9:39pm Apr 4 2011
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((Eh... kind of everyone. '3' If whatever doesn't mind, could I be her controller? Whatever can control the next one, and then Ribunny, and then me, and blah-blah-blah... I just realized, we've gone WAY off of the basic gist thing of this roleplay, and it's all of a sudden become just Ribunny, Whatever, and I.))
10:38am Apr 5 2011
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((xD Sharing the control of her kinda sounds fun. o3o o3o I guess we have. xD;))
7:15pm Apr 5 2011
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((We all are in part, but mostly you Ribun. Only you get to have her thoughts, but we can have her do slight motions.)) Kevia watched Naomi with horror, thinking that Sam would squash her by accident, and was relieved when he didn't. "I suppose you are right, Professor, but I don't wish her to be accidentally injured or squished, even if she is intelligent. If we do make some insectatoriums, then I would be sure to make them mentally challenging as well."
5:55pm Apr 6 2011
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6:30pm Apr 6 2011
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"Great idea." Professor Winter said, "Maybe we could create puzzles and things like that to stimulate her intelligence." Naomi tilted her head to one side, both sets of eyes darting from person to person. Since she was only just created, she wasn't yet fully aware of everything around her, so she couldn't understand the words of the humans. She knew enough though to realize they were talking about her, causing her to scamper over to them, tripping and sliding as she went; not yet used to her legs.
6:57pm Apr 6 2011
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"Maybe we could test her memory skills, make a maze, see if she can get through it and place food at the end?" Sam suggested. "what does she eat? Ladybugs eat leaves, and spiders eat other bugs, so maybe we could feed her little leaf burritos with a fly in it?" he laughed.
8:46pm Apr 6 2011
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((I want one of those. >:)) Professor Winter looked at Naomi for a few seconds. "Hm.. She is probably carnivorous, since she has those pincers, and the venom. It is possible that she is a omnivore though." Naomi had her front set of eyes pointed at The Professor Winter, while the set behind them stared diligently at The Sam. She listened closely to the sounds that they made, she rather liked them. She wondered if they meant something. Pincers. They said Pincers, and they looked at the things around her mouth. Those must be 'Pincers!' She clenched and unclenched them. This must mean everything has a name! ((xD Naomi is fun to RP, I like how she thinks.))
8:49pm Apr 6 2011
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Sam smiled, and looked at Naomi. "I think she's discovered the word, 'pincers', " he said to Professor Winter. "she's certainly a fast learner."
2:19pm Apr 8 2011
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"Actually, ladybugs eat the aphids on the leaves." Kevia pointed out, "Farmers buy them sometimes to rid their crops of the tiny pests even. Naomi is most certainly carnivorous, and will likely eat anything big enough to swallow."
5:59pm Apr 8 2011
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"True," Sam said. "do you think she might be hungry right now? Maybe she can make webs." he looked at Kevia.
7:22pm Apr 8 2011
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"I'm not sure," Kevia said, "But I don't think I'd be able to catch a fly to save my life."
7:48pm Apr 8 2011
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Naomi tilted her antennae to one side. This probably signalled deep thinking, or confusion. Fly. They said 'Fly.' And 'Web'. What are those? She watched the eyes of the 'The's, but they didn't seem to look at anything when they said the strange new words, so she didn't get any clues.
11:48pm Apr 8 2011
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"I've caught a fly before, so that probably means I'm more patient than you," he grinned. "Naomi's confused. Let's teach her some words." he pointed around the room at several things, and even pointedto himself, Kevia, and Professor Winter so the little bug could learn 'male' and 'female'.
7:42pm Apr 9 2011
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"Don't teach her male and female!" Kevia said, alarmed, "She will think I am the only female in the universe. I think we should use pictures to show her what she should eat, and maybe a video of a spider making a web."
10:35pm Apr 9 2011
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"That's why I pointed to her and you, and Professor Winter and me, so she knows you aren't the only female in the universe," Sam said. ((I think we should get back on track of this rp... The dragons seem pretty nonexistant right now. XD))
4:05pm Apr 10 2011
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"How is she supposed to know what seperates us? I think we should stick to less complicated things, like human and cage maybe?" Kevia said. -failpost-
11:42am Apr 11 2011
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Naomi tilted her head to one side, her confusion growing more and more as The 'Thes' talked. She wished she could understand what they were saying, but she could only interprete a few words.
5:57pm Apr 12 2011
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9:01pm Apr 25 2011
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((I agree, full XD I think we need to do something important with them, rather than making lab-bugs XD. I don't see any way that this RP can get back on the track I had intended it to go on when I made it, but that's alright. Maybe I'll kill off Mars or something to stir up drama and send Kevia into an emotional spiral. :3 I'm so mean to my characters. Kevia: *smacks Fifi*))
10:59pm Apr 25 2011
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((If I think of something I'll tell you. xD *Knocks on head* Rawr think. xD Poor Kevia. o3o Maybe we could do something that has to do with a rival academy, OR poacher people who hunt creatures. ... Or that weird Jersey Devil plot that even I think is too weird.))