her dragon and walked her to the stables. She half-hoped to see Sam or Lady Lucy there so that she could apologize, and she even half-hoped to see Kaze so that she could punch the snot out of him.
7:04pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi nodded smiling at him she looked at Shadow and tilted her head before calling Shadow "come on Shadow its time to go in the stable" she said to her. Shadow made a small noise before she got up and walked to Kazumi waiting to be taken to the stable.
7:06pm Jan 15 2011
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Lady Lucie's wings started drooping; a sign that she was tired. Sam looked at the sky, and noticed the sun was setting. He sat up with a jolt and gently scratched Lady Lucie under the chin. Lady Lucie cooed happily, and Sam led her to the barn. He stopped near the barn though, because he saw Kevia standing there, leading her dragon Mars to the barn.. Sam p@ssed slowly, hoping Kevia wouldn't notice. He entered the barn and opened Lady Lucie's stall door and put her inside, making sure she had water and food. Lady Lucie lapped the water and Sam cringed, surely Kevia had heard.
7:12pm Jan 15 2011 (last edited on 7:13pm Jan 15 2011)
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Kevia wordlessly led Mars into the stall, unaware of Sam just a few stalls over until he heard the unmistakable sound of a dragon lapping up its water. She gave Mars a swift stroke on the side and put out some meat scraps from her dinner for her. Kevia didn't want to seem awkward by just going up to Same (as.suming it actually was him) so she just spoke over the stables. "Sam, is that you?" EDIT -fails at remembering more than one character- Alek wrapped the harness around Siren and tugged slightly, but he refused to budge without Shadow by his side.
7:16pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi smiled and put the Harness on Shadow before walking so she was with Alek and so that Shadow was next to Siren so he would walk to the stable.
7:21pm Jan 15 2011
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Sam blinked, and kept his eyes closed for avery long time. "Yes, it's me" He said finally, a slight bit of anger in his voice. He wanted to get far away from Kevia. He zipped his jacket on, then sped up the isles, p@ssing Kevia at a speedwalk. He looked at her, for a split second, then turned away, rushing back to his dorm. fter a while, Sam slowed down. Why hadn't he talked to her? He slammed his head aainst a tree for his stupidity. As he rubbed his bleeding forhead, he thought, If I'd talked to her, I couldv'e said I was sorry, and maybe she would've been friends with me again! He cursed, not bcause he hadn't talk to her, but because of the dull ache that had settled in his head for head bumping the tree.
7:39pm Jan 15 2011
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Kevia stared after Sam as he stormed away and sighed, her heart sinking in dismay. I can't even remember what I said to make him so angry. Why didn't I say something when he paused, just now? I could have apologized for being so sensitive, or whatever I did. She accused herself, brushing Mars' scales with extra force. Mars moaned in complaint, and Kevia murmured an apology to her dragon, taking care to brush softer. She gave Mars an extra bucket of water before leaving the stables and heading to her dorm. To her disappointment, she didn't see Sam on her way, and cursed her placement of dorms so far from his. She sat outside on her doorstep and started to watch the last remaining light of dusk peel away to nighttime. Alek and Kazumi led their dragons to the stables just in time to miss Kevia and Sam drop their dragons off. Alek picked out a larger stable, meant for a mother dragon who had an egg. It was considerably larger than a normal stable, and far more luxurious. He tipped the stablemaster and then beckoned for Kazumi to lead Shadow, and therefor Siren into the large stable, so that the two could spend the night together. Mars was already sleeping a few stalls away, and he knew that the dragons wouldn't try anything and risk waking anyone up.

7:45pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi smiled and lead Shadow and Siren to the large stall. She then let Shadow off the harness watching as Shadow walked into the shall before she lay down.
8:10pm Jan 15 2011
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Alek let Siren off the lead and watched the dragon swiftly enter the stall and settle next to Shadow, letting out soft dragon purrs. Alek chuckled quietly and hung the harnesses on the wall. He then turned around and put his arm around Kazumi's shoulder. "Ready to head off?" he asked. The sun was setting at a slow and quiet pace.
8:12pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi smiled and nodded as she watched the sun set. Shadow purred at him telling him she wasn't mad anymore. (fail)
8:16pm Jan 15 2011
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Alek an Kazumi walked towards the cafeteria at an unhurried pace, but Alek stopped about half way, in the school courtyard. "It's actually really pretty here," he said, gazing up at the sky, "Maybe, instead of going all the way to the cafeteria, we could just sit here and have some trail mix from my pocket." Alek reached into his jacket pocket with his free hand and pulled out a generous plastic bag full of trail mix.