5:01pm May 10 2011
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((hmmm could have it where Kazumi and shadow live near by XD with Shadows and Sirens egg(s) and she just is waiting for them to hatch haha but what about Yuki O.o))
5:02pm May 10 2011 (last edited on 5:03pm May 10 2011)
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((Much appreciated Pinky (if it's alright to call you that). :3 Perfectly acceptable. @foxwolf- get on yahoo! :D Yuki would still be the headmaster unless she dided XD That's fine for Kazumi.))
5:13pm May 10 2011
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((O.o im on im on XD hmmmm yeah she can still be the head master you just dont hear from her unless she is needed haha)) Kazumi was on Shadows back as they went to where Shadow had layed her eggs. Kazumi didn't want them in a too strange place so kept them in a man made cave well a woman made cave as she made it herself. She hadn't had much contact with anyone from the academy which made her sad as she thought of Alek. She missed him alot and it showed that Shadow missed Siren alot as well.
5:44pm May 10 2011
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((*Flail*)) Sylvester lifted up one of his paws, it almost resembled a wave goodbye. Ribunny was about to argue with Kevia about paying so much, she at least could have given her a discount, but she knew it would be of no use. "I trust that you will, have a nice time!" Wicked dipped her head in thanks at Kevia, she sensed she would be a good trainer for Sylvester.
6:29pm May 10 2011
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((-brings Alek back-)) The shackles around Siren's neck jingled noisily as he lifted his head. His eyes were weary, as if he had only just woken up, where the truth was that he rarely ever slept anymore. But what made him stir just now? Alek was fast asleep in the crook of his forearm, sheltered by an awkwardly placed wing. The person shifted slightly, but remained otherwise without animation. The barn, even though it was large, was cramped and awkward for Siren. After all, he was not a small dragon by any means. He stared down at Alek with great green eyes, blinking inquisitively. The boy still had scars from where Siren had nearly slashed him in two, during one of his rare fits, characteristic of the breed, unfortunately. He had been in the hospital for nearly a year, unable to move entirely, and by then, all of his friends had graduated and left him. In the end, Alek fled the Academy and took a job at Sam's dragon farm as one of the dragon trainers, and he kept Siren in secret in a large barn in the woods. Siren yawned and took a deep breath of the fresh afternoon air. Alek had off today, since it was Saterday. Then, Siren caught something familiar. He nudged Alek awake urgently, ruffling his wings. "What...?" Alek groaned to his quarrelsome dragon. Boy, was he acting strange. The shining chains swung haphazardly from Siren's neck, and Alek sighed. "I suppose you want to go flying then," he said, judging by the dragon's quiverig wings. The roof had already been broken through so many times that Alek didn't bother to fix it anymore, only to let Siren come and go as he pleased from the top. As soon as Alek climbed onto his back, Siren tok off at top speed, faster then Alek had ever gone since riding on Shadow's back for the last time. And then Siren didn't stop, barreling through the sky clumsily, chomping any bird that got in his way. --- Kevia trotted up to Venus, who growled softly at the little patch of scales in Kevia's arms. It looked a bit like him, only much smaller and more cat-llike. He hoped that it would not be another dragon- he was not about to share his human. Kevia hissed like an animal ay Venus and held Sylvester close. "Be nice!" she snapped. After a pause and a lengthy stare, Kevia revealed the Drakit to Venus, carefully. "Venus, this is your new Dragine friend, Sylvester. Sylvester, this is my dragon, Venus." Venus grunted in greetings to the tiny creature, thankful that it would not likely grow to be the size of his foot.

6:43pm May 10 2011
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Kazumi and Shadow soon reached the cave where 5 eggs where in a nest of fur hay and old cloth where around them to keep them warm. Kazumi got off Shadows back and walked over to them feeling the eggs smiling when she felt movement inside "wont be long now Shadow" she said smiling seeing Shadow lay in the nest curled around the eggs for the extra heat to give them. Kazumi knew that Shadow was only like this because of how much she missed Siren it was like these eggs where a connection to him and she wanted to be close to them. Kazumi wanted to be near them because she knew they would die without someone to keep an eye on them and with her leaving the academy because of Shadows pregnancy she really didn't want to go in public with them just incase she ran into anyone she didn't want to.
7:28pm May 10 2011
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Sylvester meowed softly at the dragon, hiding his fear with all his might, though he couldn't help shivering a little. He'd never seen a dragon before, he'd never even seen anything this big before! Was it another Dragine? No, too big, though he kind of looked like one. Maybe it was another species? Venus, his name was Venus. "What a nice name.." He murmured out loud in Dragine speak, which sounded like a low purr/growl to a human. He actually had just recently learned how to talk in his species language, and he couldn't yet use too big of words, but he was learning. ((I was thinking, that since Sylvester is a pure Dragine and since Dragine language is really a mix of dragon and cat language, that Venus could understand, at least a little, when he speaks in Dragine?))
7:38pm May 10 2011
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((Sounds good to me!)) "Much appreciated," Venus clicked back in dragon-tongue. He hadn't much understood what Sylvester had said other then 'nice', but that was enough for him. "Good, now Venus, fly carefully over to the farm so that we can get some sort of harness for this little fella. I hope they're open." Kevia said, strapping herself onto Venus's saddle and putting the dragine carefully in her shoulder bag so that his head only poked out. Venus took off carefully, as instructed and glided most of the way to the farm. He made a somewhat rough landing, and looked back anxiously to make sure the dragine was safe. --- Siren roared in greeting, knowing Shadow's scent by heart. He knew that he was close! He knew it with all his heart. He landed roughly and hurriedly outside of the cave, nearly throwin Alek off as he poked his head in. He was now too large to fit into the cave comfortably with Shadow, since dragons of his breed grow continuously throughout life. He didn't even give Alek time to gather himself. Alek carefully slid off of the hyperactive dragon's back. "What is it Siren?" he said with irritation crossing his arms.

7:49pm May 10 2011
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Shadow lifted her head seeing Siren outside of the cave. She then jumped up before running out to him nearly knocking him over as she started purring and growling telling him of what has happened and of how much she had missed him. Kazumi didn't dare look. By the voice it sounded like Alek and she knew Shadow wouldn't of ran out if it wasn't Siren out there. Turning slowly she walked outside and could see that it was Alek and Siren sure Siren had grown bigger and Alek had scars but it was them. "Alek?" she questioned really not beliving herself incase she had fainted again and it was all a dream or she was hurlucinating again.
7:52pm May 10 2011
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"Am I crazy or is your dragon just as loony as mine?" Alek replied, narrowly avoiding being squashed by the tumbling dragons. He peered into the cave and smiled friendily at Kazumi. Well... this is awkward. He thought to himself.
7:55pm May 10 2011
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Kazumi looked at him and smiled a small sad smile. "Their not looney they just miss eachother company. That and Shadow has to tell him hes a father." She said to him before walking into the cave to make sure Shadow hadn't killed any with her need to get out by Siren. Seeing they where all fine she smiled before fixing the fur, hay and old Cloths ot make sure they didn't loose any heat.
8:11pm May 10 2011
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The Dragine loved the ride, and by the time they landed he was purring happily. He enjoyed the rough landing too. "That was fun!" He purred, glad that Venus could understand him, at least a little.
9:43pm May 10 2011 (last edited on 9:44pm May 10 2011)
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Sam bolted up as soon as he heard the noises. He quickly got dressed, hoping it was just a midnight customer. Probably Maybel. "What the he-" Sam said as he entered the barn. "Oh, Alek, are these midnight customers?" He looked at Kevia and blinked. "Kevia? You've... ehm, grown. A lot." He kind of stood there, not sure what to do, ask Kevia if she wanted any supplies or what.
2:52pm May 11 2011
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"Nice to see you too, I guess," Kevia said, shifting in her spot uncomfortably. "How is Lady Lucie?" Kevia glanced at the dragine and slid off of Venus's back, setting Sylvester on the ground to explore. "Stay with Venus," she ordered, hoping that Sylvester could at least understand Venus when he repeated the order. Venus nodded curtly at the human and then stared down at the dragine curiously, wondering if it knew any more dragon-tongue. Kevia walked up to Sam, stopping a few feet distant to be polite. She crossed her arms, mentally daring him to ask questions about her disappearance from the Academy shortly before graduation. --- Alek looked down at the eggs, crouching near the nest and stroking one of the smooth black shells. "These are Siren's and Shadow's then?" he asked, trying to take the focus off of the dragons themselves. He was sure that Kazumi would wonder about Siren's size difference, and the chains around his neck.
2:56pm May 11 2011
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Kazumi nodded "yeah they are. When i found out that Shadow was pregnant i left the academy there was nothing for me there and i knew too much stress would be bad for Shadow when it came to laying." She said to him before looking at Siren and walking over to him and touching the chains "why is he chained?" She asked wondering why such a gentle dragon had chains on him.
3:16pm May 11 2011 (last edited on 3:17pm May 11 2011)
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Sylvester tilted his head up to look back at Venus. He was very curious about him, and the fact that they could understand each other, at least a bit. "Can you.. Hear me now?" He asked the first thing he could think of saying, trying to make his voice more like a draconic sound then a mewing sound.
3:44pm May 11 2011
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Venus blinked and lowered his head closer to the Drakit. "Could you repeat that? I have poor hearing, I'm afraid." --- "Siren is a Silver Bringer, you know already, like how Shadow is a Shadow Bringer," Alek began, tired of explaining the story to everyone he met, "Rage Syndrome is characteristic of his breed, and he has been properly diagnosed. Usually, the Bringer in question would be put down without trial even, but I pulled a few strings and was able to smuggle him off of death row. I can't seem to get the shackles properly off though; the fools made it out of Ironweave the bastards." Alek growled the last part. "no one really knows that I'm still keeping him. It's not exactly legal either. He even took a few slashes at me recently."
3:48pm May 11 2011
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Kazumi looked at them before sighing sadly "poor Siren" she said petting his nose. She then moved back to the eggs she knew they had to be turned over to allow them to get more heat and to help them develop right she has been doing it since they where layed and smiled when she felt the little dragons move close to her hand when she turned them. Shadow started biting at the chains on Sirens neck but being gentle to not hurt him.
3:50pm May 11 2011
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Sylvester held his breath for a few seconds. He really hoped the dragon would understand him. "Can you understand me?" He said, saying it loudly, at least as loud as he could, in what he hoped was a dragon-like voice.
6:06pm May 11 2011
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She's fine. But grouchy." Sam's eyes twinkled. "She's pregnant with another of her kind, Amazing Crown. He came in onlytwo months ago. " He looked at Venus. "Where's Mars?"