7:49pm Jan 24 2011 (last edited on 7:50pm Jan 24 2011)
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((Sorry for not posting quick as you might want. D;)) "Oh," Sam didn't want to press on the matter, in case he aggrivated Kevia. He sat in silence a while, then said slowly, "I want to tell you what I was going to say before we were interupted. You want to hear?"
8:13pm Jan 24 2011
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((Lol, it's cool, I'm just being picky/impatient XD *is reminded of the movie, inception* "Why can't you go home?" "They think I killed her" *pause* "Thank you" "For what?" "For not asking me if I did." XDDDD)) Kevia shrugged. "Sure," she said, not exactly positive of what she wanted to say. She didn't want to volunteer any information if Sam didn't really care, but she did want to talk about what she had done wrong. How she hated revealing emotions. As much as she hated to admit it, she hadn't known Same for very long at all. --- Siren swirled down to the ground in the forest, a good distance to Mikaela, who had fallen into a light, uneasy sleep with her head in Kazumi's lap. When she smelled the fresh meat, she opened her eyes with an inquisitive purr, sitting up and looking around. Trying to gain Mikaela's trust, Siren took a few unbalanced steps towards her with the meat in his outstretched challenge. He set it down in front of her and sat down, his tail twitching expectantly. Siren hated it when young dragons were in pain. Mikaela gave Siren a nervous look, sharing it with Shadow as she crept closer to the meat. She took a small bite at first to experiment before gulping the whole parcel down completely, only a few drops of blood on the forest floor.

8:16pm Jan 24 2011
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Sam turned hot in the face. He had hoped Kevia would've said no. "Oh, never mind," He tried to flush what he was going to say out of his mind. "Where did you learn to lockpick?" He asked, changing the subject. He hadn't tried to, he was actually interested.
8:21pm Jan 24 2011
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"I picked it up on the road with my parents," Kevia answered automatically, without thinking. Now she flushed a bright red. "They weren't thieves, it was just that we traveled a lot and I was bored. The townsfolk were the nasty ones, and I was apprenticed for a short time with a locksmith." Kevia paused with a shrug, "I practiced it whenever I was bored."
8:36pm Jan 24 2011
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"Great talent, if you don't misuse it," Sam said. "Maybe you could teach me how? Or am I not worthy?" he teased.Kevia was great to be around. He envied her, getting to travel. Sam's family barely ever traveled, exept for his mothers and step-dads honey-moon. He hadn't gone with them for that, of course.
8:41pm Jan 24 2011
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Kevia laughed, "I can teach you, but it won't be easy. You'd do better breeding dragons in the long run," she said, being honest. Lady Lucie was a beautiful dragon in Kevia's opinion, and Sam had said that she was one that he bred, hadn't he. Kevia thought for a moment. "Actually, lock picking doesn't come in handy very often at all, unless some blockhead wants you to steal something for them."
8:42pm Jan 24 2011
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Kazumi smiled at Mikaela before slowly petting her "see they won't harm you and Shadow wants to be your friend isn't that right Shadow" She said looking at Shadow who purred while nodding happily. Shadow walked to Siren and purred more nnuzzleing her head inot him as if showing that he is like a big softy.
8:45pm Jan 24 2011
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Mikaela purred and nuzzled Siren gratefully. Siren cooed with slight unease. Alek only laughed. "Looks like Mikaela has a little crush!" he said, as Mikaela purred happily. She didn't seem to notice Shadow.
8:47pm Jan 24 2011
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" 'Blockhead' souds pretty right," Sam nodded. He wouldn't dare use that talent for a blockhead. "So, when you get out of school, what do you want to be?" He asked. "You already know what I want to be. A breeder, and a good one. Maybe I'd give you a dragon?"
8:54pm Jan 24 2011
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Shadow tilted her head and looked at Siren wondering if he would choose Mikaela over her and walked to Kazumi feeling alittle upset about Mikaela crush on Siren but wouldn't attack her because of her already being hurt and still very young. To her Mikaela was rarer breed while no one knew what breed Shadow was even Shadow herself didn't know. When she was next to Kazumi she lay down and put her head under her hand. Kazumi looked down at Shadow and tilted her head while petting her "what's wrong girl?" she asked her.
8:54pm Jan 24 2011
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"I was actually thinking of going into war animals. Since I can't really train to be part of the national guard for the poor excuse of my gender, I might as well give them beasts," Kevia said with a chuckle. "A dragon would be nice, but I'd have to insist on paying for it with the fortune I'll have," Kevia said winking.
8:58pm Jan 24 2011 (last edited on 5:21pm Jan 25 2011)
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Alek frowned, walking over to scratch Shadow's chin. "No worries Shadow, Siren will always come back to you, because you're the best she-dragon he's ever had." He promised softly to the dragoness. "Siren," he said, raising his voice. "Try and carry Mikaela, gently. It'll only be a short ride, but don't drop her." Alek turned back to Kazumi. "Could Shadow carry me as well?" he asked, "Mikaela isn't exactly lightweight."
9:03pm Jan 24 2011
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((O.o well i think you ment Shadow XD)) Shadow purred with Aleks promise and compliment both making her happy knowing that Siren wouldn't leave her for Mikaela. Kazumi nodded agreeing with Alek before smiling at him "yeah she can can't you girl" she said smiling as Shadow stood up making a loud happy noise as if shouting yes i can before laying down for them to get on her.
9:12pm Jan 24 2011
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"That'd be a cool job," sam said thoughtfully. "Although you could get mauled to death if one of the war animals went into rage," He sat down on the ground and stared up into the sky. He traced a pattern in the air with his finger and made a swooshing noise.
5:27pm Jan 25 2011
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Kevia shivered at the prospect for only a moment. "I'll be careful to breed that out of them. Besides, warriors are mauled by war animals daily." Kevia sat down next to Sam, exhaling as she landed. "Of course, it'll be no good if this whole 'time of peace' thing goes on much longer. Fincayra isn't any fun if they're not trying to beat the blood out of us." Alek chuckled and got on Shadow's back. -fail for him- Siren stretched slightly before taking slightly to the air. He carefully took Mikaela in his talons, and began a hasty flight for the WE area. The stables was out of the question. Something about Mikaela enraged a lot of dragons.
5:48pm Jan 25 2011
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"I don't really believe in peace that much." sam said, "I mean, it would be nice, but the world would change so much, and sometimes not for the better, you know?"he suddenly felt annoyed he had put Lady Lucie in the stables. He wanted her by his side right now.
6:09pm Jan 25 2011
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Shadow followed Siren with both Alek and Kazumi on her back. She was flying normaly not effected by Alek being on her back.
6:23pm Jan 25 2011
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Siren landed carefully within a few minutes of flight, near the WE clas.sroom where Miss Sharp was just arriving. She frowned at the mangled door, and she was carrying a recently butchered chicken for the psygir. When she saw the Wraith, limping away from Siren and towards Denira, she dropped the chicken and forgot about clas.s completely. She rushed forward and stroked Mikaela, who purred loudly in response to her breeder. Alek hopped off of Shadow's back a few minutes after, smiling at the sight of Mikaela, safe and sound. Siren rushed over to Alek, Kazumi and Shadow when they came, happy to be back in his circle. Miss Sharp was at a loss for words. She couldn't even begin to thank the two students. --- Kevia shrugged. "I dunno if peace will ever actually exist," Kevia answered, "As long as people have emotions, two hot-heads will wind up disliking each other."
6:27pm Jan 25 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi smiled happy that Miss Sharp looked so happy before she tilted her head "i think she might need looking at." She said to her before looking abit wide eyed "erm Miss Sharp didn't you tell Miss Snow to melt Mikaela whistle?" She asked her. Shadow nuzzled Siren happily when he was near her again. Yuki winced more her ribs where still hurting meaning there where more broke that she couldn't get to. She knew she would have to reset them soon before they healed and she would have to re break them which hurt alot more.
6:30pm Jan 25 2011
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"Did or do you have any pets besides a dragon? Normal animals like cats are still nice. I have one, and her name's Millay. Nobody but me minds her much, because she can't fly or nothing. She just a regular cat, but I don't care about that," Sam smiled as a picture of Millay, the young, skinny gray tabbycat fomed in his mind.Lady Lucie and her were basically best friends, an even odder pairing than a cat and dog.