8:20pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi laughed before nodding "i would like that" she said smiling before sitting on the gras.s as she blushed while smiling at him.
8:29pm Jan 15 2011
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Alek sat down next to Kazumi, propped up against a broad tree. He set the trail mix on the dry gras.s between them. "Kazumi," he said, a bit conflicted, "Don't you think it was odd how Miss Snow just so happened to be in the forest at the same time as us?"
8:33pm Jan 15 2011
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((O.o i forgot that she was my character XD haha but i have nothing to post for her yet)) Kazumi looked at him and nodded "yeah i know but what confused me more was the way she talked to the death horse and that we where told they would attack anything they want and yet when she asked it to take the meat insted of us it did" she said really confused. Yuki walked around the grounds taking everything in. she didn't know what to do she has finished all her paper work so that was out she had fed all her pets so that was out aswell.
8:39pm Jan 15 2011
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"That's not what I was thinking at all," Alek admitted, "I think it was too much of a coincidence, looking at it as a whole. She comes into clas.s and interrupts Ms. Sharp's lesson about psygirs to talk about Nytmares, and then she shows up in the forest as psygirs are attacking with her- her pet death horse to scare them away. It just seems too much like it was all planned by some higher force I suppose." ((Alek's on to us foxwolf... O.O))
8:47pm Jan 15 2011
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((oh no *runs*)) Kazumi nodded "now that i think about it your right" she said to him as she thought about it. She then looked at him and blushed more before she looked down hoping he didn't notice.
8:50pm Jan 15 2011
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Alek shrugged slightly. "I dunno, it could have just been a coincidence," he said. He looked over to Kazumi; the light was fading faster now, he could barely see her. "I don't want to leave," he admitted, turning now up to the blinking stars.
8:59pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi looked at him and nodded "i don't either" she said to him as she blushed more. She really liked him but she was really shy and didn't know how to tell him.
9:09pm Jan 15 2011
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And then they sat silently until falling asleep. XD -fail- ((Timeskip to morning! :D)) One moment, Alek was drifting to sleep under the stars with Kazumi by his side, and then the next, it was well past dawn, and they. He cursed and shook Kazumi awake. "Wake up! We're going to be late for Dragon Breeding!" he said frantically, standing up. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Kevia slapped her alarm clock to be silenced and gave a deep sigh, giving up to the greater force of dawn. The sun bled into the windows, depriving her of any chance of sleep. She sighed again as she got dressed and headed out to the stables. On her way, she noticed Alek and Kazumi in the courtyard. She walked swiftly past them, not wanting anything to do with Alek. She went into the stables and got Mars prepared for her day.
9:12pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi woke up and looked around before laughing. "Yeah" she said before standing up. She then started walking to the stables to let Shadow and Siren out of the stall.
9:38pm Jan 15 2011 (last edited on 9:38pm Jan 15 2011)
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Sam woke up with a earsplitting headache. He quickly grabbed his clock, knocking a few thing off his dresser."Dammit!" He said, staring at the time that glowed up at him. He put a jacket on quickly, then headed out the door. After he'd gotten Lady Lucie, he he rushed to the courtyard. He saw Kazumi, Alek, and..... Kevia. His head pulsed with pain as he walked slowly towards Kevia. "Uhm, I'm sorry.." He said quietly.
1:54pm Jan 16 2011
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Kevia froze and bit her lip. "You shouldn't be," she said, "I was being, unreasonable ad moody." She looked at Sam and frowned. "What happened to your head Sam? It was just fine yesterday." Alek followed Kazumi swiftly, getting Siren ready for the day. He brushed himself free of loose gras.s as Siren drank some water. He put the leather harness around Siren's body and climbed on top, steering him out of the stable. "Ready?" he asked Kazumi.
2:28pm Jan 16 2011
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Kazumi nodded already haveing put it on Shadow and jumped on her back "yep i just hope she isn't still mad at Shadow for what happened yesterday" she said to him sighing.
2:35pm Jan 16 2011
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Alek shrugged. "I doubt it- Miss Sharp always has a knack for forgetting things," he said, kicking Siren gently to rise into the air and fly towards the training area.
4:48pm Jan 16 2011
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"umm, well.." Sam gripped his head again. It had stopped bleeding, but had now dried over. "I had a run-inwith a pole," He admitted. Lady Lucie grunted and made a point of licking the wound, making Sam's bangs wet. "Lucie! Stop it!" Sam giggled, as Lady Lucie started licking his entire face, which was now covered in dragon slobber.
4:53pm Jan 16 2011
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Kevia couldn't help but chuckle a little. "We should probably have the nurse check it out before clas.s starts, we wouldn't want it to get infected." She carefully laced Mars's harness around her dragon's body. Mars gave a low dragon-sound and aired out her wings, damp with the night's dew.
5:30pm Jan 16 2011
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"No, I'm fine," Sam was relieved that Kevia had returned to normal. If this was her normal. Lady Lucie stopped licking Sam and sat down to lick her own self. "It's fine," He repeated, patting Lady Lucie on the head. "It's just a small injury. I'll just put some de-infection stuff on it and it'll be all right."
5:43pm Jan 16 2011
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Kevia bit her lip again with nervousness and got on Mars's back, before she flew away without her. "Come on, we should get to clas.s," she said.
8:06pm Jan 16 2011
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Kazumi followed him smiling abit "i hope you are right" she said as Shadow nuzzled Siren.
9:23pm Jan 16 2011
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Alek laughed slightly to himself, feeling the light breeze as Siren whipped through the clouds, drenching his clothes. He ignored the slight discomfort and leaned forward in a steep dive into the field where clas.s was. Siren landed with a few swift bounces, scraping up a large patch of gras.s for Shadow to sit on without getting damp from the wet gras.s. "Kiss up," Alek laughed, whacking Siren gently on the head before dismounting and waiting for clas.s to begin. Kevia didn't wait for Sam to reply. She took a deep breath and dug her heels into Mars's sides, pulling slightly at the harness. Mars coughed, slightly annoyed at Kevia's unease as she shot into the air and towards the teaching area.
10:09pm Jan 16 2011
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Shadow landed on the patch of gras.s before purring and nuzzleing Siren. Kazumi laughed "awwwww arn't you very sweet Siren" she said before getting off Shadow and kissing Sirens head.