9:51pm Oct 30 2010 (last edited on 9:59pm Oct 30 2010)
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Kazumi was already sitting in the shade she looked at the other people and their dragons. She didn't like talking with others just incase they became her friend then stopped being her friend just to mess with her next to her was a dark colored dragon she wasn't as lucky as the other students and so she didn't know what breed of dragon she had. She had found it as an egg when she first arrived and when it hatched she fell in love with her so decided to keep her. Her dragons name was shadow because when she was in the shadows it was like she was invisable. Yuki was in her office. She was doing paperwork from ordering to grades she handled everything as much as she could which she could do very well and have time to check up on some of her dragons, gryphons and all the other animals she had here. She was paied very very well because of her job and how well she did at it. Soon she was finished smiling at her finished paperwork she got up she wanted to see if her hidden friend was walking around the forests, she wanted to check on him to make sure he was ok and safe. ((fail DX))

9:55pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Haha, accepted full. now post your intro before I explode. fox- I'll be replying shortly))
9:56pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((Dude, Not cool.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:57pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((It's okay Daisy, there are only two posts of roleplaying before yours. :P Just post an intro, you didn't miss much))
10:00pm Oct 30 2010 (last edited on 10:02pm Oct 30 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
Sam sighed, petting Lady Lucie gently uon the chin. He felt again. "Lucie!" He exclamed suddely. "You ate my chocolate again, haven't you?" Lady Lucie looked at Sam sheepishly. "Of course you did, you silly mongrel!" He noogied his dragon. Lady Lucie sighed. She liked noogies. Sam looked around. It was slowly filling up, as the late people finally decided to get their butts in gear. Sam sighed. Just because he had a very high-end pedigree dragon, everyone took him as a posh snobby kid. Nobody knew he had lived in a shabby, run-down apartment on Corder Lane for 13 years of his life. Sure, he lived in his new, huge house on King's View Ave. now, but that hadn't changed his personality one bit. He reached for his neck, touching the half-heart locket residing on his neck. His mother had the other half with her in her grave. His eyes teared up. Lucie... His mother. Sam had named his dragon after her, as soon as he even got the egg for a birthday present from his dad. Lady Lucie grew up to be just like his mom, headstrong, a joker, wonderful to be around..... He noogied Lady Lucie again. "You're awesome, you know that?" he whispered gently in her ear. He stared closely at the teacher, waiting for her to start.
10:03pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh, just saying, I'd really really like Sam to have a crush. KK, thanks. :D))
10:15pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Alekzander, or Zander as he preferred, examined the dragons surrounding him. Most of them were females- to his surprise and worry. If Siren was the only male, he would have to breed for clas.sroom purposes with all of these females of uneven breeds. He frowned. He cared about Siren, and he didn't want him to have children that would be unruly to him. He saw a few other pure breeds, but one he couldn't really tell. It was too darkly colored, and hidden at the edge of the clearing. He didn't even see Kazumi as he made his way over to examine it. Then he could tell the breed right away. The Crested Dusk dragon. He could tell because of the way it blended into the shadows, and it was female and had no crest. That was when she noticed its owner. "Oh, I'm sorry, I was just looking at your dragon, a wonderful example of the breed, if I say so myself" Zander said. She was silent. He shifted uneasily before extending a hand. "My name is Alekzander Tirov, but you can call me Alek or just Zander". Kevi shrugged her shoulders in a stretch as she overheard the boy's conversation with his dragon. "You seem awful friendly with her, she must be special to you" she said. Miss Sharp was lost in her grooming of the golden dragons she had brought to cl*censored*. Stress. It emanated from every pore of the Nyghtmare's body. It pulsed through his veins faster than the blood that coursed between his strong muscles. He felt his master. He let out a sharp whinny and shook the emotion away. It was unnatural for his type to feel any of this.

10:28pm Oct 30 2010 (last edited on 10:29pm Oct 30 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
"Y-yes." Sam stammered, as he realized the girl was talking to him. "I got her from my step-father as an egg on my first birthday with him." His voice softened. "I named him after my mother, Lucie. Want to pet her? She's the gentlest dragonn I've ever owned." Lady Lucie nudged Kevi and blew into her hair. A slight spark came out of the dragon's nostrils, and Sam quickly reached over and wiped it off before the girl's hair caught on fire. "Sorry," He said. "I'm not really sure why she does that." He suddenly realized he hadn't introduced himself. "I'm Sam. This big girl, as you've met, is Lady Lucie. You?" The girl was the first ever to approach Sam in a friendly manner. All the other girls said comments like, 'I bet servants shined those shoes of yours 'till they bled.' and, 'I bet this place is way low on your standards.'
10:30pm Oct 30 2010
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Kazumi looked up at him "i'm Kazumi" she said to him shaking his hand before looking at Shadow "and i don't really know what her breed is, i found her as an egg" she said as she pet Shadows head when she raised her head to Kazumi's side. When Kazumi looked at Alek she found he was really hansome and that made her blush. She then looked at his dragon "your dragon looks hansome, he must be strong" she said to him. Yuki sighed as she relaxed walking around the forest relaxed her. It might of been that it made her feel closer to nature but it might of been because of a deeper reason whatever it was she didn't know but it helped her from feeling too stressed.
10:34pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,279
"My name is Keviras Williams," Kevi stated. "But please, call me Kevi. It's much easier. My dragon here is Mars." She said. Mars snorted and turned away, not in a social mood. Kevi stroked Lucie's muzzle gently. "So this isn't the only dragon you've ever had?" she wondered. "Well, he's no war companion, but he is strong I suppose" Alek said with a shrug. "So you found her? That's odd. these dragons aren't cheap on the market at all."
10:38pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at Shadow shocked."wow i thought because i found her egg that her breed was cheap to buy" she said shocked while Shadow looked like she was snug about something. Kazumi then looked back at him "what breed is she?" she asked him confused about Shadows breed. She really didn't know that Shadow's breed wasn't cheep to buy and though she was lucky to have her as her first dragon.
10:41pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 6,296
"No, not really. My step-dad's one of the most famous dragon breeders, you see? I basically have ownership of six breeding dragons, Lilac Whisky, Buttermilk Sky, African Viollete, War Horse, Day Fright, and Golden Whiskers. So when smebody wants to try and breed with them, the requests come to me." He smiled sheepishly. "You see, I want to be a dragon breeder like my dad, and what I want to do is create new breeds, that'll be worth something, and you only have to breed basic breeds, so smaller breeders can make more money." He smiled. "I'm going to name them Dream Arrows." He sighed. "Are those Golden Dragons going to be shined through the whole lesson?"
10:49pm Oct 30 2010
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"Some inexperienced wreck of a breeder must have abandoned it when they thought it was infertile. They only survive a few days without incubation, you were lucky to find it. It very well could have died." Alek said, side tracked. "Oh, she is a Crested Dusk by the way" he added. "I would help you, but Mars is the only dragon I have, and she is neither smart, strong nor beautiful" Kevi said. "Of course not" Miss Sharp snapped, having eavesdropped on the cl*censored* the whole time. She dropped the linens back into the bucket, and the Regal golden female shook her scales, sending stray water droplets into the trees. She looked at the students inquisitively, as if seeing them for the first time. The male stood near by, sniffing at a small pond a little ways into the woods. Miss Sharp waited briefly for the clas.s to settle. "Welcome to Dragon Breeding clas.s" she said, a cheery smile on her face. "Though some of you may already know, I'm going to teach you how to properly socialize dragons so that they are motivated to produce an egg. For future reference, this female is not in season, and, of course, won't be producing an egg today. I'm just teaching you all how to make one."

10:53pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi smiled at him "thank you" she said quickly before looking at the teacher not wanting to be told off on her first day. Shadow was next to her growling at the teachers male dragon looking down at her Kazumi was confused as to why she was growling was it like a territory thing or did she just not lke him Kazumi didn't know but she put her hand on Shadows head which stopped her growling only for a little bit.
10:58pm Oct 30 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Lady Lucie's ear twitched. She made a funny grunting sound toward the female Golden dragon, thumped her tail twice, then blew a puff of smoke. "Lucie! Mind your manners!" Sam scolded, holding the dragon's head so they were eye to eye. "You get it?" Lucie blinked. "Good." He turned his head back to his teacher, waiting for her to say more.
12:53am Oct 31 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((Hmph. More like 8 now. I'm sorry I'm not on every second of the day. :/ I don't feel like psoting right now, I need to cool down.. i'll say somethnig tomorrow...))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
12:27pm Oct 31 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Sorry for making a roleplay and starting it Daisy, I didn't think it would offend anyone. O.o)) "Let's see" Miss Sharp said, moving her finger down the list of names. "Kazumi Fox, why don't you come and help with this lesson?" she asked, looking into the faces of the students. "Hey, that's you, isn't it?" Alek said softly. "I'll make sure Shadow doesn't go anywhere." he promised. He stroked the black dragon's scaled comfortingly when she growled, sending the regal gold dashing back to Miss Sharp.
2:35pm Oct 31 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((I'm so sorry, Fifi. I was crotchity last night. Just, please don't go to many posts without me, Okay? *Grumbles and goes to top of page to read all the posts*))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
2:51pm Oct 31 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((It's cool. It happens to the best of us. All you needed to do was ask for a recap. :) ))
2:54pm Oct 31 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,046
((Okay, then Recap? XD /lazy Thank you for forgiving me, I dunno why I was such a jerk last night. O.o))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...