8:07pm Feb 3 2011
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"You don't know what a thumb war is?" Sam raised his eyebrows at Kevia. "C'mon, give me your hand," he said, putting his hand out as if to shake Kevia's hand.
7:57pm Feb 4 2011
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"I know what a thumb war is," Kevia said, shoving her hands into her jean pockets, "I just... don't really play that game anymore." She looked away as the blender groaned to a stop. She stared at it for half a second, and then took the top of and poured it into the cups. She swirled whipped cream on top of hers and offered the bottle to Sam. She walked over to the the bed next to the wall. She set her smoothie down and folded it into a couch before collapsing onto it. She pulled her knees up in fronts of her and bit her lip.
8:14pm Feb 4 2011
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Kazumi blushed abit before looking up at Alek and nodding "ok" she said in a whisper because of how shy she had become just with him having his arm around her waist. Shadow purred at them before nuzzleing Siren again happy their masters where not going to fight.
9:17pm Feb 6 2011
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Alek pulled away, sensing Kazumi's obvious discomfort. "Sorry," he said softly, almost inaudible. He quickly brushed the awkward moment away and went up to Siren. He stroked the scales on his muzzle and then put him in his stall for the night. He didn't say anything except yet another apology as he stepped on one of the stable master's feet. Siren let out a quick purr of good night to Shadow over the wall of the stall, and settled into a deep sleep.
9:21pm Feb 6 2011
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Kazumi looked at him before putting Shadow in her stall and running after him "no i'm the one who should be sorry. It's just that i've never had a guy put his arm around me like that" she said blushing abit. Shadow purred back at Siren but she wouldn't sleep for some reason she was more hyper at night.
9:46pm Feb 6 2011
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Sam grabbed the cup from Kevia and began drinking it down. Sam drank in gulps, not because he was thirsty, but because that's how he always drinks. "Were you the one who took care of Mars when she was an egg?" Sam asked, putting his half-full cup down on the counter. Sam hadn't taken care of Lady Lucie's egg. Lady Lucie's mother, Princess Kitty, had. It had taken half a year for Lady lucie to hatch, and two weeks for Princess Kitty to allow Sam to hold the tiny Lady Lucie.
8:10pm Feb 8 2011
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"No; I don't know who did really," Kevia admitted, "My parents bought her just before she hatched, right on schedule. It's probably why she doesn't like me so much." Kevia took a sip of her smoothie, and then a second. But it ended up giving her a brain freeze. She made a face and put the cold drink down. --- "No, no," Alek said, waving a hand slightly, "It doesn't matter," he said, dismissing the awkward subject. He frowned at himself. Part of him couldn't believe that Kazumi had never really dated a guy before him; she was too pretty for that. And then it occured to him that she didn't let them go out with her, because they just weren't good enough. It made Alek feel special, and a bit uneasy. He had never really been serious with another girl, excluding Kevia, but she didn't count in his mind. Not anymore at least. He walked over with a soft smile on his face. He took Kazumi's hand and let out a half-sigh. "Come on, let's go to the Cafe, it's supposed to get chilly tonight."
9:10pm Feb 8 2011
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"Got a brain freeze?" Sam asked when he saw Kevia's face. "Here; let me fix it." sam lifted up a hand, as if he were going to wack Kevia in the forehead.
12:13pm Feb 9 2011
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Kazumi smiled at him lacing her fingers with his as she looked up at him. She didn't date other lads because normaly they only wanted to see how far they could go with her as in base wise and if they could get to fourth base they didn't want to know the girl anymore. She didn't want that to happen to her so she never dated but Alek made her feel different like he wouldn't do that to her, so she decided to date him to see what would happen and hoped he wouldn't break her heart.
8:52pm Feb 11 2011
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Kevia smiled at Sam. "Whatcha going to do?" she wondered out loud. Her brain freeze was already gone-- they were usually short-lived with her. --- Alek smiled. They took a few steps outside. It was much colder than he had expected. "Are you cold?" he asked with worry. She was just wearing a tank top. It was still fall fashion. He was actually wearing several layers, mostly because he had planned to fly with Kazumi and Siren today, and he had figured it would be cold. It was obviously too late for that now, and he would gladly give up his jacket so her fingers didn't go numb.
1:00pm Feb 12 2011
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"oh, it's gone?" Sam lowered his hand, pretending to look dissapointed. He took a great large gulp of smoothie, then sat down, bored. "What do you want to do now?" he asked, putting his hand on his chin.
7:06pm Feb 13 2011
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Kazumi shivered abit but shuck her head "no i'm ok" she said smiling at him.
9:33am Feb 20 2011
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Kevia shrugged, and sipped the last of her smoothie carefully. She walked over and put the glas.s gently into the sink. Trying to strike up a conversation, Kevia sat back down, "I'm going to town this weekend, want to come? We could get more lock picking supplies if you still want to learn." Alek ignored Kazumi's requests and put the jacket over her shoulders anyway. "You don't even have to put your arms through then," he chuckled.
5:04pm Feb 20 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Oh, that would be awesome!" Sam smiled. He liked stuff like that. -FAIL-
4:41pm Feb 22 2011
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4:42pm Feb 22 2011
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((Omg. YES YES YES. 8D I'm not sure this will last though, but at least it works now. <3))
7:54pm Feb 22 2011
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"Right now, though," Kevia said, "I have something I want to show you." Kevia jumped off of the sofa and grabbed her coat, as it was pretty cold outside. "Headmaster Snow recently hired this crazy scientist, Professor Winter, and I think I founf the secret entrance to his lab a few days ago, I'm going to explore it, and see if there's any exotic pets that shouldn't be here." ((Trying to incorporate Ri. full- since you're not replying, and haven't for a few days now, I'm just going to go ahead with this in about a day... I am NOT letting this RP die, even if it ends up just me and Ri XD))
6:09pm Feb 23 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Ehmm.. I'm still herererrre..... :O herpderp. Sorry I haven't been on in a couple of daysss.... I AM NOT LETTING THIS RP FAIL! Ohnoe, it's wayyyy too awesome for thatt.))
"I'm up for that challenge," Sam said, grabbing his coat as well. "Count me in." He was excited at the thought of them finding strange species down there, and he was always up for challenges.
6:14pm Feb 23 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((Yeeee. 8D)) Professor Winter sighed, it was time for him to go into the woods to collect some more DNA. He was hoping to get some gryphon fur to make something. He got up and walked out his office, leaving his coat. He didn't mind the cold, he actually rather liked it. ((Fail xD But it takes Professor Winter out of his office so you two are free to go into it without him catching you.))
6:18pm Feb 23 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Can I make a crazy scientist dude teacher tooo? 8D))