6:09pm Apr 26 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((Hrmmm... Maybe we should timeskip years into the future? That would be cool. Like, everyone has gone on to do different things now, and their paths are inventable. What do you think?))
12:27am Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((Like.. When they are all grown up or only a year or two ahead? o3o Either way sounds pretty cool I guess.))
5:30pm Apr 27 2011
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((Like when they're all grown up. :P I want to kind of re-think the clas.ses available too, so that genetic engineering is legal XD I have whole new ideas for the RP now! :D So, all our current characters are adults or older (except Winter, who can never age due to exposure to harmful effects) and the Academy is still standng. I think Sam would make a cool headmaster, since our foxwolf has left us... Or maybe, we could take the focus away from the Academy and put them in actual cities, doing thier job? I can see Ribunny owning a dragine selling/training franchise, Sam having his own (very expensive) line of dragons to sell, and Kevia being totally washed up, being her XD.))
6:28pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((I dunno. o_o Those both sound like really awesome ideas. *Flails* I suck at choosing things. You have my support on either one you choose though. xD))
6:37pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh yes. Sam would be a total very cool headmaster. Harharhar. It seems that it's only Ribunny, me, and Whatever in the roleplay now.))
7:10pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((There was ever anyone else? XD lol, jk, jk. I think we should put them in the city of Aberdeen, a city I have made up just now. I can start and set the scene if you guys are cool with that. it'll be melodramatic. XD))
7:31pm Apr 27 2011
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((Sounds good to me. o3o))
7:59pm Apr 27 2011
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((Sam and Kevia are MARRIEDDDDD OHYEAH and they have little CHILDS. Jk, rofl rofl. XD))
8:17pm Apr 27 2011
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((They could have Poptart cat childs. 8D xD))
8:22pm Apr 27 2011
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((If you want Xd I was planning on Kevia having one kid to feed, a spitting image of herself XD Except more aggressive. I didn't plan on it being Sam's though, as I wasn't exactly going to give her a happy life. If Sam has a dragon-farm thing, could Alek work there too? i want to bring him back into the roleplay.))
8:28pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Who's Alek? ROFL. I'm serious. Maybe, they find eachother again and stuff and stuff happens? So, she won't be happy at the beginning, but then when the roleplay continues, she'll be happy.))
8:36pm Apr 27 2011
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((Alek was Kazumi's boyfriend before kazumi left. Remember, he was Kevia's ex? Dramas XD I suppose we'll find out when they meet, hm? Shoul I start now?))
8:39pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh... rofl I remember. I START))
Sam owned a breeding farm, and it was very successful. His prized dragon was Lady Lucie, though she was probably the least-expensive and rare dragon in the entire facility. (Lady Lucie is a rare breed of dragon, so you can imagine the types of dragons there)
((I made a fail so you guys could post non-fails. I probably could've written more. ))
9:29pm Apr 27 2011
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((Mrrr.)) Ribunny, as previously stated, owned a Dragine breeding, training, and adopting (She despised calling it selling,) farm. She had many breeds of them, ranging from more dragon like to more cat like, the purebreds being the most expensive. Unlike the few other Dragine breeders, she refused to inbreed them to keep them 'pure,' making her famous among Dragine fans. She also bred regular house cats, and she sometimes gave away the kittens for free to families, though they of course were not as popular as the Dragines. Her hopes for the future was to buy a few Crystalines and Fjorns so she could also breed them. (As you can tell she is a feline fanatic.) So far she hasn't though. Wicked, strangely, was still alive, and bigger then most of the Dragines on the farm, almost as big as a small wolf. She of course was her favorite Dragine, but she still loved all of the other Dragines and domesticated cats alike. ((Nya, I'd say this intro is soso. xD))
5:38pm Apr 28 2011
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((I think Wicked should be able to talk :P)) "Not bright, not dark," Kevia mumbled with irritation, flicking her hand accross her shoulder as some idiot beat their carpet from the second floor of their home. She mumbled a few curse words before regaining her cool. Her dragon, Venus yawned awake, parting his wings to stretch. Kevia hummed in response, stroking his muzzle and buckling up the leather saddle. She examined him for a moment before raising her hand in a stop sign. Venus stood up on his back legs and shook himself to test the buckles, as was standard procedure with less then adequate equipment. When he dropped down to all fours once again, Kevia smiled and reached into the carrying pounch (also situated on the dragon's back), taking out a sort of bandit mask and a pair of rust daggers. She got on the dragon's back and sped off... (Has Kevia turned to theivery?! :O) ((I'll bet you're all wondering what happened to Mars XD))
5:50pm Apr 28 2011
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((8D That'd be sweet. <3 Fnrr. :c I hope nothing bad, even though it probably is.)) Wicked's eyes opened, her pupils growing round as they became used to the dim lighting of Ribunny's room. (I'm going to as.sume it's night. XD) She twisted her head to look lovingly at her human's shape asleep in her bed. Even though she would never admit it, she shared a very close bond with her human, she turned away and looked at the window, wondering why she was awake so late, she usually was more active then the sun went down. The Human routine must've rubbed off on me. She thought to herself as she yawned and stretched out, lifting herself up and rubbing herself against the side of the bed as she walked along it and out the ajar door.
6:15pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Mars has DIED. Rofl.))
Sam, even though he had a huge, swan-feather, comfortable bed, he didn't like sleeping in the house. So, he had a bed in the stables, right in Lady Lucie's stall. Sam didn't mind the smell, because he was used to it, and he loved Lady Lucie too much to care. His thoughts often wandered when he was in bed, and this time the topic was on school, when he was at the dragon academy. I remember all the teachers' names, He thought, surprised. Miss Sharp, Miss Quence, and the headmaster was... Yuki or something? No, not right. damn, I can't remember. He stroked Lady Lucie, who always curled around his bed, and she purred. Not as a cat purrs, but a dragon purrs. You must hear it to understand. I remember student's names too. Ribunny, Sam chuckled. what an odd ame she had. What odd person she was. And Kazumi, Alek... Kevia. Sam bit his lip. Where had she gone? Was Mars okay? What was she doing for a living? ...did she have a husband? A family? Maybe I should try finding them some day... That was his final thought, for when he rolled over, he went out like a light.
9:01pm Apr 28 2011
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((Nyuu. :c)) Wicked padded through the house, her paws making no sound on the floors. She padded to the front door, pawing at the small cat door that she would only be able to fit into if she struggled, and she refused to degrade herself like that. Luckily Ribunny had left one of the windows half open, specifically because she knew that Wicked liked to take walks by herself at night. Wicked stretched out her wings, they were very much like a dragon's, even other purebred Dragines like her lacked the looks and size of her wings, not too big, so she could still stalk and run, and not too small so flight only lasted a few glides, they were just right, providing her with the perfect blend of both feline and dragon. She flapped a few times and flew up to the counter, nudging the window open more and gliding to the ground outside. She closed her eyes and let the warm breeze blow around her scales. When she opened them they seemed to glow from their own inner power in the darkness. She glanced around, wondering where the other Dragines were as she walked around the side of the house.

9:14pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((Maybe she's dead, maybe not. Haven't decided yet. :p)) Venus landed neatly in yet another alleyway, not as crowded as the one closer to Aberdeen's center. Kevia jumped off and dropped the distinctive blades and mask on the stone, backing up to Venus and then leaving altogether. She couldn't help but think back to simpler times as they flew; back to when it was her and Mars at the Academy. And then there was Winter, and Ribunny. She wished that she could forget Alek, and Sam too for what it was worth. It was too weird to think about him now, her past filled with regrets. Maybe if she had talked a little more to him, things would be different. That can't be helped now. She said to herself, breaking concentration. The black and white dragon landed neatly on the outskirts of town, where richer families lived. "Venus, why have you taken me here?" she growled, irritated that she hadn't been paying attention to where her dragon was going. She punched her dragon's shoulder lovingly, and he did similiar to her, only she went tumbling into a wall. Kevia laughed, not something she did very often, even before she left. She frowned as a flyer fell in her lap, the flimsy bit of parchment settling itself face up. Wicked Dragines Founded by Ribunny Kellie Indecisive on whether you want a furry pet or a fiery one? A dragine is what you need! Kevia smiled to herself. She could have predicted as much, Ribunny had always been attached to her own dragine, and devoted to learning more about them. There was an address printed on the bottom, likely of her shop. Kevia patted Venus's side. "I think it's time to pay a visit to some old friends," she said. Venus growled in confusion, and Kevia patted his side. "No worries, I think you'll enjoy Ribunny's prescence."

9:59pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((The mystery is eating me alive. *Froths* Lol omg I love the name Wicked Dragines. <333 8D Lol, I dunno what to post in the RP part so I'll just wait. c: OMGUYS. I'm messaging to my crush on YouTube. 8D Wish me luck and unawkwardness. -_-xD))