3:05pm Oct 31 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((:D Gues what day it is??!)) HALLOWEEN !!!
3:07pm Oct 31 2010 (last edited on 3:08pm Oct 31 2010)
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Posts: 5,279
((Haha. :{P *mustache smiley face* Okay, here's what happened. Dragon Breeding Cl*censored* began, and here's how it went down: Kevi was almost late to cl*censored*, and talked about how her dragon, mars, was probably the only mixed breed dragon in the school. She started talking to Sam Marcus, full's charrie, and asking about his dragon. Sam's dragon is Miss Lucie, and she has a funny personality. Lucie is named after Sam's dead mother, and is not exactly pure breed, because Sam is trying to create his own breed of dragon. :) That was when Miss. Sharp started cl*censored*. Alekzander was early to cl*censored*, and talked about his own dragon, Siren the King Silver, a pure breed. He began to talk to foxwolf's character, Kazumi, and her dragon, Shadow, who was discovered to be a rare Black Crested dragon. Kazumi revealed that she found Shadow as an egg in the forest, and Alek replied that she was lucky to find such a beautiful dragon, and that it would have only lived a day or two without her. Then clas.s started. Miss Sharp brought two Regal Gold dragons to clas.s, who have been simply observing the clearing and being groomed the whole time. She explained that she was going to show the clas.s how to socialize two dragons to the point where they will want to breed with each other, and chose Kazumi as a volunteer. And cut! EDIT:: Happy halloween everyone! You too full! *noms fake zaphao teeths*))

3:16pm Oct 31 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Did you manage to actually BREATHE while explaining that? O_o. XD))
3:26pm Oct 31 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((:3 Would I be typing if I didn't? ... unless I'm a ZOMBIE!!!))
3:32pm Oct 31 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((I tried saying it, and I couldn'thold my breathe for long enough. XD))
8:27pm Oct 31 2010
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12:51pm Nov 1 2010
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Kazumi looked at him before nodding "thank you" she said to him before walking over to miss Sharp and was waiting for her to say was she wanted doing first. She was very nervous because she was normaly in the back of the clas.s not wanting to be called on but it seemed that, that wasn't the case today. Yuki sat down by a pond in the forest she was very far in the forest so far it was a rule that students only came this far with their dragon and a teacher. As she sat there she relaxed more as she waited she knew he would come here atleast for a drink.
1:00pm Nov 1 2010
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"Okay, I want you to take the tether to this female Regal Gold, and keep her calm as I go and get the guy and bring him over, is that clear?" Miss Sharp said, handing the tether to Kazumi. The female dragon was uneasy- she had never met Kazumi before. Faryn felt relaxation. His master was near. He wondered if her should visit, or if she would try to take him again. He would take his chances. He gallantly walked to the cool pond where Yuki sat, and casually took a sip of the clear water, not paying any attention to her. He felt her relief.
1:10pm Nov 1 2010
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Kazumi nodded at miss Sharp before looking at the female slowly moving her hand to the female so she could smell her scent and know that Kazumi wasn't a threat or was going to hurt her. Kazumi knew from being with Shadow was if you where nervous and felt alot of emotions the dragon can sence it and that makes them more scared so if you feel calm then they will as well. Yuki looked up at Faryn and smiled seeing him. She made no move to go closer to him incase he thought it was because she was going to take him away. She wasn't going to she knew that a caged death horse was a dangerous death horse because they like to run free and she had learned her lesson from last time when he escaped. She wanted him happy even if that ment she wouldn't get any foals from him and her war horse type animals.
1:16pm Nov 1 2010
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Faryn gave a short snort and lifted his head, stamping his sharp hoof slightly and turning to trot around the pond to greet Yuki. He stayed a distance in case she tried to catch him, but she had no rope or anything with her. He figured he was safe. Judging by Yuki's thoughts, he was. "Excellent" Miss Sharp said with a smile, bringing the male over. "Now, these dragons have met before, so this won't be the same. Upon first meeting, you will want to keep him absolutely stationary." she said, patting the golden dragon's chest to tell him to stop. "Now that you have her under control Kazumi, just walk her past, almost brushing his scales; but keep yourself between the two. If there's any nipping or biting, let go of her leash and yell so she knows to leave."
1:24pm Nov 1 2010
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Yuki smiled at him as she slowly raised her hand. there was nothing in it but she knew that he had to make the first move if she did then it might make him run whch is what she didn't want. She could tell for now that he was fine but she wanted a closer look incase some hunters felt he was easy game to take from the forest. Kazumi nodded and stood on the left side of the female and walked towards the male so that she was inbetween the dragons and watched them both as she walked letting the female brush against the male but was watching them for any biting or nipping.
5:07pm Nov 1 2010
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Miss Sharp nodded. Neither dragon bit or anything, because they knew each other. Though the male looked a little amused. "Oh, I forgot to mention" Miss Sharp said. "The name of this girl is Lady Liberty, and this big guy here is Uncle Sam, ironically enough" Miss Sharp said, patting Sam's chest again. The two dragons p*censored*ed without quarrel. "Since that went well, you can bring her around a second time and stop beside me." Miss Sharp said with a smile. Kevi smiled at Miss sharp. "What funny names for dragons. They don't seem very patriotic to me" she chuckled softly. Alek stroked Shadow's muzzle to keep her calm when Kazumi was so near to that Sam dragon; he had seen her obvious distaste.
5:13pm Nov 1 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi nodded and did as she was told when she was standing by miss Sharp she looked around and smiled at Alek. Suddenly she heard growling looking she looked at Shadow she was growling at the male dragon Sam suddenly she ran over she was a very fast dragon both on land and in the air when she was close she rammed into Same moving him further away from Kazumi as she growled lower at him as if warning him. Kazumi looked at her confused as to why Shadow was like that.
5:13pm Nov 1 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((*Pokes whatever* Hi.))
5:14pm Nov 1 2010
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((*pokes full* You can reply to Kevi. :P Posting in a sec...))
5:18pm Nov 1 2010
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Posts: 6,296
""I like their names." Sam laughed softly. "They weren't the people who named themselves. I bet Uncle Sam would call himself 'Bonecrusher', and Lady Liberty would be 'Death Fire'. Dragon's like proud names that show strength."
5:54pm Nov 1 2010
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Alek yelped in surprise when Shadow tugged the tether out of his hand. He raced after her, but it was already too late. She was plowing into Uncle Sam angrily, and he didn't take it very well at all. Uncle Sam let out a fierce roar and reared, lashing out a clawed foreleg at Shadow as Miss Sharp strained against his tether, pulling his back and away. Miss Sharp yelled and made a clicking noise with her tongue, and Sam back winged to the other side of the clearing, keeping an eye on Lady Liberty in case Shadow hurt her too. Miss Sharp turned, her face red with anger. "Did you go to Dragon taming cl*censored*?" she snapped angrily, grabbing Shadow's tether and shoving it into Kazumi's hands, snatching away Liberty's in one swift movement. "Get back to your spot" she hissed. Alek was silent, his eyes were apologetic. "Sorry Kazumi, I though I had a good hold on her" he apologized. His own dragon, Siren, was sitting in a well behaved, sleeping heap. "The lesson is canceled" Miss Sharp went on moodily, "Neither dragon will want to cooperate now" "Wait!" Alek said. He hesitated. "Siren can help, he's well trained." Miss Sharp smiled. "I can't ask you to do that Alek, these are clas.s dragons, trained to act a certain way." she said. "Well, we still have a good half hour for this clas.s, and i'm not about to just sit here and learn nothing." Alek replied. "There has to be two dragons, and that black dragon is not an option" Miss Sharp said. "What about Kevi's dragon?" Alek said slyly. Kevi growled almost louder than Mars did at that remark. Her cheeks flushed red with anger. "Well..." Miss Sharp said with a pause.

5:59pm Nov 1 2010
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Sam sighed. He whispered in Kevi's ear, "Well, you don't have to if you don't want. I'll ask them to use Lady Lucie, if you don't want to, of course." Lady Lucie snorted, nibbling Sam's curly golden hair.
6:15pm Nov 1 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi pet Shadows head before walking back to the tree that she was by in the first place as she sat down she didn't know that tears where falling down her face until Shadow nudged her making a small noise. Kazumi looked at Shadow she felt like she was a failture to Shadow if she was a better trainer then Shadow would of been better around Sam and wouldn't of attacked him. She then moved so she was hidden from the clas.s by the tree as Shadow moved over to her as well, she then put her head onto Kazumi's lap to her Kazumi was her master and not Sam's so she shouldn't be near him.
6:34pm Nov 1 2010
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"It's not that" Kevi growled, her eyes fixed on Alek. "When we were dating, he was basically inseparable from my dragon, and he always bragged about it and acted like she was his." she hissed. "Of course, when we broke up, she noticed him yelling at me and changed her mind, but sometimes I wonder" Kevi said, but then she growled again. "Now he's just trying to annoy me." she whispered. "Something you want to share with the cl*censored* miss Williams?" Miss Sharp said sternly, her foot tapping. "Of course not" Kevi said in a semi-sweet voice. "Mars would be happy to as.sist." Mars blinked nervously as Kevi led her up to the teacher. She could feel the tension sparking through the air as she took the place where Kazumi had once been. "Very well then" Miss Sharp said, oblivious. "Alek, you can go back if you'd like" she said, taking Siren's leash. Alek nodded and ran back to where he was. He blinked first with confusion as to where Kazumi had gone, but then realized she was only hidden by her dragon. He put his hand on Shadow's flank before walking around her to sit next to Kazumi. He didn't say anything, too ashamed that he'd caused her to get in trouble.
