9:15pm Jan 29 2011
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The alpha Bcorian, -Whom I shall name Scorpio because he's awesome and deserves a name-, bounded to where the scent of psygirs was. He realized there was a new smell, and he skidded to a stop, almost making the rest of his pack crash into him. Nyghtmare. The Nyghtmare was probably the only creature that he ever had ever sparked fear in his heart. He took a couple steps back, making a crocodilian-like hiss, the other Bcorians doing the same. However, a young male Bcorian, barely a teen in Bcorian years, and just about as incolent as a human teenager, kept running, deciding that the others were just being slow and not paying attention to the smells around him.
9:34pm Jan 29 2011
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Shayne snapped the stray Bcorian just as it pas.sed him, taking a bite out of its head before swallowing the rest in three large bites. Koda backed up slowly, and then turned around and started to run. He could hear the thuds of hundreds of paws behind him, following his every move. He might have imagined the sound of the Nytmare chasing after him, but it only convinced him to run faster. Shayne would have smiled at the psygirs. He would eat his fill; the nuclear energy would give him an extra boost when he went to chase Bcorians, who had crunchy tails. He galloped after the fleeing psygirs and grabbed one by its tail, still running as he shook it to bits, flinging carnage everywhere as he ate his food on the go. Alek laughed, patting Shadow heartily, if not a little dizzily, as he got off. He beamed at Kazumi. "I realize now what Shadow's breed is!" he said happily, proud of himself and the revelation. "Shadow is a, well, a shadow Bringer. They are the fastest dragon ever bred, first created by my own grandfather at the Dragonery in Colorado, when he worked there. He ended u unhappy with his pay, because they made twice as much on the dragons he bred, so he took them and bred them privately only to those who ordered, and got all the rewards. It's also why I've never seen them before"

9:40pm Jan 29 2011
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Kazumi smiled happily before looking confused "then how did i find her egg so far from Colorado?" she asked him confused as to why Shadows egg was left in the middle of no where. Shadow walked over to Siren and made a purring noise as she nuzzled him happily. Yuki decided to take a short walk in the forest for abit just to waist some time when she could hear the sounds of hooves looking around she wondered where it was coming from.
9:41pm Jan 29 2011
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((- Has nothing to do- ))
9:44pm Jan 29 2011
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Scorpio shuddered as the smell of the young Bcorian's blood reached his nose. He knew that the Nyghtmare would be back after it finished off the psygirs. He had to find a safe place for his pack. He sniffed the air, and started to walk into the thick forest, the pack members following behind, his speed increasing the more he ran.
9:51pm Jan 29 2011
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Alek shrugged, "No idea, but I'm positive that's what it is," Alek said, sure of himself. "I'll be right back; I'm going to return these dragines to their owner before they're missed." Alek got on Siren's back, and as relieved when he took off at a gentle pace to the drom listed on Wicked's collar. He put the dragines back on the ground and took off their harnesses so that they were free, and knocked on the door. There was a sign saying 'Ribunny and Wicked's Room', so Alek knew that this had to be the place. When Mars was bandaged up, Kevia put her back in the stables for safety, giving her extra food for the night. She bounced over to Sam with a smile. "Thanks for helping me get Mars back," she said, truley grateful. Koda jumped clear over the headmaster when she came into view, and ran a few feet before he realised the hoofbeats and hungry screeches from the Death horse had stopped. He turned around, standing next to his master, his tail swishing. The rest of the psygir pack did the same, all of them behind Yuki. The Nyghtmare was just standing there, his serpentine tail lashing. Shayne gave a snort and turned around, running back to where the Bcorians would be. He didn't want to harm Yuki. Why? He didn't even know.

9:55pm Jan 29 2011
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Kazumi tilted her head before nodding "hmmm i think it's time for your check up isn't it Shadow?" she said with a smile before leading Shadow to the nurse for a check up. Yuki put her hand on Koda's head "it's ok. He won't harm me because i don't want to hurt him" she said smiling at him before looking at the pack behind her. "Well well well it looks like you have a pack now doesn't it Koda" she said smiling at him scratching behind his ear.
10:18pm Jan 29 2011 (last edited on 11:57am Jan 30 2011)
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Ribunny was reading one of her favorite books, Weird NJ, while sitting on her bed when she heard someone knocking on her door. She made a sound that she always made when she was surprised that kinda sounded like a cat (o3o), then put a bookmark in it so she wouldn't loose her page, and crept up to the door. "Wh.. What's the pas.sword?" She called out, her paranoia that someone is out to ger her starting to kick in. ~ Scorpio started to slow to a stop. He sniffed around, until he came to a cave, almost impossible to find if you didn't know where to look. He looked back at his pack, sighing sadly. He hissed at them, telling them to all split up. The pack members looked at eachother, then slowly ran off into different directions, hopefully that would confuse the Nyghtmare enough so it wouldn't kill them all. He looked back at the cave, and slowly made his way into it. The light started to fade, and his already mostly-blind eyes became totally useless. It was damp and musky in the long tunnel, the only life forms mold and fungus. The damp rock under his paws slowly started to shift into a softer dirt like material, then to a more tile like one. His paws clicked on the ground as he walked now, almost like a dog. Light started to seep into his field of vision, stinging his eyes for a few seconds as they adjusted to it.

4:32pm Jan 30 2011
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Koda yipped, and wagged his tail, whacking another psygir in the face. The other one growled in annoyance, and Koda turned and barked in enforcement. The other psygir flattened its ears apologetically and backed off. "Ummmmm, I found your dragines in the forest," Alek said, peering in at the strange girl. He stepped aside so that Ribunny could see Wicked and Mischief Managed through the door slot. --- [Repost for full] When Mars was bandaged up, Kevia put her back in the stables for safety, giving her extra food for the night. She bounced over to Sam with a smile. "Thanks for helping me get Mars back," she said, truley grateful.
4:43pm Jan 30 2011
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Ribunny slowly opened the door, peering at the boy in front of her. "How do I know they aren't just holograms?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Wicked rolled her eyes, making a low growling sound. "It's me you imbecile!" She growled in her dragine language. "Wicked!" Ribunny cried, "Technology hasn't advanced enough to copy your exact voice! It is you!" She suddenly became her normal happy and perky self. "Thank you so much!" She said to Alek. "Sorry I was suspitous of you, I read way too many sci-fi and horror books." She laughed a little, "I'm Ribunny by the way." ~ Scorpio sniffed around the lab he had traveled to. Unnatural smells filled his nose, making him choke a little. He never got used to the scents of DNA tubes and machines. He sighed and flopped on the floor, resting his head on his front paws like a dog would. He closed his eyes but kept his ears alert so he could greet his master when he came.
4:54pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Oh, yah," Sam rubbed the back of his neck,a thing which he did when he was embar@ssed or angry. "Mars is a good dragon, when she's following your orders." Sam patted Lady Lucie, who had been slobbering up Kevia's shirt, and put her back. Lady lucie groaned. Kevia's shirt was so tasty! But, she couldn't get out of her pen, as the ceiling was too low for her to jump her bulky form over the latched door. Sam looked at Kevia, "So, what were we going to do?"
6:05pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 5,279
Kevia chuckled, "Well, I have to go back to my dorm and get new shirt," Kevia chuckled, wringing out a bit of sticky dragon slobber onto the ground. "And then," Kevia paused thoughtfully, "I don't know really," she said honestly. "I suppose I can make some strawberry smoothies?" she suggested cautiously. --- Alek smiled and extended a hand in greeting, "My name's Alekzander, but I prefer just Alek," he said, trying to be friendly. *Mischief poofs away to his home* --- "Professor Winter?" Rankin Williams called anxiously into his colleague's office. "First day of Nurturing Clas.s is tomorrow, has anyone enrolled yet?" The professor's pet sugar glider gave a small chirp as it climbed out of his pocket, and clawed up Rankin's shoulder. The rodent nipped Rankin's ear and purred, and, in turn, he gave it a piece of candy corn from the jar on the desk. (Intro=lame -_-)
6:20pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Oh! Smoothies?" Sam smiled. "I love smoothies. Every Sunday, Mom, my step-dad and I used to go down to this place and have smoothies. But then the smoothie place shut down and it was turned into a grand mall. Sorry about your shirt, by the way." Lady Lucie nibbled on Sam's hair, found it tasteless, and started eating her feed happily.
6:21pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 4,848
"Nice to meet cha'!" Ribunny replied, shaking Alek's hand. -xD Fail- Wicked trotted into Ribunny's room and made herself comfortable on her bed. -Another fail o_o- ~ Professor Winter went through the papers on his desk. "Sadly no. Maybe that strange kid.. Ribunny was her name, but I'm not completely certain." He sighed, "But I am certain that that student has a few things unhinged in her cranium." He jumped up when he saw Rankin reaching for the jar. "Be careful not to knock that over!" He said, barely keeping his voice far from a snarl.
6:59pm Jan 30 2011
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Yuki laughed and looked at them all before tilting her head "let me guess. you want them to stay at the school?" she asked him smiling. She would let them stay only if they didn't attack any school animals, pets or people while staying other then that and no destroying the propity then she could see no problem with them staying.
7:05pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 5,279
"Nice to meet you too," Alek said with a friendly smile. He paused, unsure of what to say. "Hey, I've actually got to meet a friend of mine and her dragon at the nurse's office, want to come and meet her?" --- Professor Williams pulled his hand back sharply, surprised by Winter's attitude. "Sorry," he said, belittled. There was an awkward silence. "Hey, have I introduced you to Sophie yet?" he asked, trying to switch the topic by taking the sugar glider off of his shoulder and holding it out to Winter. "You'll never believe how I found her!" --- Koda barked twice. He wished he could talk to humans, but they had such a funny language! He could never begin to learn their language. --- Kevia laughed light-heartedly, "It's no problem, I never liked this shirt anyway, let's go, I have this really cool blender, never used before!"
7:21pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Sam followed Kevia. "Aren't I not allowed in a girl dorm?" He asked.
7:27pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Yuki smiled at Koda "if you want them to stay then make sure they don't harm anyone or anything that lives here in the forest keep clear of Shayne because he will eat you" She said smiling at them all before walking back to the school "and no destroying propity either if you all follow me i will have somewhere for you all to stay at night" she said smiling at them again.
7:30pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 4,848
"Sure!" Ribunny replied happily. -Ribunny's posts are failing for some reason. o3o- ~ Professor Winter adjusted his glas.ses, peering at the small mammal. "Petaurus Breviceps, the sugar glider." He remarked, gently rubbing the tiny creature behind the ears.
7:46pm Jan 30 2011
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Posts: 5,279
"I'm not really one to follow the rules," Kevia said simply, pulling the key out of her jeans pokets. She was about to stick it in the lock, as usual, when she put it back in her pocket instead. "Technically it's not allowed, but teachers aren't strict about it as long as we're not doing anything obscene," she said simply. She pulled a pin out of her short hair. "Watch carefully," she said, distorting the pin to be straight. She gave a wicked gin and shoved the pin into the lock. She bit her lip slightly and twisted her wrist a number of times. It wasn't her best time for lock picking, but still less that 2 and a half minutes. The door clicked and Kevia twisted the knob and gave the door a shove. --- Koda followed Yuki, trotting next to his first in command psygir, and chattering curiously about living in the wild. He as.sured them that they'd be much safer here, even from Bcorian. --- Professor Williams gave a shrug as Sophie purred. "She's a strange one. I never recalled sugar gliders being omnivorous."
