7:43pm Jan 20 2011
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Kevia sighed with sympathy. "I'd have to agree that Miss Sharp was being a tad unreasonable, blaming Lady Lucie for attacking and such, when Mikaela was irritating the vast majority of the dragons for some reason, and if she had been so important to the Academy, I don't understand why she'd bring it to clas.s, where it could be in danger," Kevia agreed. She chuckled. "It's hard to believe this loveable creature was ready to kill just hours ago," Kevia chuckled, scratching Lady Lucie's chin. "I as.sume that you won't be attending WE?" Alek sighed with relief and gave Kazumi a hug. "That was one of the craziest clas.ses we've ever had," he said, not sure whether to laugh or be serious. He stroked Siren, who seemed overly shaken by the whole experience. He mostly stared at the patch of charred gras.s on the ground. Alek paused and looked up at the dragon with worry. "Siren, what's the matter?" he asked, walking up to pet Siren's face. The great silver dragon only snarled and lifted his head out of Alek's reach.

7:46pm Jan 20 2011 (last edited on 7:47pm Jan 20 2011)
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"No," He hissed. "I'm staying in the barn until she apologizes to Lady." Lady Lucie purred loudly as Kevia scrathed her under the chin.She curled her tail over Sam, who patted it lovingly. "On my birthday too," He whispered quietly. ((I've decided Sam's birthday is my birthday. (Yes, todays my birthday!) ))
7:53pm Jan 20 2011
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((happy birthday XD)) Kazumi hugged him back before looking at Siren worried. Shadow walked over to Siren and made small purring noises as if asking him if he was ok and what was wrong.
7:55pm Jan 20 2011
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((Mrrr. Hi guys. c8 My laptop refuses to turn off and my mom doesn't want me using hers to go on here, so I'm uh.. 'borrowing(SP? o_o')' it while she sleeps. Well she SAID I could do my homework on it. ... No it doesn't have spell check. ;.; So um.. I'll post in a second.. Hopefully maybe.))
8:00pm Jan 20 2011
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((Ribunny- you better post on our 1x1 as well XD Also, Miss Sharp is kinda in two places at once XD Soooo... maybe just rp the dragines for now? XD fullmoon- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! *throws confetti and screams* Concussion: Could you tone it down, love? Me: NEVER! MWAHAHA Concussion: I'm beginning to doubt my insanity....)) Siren hissed slightly, taking a few steps back. He looked like he was about to fly off. His ears twitched and shuddered slightly. "I forgot," Alek said, "Screeching Silver Dragons have great hearing. Maybe he can hear Mikaela?" he guessed.
8:25pm Jan 20 2011
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((Dun rush me. 8c And sure. Omg Fulleh, a very merryful birthday to you. <3 Doubting sanity is just one of the many perks of.. of.. o_o I was going to say something witty but I forget what it was. o3o;)) Wicked purred, "Let's go outside then." She replied to Mischief. She glanced up at her human for a few seconds, then padded out the door, motioning with her tail for Mischief to follow. "If the humans want to they'll follow, but for now we'll have fun."
8:35pm Jan 20 2011
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Shadow backed up from Sirens hissing before moving away from him and laying behind Kazumi hiding her head under her arm. Kazumi frowned and nodded "maybe we better get him away so he can't hear it anymore" she said looking at Shadow who looked sad and scared.
8:52pm Jan 20 2011
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Mischief said nothing as he followed Wicked out the door. He sat neatly on the cool, wet gras.s and yawned. "Show me your flames." he ordered pompously. "I don't think-" Alek began, but his voice was drowned out by the sound of Siren's wings as he beat air from under his wings to rise into the sky, flying off to the forest. He gave a roar for Shadow to follow. He flew for a bit of distance before turning sharply and spiraling through the trees to the forest floor, shaking the earth as he landed next to the injured Wraith dragon. Mikaela whimpered in pain and fear. She just wanted to die now. She tried to lift her head and push herself away from the other dragon, thinking that he meant harm. Alek watched Siren and Shadow (sorry about this, got a plan :3) fly off with dismay, blinking stupidly. "Come on," He said, swiftly, taking off at a run towards the unicorn and pegasus stables. It wasn't very far, and he gazed down the rows. He smiled, seeing his own unicorn stallion, half-asleep in its stall. He only bothered to put the bridle on; riding bareback was always exhilarating. He rode Ace of Kites (as he decided to name him just now) out of the stables, meeting Kazumi at the entrance. He extended a hand to her from the stallion's back. "I know you don't know how, but this is a lot faster than running," he said.

9:01pm Jan 20 2011
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Kazumi gulped and grabbed his hand before getting on the unicorn behind alek as she held onto him tightly. (fail but oh well XD)
9:09pm Jan 20 2011
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Wicked smirked slightly. Usually, she would never listen to someone with that type of tone, but showing off was always fun. She looked at a spot on the gras.s, and decided to aim at it. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, picturing the fire she knew she had inside. Her eyes flicked open as she drew in a breath and exhailed it, it started out as black smoke then it started to become a small jet of flames. It probably wouldn't hurt an enemy, but it would give a human a nasty burn. She smiled, hiding the look of surprize that it worked from her gaze.
9:52pm Jan 20 2011 (last edited on 9:52pm Jan 20 2011)
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((Oh dammit, just relized I can't roleplay Sam, cause he won't be going to any cl@sses...CHE start soon? And I have no idea why no ones in dragon taming.... D;))
2:56pm Jan 21 2011
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((Well, First is WE, taught by Miss Sharp, then CHE, which goes on at the same time as KATE clas.s.)) Kevia paused, hearing a low growl from Mars, who was just outside Lucie's stall. She walked out to see her dragon, and what was making her so upset. Kevia froze immediately when she saw the problem. A trio of wild gryphons stood with clacking beaks, almost surrounding Mars. ((That outta occupy. :3)) Alek didn't hesitate to move. He dug his heels into the sides of the unicorn, causing it to gallop away. It was with difficulty that he steered the beast to follow the scent of dragons, but he managed. Ace of Kites was brave. He slowed to a trot when he could hear cries of pain from a dragon. He helped Kazumi off of the horse before getting off himself. Ace of Kites instantly sprinted off. Alek peered through the bushes and saw Siren, sitting next to Shadow and staring at the injured Wraith. Siren cooed softly at Mikaela, who only drew back even further in fear. She didn't trust other dragons any more. Out of the corner of her eye she saw two humans, and hope restored. She limped hastily towards them, going so far as to nuzzle Kazumi in relief. Siren stiffened, still wary of the Wraith, but he knew she wouldn't attack. "We have to get Miss Sharp," Alek said, stroking the mangled Wraith. "I'll go back with Siren, can you stay here with Mikaela and Shadow?" ---- "Not bad for a beginner," Mischief said, pretending that he wasn't impressed. He cleared his throat and exhaled a similar jet of flames, only a smidgen longer lasting.

3:01pm Jan 21 2011
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Kazumi looked down at her and nodded while petting Mikaela to calm her down "yeah i'll be fine she just seems scared" she said before looking at Shadow who tilted her head before purring trying to show Mikaela that she wasn't a threat and wanted to be a friend. Yuki walked into her office and started feeling around to find out where hurt. Soon she came across her ribs and sighed while pushing abit feeling that they where broke and where digging into her lungs. She then closed her eyes as she crackd the rib back into place feeling pain and a small amount of relefe.
3:45pm Jan 21 2011
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((Meeeh. I can't get the Turtle Fence song out of my head. 8c)) Wicked raised an eye ridge. "I could say the same thing to you." She replied cooly as she watched the flames flicker. -Fail-
9:34pm Jan 22 2011
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Alek nodded, and was about to get on Siren when he remembered something. "Kazumi," he said, taking a silvery whistle out of his pocket, "Take Siren's whistle, if something happens, give it a blow and at least Siren will come and help you," he said, tossing her the whistle and flying away on Siren. He remembered on the way that Miss Snow was injured from Lady Lucie's attack, so instead, he steered Siren to the WE clas.sroom, in hopes that Miss Sharp would be setting up clas.s. He jumped off of Siren before he touched the ground, landing with a neat somersault and running to the door of the dark building. He banged the door with his fist; no answer. He cursed, for he didn't know where the teacher's cabins were, nor the teacher stables. He paused a moment to think, and heard something inside. "Miss Sharp?" he called. Still no answer. Annoyed, he took a few steps back. "Siren, take out the door; gently please." Siren stepped forward to the building and sniffed the light wooden door. He gave it a sharp nudge with his nose and stepped back. Alek peered into the room. Nothing except a covered and rattling cage in the corner. Curious, he approached the cage and removed the sheet. A psygir! He remembered now! Miss Sharp had brought a War Animal Psygir in yesterday to show them. judging by the snarls, it hadn't been fed since yesterday either. Unsure what to do, he went next door to the stables to see if there was any extra meat to give the poor animal. Then he saw Sam and Kevia. He peered into Lady Lucie's stall. "Hey, your name's Sam, right?" Alek asked, trying to be polite, despite his being in a hurry. Kevia crossed her arms, returning to her defensive and easily angered self. "Get lost Alek," she said harshly. "Excuse me, I don't believe I was talking to you," Alek replied, loosing his patience for once in his life. Kevia stood up and walked towards Alek. "Why're you here anyways? Come to scold Lady Lucie like that demon-teacher?" "Miss Sharp is no more of a demon than you are Kevia," Alek growled, "And no, I've no quarrels with the dragon. I was just wondering if you knew where any extra meat is." "What for? You have a bloodthirst now?" Kevia taunted. "Please Kevia, don't be immature-" Alek began, but he was cut off when Kevia gave him a good punch in the jaw. "What the hell was that for?!" Alek yelled, stepping back and holding the side of his face. Kevia crossed her arms. "I think you should leave." ((XD Yes, my charries hate each other. XD just trying to give full something to do. Ignore the gryphons in the last post. XD This is funner)) Mischief's tail twitched with irritation. ((-fail- Not really sure what to do Ri XD))

11:41pm Jan 22 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Sam couldn't help it- he burst into laughter as Kevia and Alek started fighting. Lady Lucie shied, then slowly went forward, cooing as if saying, are you okay? "I'm fine!" Sam laughed at Lady Lucie, "I'm fine. I actually feel a lot better now," Lady Lucie wasn't so sure. She sniffed Sam cautiously. "I think you should leave," Sam said after he got control of himself. "You don't want to see Kevia when she riled up. I have, and it wasn't very nice."
4:55pm Jan 23 2011
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Alek huffed angrily, and Siren was getting curious outside. "I need your help," Alek said, trying to become calm again. His throbbing jaw was advising him against it, though. Kevia raised her eyebrows. "You're still here?" "I'm serious, I found the Wraith injured in the forest, and I can't find Miss Sharp anywhere. The dragon won't go anywhere near Siren or Shadow, Kazumi's dragon. I'm looking for some meat to feed her, so maybe she'll come back." "That abomination tried to kill Lady Lucie, and you expect us to to go and help it?" Kevia laughed in disbelief. Alek rolled his eyes. "You're right, I was stupid to think you had a heart Kevia," Alek said with a slight laugh. Kevia didn't want to punch Alek anymore, she wanted to find something heavy and hit him on the head until he stopped breathing. She looked around Lady Lucie's stall for something that would do the job, but couldn't find anything in time before Alek walked out of range. Unfortunately for her, Mars also sensed Kevia's anger and took it upon herself to hold the girl back in her claws. (Delicately, of course.)

6:08pm Jan 23 2011 (last edited on 6:10pm Jan 23 2011)
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Kaze walked into the Stables to put his dragon in before he would go back to his room to read more. As he walked in she could see Sam and Kevia with Alek just leaving frowning at then he sighed before turning around "I will put you back in here when they have left" he said while saying the word they with discust as if talking about something dirty and rotten.
7:11pm Jan 23 2011 (last edited on 7:13pm Jan 23 2011)
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((Is posting...)) Sam grabbed Kevia gently around the waist. "you really want to kill him, don't you?" He asked. Kevia seemed really peed off with Alek. "What'd he do to you?" He didn't let go, but he started talking to Alek. "I don't have any problem with the Wraith, she defended herself, and I have no problem with that. Where is it? Maybe I can help."
7:53pm Jan 23 2011
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Posts: 5,279
Kevia flushed with a mix of frustration and nervousness and other emotions. She stuttered a few random words and then shut up, deciding not to make herself look really stupid. Alek bit back a harsh comment at Kaze, glaring harshly at the strange boy as he strode past with his dragon strutting at his heels. "It's in the forest with Kazumi and Shadow." "You left your girlfriend by herself with an injured war dragon. Touching," Kevia said sarcastically, lowering the tone on her harshness. "She has Siren's whistle in case something happens," Alek answered. Kevia was about to make another harsh retort, but Alek interrupted. "Stop it Kevia, I was actually looking for your help." Kevia shut her mouth and glared suspiciously at Alek. "If the meat isn't enough to make Mikaela trust us enough to let us carry her back, we'll need to find some tranquilizer and a carrier, both of which are in locked areas," Alek said, "Kevia, you're the only one I know who can pick a lock in less than two minutes." Kevia blushed with embaras.sment. She wasn't having a good day today. "There's some meat in the cooler behind the stables," she said. "Thanks," Alek said grudgingly, bringing Siren around behind the stables. He lifted open the cooler and sighed in relief. Nothing too morbid. "Siren, choose whichever one looks best to you." Siren gazed into the cooler and took a large chunk of mystery meat. All he knew was that it smelled great. He held the meat in his talons and then bent down for Alek to get on. Alek got on Siren and went around front again. "I'll be back if Mikaela doesn't take it," he said. And then he flew off. Kevia was quiet for a minutes after Alek left. She didn't make eye contact with Sam. "He didn't do anything wrong," Kevia said, finally answering Sam's question. "I did."
