7:51pm Jan 25 2011
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"I had a goldfish once," Kevia said, "Though I fed it to Mars when she hatched. Shows how much I cared about it," Kevia said. "Right now, I suppose I'm too preoccupied to have anything other than a dragon, though I might try and get myself a dragine someday. Those are pretty sweet." ((I think you should have Sam befriend a psygir. :3 Then Kevia can find one too, since they're pack animals)) Mis sharp gave a sigh, scratching Mikaela's chin. "I'm afraid, after this, Mikaela will likely be useless for fighting anyhow. She is too fearful of dragons." Alek frowned. "So we saved her for nothing?" "Of course not!" Miss Sharp interjected, "Mikaela is one of my favorite dragons, the first I've ever bred that I like so much. I daresay Miss Snow will have heard the great fuss Mikaela's making and will be on her way now." "And about the whistle?" Alek prompted the flustered teacher. "Another can be crafted easily if it hasn't already been melted," Miss Sharp answered. "I'll be right back with some first aid for her, Kazumi, if you'd be so kind as to go and fetch the doctor for Mikaela." Miss Sharp then disappeared into the clas.sroom, throwing the bloody chicken to the caged psygir.

7:55pm Jan 25 2011 (last edited on 7:57pm Jan 25 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh....kay..... O_0 *Is thinking of how he should befriend one* Oh, and REPLY TO THE 1x1, whatevar! )) "I think they're too creepy for me," Sam said. ((That was such a fail, I think an angel died when I wrote that failness.))
8:06pm Jan 25 2011
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((LOL I think you're right. *poor angel* Maybe, he finds one in the forest when he's out in the forest with Kevia? Because Mars is going to fly off without reason, because she's disobedient, so they're gonna go and find her, and she'll be cornered by a pack of ild psygirs. All of them except one will scatter when Lady Lucie comes into the picture. :3)) Kevia shrugged. "That's because you think about it too much. It's just a fire-breathing cat with scales. Some of them are more dragon, and others are more cat, and are compatible with both. They could be pretty handle if someone's breeding miniature breeds of dragon."
8:19pm Jan 25 2011
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((Okay, that sounds good. :D Oh, maybe Kevia and Sam could start this Psiger pack thing? JK, JK.)) "Miniature dragons are cool," Sam sai. "but they can be quite mischievous sometimes.And, if one of them learns how to open a cage door, it's lots of trouble."Sam sat up. "What's next cl@ss?" He forgot to be mad at Miss Sharp, so he didn't think about the fact Miss Sharp would be possibly teaching next cl@ss.
8:24pm Jan 25 2011
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Kazumi nodded and ran to the medical area and got a doctor to follow her back to where the others where. She then smiled and stood next to Alek happily. Yuki finished talking to another member of staff about Mikaela coming back with two students and their dragons. She then sighed happy that she was back and picked up the whistle beforewalking back to where they where spotted. Soon she came into sight of them and smiled "good job you two for bringing her back" she praised them before looking around "where is Miss Sharp?" she asked them.
8:32pm Jan 25 2011
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"Right here" Miss Sharp answered, coming out of the little clas.s building, rolls of bandages draped all over her, and she was carrying a big box of antiseptic. She was over-joyed to have Mikaela back! "Oh, WE is cancelled for today," she said, addressing the students. "You're dismissed. Oh, wait! Could you do me a favor and take that psygir in the room out? He needs some fresh air. He won't bite, he's a war animal" "Alright," Alek said simply, walking into the room and carefully opening the Psygir cage. The psygir's long tail swished with excitement, and it gave a bark of joy. --- Kevi thought for a moment. "We have WE next. Miss sharp teaches it."
8:35pm Jan 25 2011
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((Psygirs bark? I wondered what sound they made.)) Sam suddenly remembered his hatred aainst Miss Sharp. He growled lightly. "I'm not going to any cl@ss with that person in charge. and anyway, because of what's happened, wouldn't it be cancelled, or at least delayed?"
9:53pm Jan 25 2011
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Kazumi smiled and walked over to the Psygir holding her hand out for it to smell just incase he thought she was a threat. Shadow watched carefuly just incase it attacked Kazumi.
10:44pm Jan 25 2011
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((Me Mom be lettin' me use 'er laptop again. 8D .... Yes I'm a pirate now.... A dinosaur pirate. With a mustache. And the power to turn air into candy and ice cream. .... I don't know where I'm going with this.)) Wicked smiled smugly, not because she was happy that Mischief was irritated, (Even if that was part of it,) It was because she had an idea. An aweful idea. She got a wonderful aweful idea! "You know what we should do?" She said, her eye-ridge raising slightly. We should go out into the woods and train ourselves and explore!"
12:41pm Jan 26 2011
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((XD candy-stash the piratesaur))
5:15pm Jan 26 2011
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Mischief smiled wickedly, "Now I remember why I keep you around," he purred, proud of Wicked for coming up with such a brilliant idea. "Come on, while the meat-sacks aren't watching." The psygir sniffed the air curiously, then completely ignored Kazumi, walking in a zig-zag motion to get to the bloody chicken that miss Sharp had dropped. "His name is Koda," Miss Sharp informed them. "Miss sharp," Alek said quickly, before the teacher left, "I was wondering if you could do something for me too." "What is it Alek?" Miss Sharp asked, curious. "Well, Sam was pretty upset when you insulted his dragon. I think it'd mean a lot to him if you apologized." Miss Sharp smacked her head, "Oh, you're probably right. I should go. I'll talk to him this evening." --- "Probably cancelled," Kevia said, "But I'm not going anyway, it was unjust of Sharp to insult Lady Lucie like that. I read something online a while back that Wraiths emit a high sound from their scales until they mature. Only dragons can hear it, and it's quite annoying to my understanding."

5:41pm Jan 26 2011
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Kazumi shrugged when he ignored her before taking out some meat out of her pocket and gave some to both Siren and Shadow. Yuki turned to Miss Sharp and walked over to her "if you train her not to fight as a first instinted then she can stay" she said smiling before handing her Mikaela's whistle and walking into the forest still walking funny from her broken ribs.
5:53pm Jan 26 2011
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Wicked nodded. She glanced around the vacent area, just to make sure one last time. She knew that if the humans discovered them trying to sneak off that they may never be permitted outside without supervision again. Deciding that it was safe, she led the way into the forest. She felt her paws tingle with excitement as she made her first few steps to where her human always forbidded her to go, she loved purposely disobeying others.
6:22pm Jan 26 2011
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"Huh, that's interesting. Kinda like how only dogs can hear the noise a dog whistle makes?" Sam thought about it. We humans must have pretty bad hearing compaired to dragons and dogs, he thought to himself.
7:06pm Jan 27 2011
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"To my understanding, yes," Kevia said with a simple shrug. She lay back with a sigh on the gras.s, sending pollen into the air. She sneezed. "Well, if we're not going to clas.s, what should we do?" Mischief took careful steps, and was curiously sniffing each leaf. "This is pretty interesting!" he said, excited for once. He pricked his ears. He lowered his voice, "Live food," he purred in a whisper, dropping into a crouch. He had already eaten though, so he decided to try something. He prepared his fire, and torched the little squirrel so unfortunate as to cross his path. -- Koda sniffed the air, and then whimpered, looking alert. He unsheathed his claws (Yes, Psygirs can do that!) and then took off at a run towards the stables. Alek frowned and emitted a few curses. "Ah! Why is he running?!" he said, panicking. He got on Siren swiftly and angled him to run after the troublesome Koda, who was now giving out howl-roars. To Alek's disappointment, he could hear the same sound coming softly from the forest... where the war-animal was currently headed. ((BATTLE SCENE! ^woot^))

7:14pm Jan 27 2011
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((*Woots with Whatever* )) "I don't know, maybe I'll just have a nap... or ride on Lady Lucie. I think on the ground would be best, she's already stretched out her wings today." Sam grabbed a stick, and drew with detail, Lady Lucie, breathing streams of fire at a knight. Sam was quite a good drawer, although he didn't like to show it.
7:22pm Jan 27 2011
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Kevia sat up and watched Sam draw silently, then she heard the beating of wings above her, and the shadow of a dragon pas.sed over them. "Mars?!" Kevia exclaimed, standing up to watch her dragon fly away. Kevia cursed, "I forgot to tie her up!" she yelled, angry at herself. She smacked her forehead. "How could I be so stupid!?" she growled quietly.
7:35pm Jan 27 2011 (last edited on 7:36pm Jan 27 2011)
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"C'mon, we'll catch him using Lady Lucie!" He sprinted towards the barn and quickly tacked the disgruntled Lady Lucie up. He took to the air, and landed in front of Kevia. "Climb on!" He said, "Or do you need a boost up?"
8:38pm Jan 27 2011
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Kevia would have snapped back, but she was too worried about getting her dragon back before she got hurt. She didn't say anything as she stepped onto Lady Lucie's back, situating herself quickly. "Just go," she said, obviously worried.
8:46pm Jan 27 2011
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Sam kicked Lady Lucie in the belly lightly, and she rocketed forward. If he had done it any harder, it would've been the order to breathe a stream of fire. Lady Lucie cornered Mars with skill, and tried to nudge the other dragon into going to the ground.