4:44pm Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 4,848
Scorpio's ears pricked, and he looked at Kevia, squinting. His ear twitched when he heard her command. He sat almost instinctivley, curling his scorpian tail around his legs to avoid sitting on it, making a teeth clenching scraping sound on the ground.
4:50pm Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 5,279
Kevia smiled widely. "I didn't expect that to work," she said, mostly to herself, but she was sure that the Bcorian had heard and understood. She reached out to pat the creature's head as a reward, but decided against it last second in case it wanted to bite. "Ummm," she thought for a minute, trying to think of more commands, "Speak!" She wondered if Bcorians actually made sounds...
5:07pm Feb 25 2011
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Scorpio tilted his head to one side for a few seconds. He understood the command of course, he just wasn't sure which sound to make. Deciding that his roar-screech was too loud for the small area, he started to make a low rumbling sound that almost sounded like a purr. Or a lawn mower.
5:53pm Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"This doctor Winter guy or whatever really knows how to tame and train animals," Sam said, peering at the bcorian. "Do a backflip!" he wasn't exactly sure the bcorian would do what he said, but it was worth a try.
6:02pm Feb 25 2011
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Scorpio's hackles raised when he heard the second voice. He turned his head towards it. He snarled at the other human, refusing to take orders from him. The only thing that prevented him from taking a swipe at Sam was that he didn't think the other human would like it. So he stayed put, but still glared at him.
6:42pm Feb 25 2011
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"Calm down!" Kevia yelled sharply at the Bcorian, stepping between it and Sam. She raised an eyebrow at it. "Do a backflip," she ordered, casting a side glance at Sam. She crossed her arms and looked at the creature fiercely, not that it could see her anyways, but it made Kevia feel powerful.
6:47pm Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 4,848
Now that was more like it. Scorpio got himself ready, then flipped over backwards. It was pretty graceful, concidering the size of the Bcorian. He stuck the landing, producing a pretty loud thud. He sat down again, waiting for the next command. He couldn't help but let his tongue loll out of his mouth, this was fun!
6:57pm Feb 25 2011
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Kevia couldn't help but laugh. She hoped that Sam wasn't upset that the Bcorian listened to her and not him. Nevertheless, she went over and patted the creature's head in praise. Curious now, she began to explore the rest of the room. She wandered over to the desk, likely belonging to Professor Winter, and gazed at the notes. Most of them were difficult to understand, but a few were easy to get. They were documenting his successes and experiments, and several mentioned the first Bcorian, an ageless creature that often came to his office and interfered with experimentation, whom he called Scorpio, and how he had a higher understanding of the human language and the world around him than a typical Bcorian. Curiosu, Kevia approached the Bcorian once again and asked, "make that lawn-mower sound if your name is Scorpio." she ordered, more gently then her previous commands. ((I hope that's alright Ribun XD Needed Kevia to find out his name somehow XD))
7:02pm Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((It's fine. <3 Scorpio is more intelligent then the others.)) Scorpio started to make the low rumbling sound again. Although he was a bit confused why he had to do that, since all he really had to do was nod. -Fail-
7:03pm Feb 25 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Sam felt peed off hurt that the bcorian hadn't listened to him. So, he just went into a corner andbegan looking at stuff, being careful not to touch anything in case the bcorian attacked him.
8:12pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((Make Winter come in soon! :D)) Kevia smiled and patted Scorpio's head. "Well, Scorpio, it's nice to meet you, my name's Kevia." Kevia paused and looked at the wall clock. "Sam, we should get going in case Winter come's back, he has potential to be pretty angry."
8:23pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Yah, let's get out of here." Sam vented his annoyance of confined spaces and Scorpio by kicking over a bucket of some sort of liquid.
9:37pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((Exactly what I was thinking. >:D)) "'Potential' isn't quite the word." A voice snarled from some sort of staircase by the edge of the lab. It was Professor Winter. And he was madder then a mankey. (Pokemon Reference lolol) He stepped down the rest of the stairs, glaring at the students. Scorpio's ears slid back behind his head. He stomped in front of Kevia, baring his teeth at Professor Winter. He could tell that the Professor was probably thinking of ways to punish the students, and most likely those ways included mutating genes. He wouldn't allow that. Winter grimanced at Scorpio. "Fine. Have it your way." He growled to the Bcorian, guessing that it knew what he wanted to plan for the children. "Actually." He looked back at them. "You two could help me with something."
9:43pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 5,279
Kevia went cold and glared at Professor Winter. "You're a twisted old man," she snarled, putting her hands on her hips. She was a bright red out of embaras.sment of being caught, and sudden anger. "Look at all of these poor little animals that you're testing on!" she said, "You should be ashamed!" She patted Scorpio's head a little too hard, and murmered an apology to the Bcorian, as not to hurt its feelings. She went over to a small bird cage against a wall, where a strange hummingbird-type creature was fluttering madly. It looked like a zombie bird. She opened the tiny door and the creature fluttered out the way Kevia and Sam had come in.
9:52pm Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 9:52pm Feb 26 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
"Uhm, I'd rather not, your bcorianhates me and if I do something wrong with your 'task helping', he qould probably bite me." Sam didn't leave, but he didn't want to help professor Winter either.
10:00pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 4,848
"What are you doing?!" Professor Winter yelled, running to Kevia and pushing her away from the cage. "Do you KNOW what that creature could do to affect the ecosystem?! Species may be whiped out now!" He rubbed his temples to stop the headache he knew was coming. Scorpio bounded to where Kevia was pushed and prevented her from falling. His fur bristled at Professor Winter, the only thing preventing him from attacking was the fact that he still felt slight loyalty to him. He was his creator after all. Professor Winter sighed. "Look. Whenever I do my research I always make sure that the creatures are never in pain. Being in pain could prevent the experiments from going right."
10:14pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 5,279
Kevia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms defiantly. "Everything about what you're doing is wrong, one accident could wipe out an entire speices if what you just said is true. So why are you making them?" Kevia reached into her jacket and put her hand on the knife in case the strange scientist came any closer. But she was sure that Scorpio, her newfound friend, would protect her is he posed a threat. Truthfully, Kevia was just glad that the creature wasn't growling at Sam anymore. Kevia paused and addressed Sam. "Let's stay for a few more minutes, Scorpio won't bite you."
10:27pm Feb 26 2011
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Professor Winter growled. "You wouldn't understand." He looked away a few moments, his eyes softening as memories resurfaced in his mind. Kevia reminded him of himself at that age. He looked back at her. "Don't you ever wonder if you could create something amazing, something that has never been seen before, just with a few strands of hair from two different creatures? Things from your imagination alone?" He sighed. "As I said, you probably don't understand."
10:38pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 5,279
"But I do understand," Kevia snapped hotly, "I'm not just some kid who wandered into your lab, I'm a living breathing person with a mind of her own, and I can completely comprhend what you're saying." She wondered if she was confusing Professor Winter, but she didn't care. She lowered her voice. "To have something that no one else does is all I've wanted for a long time."
10:44pm Feb 26 2011
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Posts: 4,848
Professor Winter smiled slightly. "Now you really are reminding me of myself.." He murmured. "I can help you get that." His smile grew slightly wider. "I could teach you. I always thought it would be nice to have a successor, someone that I could teach everything to.."