10:47pm Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 10:48pm Feb 26 2011)
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((Sam is beng really ignored.... D: Oh, and Ribunny, you need to look at Planet #1, Fyer roloeplay.))
10:59pm Feb 26 2011
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((Sorry full XD...)) Kevia hesitated, "No thanks, Professor. I think we should go back to our dorms now and get some rest, tomorrow we have clas.ses." Kevia paused, she didn't want to pas.s up this oppertunity to lean something new... her schedule was far from full, as she only had two clas.ses each day, where the most a student could pack into their day would be five. "I'll meet you tomorrow, here, after lunch then and look into it a bit more." Kevia stretched slightly and yawned. "Is there an easier way out of here then through that whole? My friend here doesn't seem to like it too much." Kevia laughed, nudging Sam playfully.
11:03pm Feb 26 2011
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Professor Winter nodded. "Of course." He looked at the students for a few seconds, having newfound respect for them. "On my desk, if you tilt the pencil jar the bookshelf moves and you can go down the staircase. Make sure you aren't seen." Scorpio walked up next to Kevia and nudged her hand, making a whining sound. Which still sounded tough. He didn't want her to leave, but knew she had to.
1:16pm Feb 27 2011
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Sam glared at Scorpio and shuffled to the desk, and finding the pencil jar, he tipped it and the stairway appeared. "C'mon Kevia."
5:32pm Feb 27 2011
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Kevia patted Scorpio's head and smiled, "I'll see you later," she said, and then she followed Sam up the stair case and out of the clas.sroom. "Well, that was more exciting then I expected," Kevia said with a wide smile, walking beside Sam to the dorm area with her hands buried in her coat pockets. She frowned at one of the guard psygirs sniffing around in the darkness for intruders.
5:41pm Feb 27 2011
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"Sure, really exciting," Sam echoed, following Kevia silently. "I'm going to my dorm. See you later?"
6:37pm Feb 27 2011
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"See ya!" Kevia said, waving as she ran off to her dorm. She shut the door behind her when she got in and thought about the day, and then simply fell asleep on the couch where they had sat and eaten smoothies. ---Skip to next day--- ((Ri- make Ribunny go to WE cla.ss, that way you're not left out. We'll skip Dragon Breeding because foxwolf won't be on for a long time, I'm sure. full starts!))
6:38pm Feb 27 2011
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((Oh no, I can't start. D: I don't know how to start. You start, or I'll be angry.))
7:54pm Feb 27 2011
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((Yes sir! 8u)) Ribunny poked her head out of her dorm. Her eyes darted from side to side as she sniffed the air. (Yes I said she sniffed the air. .3.) She wanted to make sure that no one was waiting to sneak up on her or something. She heard Wicked sighing impatiently by her foot, and opened the door wider to let the annoyed Dragine pad out, then followed. She looked around for where the WE clas.s was. Since her memory only remembered what it wanted to, she wasn't that sure where it was. Wicked sighed again, and made a growl/meowing sound at her human and led her to the WE clas.s. ((Ribunny is very based off of me. 8u))
8:25pm Feb 27 2011
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((Did you just call me a SIR????! D:<< ))
8:35pm Feb 27 2011
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((Maaaybe. >8u Wachu gonna do about it. >:))
8:36pm Feb 27 2011
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((I'm going to call you a 'man' for the rest of your life.))
7:29pm Feb 28 2011
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Kevia had finally given up on trying to get Mars out of her enclosure. She was obviously not feeling well. Kevia made a mental note to try and find the nurse after clas.ses, but for now, she had to get to WE. By now, there was no hope of being on time, since her dragon was being stubborn, so she just had to walk to the horse stables and borrow one of the more faithful animals; one who followed orders. She was lent a hefty clydesdale who was near retirement. "Here, take him. Keep him if you want, if yer dragon be given yeh troubles. That horse is so old, we was just onna put 'im down anyways at the end of the day. 'Is name be Flying Whiskers. Don' ask meh why, but that's it," the strange stable master had told her. But Kevia hadn't listened much and just galloped away on the old horse. Surprisingly, she was just on time to WE. Professor Sharp was sitting at her desk, scribbling furiously in some notes on the table. She didn't look up as students filed in, only paying attention to the paper at hand. One of the guard psygirs sat patiently on one side of her desk, examining the students with curiosity.

8:52pm Feb 28 2011
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Sam rushed to the doorframe, and then casually walked in as he realized he wasn't late. "Hey Kevia," Sam said to her, "how's your morning been?"
10:31pm Feb 28 2011 (last edited on 10:33pm Feb 28 2011)
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Wicked glanced around the room and started to pad around to look for a desk for her and her human, since she knew how indecisive Ribunny could be. She glanced at the gaurd psygir, hissing at it as she walked past. She jumped onto a desk that she decided was worthy of her and her human, and purr-growled as Ribunny followed her and sat at the desk too. ((Mrrr. Fail. o3o))
8:34pm Mar 3 2011
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"Fine I suppose, excluding my stubborn dragon refusing to leave her stall," Kevia laughed, trying to make a joke out of her poor dragon. She casually brushed hair out of her faced. She hadn't exactly brushed it this morning, and the though of how it mst look at the moment was pretty embaras.sing. Miss Sharp was scribbling notes, not even paying attention to the clas.s, even after the bell rang to signal its start. Several minutes went by before complete silence, and the psygir had to brush the professor's leg to get her attention off of the book. Immediatly, Professor Sharp slammed her notebook to a close and stood to adress the clas.s. "Today," she began, "I've decided that it is more important to teach you about dragons and their subspecies than it is to teach about psygirs, as the subject is simpler, easier to comprehend, and will serve a greater purpose in your future learning. Everyone take out your notes please. I'll be teaching you 1o common breeds of dragons, 5 uncommon, 3 rare, and 1 bred specifically for war. Monday, I'll be going into more detail for the common breeds, so you have a heads up. The test will be on next Friday, a whole week from now. I'll tell you more about it as we learn. Is everyone ready for their note-taking?"

7:11pm Mar 4 2011
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3:04pm Mar 6 2011 (last edited on 3:05pm Mar 6 2011)
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Ribunny reached in her pockets and grabbed a red mechanical pencil, her favorite color. Then she took out her notebook (It was red and had a purple silhoutte of a cat on it) and flipped to an empty page, taking a bit of time to look at all of the doodles that far exceeded the notes inside of it. ((Mrrr. Fail. D;))
3:15pm Mar 6 2011
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Sam took out his simple 2b pencil and blue notebook. When he was ready, he looked expectantly at Miss Sharp.
7:28pm Mar 8 2011
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Prof. Sharp took a second to gaze at the clas.s before turning back and writing on the board. "The ten major breeds of common dragons are as follows: Speedy, Stealthy, Bulky, Adaptable, Intelligent, Flightless, Vegan, Miniature, Wyvern, and Eastern. Each has many sub-species, but none of those are important in particular. Everyone got it?"