1:05pm May 1 2011
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((GL, hopefully he doesn't realize that on Rescreatu you're an insane, uncontrollable maniac. ;) I think you need to post, 'cause I can't to anything, since Sam is asleep. I don't think I can wake him up.))
4:57pm May 1 2011
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((I suppose it's up to me then -_- *stalker Kevia picks the lock to Sam's door* Mwahaha lol, jk)) After about an hour of searching and going to the wrong place, Kevia found what was quite obviously a dragine breeding place. It was a large estate with several shelter places for the dragines, and one house that Kevia presumed was for Ribunny. Venus spiraled carefully down from the sky, well aware that it was still early in the morning and she might not be awake. She tied Venus to the dragon post and walked over to the door. She hesitated at first, and then gave three hasty knocks to the door, taking a few steos back in case she was as energetic as Kevia remembered.
9:50pm May 2 2011
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((But in RL I'm an insane, uncontrollable maniac to, but that's why most people like me. o3o INCLUDING HIM HOPEFULLY. ;~; *Pulls hair out*)) Ribunny had woken up minutes before, she had the strange way of doing that. She looked up from the book she was reading to try and help her fall back asleep when she heard the sound of the door knocking. She tilted her head to one side, I never get visitors. She thought, twinging with loneliness at the sudden realization. She slid out of bed, the coldness of not being covered with a blanket not bothering her much, she rather liked the cold, and usually preferred it over heat. She slipped on the first thing she could find, a camouflage jacket that closely resembled the old one she used to wear, and walked silently to the door. The morning tiredness in her eyes slowly being replaced with her infamous hyper active state as she opened the door. "Hello~" She said, waving at the person who knocked on her door. Wicked's ears perked when she heard her human's voice. She at first had thought the knocking may have been an early morning woodpecker trying to get itself breakfast; if birds even ate breakfast, but now that she heard Ribunny's voice talking to someone she knew it had to be another. She scented the air, picking up a familiar scent. Kevia? And.. A dragon? It has been a while since I've deciphered either of those scents. She purred at herself proudly at using such an intellectual word, then slowly inched to look at who they were. It was Kevia, and there was a dragon too! She slowly padded towards them, situating herself next to Ribunny and sitting comfortably with her paws tucked in neatly. Her head, even when she was sitting, was higher then Ribunny's hip, taller then any Dragine documented. She stared at Kevia quizzingly with narrowed eyes, debating weather to reveal her gift of speech or not. ((*Stare* Wicked is fun to RP. o_o'))

4:06pm May 3 2011
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Kevia smiled at her old friend, exactly as she had been. "My my, Wicked has gotten large," she said, taken aback by the dragine. The sound of her own voice starlted her at first, and she cleared her throat so it would be a little clearer. "It's nice to see you again, Ribunny, do you remember me?"
6:14pm May 3 2011
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Ribunny smiled widely. "Of course I remember you!" She said gleefully, "Kevia! How could I ever forget you?" She hugged her friend, ignoring any protests she might have had. When she finished giving her her squishing hug, she stepped back, her wide and excited smile still brightening her face. "So, what've you been up to?" She asked. Wicked purred at the comment Kevia made, inflating her chest and sitting up a bit straighter to seem bigger. Although this really just made her look silly.
8:02pm May 3 2011
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"I'm afraid I must leave you guessing," Kevia said with a wink, "If you don't know of my dragon, Venus though, that is your own short coming." Venus let out a small roar of enthusiasm, flexing his wings lightly to reveal his magnificent structure, all white with black skull marked on his face and giraffe spots everywhere else. (I'm actually drawing him :P)
8:29pm May 3 2011 (last edited on 8:29pm May 3 2011)
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"Wow.." Ribunny gasped, "He is beautiful Kevia." Wicked let out a small meow of dissatisfaction at the fact that no one was giving her attention anymore. She tilted her head to one side again as she narrowed her eyes, which were now slits because of the morning sun shining onto them. Again she refrained from speaking, wanting to draw it out as long as she could to make it so that when she finally did everyone would be amazed. ((Cool. 8D))
8:41pm May 3 2011
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"Thank 'ya dear," Kevia said, blushing. She chuckled at Wicked and patted the dragine's head. "I've actually been looking for an easily trainable pet that I can take with me on my journies when I saw the flyer for your comapny thing."
9:34pm May 3 2011
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"Oh! Really?" Ribunny was overjoyed, and could barely suppress the urge to jump up and down with excitement. "I'll give you one! No charge at all, I insist!" She couldn't hold in a small jump. "Would you rather a cat based, dragon based, purebred, or do you not care? And I'll answer any questions, if you have any." She tried to keep her talking slow, but quickened up towards the end.
6:04pm May 4 2011
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"I'm looking for one that's smart and follows orders, and doesn't make a lot of noise. A black and white one to match Venus would be cool, but not necessary at all. I want to be able to train it to do complicated tasks, like carrying letters to specific locations, or packages," Kevia said, "And I have sufficient payment, so enough about the 'free of charge' nonsense, I wouldn't want to rob you of one of your coolest dragines."
7:40pm May 4 2011
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Ribunny nodded, taking in every bit of information. She rolled her eyes at when Kevia declined her offer of a free Dragine. "If you insist." She knew she wouldn't be able to argue with her to get her out of it. "I think I have an idea for one, a male actually, he was born a few months ago, so he's young enough to be easily trained, easy for a Dragine at least." Wicked's ears perked. She knew who Ribunny was talking about, she stood up and flicked her tail at Kevia, an obvious sign to follow her, then padded off to a building, close to Ribunny's house, and nudged the door open, purring as the warm air hit her. Ribunny sighed, "Where Wicked is going is the place where we keep the younger Dragines until they reach a year old, it is essential that they keep warm so we had to build it so that it had special heaters, come on, we wouldn't want to keep Wicked waiting." She giggled and pulled Kevia to the nursery.
7:59pm May 4 2011
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Kevia took her jacket off swiftly, despite the chilly air, upon hearing what Ribunny said. She tossed the clothing, and it landed at Venus's feet. Satisfied, she hurried to catch up with the dragine. She slowed at the door to the building, already able to feel the heat from inside and hear the cries of young dragines.
8:18pm May 4 2011
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Wicked watched Kevia intently as Ribunny shut the door behind them so too much cold air wouldn't enter. The dim lighting in the cozy room making her pupils expand again. She flicked her tail to show Kevia to follow again, and padded past stalls of nursing Dragines and Dragine kits exploring. She let out a low growling/meowing sound, somehow alerting the kit they had in mind that they wanted him. The kit poked his head out from one of the stalls. He was a beautiful Dragine, a purebred too, and even now slightly bigger then his den mates. He walked out into the open, fully showing his coloration. His base color was white, and he had a black colored chest, wings, and spikes running down his back. His front paws were white and his back ones were black, and he was pretty muscular for his age, and his eyes already shined with the mischievousness that all Dragines shared. Speaking of his eyes, they were an unnatural hazelish color, rare for Dragines in general, and almost unheard of in purebreds. ((Erm, are you RPing him or should I? xDD))

8:22pm May 4 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((You should. :3 That way when I go and visit Sam, you'll still be involved, and it'll make training him more entertaining.)) "Wow," Kevia said with an astonished bl ink. "He's beautiful. Is he related to you, Wicked?" Kevia asked the large dragine. He was indeed much larger then most of the other kits. Kevia bent down and extended her hand to the dragine, to see if it wished to meet her.
8:38pm May 4 2011 (last edited on 8:40pm May 4 2011)
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((Okay~ <3)) Wicked sighed, curling her tail around her legs with a sad look in her eyes. She nodded slowly. The mate that she had had the kit with was a purebred male, very muscular and brave, not as big as she was, but pretty big. He had, however, died while trying to protect Dragkits (Baby Dragines, lol,) from a feral and hungry Gryphon. Ribunny leaned over to whisper to Kevia, "Dragines mate for life, you see, and her mate was killed while protecting young Dragkits." The Dragkit stared at Kevia's outstretched hand, taking a few tentative steps towards, her, then becoming braver as he got closer. He sniffed at her hand, then nudged it with his nose, making a slightly high pitched purr growl.
9:09pm May 4 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Sam tossed and turned in his bed. He had this horrible song stuck in his head, and it went like this: NYANYANYANYANYANYANYANYANYANYANYANYANYAN))
8:21pm May 5 2011
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"Tragic," Kevia said with a frown, charmed by the creature. Trying to break away from her temporary trance, she stood up, facing Ribunny. "I don't want to take him if he is too important to you and Wicked," she said reluctantly.
9:19pm May 5 2011
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Ribunny shook her head, "Kevia, the best option for the little guy is to see the world, and to make something of himself." She noticed Wicked nodding in agreement in the corner of her eye. "And you would be the best to help him do so." A voice that sounded human stated from Ribunny's side. It was Wicked, she had decided that she would allow Kevia to hear her speak, and it actually was a great privilege, since Wicked rarely talked, even though she was remarkable at it. She preferred to signal her thoughts. Her voice was clear and strong sounding, unlike many inhuman creatures who could speak or taught themselves to speak, it had no hint of growl or raspiness. Her eyes stared into Kevia's unblinkingly, seeming to stare into her soul. The Drakit stared up at Kevia, tilting his head to the side slightly. He let out a small mew, wanting attention, he was silent as soon as Wicked started talking, however. ((I have a name idea for the Drakit, if you want to hear it. c:))
9:31pm May 5 2011 (last edited on 9:32pm May 5 2011)
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((POPTART! Joking, ROFL. Have Ribunny ask Kevia how Mars is doing, make some awkwardness. (and so Whatever reveals the storyy~) ))
5:27pm May 6 2011
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((Let's hear it then. :P It's a pretty lengthy story. Maybe I'll post it on dA... Speaking of which... full, have you seen my ref sheet for Venus yet? He's pretty cool. :3)) Kevia stared stupidly at Wicked, her jaw dropped. She blinked several times, and then laughed, looking away. "I've finally lost my wits! Wicked just looked me in the eye and spoke to me!" She wobbled unsteadily and then thought it over again. "Hmm, her English was probably better then mine though..."