5:16pm Jan 28 2011
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Mars roared in defiance, turning around in midair to fly backwards, a maneuver Kevia didn't think would be possible with such a second-rate dragon. Mars let out a stream of deep black steam, her fire still tired from Mikaela. Kevia tightened her grip around Sam's middle when she ceased to have the ability to see. What was her dragon doing?! She heard the familiar bark of wild psygirs and shuddered.
5:49pm Jan 28 2011 (last edited on 6:01pm Jan 28 2011)
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Lady Lucie, with her keen eyes, say through the steam easily, tracing Mars's movements. "After her, girl!" Sam whispered, and Lady Lucie rocketed off to follow the other dragon. But Lady Lucie still had to be wary, as it would be easier for Mars to suddenly bite her. Lady Lucie snorted at Mars. The other dragon wasn't obeying his master, and that was a great offence to her. She stared at Mars straight in the eyes and gave a hiss of dissaproval. ((I thought Mars couldn't breathe fire?))
5:58pm Jan 28 2011
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((She did during the battle, remember? But she can't do it as frequently as normal dragons because of her poor breeding, so this time she just let out smoke. Oh, and Mars is actualy a girl XD And now, I'm gonna wait for foxwolf to reply as well, because Koda the war-psygir is running towards the same pack. :3 This is gonna be fun.))
6:00pm Jan 28 2011
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Kazumi jumped on Shadow and took off after Siren, Alek and Koda wondering what was going to happen and what Koda was running after.
6:01pm Jan 28 2011
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((Ooohh okay I gets it. And I'll edit it.))
6:19pm Jan 28 2011
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Siren caught up to Koda, but not before Koda caught up with the other psygirs, who were taunting a dragon. It took a few minutes for Alek to recognize the dragon as Mars, Kevia's dragon, who was standing over a pair of dragines. What an odd sight... He jabbed Siren sharply in the sides, and Siren gave a roar, parting his jaws and taking bites out of three nearby psygirs, avoiding Koda of course. Koda was at a short war with the alpha-psygir, making quick jabs with his short paws and violent attacks with his teeth.
6:35pm Jan 28 2011
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Kazumi gasped and made Shadow stand infront of Mars to protect her and the Dragines while she jumped off to check on her to see if they where all ok.
6:35pm Jan 28 2011
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Wicked stared at the smoking squirrel. "BBQed squirrel." She chuckled, "Impressive." She jumped when she realized that a dragon was so close to her, making an inverted sound that was a bit like a cross between a dragon's roar and a cat's yowl. -Meep. Big fail. o_o-
6:37pm Jan 28 2011
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((Ri- I hope you don't mind, I poofed the dragines under Mars, being protected from a pack of troublesome psygirs in an effort to involve you more. ;) ))
8:34pm Jan 28 2011
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((Ah, I get it now. xD I'm too lazy to edit so I'll just post again. xD TREMBLE AT MY FAIL.)) Wicked's ears slid back behind her head. She was secretly greatful for the dragon protecting her, but she would rather fight her own battles. Even if she would probably get smashed by the powerful psygirs. She shouted words of encouragement in dragine language, though the dragon probably only understood fragments of it.
8:37pm Jan 28 2011
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((My reply will come soon. Everyone is recommended to re-read the first post, as I made some major edits, clas.s deions in more depth, future careers, and etc. :3 I'll also bee adding a character soon, and so will Ribunny. We talked via rmail xD))
9:02pm Jan 28 2011
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|Name: Rankin Williams |Age: 23 |Gender: M |Cl*censored*: Public Speaking; Nurt. |History: Rankin married his high school sweetheart after graduating from the academy himself, and he regretted the decision immediately after she cheated on him with his brother. Naturally, there was a divorce, and Rankin went into teaching. |Looks: Dark brown hair in dire need of a hair cut, though people tell him it looks good,so he keeps it. His eyes are a light brown, and his skin has a permanent tan the color of perfectly cooked toast. :3 |Family: (Optional) |Other: (Optional) Mars huffed with worry, bending over the two dragines and snarling ferociously at the nearing dragines. She didn't acknowledge Shadow's presence. She reached out quickly and took a psygir in her mouth, crunching it in half and swallowing it whole. She gave a disgusted cough; nuclear energy wasn't at all tasteful. There were so many psygirs! They were swarming around her, and some were snapping at her underbelly and the dragines she protected underneath. She didn't know what to do! Mischief hissed and spat, his tail between his legs as the huge psygirs started to come closer. He toom a deep breath and spat a ball of magma in front of him. It glimmered sadly in front of him before simmering out completely. Siren jumped over to the side of Mars that was unprotected by Shadow, tearing the psygirs away with a swift swipe of huge talons, barely missing the very dragines that Mars was trying to protect.

9:26pm Jan 28 2011 (last edited on 9:26pm Jan 28 2011)
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|Name: My name is Professor Winter, I would rather not give out my first name. |Age: Older then you whipper snapper. Gender: Male. |Cl*censored*: I do believe it says it on the first post. |History: Hm.. It take a while to explaine it all, but I ought to do it now to get it over with. He was young once, he has always been.. ambitious, though that's such an ugly word. I guess 'mad scientist' would be too. He created.. things. Nothing you should know about. No one appreciated his work, and now he is confined to this.. school as a teacher, only to do his.. work.. at night, in secret, where no one can appreciate it. |Looks: White hair that is just starting to bald, his mustache and beard is a bit like Professor Rowan's from pokemon. He has thick gl*censored*es that balance on his nose, they are black-rimmed. He always wears a while labcoat and white pants. His black shoes always make a special noise on the ground that most can identify quickly. His eyes are a shocking blue color, almost like a siberian huskie's. |Family: Unknown |Other: Maybe-probably has a secret lab. 8u

6:39pm Jan 29 2011
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((Three new creatures added to first post! :D Bcorian, Fjorn and Crystaline.)) Koda pricked his ears, temporarily pausing in his fight. He heard familiar snarls, and growled. The rest of the psygir pack began to ignore the dragons and dragines, and the people who were slashing away at their numbers. The Bcorians were coming, a lot of them. (Rp'd by Ri ;3) Koda glanced down at the body of the ex-alpha psygir, and then to the rest of them. They needed a leader. He snarl-barked at Alek and the dragons, desperately. He had been raised by humans, and they took care of him very well. He didn't want them to be hurt by the wicked Bcorians that were yet to come. Seeing the break in the fight, Alek crawled under Mars and grabbed the dragines, holding one in each arm. He examined the collar on the female. "Wicked," he said, sort of bemused. "What a funny name. Dorm 345, I'll return you soon." he promised. He lifted the dragines onto Siren's back and made them makeshift harnesses out of rope, attaching them to Siren's tack. "Siren, keep them out of reach," he said hurriedly, drawing his own short sword. He gazed at the psygirs with confusion. Why aren't they attacking?

6:43pm Jan 29 2011
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Kazumi looked scared "did you hear that" she asked Alek as she walked into Shadow scared very scared of what else was lurking in the forest. (fail DX)
7:16pm Jan 29 2011 (last edited on 7:23pm Jan 29 2011)
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((Bcorians! Awaaaay~)) The alpha Bcorian sniffed the air, his lips curled in a snarl. He could see the blurry shapes of the psygirs in the distance. He was able to make out other shapes too, but his poor eyesight made it impossible to tell what. He drew in the scents around him. The smell of dragons and humans filled his nose. Although that wasn't what he was focusing on, he didn't really mind humans that much anyway. He focused on the smell of psygir blood. He made a snarling sound that almost sounded like a laugh. He turned to the rest of his pack, signaling them to follow him. He let out a loud battle cry, (The battle cry kinda sounds like those things from Lord of The Rings that look like Dementors), and charged, his pack following close behind. ~ Wicked made a low growling sound as she was lifted off the ground by the human. She barely let her human pick her up, let alone a strange one. She thought about giving this human a few scratches to teach him a lesson, but she decided that doing so probably wouldn't be the best thing in this situation.

8:19pm Jan 29 2011
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"I think we should go before things get ugly," Alek said. "Take Siren, Mars and the dragines away from here. I'll get Koda and ride back on Shadow," he said. Koda could see the Bcorians now, and he let out a deep growl. The nuclear pressure points on his sides glowed with hostility, and the rest of the pack was effected similarly. He was about to let out a battle cry, when he caught the scent of something more threatening then the Bcorians. A Nytmare. Shayne stamped trotted into view between the Bcorians and Psygirs, snorting with fury, hunger, and rage. He was hungry. He let out a blood-curdling war cry, and stared at his first victim. A young psygir with its tail between its legs, staring in awe. Shayne didn't hesitate to leap forward and take a bite of the psygir, grabbing its side and tossing it into the air. He took pleasure from the howls of terror and pain it emitted as he caught it with a sickening crunch. It was then that Koda decided that he didn't want to risk his newfound pack's life. And he got a brilliant idea just then. The rest of the psygirs were staring at him expectantly, willing to follow his command. He ran up to Alek quickly; there wasn't time to be spared. He wanted to take the pack back to the academy, and let his master, Professor Snow (Yuki) take care of them. They would have a fantastic time guarding the school grounds! There was plenty of food to go around, and plenty of blood to shed if the Bcorians came anywhere near. But how would he communicate his thoughts to the humans? Alek scratched behind Koda's ears and tried to pick the psygir up. Koda only backed away. "Come one Koda! the professors will throw a tantrum if we loose you!" Koda only barked with a slight whine, his tail swishing. Alek could hear the Bcorians coming closer. He could already see the first few appearing. For once, he hoped that the Death Horse was hungry. He decided it was time to give up on Koda. He got on Shadow's back and gave the swift order for the dragon to fly home as fast as she could. And that was fast. He forgot how fast Shadow was at top speed; much faster than an dragon he had ever ridden. In flight, it dawned on him what Shadow's breed actually was; the soft scales, the immense speed, the flawless black coloring-- Shadow was a Shadow Bringer. And she was very young based on her wing size and shape.

8:39pm Jan 29 2011 (last edited on 8:54pm Jan 29 2011)
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Shadow sped of towards the school like Alek had wanted her too. As she was flying she speeded past her master with the two dragons. Kazumi watched Shadow speed past her and laughed abit before looking at Siren "i have never not been on her wow she is fast" she said laughing lefore kissing Sirens head "you better becareful with her" she said laughing. Yuki was walking around the schol grounds wondering where everyone was.
9:02pm Jan 29 2011
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Siren purred in a amusement as Shadow zipped past; Alek's ex pression was priceless. He couldn't come near that speed if he wanted too, even flying solo. He could even go faster than he was going now if he wanted to, but he didn't want to leave Mars behind. She was injured. He angled downwards at the stables, where he could make out Lady Lucie landing. (I think, she sort of disappeared, so I'm poofing her, Kevia and Sam here. While I'm at it, I'll put Ribunny in her dorm, in case she wasn't there already XD) He landed gently in front, watching Mars land clumsily behind him, staggering. Kevia ran up to her dragon thankfully, and Mars nuzzled her in welcome. "I can't believe you did all that for a pair of dragines!" Kevia said, wrapping her arms around her dragon's leg. She called one of the stable masters over, and asked him to get a nurse for Mars. Alek was having trouble steering Shadow; luckily the dragon knew where to go. He could hear Siren's gentle landing by the stables, and was sure that Shadow would make an immediate loop around and land right next to him.

9:07pm Jan 29 2011
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Shadow let out a roar before doing a few tricks as if trying to show off for Siren before going to him and landing next to him gentaly. Kazumi laughed watching Shadow do the tricks smiling at how she was careful of Alek making sure he wouldn't get hurt and she looked at Siren "she really likes you" she said before walking to Shadow once she landed and smiling at Alek. "Have fun?" she asked him laughing.