9:40pm Mar 29 2011
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7:43pm Apr 1 2011
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Kevia carefully took the testtube. She stared at it for a moment before dumping its conents onto her hand; she doubted the green juice would hurt her. The liquid flowed to the ground, and Kevia frowned, as if she hadn't expected this to happen. "Sorry Professor," Kevia said, kicking a bit off of her shoe. She let the egg roll carefully in her hands, slowly as not to stir the tiny creature. "Will it hatch soon?"
2:37pm Apr 3 2011
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As if to answer Kevia's question, the egg rocked to one side, and then the other. Whatever was in it was obviously fighting to escape the egg that contained it. Eight small cracks around the sides of the egg appeared, and arachnid feet started to push their way through the holes until they got all the way through. The feet dangled a few seconds, then flailed a bit as more cracks started to form, and finally the egg fell away to the creature inside of it. The newly created creature had eight legs, four on each side, and a lady-bug pattern on its back. It had small pincers around its mouth, not big enough yet to do damage. It four eyes, two big ones on the front of its head and two slightly smaller ones behind them. The eyes in the front and the eyes in the back were able to focus on two different things. Right now they were all focused on Kevia. Professor Winter scratched his chin. "Marvelous." He murmured, taking a close look at the creature, who's back eyes turned to him. "Hm.." He looked back at the machines screen, that was flashing "Creature is a success!" And pressed a few buttons, making some codes appear on the screen. "According to this the creature is female." He said, "Sadly it doesn't give out much more information."

3:17pm Apr 3 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Eh, does it have the brain of a ladybug or the brain of a spider? Either way, it's still stupid." Sam said, staring at the ladyspider. It stared back at him, well, the front eyes did, while the back eyes continued staring at Kevia. "It's a lady ladyspider," Sam said, smiling. "let's name it Charley. just because."
5:59pm Apr 3 2011
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"No way!" objected Kevia, "It's a lady spider, and Charley is a man's name." Kevia gazed at the little creature for a moment, and it let out a small bit of venom out of its tiny fangs. "It has spider brains," Kevia answered. "I think her name should be lady-like. What do you think of Riley?"
6:18pm Apr 3 2011
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"Ehem. I know two girls named Charley, and," Sam said in an a fake annoyed voice, "I know a boy named Riley. Riley is a boys name and a girl's name. So is Charley."
6:24pm Apr 3 2011
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Kevia would have crossed her arms if the little creature would not have been squished as a result. "Well then it will be niether of those names," she said hotly, annoyed by Sam's stubborness. "I think her name will be Naomi then, and don't try and tell me that that is an un-ladylike name, because it sounds like a princess's name to me," she said indignantly.
6:37pm Apr 3 2011
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Sam glowered. "Okay fine, Naomi." under his breath, he whispered, "what kind of name is that? really, 'Naomi'?" He turned to Doctor Winter. "Do you think it can fly like a ladybug?" he asked.
7:02pm Apr 3 2011
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Professor Winter shrugged. "You should ask Kevia that, she's the one who created it." He smiled at Kevia, "Or 'her', since she is female." Naomi switched all her eyes to stare at Kevia. It seemed to almost be aware that it had a name. "Hm.." Winter said when he noticed the creature's behavior. "It seems to know that you have named it, the combination of the two creatures must've given it slight intelligence." He thought for a few seconds. "You two will have to note when it does things like this, it may just be more intelligent then either creature that created it."
7:05pm Apr 3 2011
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"So, we could teach Naomi basic commands, like a dog, and she won't fly, or walk, whatever, away from us?" Sam asked. At the mention of her name, Naomi's eyes swiveled to Sam, and then to Kevia, and then to Winter.
7:15pm Apr 3 2011
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Professor Winter nodded. "Precisely." He replied. "Why, I can imagine being able to teach her far more then basic dog commands. Maybe even after a while she would learn to understand human speech, although that is a high expectation for a creature this simple." Naomi's eyes stared at Winter intently, then switched to Sam and Kevia again, like she couldn't decide which one to keep in constant view.
7:18pm Apr 3 2011
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"maybe we should teach it our names, for starters." Sam said, and pointing to himself, he said, "Sam." he pointed to Kevia. "Kevia." he continued doing this until it seemed Naomi understood. "Good, that's a start."
7:23pm Apr 3 2011
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Naomi stared at each person she was introduced to. She tilted her body to one side, probably a signal of slight confusion. She straightened herself out again when she realized what The Sam was trying to say. Everything had a name, and she was a Naomi, the one that was holding her was a Kevia, and the one standing over them all was a Professor Winter. ((.. I'm going to have fun with this.))
7:26pm Apr 3 2011
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((Heehee, 'The Sam'.)) "Can I hold Naomi for a bit?" Sam asked, elbowing Kevia.
9:18pm Apr 3 2011
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"Nope," Kevia said with a smile. "I think I'll call Naomi's species a spitterbug. Since she hacks up a little venom from time to time. I wish I gave her wings now!" she said, smiling at the tiny creature and placing it carefully in Sam's hands, washing the egg-goo off swiftly in the wash basin. "Should we do another one, Professor? We wouldn't want Naomi here to be a lonely bug."
9:39pm Apr 3 2011
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Naomi wriggled a little as she was put into the hands of The Sam. She looked up at him, a little venom dripping down from her pincers, almost like drool. Her back eyes flicked to The Kevia, waiting for her next move. Professor Winter laughed a little. "Patience Kevia." He said, smiling. "Of course.. Having a breeding pair of these little guys would really help us study them, but it would also pose a big danger if they were to get out." He shrugged. "It's up to you."
6:59pm Apr 4 2011
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"We could keep them in a gl@ss tank, like a bug tank," Sam suggested, "and only take out one at a time. We should put two different genders in a tank, and if they lay eggs, then we put the adults in two seperate tank, so neither can eat the eggs if they do that, or the female kill the male," he paused. "you know, how some female spiders, after breeding with the male, they eat it? cannibal spiders."
8:55pm Apr 4 2011
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"I doubt they'll be able to breed, from what I know of mules and ligers and tigons," Kevia looked to the Professor for clarification. But it could be possible that the machine was enhanced enough to permit breeding. "But that doesn't mean it'll keep the males out of danger, I suppose. So the bug tank seems appropriate."
9:06pm Apr 4 2011
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"But they weren't made like ligers and tigons and mules," Sam said. "but would they actually lay eggs, or would they give birth live? Probably eggs, because both the spider and ladybug lay eggs." Naomi blinked, then made a flying leap for the table. Sam tried to grab it, and when it was about to land on the table, he thought it would die. But it just softly thumped on the table and didn't seem a bit hurt. It looked at Sam and blinked.
9:32pm Apr 4 2011
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((Wait. o3o Who exactly is controlling Naomi? xD)) Professor Winter shrugged. "Most experiments here are able to breed, since the machine is pretty advanced." He stared at Naomi. "The tank is a pretty good idea, but wouldn't it be best for you two to care for her more like how you would care for any other pet at the academy? It is possible that she is far more intelligent then we first speculated, so being in a tank may not be enjoyable for her."