10:12pm Jan 16 2011
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Sam slowly lifted up into the sky on Lady Lucie, and headed to cl@ss. -EpicFAIL-
7:21pm Jan 17 2011
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If dragons could smirk, Siren would have done so right at Alek. Siren purred and settled, waiting for Miss Sharp to arrive. "Don't encourage him!" Alek said jokingly, play-punching Kazumi's shoulder. "We wouldn't want Shadow to grow into a pampered lifestyle." Alek laughed and sat down against Siren's side. Mars landed clumsily in the training area, nearly toppling forwards with unbalance. Kevia groaned and leaped down from her unstable dragon. She tied Mars's tether to the ground, because she had no doubt that her disloyal dragon would fly away if she didn't. Miss Sharp was actually late to clas.s. She flew in five minutes after the school bell chimed on a brightly colored gryphon- a Neon no doubt. Neon animals are bred purely for looks, and are usually hopeless at everything else. They are owned mostly by the richer aristocrats, though Miss Sharp is definitely not one of those. There are definitely perks to being a teacher at one of the largest creature breederies in the world; more than just a substantial pay. (Adding to first post soon) The neon gryphon gave a huff as it landed gracefully in the middle of the meadow; with a swift pat by Miss Sharp, it flew off. "Welcome back!" miss Sharp said cheerily, as if coming to clas.s on a neon was perfectly normal.

9:58pm Jan 17 2011
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((Can you add Hellhounds to the breed list? I'd love to see them. :3))
Sam walked over to Kevia slowly. "Wow," He said softly, staring at Kevia. "I never knew you were so....so-" but he was cut off by Miss Sharp flying in. Sam turned around, and saw the teacher riding in on a neon. Sam had seen lots of rare dragons in his years, but never a gryphon like this. It's so.... colourful. He thought, as the creature landed, quite gracefully, in the meadow. He watched closely as the creature flew away.
10:54am Jan 18 2011
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((Added. :3 Along with a few other things~)) Kevia stifled a growl of annoyance at Miss Sharp's flying in on her fancy gryphon. Sam had been about to say something! She brushed her anger aside with some difficulty and leaned against Mars, who only took a few steps back and made a light growl. Kevia growled back, glaring at her dragon for only a moment before watching the gryphon fly off. She turned her attention to the teacher grudgingly, sitting on the dew-soaked gras.s. Miss Sharp cleared her throat. "I apologize for being late today," she cooed, "but I had to tend to the dragon eggs early this morning. One of them is missing." Miss Sharp looked around at the clas.s, and then pulled a whistle out of her pocket. She blew into it, and it let out a high-pitched screech that bothered most of the other dragons. Within a few minutes, a strange-looking dragon fluttered down into the area beside the teacher. "This is a Wraith dragon," Miss Sharp said. "It is one of the few nocturnal breeds that can withstand daylight for more than an hour." Miss Sharp patted the strange dragon. "This one's name is Mikaela." Mikaela purred at Miss Sharp at the sound of her name. She really did look strange. She was different than the other dragons, with thin navy-blue scales and a bat-like structure. Her back was lined with long spikes, making her near impossible to ride. Her head was long and narrow, like a pteradon's beak, and she had teeth poking out of her mouth. "She's not a pure-breed," Miss Sharp continued, "She is a mix between a day dragon and a night dragon. She was bred by Miss Snow herself, trying, and succeeding, to create a perfect war dragon. It's navy blue scales are excellent for blending with the night, as well as clouds on a rainy day; and it's a silent flier. The only catch is its maneuverability. You have to be careful when riding one or else you might just end up impaled on one of those spikes. Therefore, Wraith dragons are used very rarely with a rider, and are rather trained to go out on their own or in small groups." Miss Sharp cleared her throat again to make sure everyone was still listening. "Mikaela, despite her size, just hatched this morning; hence my lateness. She had to go into harness early this morning or she would have gone feral." "Don't get me wrong, Miss Sharp, Mikaela is pretty cool," Alek said, "but what does she have to do with clas.s?" "Today, we're learning about cross-breeding pure bred dragons, along with the difficulties and consequences of doing so," Miss Sharp asked.

5:45pm Jan 18 2011 (last edited on 5:47pm Jan 18 2011)
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((Hmm, there's Demon, but there isn't Angel... :)) Sam smiled. He loved learning more about breeding, as he wanted to become one. He patted Lady Lucie, who had been disturbed by thw whistle, and sat down on the ground.
7:11pm Jan 18 2011
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Shadow was laying down her claws on her head as if trying to hide from the noise that the whistle gave out. Kazumi pet Shadow trying to calm her down incase she flew off to get rid of the noise. Miss Snow walked around the yards trying to think about where that egg had got to it was strange for an egg to just go missing like that. She was so focused on finding the egg and who took it that she had missed the beginning of Mikaela's hatching and had to leave Miss Sharp to sort her out she hoped to find the egg soon it was Mikaela's younger sibling and so that ment it was very rare like it's sister. As she walked she noticed she was in the forest soon she came across the noises of crunching and lapping walking to a clearing she could see that it was Shayne wating the missing dragon egg sighing she watched the egg be eaten knowing there was nothing she could do about it now.
8:15pm Jan 18 2011
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Shayne (the Nytmare, if you forgot), lapped up the rest of the dragon goop from the dragon egg, not even paying attention to Yuki Snow, who stood by and watched one of the most important unborn dragons in the hatchery be eaten by the world's best predator. When he was finished, he stamped his hoof, cracking the last intact bit of smooth black shell. He looked up, noticing Yuki for the first time. He snorted in triumph and stamped his foot. Mars growled and tugged against her harness, trying to get away from the wretched noise. It took several minutes for Kevia to calm her down to a submissive state; and even then she was huffing with frustration. Siren growled and dug his claws into the ground uneasily at the dreadful whistle. Mikaela gave an inquisitive coo at the other dragons. "Mikaela is one of the first generation of Wraiths," Miss Sharp said, "and the first one here at the Academy, so we'll also be learning more about the Wraith specifically." Mikaela spread her wings, which were still damp from hatching. They were very thin, you could see the sun's light through them. She let out a strange roar, unlike any other dragon at the academy; like the sound metal makes if you rub sand paper on it. Siren shifted with slight unease at the strange dragon, re-positioning his wings in case it attacked. Mars hissed, straining against her harness and snarling. "What's gotten into you Mars?" Kevia yelled angrily at her dragon. There wasn't anything to do about her, and Mikaela was beginning to creep closer to Mars out of curiosity. Thinking fast, Kevia took a knife out of her belt. She always carried it in case of an emergency. She pointed it at Mars and growled, getting dangerously close to the dragon's flailing claws. Mars snarled, but dropped once again to all fours, shrinking back. She knew Kevia could hurt her with that knife if she wanted too, but was too stupid to know that she could hurt Kevia worse. Mikaela lost interest quickly, turning instead to investigate a more aesthetic dragon- Lady Lucie.

8:22pm Jan 18 2011 (last edited on 8:23pm Jan 18 2011)
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Lady Lucie snorted and stepped forward one step. She began circling Mikaela, every once and a while stomping her feet. "what's she doing?" Sam whispered to Kevia, but the question was answered as Lady Lucie gave a huge roar and reared, glaring at Mikaela a if she was a piece of old gum found on the bottom of one's shoe. Sam blinked, then realised what Lady Lucie was doing. "No girl, down!" He shouted, but Lady Lucie ignored him. She evidently disliked Mikaela. sam got closer, trying to grab Lady Lucie's harness, but Lady Lucie gave another roar and flapped her wings, hitting Sam straight in the face. Sam gave a grunt of, "Oh!" and he crumpled to ground, his forhead bleeding again.
((tell me if there's anything wrong with this post.))
8:25pm Jan 18 2011
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Yuki shuck her head "what am i to do now it took alot of time and planning to get that egg as well as it's older sibling" she said sadly to herself thinking about how she was foing to break the news to Mikaela who was too young to fully understand that her younger brother or sister was eaten by a Death horse sighing again she threw some meat to Shayne "here i did bring this incase i could save the egg but theirs no point now is there" she said to him before walking back to the castle. She knew she would have to find Miss Sharp and tell her about the egg being eaten but she didn't want to make anyone else sad about loosing an egg before it hatched it was her own fault for not looking after the eggs better and should of kept them closer to her to watch over them better. (awwwww Yukis blaming herself) Shadow looked at Mikaela and tilted her head watching her Shadow wasn't afraid or even weary of the young hatchling. She looked at Siren and purred at him before looking back at Mikaela and purring at her. Kazumi watched Shadow smiling abit "it seems that Shadow wants to make friends with her" she said laughing.

8:46pm Jan 18 2011
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The spines along Mikaela's back shivered, sensing Lady Lucie's aggression. She roared again, this time louder and with energy. She may have been born just this morning, but she was bred to know how to fight. She stood on her hind legs and hissed, her spines now rigid and pointed straight. Her tail whipped, and barbs began to protrude from her skin. Miss Sharp's heart raced. She didn't know what to do! "Alek, Kazumi, since your dragons are calm, go and get Yuki Snow; NOW!" she ordered swiftly, fishing around in her bag for the proper whistle. so many beasts! She cursed herself for not labeling them all. This was going too slowly. One of the dragons was about to get hurt, and Kevia knew it. Mikaela's jaws parted and fire began to form. Kevia took a few steps back, and then through the knife as hard as she could-- hitting Mikaela in the neck. Don't be dismayed, the knife bounced right back because of Mikaela's strong scales, and narrowly missed Kevia's head on its way back, impaling itself in the mud. Mikaela's jaws shut and she dropped back to the ground, her wings acting as front legs as she turned to face the human. Kevia gulped and backed up, further from Mars who was struggling frantically against her harness... and it began to tear.

8:53pm Jan 18 2011
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Lady Lucie backed away. She sensed that Mikaela was building fire. She darted this way and that, making it harder for her to get hit. She bolted forward, then stepped back. Soon she would strike. She repeated the action, until finally, she bolted forward, grabbing Mikaela's throat, hopefully blocking the fire from coming up. Two blood dots started to form slowly on Mikaela's throat. Lady lucie did not let go. She wouldn't. She would kill this dragon, and she wouldn't give up.
8:56pm Jan 18 2011 (last edited on 6:47pm Jan 19 2011)
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Kazumi nodded before jumping on Shadow "find miss Snow girl" she said as Shadow took off into the sky before landing infront of Miss Snow. Yuki looked at Shadow and Kazumi's worried face "what is wrong?" she asked them. Kazumi couldn't get the words out "its Mikaela shes about to attack the others hurry" she said before Yuki jumped on Shadow and flying back to the clas.s Kazumi filling her in as she went. When they landed Yuki jumped off before calmly walking over to Mikaela standing inbetween Kevia and Mikaela, Yuki looked at her "calm down Mikaela no one wants to fight your safe" she said to her calmly no fear in her voice she had to deal with this with hatched dragons when they thought they where about to be attacked so started fighting. She knew only by being calm could you calm the hatchling down enough to lead them away from what was causing them to fight in the first place which right now seemed like Lady Lucie. Yuki then started walking slowly towards Mikaela holding her hands up by her sholders showing she wasn't a threat.

9:05pm Jan 18 2011 (last edited on 9:12pm Jan 18 2011)
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Lady lucie loosened her grip and stared at Miss Snow, analizing her. She was trying to stop the fight. Lady Lucie wouldn't let her do that. She growled, and wacked Miss Snow with her enormouse paw, claws gleaming. She was about to turn around when she saw Sam's unconscious body on the ground, slowly bleeding. She cooed and waddled up to him, picking him up, and sitting down, she began cradling him, like a human child. she placed him near Kevia, nudging him close to make sure Kevia knew, and then turned back to fight the other she-dragon. ((whatevah, you need to reply to our 1x1.))
11:15pm Jan 18 2011 (last edited on 6:46pm Jan 19 2011)
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Yuki quickly got up before walking between them "no there is no fighting here unless it is training which this isn't" she said to Lady Lucie as a dragon flew next to Yuki making growling noises at Lady Lucie. He had seen what she had done to Yuki and wasn't happy about it. He felt the need to protect her even the young hatchling as well. Yuki put a hand on the dragons side which stopped the growling but not the glare he was looking at Lady Lucie with.
5:25pm Jan 19 2011
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((fox- you can't control a random war dragon. -_- Not cool. The academy isn't meant to breed them at all. Mikaela was going to be sent away soon anyway.)) "You're being stupid!" Ms. Sharp yelled, running in and tugging Yuki Snow out by her collar. Miss Sharp was obviously frustrated, and in no mood to mitigate her words or actions around authority. She stared Yuki straight in the face, her eyes gleaming. "Mikaela is bred to fight," she snarled, narrowly dodging Mikaela's flailing tail. This time, Kevia saw her opportunity. She slid across the mud to retrieve her knife. Mikaela didn't stand a chance against Lady Lucie- fighting dragon or not. "Sorry about this Sam," she said softly, mostly to her self as she threw the knife at Lady Lucie, praying that it hit. The leather broke. Mars was loose. She summoned fire; but in all the madness, she didn't know who she wanted to hurt more. Lucie had threatened her human by being so close with her flailing claws, and she hurt the head master too. Unable to decide in time, the flames burst in between the two fighting dragons, enough to make Mikaela scream in terror, and the knife that Kevia had thrown melt in mid-air. The short spikes on Mars's back quivered violently as the last of the flames vanished. She had some recharging to do. However much Mikaela annoyed her, something inside her knew that killing a hatchling was unjust. Mikaela was a mostly nocturnal dragon. The flames seared her scales gently (though the flames were strong, her scales were stronger), and she tore her neck away from Lady Lucie's death-grip. She backed up as far as she could before airing out her wings and taking to the air, zipping away into the forest. "Clas.s is dismissed!" Miss Sharp yelled at the top of her voice, before blowing the Wraith whistle again. Mars whined pitifully and ducked low to the ground with shame. She had never used her fire on other dragons before. Not even ones she disliked, like that guy Kaze's dragon, (who should be in this clas.s...). Mikaela didn't come back. She had disappeared all together. "I hope that you're all happy," Miss Sharp said; she sounded on the verge of tears. She pointed at Sam, "I never want to see that bloody dragon of yours as long as I live," she said in a grave tone. She rubbed her temples with cold hands. "Miss Snow, I am very sorry about Mikaela. She's probably going to die without treatment soon, and there's nothing that can find her if she wishes to disappear. No more Wraiths, so we can melt this whistle and re-forge it and such to make a new one." Miss Sharp babbled and went on with apologies and other random thoughts for a few minutes after that before calling her neon gryphon again and flying to her teacher-dorm. Siren sniffed nervously at all the ruckus, and stood protectively in front of Shadow as Mars released her fire, moving only to check on Alek, to make sure he was protected by his wing.

6:40pm Jan 19 2011
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The blood pounded in Sam's ears. "It's not her fault!" He screamed at Miss Sharp as she flew away. "If you hadn't brought tht damn dragon, she wouldn't ever had done that!" and withthat, he grabbed Lady Lucie, who had calmed down after Mikaela had left, and ran on foot to the stables. In the stables, he went inside the stall with Lady Lucie, sat down and poured out his feelings to what seemed to be his only friend, the dragon.
6:42pm Jan 19 2011
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Yuki sighed sadly she didn't want to tell Miss sharp about the egg now that she was so upset and deep down she was upset as well that Mikaela had flown away holding the whistle she decided to keep it just incase somethign happened and she would need it. She then started to limp to her room mostly to rest she didn't know what hurt the most but she knew she would have to treat whatever it was when she found out. ((sorry i'll change it to dragons not war dragons)) Shadow was infront of Kazumi protecting her from both the hatchling and Mars' fire she knew Siren has Alek but she would of stood infront of both of them if she had to. Kaze stood and watched as everything happened he was shocked that the hatchling flew away and could fight like that but he didn't show it on his face that he was shocked insted he kept it emmotionless.
7:42pm Jan 19 2011
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Kevia didn't know what to do. On one hand, she could go after Sam on Mars, and on the other she could go over and use Kaze as a punching bag. Luckily, she figured there was enough violence around here, so she calmed Mars down enough to fly to the stables. she jumped off of Mars before she even touched the ground; and she decided it had been a stupid idea when she twisted her ankle. She let out a stream of curse words and limped to the stables, using the stable wall to keep weight off of her ankle. "Sam, are you alright?" she asked, before deciding that that had been a stupid question. Kevia sighed and looked down. "I'm just full of stupid ideas today," she scolded herself. She limped lamely over to Sam, using Lady Lucie as a prop. Kevia hoped that she didn't mind. Alek blinked dumbly, dodging around Siren's wing to get some fresh air after the dilemma was over. He saw Kaze just standing over in the shadows, watching with a stupid, blank ex pression. Something possessed him to want to go over and punch the living daylights out of him, but he ultimately decided against it. "Kazumi?" he called, "Are you safe?"

8:01pm Jan 19 2011
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Kazumi walked from behind Shadow "yes im fine are you ok?" she asked him worried about him. Kaze looked aroound one more time before turning and walking away from where the clas.s was and walked back to his room thinking about leaving and doing something better then staying at this stupid school.
10:18pm Jan 19 2011
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Sam hissed in a small voice at Kevia, "I. Hate. That. Teacher," he gently patted Lady Lucie on the belly, and she rumbled happily. -Fail, I know, but i have to go and have a shower now...~-