8:42pm Oct 30 2010
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((Lol. XD Enough sarcasm, post your bio))
8:51pm Oct 30 2010 (last edited on 8:56pm Oct 30 2010)
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|Student: |Name: Kazumi Fox |Age: 17 |Gender: Female |Favorite Animal: Death horse |History: Kazumi has always been an outsider ever since she was born. Her parents had left her alone they didn't love her and made sure she knew that they didn't. when she came to the school she made sure she was always on her own and not near others. |Looks: Kazumi has long red hair she is always pale no matter how much she tries to tan. She has bright blue eyes that when she looks at them in a certain way it looks like she was crying or that she was upset. |Courses: W.E. and dragon breeding |Family: she doesnt like to talk about them |Other: (Optional) |Teacher: |Name: Yuki Snow |Age: 30 |Gender: female |Cl*censored*: headmisstress |History: Yuki has always loved all different animals and she wanted to teach others about them but also wanted to help the animals soon she became the headmisstress. |Looks: Yuki has long white hair, pale skin she is tall but not too tall her eyes are very weird they are a silver colour that when she looks at a student they look terrifying. |Family: (Optional) |Other: (Optional)

8:54pm Oct 30 2010 (last edited on 9:13pm Oct 30 2010)
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|Student: |Name: Alexandra (Likes to be called Murr) Nightwing |Age: 18 |Gender: F |Favorite Animal: Wild dogs |History: Alexandra is a very adventurous girl. She's had lots of adventures, one of her favourites was capturing and taming a wolf. That little episode took about 2 years, but came successful. She named it Aardvark, and kept it in an old barn. But then it died, and she built a grave for it, with the help of her friends. |Looks: Murr has curly,elbow-length light brown hair, with dark brown roots and tips. Murr often wears plain, torn knee-length jeans, unless it's summer or winter. She often wears tube tops the colour light purple. She doesn't have any earrings, but she does wear lots of bangles. She wears rainbow fingerless gloves, and has a tanned-perfect face. She has no deformities or anything, except a single freckle on the outside of her left nostril. She wears boots all the time, unless inside. |Courses: Dragon Taming, Wildlife Education, CATE |Family: N/A |Other: Nope |Name: Miss Quence |Age: 25 |Gender: Female |Cl*censored*: Dragon Taming |History: Miss Quence had a very basic childhood, with nothing too exciting happen. She did marry someone, though, but then he died by a heart attack. (D; Aww...) |Looks: She is very short, and is probably only as tall as the average student. She has light blue eyes and short golden hair she always wears in a bun. She preffers wearing cream and brown colours. She always wears black high-heels to make herself taller. |Family: N/A |Other: Nope
8:55pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((I will make a boy charrie later with a very exciting past, but I must think of it first... and he will be cute. Very cute. XD))
8:57pm Oct 30 2010 (last edited on 8:57pm Oct 30 2010)
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Posts: 5,279
((EDIT:: fox:We talked about your bios via yahoo. :P Accepted. Full: That's great. :) ))
8:59pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Mrrp. :p I wanted to be headmistress, but I didn't think I was awesome enough. D; *Sniffles* I was right. Can Quence be next-in-line for headmistress?))
9:01pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((I don't think Yuki will die any time soon, but if she does, I'll consider it))
9:03pm Oct 30 2010 (last edited on 9:04pm Oct 30 2010)
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Posts: 5,279
((ah, full. You can't be in both Dragon taming AND breeding! It's one or the other! EDIT: and your teacher needs a first name as well EDITEDIT: Do you mind if I put Miss Quence in charge of CHE as well?))
9:05pm Oct 30 2010 (last edited on 9:06pm Oct 30 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
((Sure! Oh and, oopsy, I'll edit my bio. :D EDIT: Miss is her first name.))
9:07pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Really? Wow XD Okay))
9:09pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Alright then! I think we're ready to start!))
9:11pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Can Murr be in CATE too?))
9:12pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Yuppers. You can have as many optional courses as you want, but it doesn't leave too much free time))
9:13pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((I'm not starting. I don't want to create the setting and stuff, 'cause I have no idea.))
9:15pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((I'll start of course. :P Hold your horses, here it comes))
9:16pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((i will if you want me too))
9:36pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Oh, and also, Each student has their own dorm which is not monitored by teachers due to lack of staff. Of course, if issues arise, something will happen...)) Kevi sat in the crook of her dragon's wing, half asleep when she heard the ring of the bell go off. Dragon Breeding Cla.ss awaits. She made a clicking sound with her tongue, and the dragon, Mars, bent her head down to bl ink at her master. Mars was Kevi's first and only dragon, one of the uglier mixed breeds. That was all she could have afforded with what her parents left her. She would bet her life that all of the others in her dragon breeding cl*censored* had dragons pure of breed, maybe even war companion dragons. Thats what she wanted. She vowed the day her brother was killed by an enemy war death horse, a rarity as you know, that she would go to the academy and learn to breed war dragons with high intelligence and strength, and she'd donate millions of gold coins to good causes, and someday go on to capture death horses. Kevi was naturally an ambitious girl. She stood up and stretched, and then made a short little click that told her dragon to follow to where cl*censored* was held. She arrived in the courtyard, where cl*censored* was kept, almost late. Most of the other students were already there. She sat as far away from her ex-boyfriend, Zander, as was possibly in the gr*censored*y cove. There weren't any chairs, because they weren't needed. Especially not after clas.s started. Mars settled into a cat-like crouch, sitting on her haunches beside Kevi, waiting for clas.s to begin. --- Miss Sharp knew that this day would not be like any other. The first day of a difficult course always had to be blunt and memorable. This she knew for sure. So, today she brought a pair of Regal Golden Dragons, a breed that was common among breeders, but not very smart. They were among the first dragons she bought with her first salary (teachers are paid very well in this place), and they were both decorated in br*censored* jewelry. They had been mated before, and their purpose today was to show the cl*censored* how to socialize- and ultimately breed a dragon pair. She waited for the students to get their bearings and perhaps socialize a bit. She groomed the scales of the female dragon, watching a few troublemakers out of the corner of her eye. --- Alekzander's own dragon was a rarer and more expensive, pure breed dragon. A King Silver, they were called. He called this particular example Siren, for his unique, mutated voice chamber that allows him to produce high-pitched squeals and roars high enough to break a gl*censored*. Alekzander himself was another story. He didn't consider himself handsome, but he knew girls who thought he was. He glanced in Kevi's direction. His ex. He bit his lip to hold back a snicker. There were other fish in the sea, right?

9:47pm Oct 30 2010 (last edited on 9:51pm Oct 30 2010)
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|Name: |Sam Marcus |Gender: M |Age:18 |Favorite Animal: Dragon |History: Sam had a horrible life. His father was abusive, his mother was pitiful, and his brothers all went away, to be killed in the Great War. He ran away several times, only to be caught again by his father. He oathed to his mother that they would somehow escape their horrible life together, and marry a wonderful rich man and live in a palace. They did manage to escape, but it was only ten years later his Mother found what she was waiting for. His stepfather was an amazing man, with a large house and many acres of land. He was a succesful breeder, and taught Sam special tricks on breeding them. But then his mother died, in the next four years, and Sam was devastated. But he loved his father, and when he was sent to learn dragon breeding, he was overjoyed. Sam's dream is to become the best breeder in the world, with his Golden Crown dragon, Lady Lucie. |Looks: Blonde shaggy hair, Sam always wears casual clothes, usually gold and red. He always wears perfectly-polished black shoes, and has very white teeth.He has perfectly pale skin, and huge blue eyes. (Gorgeus, huh?) |Courses: Dragon breeding, WE |Family: Mr. Melstond(He doesn't have his stepfather's name yet.) |Other: He has a gray tabby named Missie(?).
9:49pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((fullmoon- you are missing his age. Though the cat thing is funny, so you can have it. XD))
9:50pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((OOPS! It's supposed to say gray. XD And I'll fix.))