9:40pm May 6 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Nope. :) Show me.))
4:26pm May 7 2011 (last edited on 2:36pm May 8 2011)
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((Sylvester, like the cat on the Looney Toons. xD I dunno, it'd fit him and be cute~)) Wicked bowed her head at the compliment, becoming silent once more. Ribunny laughed, "Yeah, she can do that. I don't think I ever really taught her to, she just one day walked up to me and told me I forgot to feed her, it was quite a shock. She doesn't often talk though, so you should probably count yourself lucky she decided to let you hear her."
2:13pm May 8 2011
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Posts: 5,406
((hi whats happened O.o))
2:42pm May 8 2011
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((ZENWOLFEH. <333 Well um. A lot has happened. o_o' Whatev time skipped us a bit, so now we are are adults, and Kevia went to visit Ribunny's Dragine farm to adopt one. Before that Sam and Kevia were in Professor Winter's lab (Where you here when I made him? o_o He's a professor and skilled at DNA manipulation,) And they kinda were stuck there, that's why we time skipped. .. Nyaa, I'm not good at explaining things.))
3:32pm May 8 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((We went so off-plot we sort of had to restart. XD Not sure how to fit you in, now..))
6:37am May 9 2011
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Posts: 5,406
((wow O.o when was fifi last online?))
12:31pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((Um.. I think it was around.. Three days since I've last talked to her.))
1:30pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 5,406
((hmmm i hope she comes back on XD i wanna rp.))
7:36pm May 9 2011 (last edited on 7:39pm May 9 2011)
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((Here's the link: http://whatever6551.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3flbii It looks best if you click it twice so its full size. Took FOREVER!!! :D @Ribunny- I like that name! *will use* EDIT: I must be hallucinating. Is that a foxwolf I see???)) "Wow," Kevia said, feeling silly. She paused for a moment and bent down once again to the Drakit. "Does he have a name already then? Or should I name him?" She stroked the Drakit's head affectionately, excited to have someone intelligent to follow her around. Venus hardly counted.
7:55pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((O.O Can you do Lady Lucie? XD JK. I'm broke, so if you did, I couldn't be able to pay you. (Actually I'm not broke, I'm saving up) -twiddlethumbs- Hey, do you play on Felisfire? If not, JOIN. '3' I'm Courage, #2894))
8:09pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((Yeee~ 8D)) The Drakit purred as he was stroked, enjoying every second of it. "No, actually." Ribunny said. "We've been so busy lately, and so many Drakits have been born, we haven't really been able to give all of them names."
8:19pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((-Loves Ribunny's signature very very much-
8:22pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((xD <333 Thank you Fulleh. I actually took the screenie and added the words myself, it took a while for me to finally decide that I got it right. *Perfectionist* XD One that I made said, "I SAID I DIDN'T WANT ANY MAYO!" I decided not to use that one though. xD''))
8:56pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 5,279
"What do you think of Sylvester then? It seems fitting to me, if he's anything like his mother," Kevia said, catiously picking up the Drakit and holding him close, but remaining kneeled in case he wished to jump down. ((Sure! It may take a while though, as I usually sketch them out several times before putting them into the computer. Rmail me a thourough deion, and I'll see what I can do ;) No payment necessary for close friends.))
9:20pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 4,848
Wicked purred, showing her approval. Ribunny chuckled, "Wicked seems to like the name, so let that be his name then!" She said, getting slightly confused at what to say at first and improvising at the end. Sylvester nuzzled Kevia as she held him, purring blissfully.
9:21pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((You're awesome. :D Could we timeskip to later, so Sam can actually do stuff? Or maybe Lady Lucie can somehow pick up Kevia's scent and follow it... O: ))
9:38pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((Omg Fulleh, do you want the Mayo one? XDD I don't want to just delete it or let it rot.))
12:20pm May 10 2011
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Posts: 5,406
((you would come online when i go :( but yes i am here XD so is there anyway i can jump in?))
4:56pm May 10 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((Nope. :P I hereby kick you out!! lol, jk. I would never. You need to make a future for Kazumi and Shadow. I think you should work at fullmoon's chara's dragon farm. Alek works there with Siren as well. :3 Ribunny explained it pretty well actually. We timeskipped to when everyone has already graduated. Kevia lives on the streets for the most part with her dragon, Venus. Alek works at the dragon breedery and Ribunny owns a dragine franchise.)) Kevia smiled and lifted Sylvester up and faced Ribunny, placing a hefty bag of coins in her hands. "I won't let him come to harm, I promise. I'm heading to that big dragon farm a few miles away to see if they have any helpful supplies for Venus, so that Sylvester might ride properly."
5:00pm May 10 2011 (last edited on 5:01pm May 10 2011)
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Posts: 375
(( whatever6551, sorry for making it seem as if I was copying your roleplay, it's not really a academy, more like a place for humans to train there dragons. Also I didn't really notice this roleplay before so again I aplogize for making it seem as though I was either copying, or basing it off of your's. I understand completely where you are coming from. :) ) ((Oh and ignore me everyone else :p didn't mean to intrude on the rp..))
 PEWDIEPIE!! *Brofist*