6:50pm May 11 2011
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Kevia glanced sideways at Venus. "I'd rather not talk about it," she said softly. "I'm glad Lady Lucie is faring well though. Do you know who's in charge here? I'm looking for a sort of harness for my new dragine. You remember Ribunny, right?" --- Venus' tongue flicked out inqusitively. "Interesting dialect," he said, fascinated. "You are not a dragon, I hope?" Venus said, making it sound like a question. He still wasn't sure. --- Siren aired his wings out slightly, "It is good to see you again, my love," he said quietly. (Meh, why not? Dragon language, no?) - Alek stared at them."Do they need to be coddled so?" he said, a little surprised at the over-caring of the eggs. "In the wild, dragons would leave their eggs all the time, and usually did not have caring mates."
7:59pm May 11 2011
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Sylvester shook his head. "I'm a Dragine." He replied, "I'm part dragon though, I think."
4:16am May 12 2011
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((lol why not XD)) Shadow looked up at him stopping her useless attempts at biting the chains off. "yes it is. I missed you so much" she said before nuzzleing into his big figure. Kazumi looked at him "yes that might be so but every now and then one of the parents mostly the mother would turn the eggs when she would remember but iver learned that turning them once a day could incress either their inteligence, streagnth and their speed" she said to him then looked at him "i also make sure they stay warm i dont want them to die" she said sadly remembering how careless she was when Shadow was an egg.
5:51pm May 12 2011
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Sam laughed. "I'm in charge, Kevia," he said. "I got my dream. Do you want a... 'better' dragon than Venus? I'll give him or her to you, free, unless you've already bonded." Because of his breeder's eye, Sam could tell Venus was a rather slow and low-quality dragon, but Kevia might have got venus because she bonded to him. "I'll give you the harness free, too, and don't you dare be too humble to take my offer on the harness, at least."
5:18pm May 13 2011
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"Well, that's not insulting at all," Kevia said sarcastically, crossing her arms. "I always thought that you viewed dragons as more than just large beasts that give you profit," Kevia said, getting offended for no real reason. "And Venus actually is a quality dragon for your information; he happens to be an Trinity Arrow crossed with a Spitter," she said, glowering at Sam. She snorted and glanced sidelong at Venus. "And all that bonding *censored* is brilliant nonsense, we learned none of that at the Academy." --- Venus harumphed. He would have liked to squash the little 'dragine' as he called himself, but he didn't imagine it was very fair to do so, since he was so tiny. "Don't you dare try and steal my Kevia from me," he warned, "Or I will squash you." --- "Hmm, I think you are just being overprotective because you know what will happen to three of them," Alek said softly. "You know that three out of every clutch are programmed from birth to die, right?"
5:22pm May 13 2011
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Kazumi looked down sadly "yes i know but what if me looking after them like this might help them live?" she asked while looking at him. Since the academy she hadn't talked to anyone besides Shadow and now talking to Alek the one who broke her heart with the fight they had it hurt her to talk to him but she didn't let him know that. She would keep a smile on her face even if inside her heart was breaking her make up maybe flakeing her smile would stay on because the show much go on. ((sorry im lisening to queen show must go on XD))
5:52pm May 13 2011
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((I'm going to have that stuck in my head all day now. ;c)) Sylvester's ears slid back against his head and the spikes on his back raised slightly, a bit like how a 'normal' cat would bristle. He had half a mind to say some very nasty retorts back to Venus, but bit them back in fear of being squashed. The fact that he kept himself from saying something from fear and intimidation made him angrier, but he was able to swallow it and smooth down his spikes again. "I understand." He replied, keeping himself from hissing it out.
5:54pm May 13 2011
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((what the song?))
5:55pm May 13 2011
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((Yeah. xD))
5:56pm May 13 2011
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((No, the astronaut. -_- Posting soon, needed to make a witty retort))
5:59pm May 13 2011
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((lol witty indeed XD bunny i love queen XD))
6:27pm May 13 2011
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Venus nodded with approval, not really noticing Sylvester's taking offense. "Right then," he said, looking over to Kevia. He plopped down, his paws on either side of the dragine as he looked down him. "So, tell me more about yourself," he said, curious. -- "I'm afraid not, love," Alek said, looking away. He couldn't help but remember the fuzzy details of their fight, and then Siren's sudden rage and then blood. He had awoken to find the person he cared about most gone, into thin air, and his dragon locked up for assault. It hadn't been a good day at all, and he had barely managed to limp through graduation. Luckily, Sam had taken pity on him. By then, Kevia had already left and couldn't ob ject to Sam's hiring him. He stroked one of the eggs. "I actually work for Sam now, do you rememeber him? He's a pretty well-known breeder now."
6:32pm May 13 2011
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Kazumi looked down and shrugged "i didn't i left the academy early i didn't graduate and your the first human ive talked to since our fight" she said to him before standing up and walking out of the cave. She didn't want to cry infront of him but hearing him tell her 3 of the eggs would die even if she looked after them the best she could and the fact she missed so much.
6:58pm May 13 2011
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Sylvester blinked, gathering his thoughts. "Well, I was born in a Dragine breeding farm, my mother is Wicked, and she is the biggest Dragine on record, according to things I've heard. I don't know much about my father, other then he was one of the rare Dragines to have my eye color, and the fact that he died protecting us from some sort of rabid creature." He thought for a few more moments, "Not much else to say, really. What about you?"
3:32pm May 14 2011
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((Repost for fullmoon~)) "Well, that's not insulting at all," Kevia said sarcastically, crossing her arms. "I always thought that you viewed dragons as more than just large beasts that give you profit," Kevia said, getting offended for no real reason. "And Venus actually is a quality dragon for your information; he happens to be an Trinity Arrow crossed with a Spitter," she said, glowering at Sam. She snorted and glanced sidelong at Venus. "And all that bonding *censored* is brilliant nonsense, we learned none of that at the Academy." --- Alek frowned, turning the smaller egg once more and standing. He stood behind Kazumi slightly, in her peripheral vision, he was sure. He didn't want to scare her. "I don't even remember what our fight was about," he said softly, looking down and kicking a pebble down the hill towards the two dragons, who were lounging peacfully near the creek. "Only now, seeing you again, I wonder why I ever let you go." ((<3 <3 <3 Alek can be so cute when he wants to be <3 )) --- Venus thought for a moment. "I was hatched already in Kevia's care. She never really told me about my origins, only that I was such a magnificent specimen and should be proud to be with her. I'm actually likely to be just as old as you are, if you are under twelve months of age. I grew very quickly, Kevia told me, five times my hatching size within a week," he told him, puffing out his chest proudly. "Although she thinks I've reached my top size now, and I've traveled with her since then, really."

3:57pm May 14 2011 (last edited on 4:00pm May 14 2011)
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"That's cool!" Sylvester said, impressed that such a young dragon could be so big. "Hey um, I have a question." He tilted his head to one side, "My mother, and a lot of other humans who stop by the breeding farm, say things about 'fire breathing.' I've always wondered what that was, so can you tell me?" ((EDIT- Oh hey I thought of something better to post. 8D' It's still fail but better. o3o If that makes any sense.))
4:02pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((Lol, alright. XD I'll reply to you once fullmoon and foxwolf come bac. I don't like going so far, and fullmoon hasn't posted in a while))
4:15pm May 14 2011
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Sam frowned. "Regular Kevia," he said, and turned away. "just get the harness, then." he said, and went off to calm some of the dragons, who had heard the noises and woke up, disturbed. After he'd calmed every dragon down, he went into Lady Lucie's stall. "Hey, girl," he whispered softly. "come with me." Lady Lucie did not hesitate to obay her master. She lumbered over to Sam and same walked her, without touching her or putting a harness on her at all, all the way to where Kevia was. "Say hi, you great big sweetie," he said, and Lady Lucie looked Kevia over. Something clicked. She cooed happily and licked Kevia's face. "I think she recognizes you," Sam smiled.
4:30pm May 14 2011
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Kevia laughed, ignoring her frustration in the face of Lady Lucie. "She must be pretty close to laying her clutch, amd I right," Kevia asked, glancing at the dragon's enlarged middle and scratching the dragon's chin. Venus didn't hear much of what the dragine said, leaping over to Kevia and Lady Lucie in hot jealousy. He tugged his human back with his paw, and soon regretted looking so hostile at the much larger dragon. "You nearly crushed her," he said, fretting over the human for a moment in dragon tongue before remembering Sylvester. He motioned the dragine over with his tail, hoping that he didn't get in trouble for leaving him too long. Kevia squeaked in surprise at Venus's sudden hostilty. "I apologise for Venus," she said, petting his smooth scales comfortingly, "He doesn't very much like other dragons."
4:37pm May 14 2011
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Sylvester blinked. He hadn't expected Venus to be able to move so fast. He padded over to him when he motioned for him to come over, making sure to stand next to him on the side that Kevia wasn't on, lest he be threatened again.