2:02pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((It's not stretched for me. Can you see what's doing it Ri?)) "That's a lot to take in," Kevia said, giving it all a moment to simmer in her mind. "What if you wanted to mix a reptile and have an egg?" she asked, "Is it possible to just manipulate one strand of DNA and make it something different? For example, would it be possible to make a miniature dragon out of normal dragon DNA?" Kevia paused, but before Winter cold answer, she blurted another question, "I suppose cloning things in here is posible too."
1:24pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((o_o It's not stretched anymore.)) Winter took a deep breath so he could answer all the questions in order, "Reptiles and eggs are possible also, though a bit tougher then mammals and live young. It is most likely to do that, but it could be dangerous if you tamper with the wrong thing. Cloning.." He thought a few seconds, "It.. May be possible, I've never really tried something like that."
10:01pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 5,279
"Well, let's give it a try, hm?" Kevia said to cloning. "It'll be fun!" Kevia jumped up and down slightly, "I'd adore another chance to train my failure of a dragon! Should I get a horn scraping? Scale?"
11:35pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Kevia, seriously, I don't think we should do it just yet. We should just observe Dr. Winter as he does it first, before trying it ourselves. Don't try and fish before you know how to." Sam said. He looked at Dr. Winter, sure tht the part-crazy part-very smart man would say, 'nonsense! You two can start right away!'.
11:36am Mar 27 2011
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Kevia slumped in disappointment when she realized Sam's logic. "I suppose you're right, Sam," she said, laughing in mild embaras.sment. "I suppose I got a little carried away!"
1:36pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 4,848
Winter chuckled, "Sam is right." He said, "We wouldn't want to make a hasty mistake!" He walked to the microscope and adjusted a nob on it. "However.. It's always good to try out new experiences.." He turned back to Kevia and Sam, holding his hands behind his back, "Maybe you two should sort it out yourselves, I wouldn't want to go against anyone's moral beliefs."
8:41pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 5,279
"I don't really have beliefs, this is too cool!" Kevia squealed, for once sounding girly. She shut her mouth quickly, and tried to calm down. "I think we should start with something small and easy to kill if we get it wrong for some reason, like a ladybug and a spider maybe?" she suggested, more composed than previosly.
10:12pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Sam raised is eyes at Kevia, and then grinned. "I didn't know you were a girl!" he teased, nudging her with his elbow.
6:23pm Mar 28 2011
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Posts: 4,848
Professor Winter chuckled. "A ladybug spider? Sounds interesting." He smoothly walked over to a shelf full of small bottels. "This shelf is mostly for Insects and Arachnids." He said, "Incase you wanted to know." He walked along the side of it, running his finger across them, stopping at one with the label 'Ladybug Wing,' and stopping at another labeled 'Goliath Spider Hair.' He opened both bottels and put a small sample of what was inside them on different sides of a petri dish. "Alright, it's all set up, I'll try to coach you as you experiment."
6:27pm Mar 28 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"A ladybug with spider legs!" Sam said, grinning and coming closer. "that'd be cool. Could I have it once it's made, or would you have to keep it here in the lab?"
6:31pm Mar 28 2011
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Posts: 4,848
"Hm.." Winter thought for a few seconds. "I suppose it would be best if it were exposed to things and not cooped up in a lab." He smiled at Sam, "If you promise to make sure it wont escape into the wild, I suppose I could trust you to look after it."
6:48pm Mar 28 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Cool!" Sam grinned, then quieted down. "So, are we starting now?"
7:33pm Mar 28 2011
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Posts: 5,279
"Because all of the best ladies kill their husband," Kevia laughed, ignoring Sam's tease and recalling a bit about spiders she read. "My sister studied arachnids when we travelled, which was helpful since I was a spider-magnet myself. Most days I would wake up with four or five bites, and my sister knew how to make anti-venom for the lethal ones." Kevia smiled, but then frowned. She didn't talk about her old sister much anymore, and she hoped that no one would pry. She cleared her throat to draw attention away from the subject quickly. "moving on, I suggest that we make the base animal the ladybug, because spiders can be dangerous with their fangs. We'd likely have to do away with the beetle wings, it would be easier to keep that way." Kevia pondered for a moment. "So it will have the lady's head and shell for the wings with eight legs instead of six. Do we have to manually manipulate the DNA? Or will the machine do it?"
9:20pm Mar 28 2011
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Posts: 4,848
Winter smiled at Kevia, "You seem to have this all figured out." He said to her admiringly. "For more complicated DNA it is usually required to manipulate manually, but for something like this the machine should be able to handle it." He walked to the petri dish and lifted it up, motioning Kevia over. "Would you like to do the honors? After you slide the dish in just hit the button on the upper left."
7:19pm Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 5,279
Kevia smiled and slid the dish beneath the machine, as instructed, and pushed the correct button for the task. There was a smooth dinging noise, and the screen brightened to show three columns. The one on each side had a long list of traits, one for each insect, and you used a stylus to drag the ones preferred to the middle column, and then a create button on the bottom right. Kevia scanned through each of the lists, and then thought for a moment. She dragged the 'base animal' trait from the ladybug's column, and the one in the spider's column faded. Kevia proceeded to drag each necessary trait to the middle, until the green arrow at the bottom of the screen lit up, reading 'completed organism, ready to hatch?'.
8:08pm Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Yes, yes yes, yes. Click, click click." sam muttered. This was cool.
8:33pm Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((Hnrr. I'm going to try centering this, maybe it'll look neater.)) Professor Winter nodded approvingly. "You are a natural." He comented. He stared at the screen a few seconds, then sidestepped to a small keypad at the side of the screen. "Just a pas.sword I added, so random people don't try to create things, remind me to tell you it later." When he pressed the enter key the pad retracted into a small compartment inside of the machine. He softly pressed the green arrow with the tip of his finger. It was silent in the lab for a few seconds, then green words on the screen appeared, they read, "Please stand clear of test tubes while new organism is being transferred." The opaque plastic tubing that connected the machine to the giant test tubes shuddered as the newly created creature travelled through it. A oval m*censored* sunk into thetest tube closest to them, green bubbles obscuring how it looked for a few seconds. The bubbles cleared to an oblong egg floating in the middle of the liquid. It was hard to tell what color it was, the liquid inside making everything have a green tint, but it looked like it could be an earthy color. It was just about big enough to fit in the palm of someone's hand, the spider part of its DNA making it a good enough size so it wouldn't be accidently squashed. Winter smiled. "Hm.. The DNA was simple enough to push it pretty far age-wise. Why, it probably could survive out of the liquid now if needed."

9:29pm Mar 29 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
((I used centered before. I stopped using it, though. I like the art in your sig, Ribunny.))
9:34pm Mar 29 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 4,848
((Centering kinda makes it neat. o3o And Timberwolf drew it for me. <3 8D IT'S MILES YAAY.))
9:39pm Mar 29 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
((Yes, I kind of noticed the little 'Miles' right there. *points*))