7:50pm Jan 30 2011
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Yuki soon came across a big open stable that was ment to be used for herds or packs but she never had a use for it until now "here you go this will be safe for you all to be in. I think i have some old animal furs and some straw for you to make beds out off. I will have someone bring it here" she said smiling at them before telling a staff member the job at hand. Kazumi was waiting for the nurse to hurry up and get there for the check up she was never a patient person when she was bored.
7:53pm Jan 30 2011
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"Omnivorous you say?" Professor Winter inquired. "Maybe she could be a new species.." He thought for a few seconds closing his eyes. "Tell me about how you found her, maybe that will help us discover more about her.
8:14pm Jan 30 2011
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Alek smiled with joy. "Cool! This is my dragon, Siren. Have you ever ridden a dragon, Ribunny?" "Well, when I found her, I was walking through the forest, taking notes on the foliage near the swamp. I noticed that there weren't as many mealworms around on the ground, like there usually are in that area, and therefore, a lack of sugar gliders as well. I didn't pay much attention to the fact until I smelled something strange. I followed it, and I saw this little guy feasting on the corpse of a psygir," Professor Williams replied. "It then came up to me and took berries and leaves out of my satchel to eat. It grew pretty fond of me." --- Koda led the pack into the large pen, proud of their numbers. He nudged a few younger psygirs in before following the rest. -fail- --- *Repost for full* "I'm not really one to follow the rules," Kevia said simply, pulling the key out of her jeans pokets. She was about to stick it in the lock, as usual, when she put it back in her pocket instead. "Technically it's not allowed, but teachers aren't strict about it as long as we're not doing anything obscene," she said simply. She pulled a pin out of her short hair. "Watch carefully," she said, distorting the pin to be straight. She gave a wicked gin and shoved the pin into the lock. She bit her lip slightly and twisted her wrist a number of times. It wasn't her best time for lock picking, but still less that 2 and a half minutes. The door clicked and Kevia twisted the knob and gave the door a shove.

8:29pm Jan 30 2011 (last edited on 9:29pm Jan 30 2011)
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"Well.." Ribunny thought for a few moments. "Once I think, I while ago." She replied, looking at Siren. ~ "Interesting." Professor Winter replied, starting to like this creature already. "It's probably a new species, or even genetically altered." His mind flooded with all the possibilities. "We should study it more, maybe even look at it's DNA closer." And maybe use that DNA too. The devious thought trickled into his mind.
10:51pm Jan 30 2011
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((Sorry, I went AFK. )) Sam watched Kevia with interest. "I've seen someone do that before. They weren't as good, though," He said, following Kevia into heer dorm.
4:21pm Jan 31 2011
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5:35pm Jan 31 2011
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"Don't worry, Siren's a steady flier," Alek a.sured Ribunny. He climbed onto Siren's back and got himself situated, and extended a hand to help Ribunny up. Sophie crawled up Professor William's arm, nervous of the old man's devious look. Rankin only chuckled and deposited the rodent into his pocket. "Let me know if any new kids sign up, okay?" he asked. --- Kevia gave a short laugh and closed the door behind her. "The blender's in the top right hand cabinet," she said, heading to her dresser and choosing a new T-shirt. She frowned when she ound that it had moth holes in several areas, and instead picked another, witch considerably less. She hopped into the bathroom and turned on the sink to wash her face real fast.
5:42pm Jan 31 2011 (last edited on 5:44pm Jan 31 2011)
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Ribunny hesitated a few seconds, then decided that it maybe, probably, hopefully wouldn't be so bad. She grabbed his hand and climbed onto Siren, trying not to betray her nervousness. ~ Professor Winter nodded. "Of course." He replied, even though he wasn't really paying attention anymore. He was far too submersed into thinking of possible ways that he could use the omnivorous sugar glider's DNA if he ever got his hands on it.
8:04pm Jan 31 2011
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Alek smiled and made sure that Ribunny was securely strapped to the harness before taking off, careful to make Siren go steadily to the clinic area. He landed roughly with a slight bounce and nuzzled shadow as she arrived as well. Alek helped Ribunny off of the dragon and smiled at Kazumi. "Kazumi, this is Ribunny. She owned the dragines we found."
8:09pm Jan 31 2011
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Kazumi stood up and smiled at Alek "hey" she said before looking at Ribunny "hi there This is Shadow" she said smiling at her before turning to Alek "were just waiting for the nurse" she said to him sighing from boredom. Shadow purred and nuzzled Siren glasd he was here because she was secretly scared of the evil nurse.
9:31pm Jan 31 2011 (last edited on 9:34pm Jan 31 2011)
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((o_o I have Thriller stuck in my head.)) Ribunny landed a awkwadly on the ground, but regained her balance quickly. She glanced at Siren, "Thanks for the wonderful ride." She said to the dragon. Even if it didn't understand, she still wanted to thank it. Heck, she would thank a tree stump after she was done sitting on it and apologise to a tree if she bumped into it, it was just how she was. ((... I did apologise to a tree once. ... CUZ THIS IS THRILLERRR~))
9:38pm Jan 31 2011
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Sam nodded, then went to looking for the blender. He found it quickly, as there was only a few drawers. "Got it," Sam called. "Where do I plug it in?" h walked over to the bathroom, where he stood by the door, staring around at Kevia's house.
9:38pm Jan 31 2011 (last edited on 9:39pm Jan 31 2011)
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((OH DAMMIT that double post!!))
8:34pm Feb 2 2011
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Siren didn't really acknowledge Ribunny's appreciation, too busy making sure Shadow was in the same state he had left her in. Satisfied, he gently aired out his wings and settled into a patient crouch, sniffing the humans curiously. The nurse came out a few minutes after, her short hair pulled back into a neat ponytail, a few strands curling beside her face. She was dressed all in white with a red plus sign on the back of her shirt, and on the front of the nurse hat she wore. She had a pleasant smile on her face- it obviously wasn't the same one who checked on Shadow yesterday. "Hello!" she said sweetly to the people. "My name is Marissa, I'm an intern. I'm supposed to check on Shadow today," she said, her voice was high pitched, ringing like a bell. Alek paused for a moment to study the jovial nurse, before smiling back at her. "She's over there, the one with black scales," he said, as if it wasn't obvious. Marissa smiled pleasantly and skipped over to the dragon. And then it hit Alek. He knew her! She graduated from this school just last year, and to tell the truth, they dated for a few weeks before realizing that they weren't meant for each other. Alek pretended not to recognize her, for the sake of awkwardness. Why did I break up with her again? Alek asked himself as Marissa stroked Shadow's muzzle and did her checkups. Then he remembered Kevia. Oh, right. He said to himself, growling at the memory slightly. --- "Outlet," Kevia sang from the bathroom. She took the time to brush her hair and re-apply her daily dosage of makeup before pulling on her fresh shirt and exiting the tiny room. She walked over and plugged in the blender on the counter. She dug into the small fridge and took a handful of strawberries, a cup of yogurt and some whipped cream for the smoothies.

9:06pm Feb 2 2011
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Kazumi smiled at Marissa before laughing "She gets abit scared of Nurses" she said to her watching Shadow sniff Marissa to check that she wasn't going to hurt her or anything.
9:09pm Feb 2 2011 (last edited on 9:13pm Feb 2 2011)
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Sam walked over to Kevia, looking at the stuff she was grabbing. "Do you have marshmallows?" He asked. "They taste good in smoothies. no joke." Sam started a thumb war with himself. "C'mon, die, die!" He muttered, and his left thumb won, making him sigh in frustration.
5:30pm Feb 3 2011
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((Whateveeer. 8c Post on our Crystals RP.))
5:46pm Feb 3 2011
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((I can't find eet. :c Bump it! *does the bumpit dance*)) Kevia shook her head with a frown. "And what are you doing, exactly," she said, raising an eyebrow as she loaded the ingredients into the blender carefully. She slapped the lid onto the top and pressed the puree button. She looked at Sam for another second before fishing a pair of cups from the cabinet. Marissa smiled cheerfully, "It's understandable, Jane isn't very careful at all with her work sometimes." Marissa's voice was beginning to get on Alek's nerves. It was high and squeaky like a five year old, or a recording from a baby doll. He tried not to let it show as she was carefully poking Shadow's knee to test her reflexes. As was natural, the dragon's claws twitched ever so slightly and Marissa continued her examinations. When she was finished, she walked up without even looking away from the clip board. "It appears that Shadow is just beginning to develop an egg," she reported , tapping her pencil on one of the corners to the clip board. Alek couldn't help but be distracted. "She should be ready for breeding in three or for days, depending on her specific cycle. Maybe even a week," Marissa finished. She gave a cheery smile in conclusion and gave a little wave. "Bye, Alek!" she said, skipping away. Alek groaned to himself. Marissa obviously recognized him.

5:49pm Feb 3 2011 (last edited on 5:52pm Feb 3 2011)
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Kazumi looked at Marissa walking away confused before looking at Alek. "how does she know you?" she asked him while having this weird feeling inside of her. Shadow walked to Siren and purred while nuzzleing him and looking at both of their masters.
7:44pm Feb 3 2011
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Alek couldn't help but smile. He swung his arm around Kazumi's waist, "It's nothing you should worry about," he promised with a sincere smile. "Come on, let's go put the dragons to rest in the stables, and then we can go and tell Miss Snow about the psygirs." It was beginning to get dark out.