4:38pm May 14 2011
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"I understand. He probably thought Lady Lucie was going to eat you." Sam smiled. "she is very close to having her clutch. I'm expecting it this month. I don't let her out much, because of that. But for some reason, she doesn't take on the normally snappish attitude of a pregnant dragon. She's still sweet as a lamb."
((Should Lady Lucie be able to talk to Venus and Sylvester?))
7:35pm May 14 2011
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Kazumi looked down "our fight was about many things but i think the main one was about us not spending much time together before other stuff was added to it" she said traitorus tears falling down her face as she tried to stop them as she remembered the day they last seen eachother and before she left everyone she knew.
9:01pm May 16 2011
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((Of course full <3)) "She is a lot bigger than Venus," Kevia pointed out. Venus snorted unhappily, scooting further backwards with Kevia close. "When I have the funds, I might buy Venus a mate or something, so that he might sire a hatchling when he's old enough. But at present, I think I had better just get a proper harness. I'm not exact;ly looking for a new one, but just adjustments for the one I have, so that it might safely hook up my new dragine, Sylvester, when we go flying." --- Alek frowned, pulling back slightly from Kazumi. "I- I don't understand. We were together night and day most days of the week. We only seperated to use the restroom and go to seperate clas.ses. And then we fought over something stupid, something little, and Siren slashed me. When I woke up you were gone."
9:34pm May 16 2011
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"I'm not trying to hurt your human," Lady Lucie snorted to Venus. "I just want to say hi to her. I knew her when she was just a young one." Lady Lucie's eyes sparkled with memories. "I say, on your back, is that a dragine?"
"Oh, you have a dragine!" Sam grinned. "So, you visited Ribunny. I should get one from her some time, maybe to help around..."
3:10pm May 17 2011 (last edited on 4:27pm May 17 2011)
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Kazumi looked at him confused "i am sure that was what the fight was about why else would we break up like we did?" she asked him starting to get angry with not him herself "it was my fault you where hurt because i took Shadow away from Siren he got mad and hurt you" she said crying and sitting on the ground as she sobbed. Shadow was next to Siren as she watched the humans "why did they leave eachother my love?" she asked him hoping he knew more then her. ((fail but im brain dead XD))
4:58pm May 17 2011
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Alek paused, alarmed by her sudden change in mood. He dropped carefully to his knees in front of Kazumi, taking her hands gingerly within his own. "Kazumi, that is idiocy," he said bluntly, looking her in the eyes whether she met his gaze or not, "You did not cause Siren's condition anymore than I make the gras.s grow," he said. "You know," he said, even quieter, "I never stopped loving you Kazumi, even after you left." Siren sighed, glancing at the chains on his feet and neck. "My condition caused me to loose my temper without provocation," he said, his voice echoing with regret. He sighed again, his gaze fixed on the ground beneath. "Alek was hospitalized for months, it was really terrible." --- Venus hissed, still uncomfortable in Lady Lucie's prescence. He could tell that she was expecting a clutch, more from the smell her scales gave off than the lumpy bulge of her belly. "Sylvester is not just a dragine," Venus said boastfully, and then he paused, failing to think of anything to add, "Erm... He breaths fire too," he finished, proud of the exaggeration. He frowned at himself, hoping silently that Lady Lucie would not ask Sylvester to show this "talent". "They are highly trainable, I hear," Kevia said. She rubbed her arm and glanced at the sky absently. "Kind of chilly today, I suspect rain." She couldn't really think of anything to say. She had very little desire to be here. Not that she did not enjoy the company of dragons, but she felt awkward talking to Sam after all these months away, and he being so successful. She could only hope that hedidn't pry about her own life, she did not have much to show for it.

5:05pm May 17 2011
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Kazumi looked at him shocked "you have?" she asked him. The truth was she still loved him even after she had ran but with the fight she thought she would be treated like he treated Kevia. She didn't want that so it is what helped her in her decision to either stay or run. "i-i-i love you too i always did even when i left i just thought after our fight we would act like you would act when your with Kevia and i didn't want that" she said a tear going down her face.
6:29pm May 17 2011
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"Wow. fire. And why are you telling me this, not the rather exotic-looking dragine on your back?" Lady Lucie questioned. She wasn't stupid. She knew that 'uhm' usually meant the person couldn't remember something, or was thinking up a lie.
Sam noticed her uncomfortableness. He held up a finger and trotted quickly away, then returned with a harness. "Here," Sam said, putting the used but very clean and good-quality harness in her hands. "don't pay. Hope you and Venus have a safe flight, wherever you're going."
8:48pm May 18 2011 (last edited on 8:48pm May 18 2011)
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Venus sniffed, as if it were obvious, "Well, from what I gather, Sylvester's mother was a formidable fire-breather, having battled off a hoarde of angry gryphons," he said, "He may need a bit of coaching though, does it take practice?" Venus asked, craning his neck to look at the dragine, "Many dragons are born with the ability, spitting fire to even crack their shell, but it may be different, since you are not wholly dragon." --- Kevia twisted her heel for a moment and then accepted the harness. She smiled at her Venus, half the size of Lady Lucie, but chatting away in dragontongue nonetheless. She set the harness on the ground by his feet and turned back to Sam. She sighed hopelessly. "Want to go and grab some coffee?" she asked, "I think it'd be good to catch up." --- "Come on," Alek said, helping her up steadily, "Kevia was a brat, I'm glad I'll never see her again. You, are most definetly not a brat." Alek gave her a loving hug, "I work for Sam now, I think he can offer you a nice place for Shadow and her clutch, and you. He has done so much for me."

8:53pm May 18 2011
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Wow. Kevia still had her split personality thing. Sam nodded, and tried not to laugh. "That sounds good. I'll buy yours, if you don't mind me offering." He too also looked at Venus and Lady Lucie, and grinned. They seemed to be having a good conversation. "Should we leave them here?" He asked, indicating Venus and Lady Lucie. "Alex can watch them, or put them in their stalls."
4:10am May 19 2011
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Kazumi looked down not knowing what to do "would it be safe to move them?" she asked him. she also didn't know if they would be mixed up with all the other clutches and then sold she wanted to be there when they hatched and look after then like she did with Shadow. It would also be cool to see what type of dragon they turned into.
7:40pm May 19 2011
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Kevia went pale, "You hired him?" she said in disbelief. She brushed her short hair out of her face, trying to rid herslef. "Here I am, still acting like a teenager," she mumbled to herself, crossing her arms. "We can leave them here, Lady Lucie was well-trained when I left, and Venus is bound to Sylvester." ((RIBUNNY!!!)) -- "Siren is a steady flier, don't worry," Alek replied. "Sam actually keeps egg transporting harnesses for dragons. He has people to deliver them to customers on dragonback, I'll go and get a few, and a harness for Shadow. Siren isn't exactly a leagl dragon... Would you mind my flying back on her? It would be faster."
8:20pm May 19 2011
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"Okay." Sam nodded. "Where do you think we should go? Just to the town only a few ways away, or do you have anything in mind?"
Lady lucie jerked, sensing Sam was going to leave. "Don't! Let me come, I want to stay with you!" she bobbed her head and stretched her neck, but did not move from her spot.
"I'll be right back, Lu," Sam soothed, patting his dragon. " keep Venus and Sylvester company while Kevia and I are gone."
9:15pm May 19 2011
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Sylvester's ears slid back out of nervousness of being put in the spotlight. He swallowed and regained his composure before stating, "Since I am a purebred Dragine, I do have the ability to breath fire, strong fire at that." He puffed up his chest at the exaggeration, "I do need to practice first though.." He added more quietly.
4:17am May 20 2011
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Kazumi looked at him and nodded "sure" she said looking at the eggs she knew Shadow was a good stedy flyer but she liked to show off to Siren. (fail but oh well XD))
6:24pm May 27 2011
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((Any of you guys play Dungeons and Dragons by any chance? Just curious XD I have some fun little Kevia stories to tell. @full- Dragons and people don't understand each other. Not both ways at least.)) "Why not practice then?" Venus asked, dodging Lady Lucie's tail as she turned to coddle her human. "It cannot be so difficult." "Whatever you want, I don't mind," Kevia said with a smile at the large dragon, as she turned around so quickly. "I'll keep him safe Lady Lucie, no need to worry," Kevia laughed with a wink at th dragon. --- Alek nodded, "Keep an eye on Siren, will you? I'll only be a few minutes, but he gets restless sometimes." He went over and patted Shadow's smooth black hide. She didn't have much of a harness to speak of, not even a saddle to comfortably sit on. Kazumi had always loved to ride bare-back, it seemed. "Shadow, can you follow my lead please? We're going to take your eggs somewhere safe, so they'll be healthier," he said, wondering privately if dragons could understand human speech.

6:30pm May 27 2011
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((I haven't, I've kinda always wanted to though. xD)) "I.. I'm not sure how I would practice.." Sylvester replied, tilting his head one side to think. "I bet I could find out though. We should find someplace safe first, so I don't set important things on fire or anything."
6:41pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((He didn't, he just knew she was upset about him leaving.))
"Okay, then we can walk there," Sam said. "I just need to get a coat on." He rushed into the house, grabbed his coat, and came back. He patted Lady Lucie gently on the nose, then rubbed her cheek, and she let out a loud dragon purr. "You like that, don't you?" he crooned, putting his hand down.
6:59pm May 27 2011
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Shadow looked at Alek and nodded her head before nuzzleing Siren. "I will be back soon love" she said to him.
7:16pm May 27 2011
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Kevia shuffled her feet nervously and fiddled with the button on her own jacket. Venus was hardly the playful sort of dragon, and din't much like being ridden, let alone scratched under the chin. "Well, I can't imagine that it's very difficult," Venus said. "Come on, hop on my back and try not to fall. I can see a large dirt patch over there that we can use. I wonder if this fellow has any horses here," Venus said, fluttering his wings anxiously and licking his lips. --- Siren nodded curtly and leaned his head over to examine Shadow's human. She looked similar to before, but looked noticably more ragged and older from living in the wild for so long. Alek smiled and climbed onto Shadow's back, leading her on a flight back to the breeding grounds. It toko not even half the normal time on her, because she was so fast, and she landed gently and gracefully out front. There was an odd dragon there with Lady Lucie; he was white with ebony black giraffe markings, and when he opened his mouth slightly, he could tell that it was all a bright, toxic blue color. He stroked Shadow's nose and told her to stay as he trotted over to Sam. What he saw then may have turned his blood to ice. Was that Kevia? Oh, there's no time for such trivial tasks. "Sam, you'll never guess who I found in the woods this morning." Kevia took a step back towards Venus when Alek came, ducking her head down in hopes she hadn't seen her, maybe. Venus looked about to fly off, but Kevia took a tight grip on his harness in case.
