8:56pm Mar 8 2011
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Ribunny wrote what was on the board in her quick and messy writing that only she could understand. On the side of the paper she started a drawing, like she always did. It kind of looked like a demented squirrel with rabies. ((*Looks through school notebook* You know, I don't think I've draw a demented squirrel with rabies in there yet. o3o))
6:16pm Mar 9 2011 (last edited on 6:44pm Mar 10 2011)
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Sam nodded and began writing in his notebook quickly. He looked over to Kevia to see what she was doing. Exactly what he was doing. He wrote a little more info about those types of dragons that he knew, and looked up at Miss Sharp for more. -FAIL-
8:11pm Mar 9 2011
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((Fail much full? -_- You could have said something about what he was thinking about, or if he was impatient for clas.s to end or something?)) "Five uncommon types are easy to remember: Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Psychic. Like the previous, they all have several sub species, and there are plenty more of the uncommon breeds. The rare breeds are difficult to remember: Bringers, Raisers and Singers. And lastly the Wraith, if any of you forget that one, I will be thouroughly surprised." Professor Sharp laughed slightly. "Alright clas.s, study those, clas.s dismissed early today, have a great week-end!" Kevia was off without hesitation, slamming her notebook shut and racing outside. She frowned. Mars finally decided to show up, and guess what was in her mouth? The horse that had brought Kevia to the clas.s on time. She rolled her eyes, and wondered if having a dragon at all would be worth it. Then she saw Lady Lucie, sitting patiently in wait for her master. Dragons had potential to be worth it, she supposed.

9:19pm Mar 9 2011
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Ribunny blinked. That was a fast clas.s. She scribbled down the notes and put a few finishing touches on the rabid squirrel and closed her notebook. "Come on Wicked." She prodded the Dragine who had fallen asleep, "The clas.s ended early today." She smiled as the Dragine groaned out of annoyance as she followed her out of the clas.sroom. Wicked hissed at the guard Psygir again as she walked past. She wanted to keep a ritual. She was a little angry that she wasn't counted as a dragon species. I should have my own group! The awesomes. That's what I'll be, and everyone will have to study me. She smirked at her thoughts.
6:43pm Mar 10 2011
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Sam walked over to Lady Lucie and saw Mars with the horse in her jaws. He grimaced and walked over to Kevia. "Mars is being bad today, I see?" Sam said walking over to Kevia and frowning at Mars. Lady Lucie called out angrily to Mars and stomped her gold-coloured foot. She clearly did not agree with Mars's disbehavior.
((Sorry Whatev. I'll add more stuff into it. I was in a rush, and I had to go, but I wanted to pos, so. D:))
8:22pm Mar 10 2011
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Mars swallowed the last of the horse and called jovially out to Lady Lucie, somewhat mockingly as she rolled onto her back, flattening the surrounding gras.s. "I think that she's having a stage in her growth. She's not an old dragon, to be honest," Kevia grumbled, kicking Mars in the side. The dragon didn't seem to notice, but it made Kevia feel better. "Lady Lucie is so well behaved, it's funny next to Mars." Kevia thought for a moment. "Would you mind taking me to Professor Winter's office? I don't want to be late for his clas.s by taking this beast," she said, gesturing to Mars.
8:38pm Mar 10 2011 (last edited on 9:15pm Mar 10 2011)
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"Well, I bet you won't believe me, but Lucie used to be a real problem dragon," Sam laughed, remembering when Lady Lucie, as a younger dragon, used to steal and eat cows from random farms, would lie down on her back when she felt like not being ridden, and bothered the other dragons a lot. "Sure, but shouldn't you put Mars in the barn or at least tie her up first?" Sam said, going over to Lady Lucie and getting into the saddle.
8:57pm Mar 10 2011
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((Neither, she's taking the private apprenticeship thingy with Winter, remember? I thought Sam was too, but he seemed to be a bit ignored throughout the conversation...)) "The thing is, I left her in the barn before coming to clas.s, yet here she is...." Kevia said, glaring at her useless dragon. "Thanks Sam," she said with a smile, getting onto Lady Lucie's back carefully.
9:16pm Mar 10 2011 (last edited on 10:12pm Mar 10 2011)
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((Oh, right... XD Dinner time, will attach my post to this in a sec...)) Sam gently squeezed his legs into Lady Lucie's stomach, and she bolted forward. After a while of gaining speed, Lady Lucie took off into the sky, and just for fun, Sam gave Lady Lucie a sharp kick, and she belched out a thick stream of fire. Lady Lucie landed gracefully, landing on her two back legs before flapping her wings and settling her front feet down on the ground. She then looked at Sam through her intellegent-looking eyes as if to say, Why'd you make me stop? We didn't ride nearly far enough! Sam slid off of Lady Lucie, and gave her a pat. He then firmly commanded her to stay. Lady Lucie bobbed her head, and sat down. "Let's go then," Sam said.
11:45am Mar 12 2011
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Kevia daintily dismounted the dragon and gave her a loving pat on the nose as she followed Sam into Winter's office. He wasn't there at present, so he was probably in his lab. Kevia casually looked around to make sure there were no onlookers as she pressed the button beneath the ornate pencil holder and went down the staircase. It was much easier than the way they had come eariler. "Good afternoon, Professor."
5:53pm Mar 12 2011
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Professor Winter looked up from the microscope he was looking into. He smiled when he saw Kevia, "Ah, you are here!" He walked to the students. "You're a bit early, did clas.s end sooner then usual? Ah, nevermind that, this means I'll have more time to teach you." Scorpio lifted his head from the huge dog bed on the ground. His tail did a wagging motion as he recognized Kevia's voice and sent. As he stood up he made sure not to get his claws stuck in the fabric, as has happened many times before. He trotted happily to Kevia, making the lawn mower purring sound.
9:07pm Mar 12 2011 (last edited on 7:32pm Mar 23 2011)
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Sam frowned at the sight of Scorpio. He wasn't sure Scorpio liked him, but for the life of him couldn't understand why. He lowered himself so he was level with the bcorian. He looked at Scorpio straight in the eye and said, "You don't seem to like me, so I don't really like you. Could we at least respect each other?" He continued staring at Scorpio, examining the psygir's face and eyes to see if he had registered anything Sam had said.
5:15pm Mar 13 2011
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Scorpio's lawn mower purring sound stopped abruptly. He understood Sam, and admired him slighly for talking to him. Deciding that getting along with the human would probably make Kevia happy, he nodded curtly, then turned away from Sam and back to Kevia.
1:33pm Mar 16 2011
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Buuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmp! D:<
1:37pm Mar 16 2011
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((ACCIO WHATEVER! *Flails wand*))
7:05pm Mar 16 2011
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((*Zooms towards Ribunny* you should be more specific, and say, accio whatever6551, because whatever means well, whatever. '3' ))
4:04pm Mar 22 2011
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((*is dragged from the storage shed* Heh heh... sorry to keep y'all waiting; Spring Fever has gotten the best of me. *hangs head in shame* Oh, and full- Scorpio is a Bcorian, not a Psygir ;3)) "Alright Winter, what do we learn here first?" Kevia asked, settling onto a metal chair, and petting Scorpio's head affectionately.
4:58pm Mar 22 2011 (last edited on 5:04pm Mar 22 2011)
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((*Pats* It's fine. o_o I just noticed that. OSWALD HAD MADE BE OBLIVIOUS. *Plays on Nick Jr* >:)) The Bcorian made the loud purring sound and watched Winter, waiting for his answer. "Well," Professor Winter said, scratching his chin, "I think you both should learn about how genetic creating works." He side-stepped to the microscope. "You see, what happens is that I take the DNA of two creatures, and look at them under the microscope, deciding which DNA is for what. Say I want a cat with the tail of a dog, what I would do is take the DNA of the cat and the dog, put them on to a small petri dish, mix the DNA until it is perfect and stable. Then I put the petri dish in the special machine over there." He pointed at the huge machine that sat on the side of the lap. "Then using special technology that my old.. as.sistant.." He grumbled something inaudible about Psygirs and Bcorians, "And myself created, the machine goes to work on using special engineered cells that can morph into everything that can create the creature, and if the DNA isn't compatible enough or if it isn't stable, the machine buzzes so nothing is harmed, making it have a higher success rate out of any other machines that do this. It then transfers the cells and DNA to those special tubes," He pointed to the huge tubes that lined that sides of the lab, they were full of strange green liquid, "The liquid keeps the embryo alive until everything is developed. Usually it is released through a special compartment at the bottom, made of very soft one-way material, and we take care of the creature until it is old enough to be able to survive by themself, since they usually end up as very young babies at first. I try not to keep them in through adult-hood, since I concider that cruel." He crossed his arms, "It's not as hard as you think as long as you start with simple DNA at first." ((.. One day this will exist. 8D))

6:11pm Mar 22 2011 (last edited on 6:11pm Mar 22 2011)
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((o_o The first and second pages are all stretched. o_o;))
7:33pm Mar 23 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Oops, XD *doesn't know what to post*))