7:20pm May 27 2011
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Shadow tilted her head as she sat down and waited for Alek to come back. She wanted to walk over to him because of the strange dragon near them but thought best if she just kept a eye on him. Kazumi looked at Siren and held her hand out for him to decide if he wanted her to pet him or not. She thought it was best doing it this way so that they had the choise and not the humans just petting them.
7:43pm May 27 2011
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"Okay." Sylvester replied, bunching up his back legs and leaping onto Venus' back, quickly able to balance himself. He sensed Kevia's discomfort and looked down at her. "What's wrong with her..?" He murmured, "Is she okay?"
4:59pm Jun 16 2011
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((All this time and full has yet to reply here. O.O It's somewhat necessary for a fluid reply XD... Reposting, and then I'll reply when full does, applying the previous two posts as well...)) Kevia shuffled her feet nervously and fiddled with the button on her own jacket. Venus was hardly the playful sort of dragon, and din't much like being ridden, let alone scratched under the chin. "Well, I can't imagine that it's very difficult," Venus said. "Come on, hop on my back and try not to fall. I can see a large dirt patch over there that we can use. I wonder if this fellow has any horses here," Venus said, fluttering his wings anxiously and licking his lips. --- Siren nodded curtly and leaned his head over to examine Shadow's human. She looked similar to before, but looked noticably more ragged and older from living in the wild for so long. Alek smiled and climbed onto Shadow's back, leading her on a flight back to the breeding grounds. It toko not even half the normal time on her, because she was so fast, and she landed gently and gracefully out front. There was an odd dragon there with Lady Lucie; he was white with ebony black giraffe markings, and when he opened his mouth slightly, he could tell that it was all a bright, toxic blue color. He stroked Shadow's nose and told her to stay as he trotted over to Sam. What he saw then may have turned his blood to ice. Was that Kevia? Oh, there's no time for such trivial tasks. "Sam, you'll never guess who I found in the woods this morning." Kevia took a step back towards Venus when Alek came, ducking her head down in hopes she hadn't seen her, maybe. Venus looked about to fly off, but Kevia took a tight grip on his harness in case.

6:24pm Jun 16 2011
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"Oh?" Sam stopped and turned to Alek. "what is it?" -fail-
Lady Lucie snorted. "what's the point of horses if you have dragons?" she asked Venus. "no, he doesn't, but he has cows, and they're not for eating," She let out a blast of smoke from her nostril.
6:40pm Jun 16 2011
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"Kazumi! Her dragon, Shadow, has Siren's clutch, and I was wondering if I could bring them here for safe-keeping with a carryong harness for her," Alek replied. He looked over his shoulder where the dark dragon sat patiently. Venus frowned. "If cows aren't for eating, why have them? They aren't smart enough to do anything useful, and they have no claws and flat teeth and would be poor hunters." Venus's nose twitched slightly, "Hey! Do you breath fire then? You might teach my new dragine!" Venus reared slightly to air his wings, testing to see if Sylvester would stay properly. Changing topics again, he nudged Kevia's shoulder, "She does seem a little perplexed..." Siren blinked at Kazumi and then licked her with his enormous dragon-tongue in obvious approval, leaving her covered in drool.
6:57pm Jun 16 2011
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"Oh, that's great!" Sam grinned. "Grab a harness from the tack room, I'm sure there's one there that'll fit Kazumi's dragon." he turned to Kevia, putting his hands in his pockets awkardly. "so.... umm...?"
Lady Lucie frowned. "I dunno. I think the humans eat them, actually. But they do funny stuff with them before eating them. Oh, yah, I can breath fire," Lady Lucie said proudly. "Wanna see?"
7:08pm Jun 16 2011
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"Yeah!" Venus said, folding his wings again and watching Lady Lucie carefully. He wondered if he was able to spit fire. Maybe by watching her, mimicking her actions would help him. Kevia loosened her grip on the dragon's harness as Alek walked away. "I don't know why I'm still so angry about that," Kevia said, mostly to herself as she glared after him. She quickly turned her attention to Sam, "Do you still want to go then?" she asked. Alek thanked Sam swiftly and ran off to the tack room. He knew where the appropriate harness was, and he found one the perfect size for Shadow, able to carry five eggs at a time. He smiled at the convenience and Hooked it on to Shadow. "Ready to head back then?" he asked the dragon.
7:24pm Jun 16 2011
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"If you still want to go," Sam said quickly. "then we can catch up on each other."
"Okay then," Lady Lucie took in a deep breath, thenscrunched her lips and let out a small stream of fire. "I can do it bigger," she said, "but I don't want to cath anything on fire."
3:55pm Jun 17 2011
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((*pokes Ribunny*)) "Sounds great," Kevia agreed, "It'd be nice to talk to someone about... well, life I suppose." "Sylvester, why don't you try?" Venus suggested, nudging the dragine off of his back. -failpost-
4:15pm Jun 17 2011
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Sylvester landed on the ground, stumbling when he landing awkwardly on his paws. He sighed sadly, unsure if he could do it or not. He inhaled as much as he could, and then let out his breath, thick black smoke and a few sparks coming out of his mouth. He coughed when he breathed it in, taking a few steps back from it. He frowned when it finally cleared away, and inhaled again, letting his breath out, but this time with more force. He still only was able to exhale smoke, but it was a little warm, and what looked like tiny embers came out too. -fail-
6:41pm Jun 17 2011
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Kazumi laughed and pet Siren. (fail) Shadow roared happily as she moved around. She couldn't wait to get back to Siren so she could be with him longer and to go back to Kazumi.
6:47pm Jun 17 2011
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"Oh, I can see your problem," Lady Lucie said, "if fire-breathing is the same for dragines and dragons, you need to blow lighter. Don't force it out." -- "So, shall we?" Sam asked, gesturing the way to the village.
7:03pm Jun 17 2011
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"Yeah," Kevia replied with a half shrug. The walk to the coffee place wasn't long, but it was closer to noon when they got there and they were already setting up for lunch. It didn't much matter though, lunch wasn't too different from breakfast. She sat down in the chair accross from Sam, and gave an uneas smile, "So, how've you been?' --- Venus sniffed inquisitvely. "I might try myself, if no one minds," he said. It would be something to be able to breathe fire, "I don't want to set anything aflame though, it seemed you had to control that flame quite a bit." --- Alek laughed and got onto Shadow's back. It wasn't very long before returning. He hopped off just as shadow touched down, landing skillfully on all fours for balance. "Alright," he said, righting himself quickly, "Sam gave the OK for us to use the incubators, there's plenty of room."
7:08pm Jun 17 2011
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Kazumi turned smiling at them. She was still covered in spit from Siren "thats great." She said smiling as she picked up two eggs to put in the harness.
7:56pm Jun 17 2011
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"We could go find an open place with nothing in the way," Lady Lucie suggested, "and we could do it into the sky. That way no grass will catch on fire." ---
"Me, well, almost as soon as I got out of the school, my dad bought me this land. I started with five dragons, Lady Lucie, of course, King's Crown, Fairie Dust, Palace Key, and Mud. Who's Mud Tell you later. So, I bought a few more dragons, and well, now I'm one of the top breeders in the world." Sam paused. "....kind of too easy for me. I wih I had a challenge, though. What about you?"
9:15pm Jun 17 2011
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Kevia sighed, "I had hoped you had more to talk about," she admitted, "Oh well, let's start with when I left then." Kevia took a sip of the water that was brought before beginning her story. "I never really told you that I had a sister, Colette. We were twins. I left because I got a letter from her... well, her murderer, you could say. She's been dead since I was about thirteen. We found her strapped to a wooden chair covered in blood and dead, and she stank of magic. It was the homocidal swamp witch that killed her, Zem Tyler, and she was never caught. She haunts my nightmares to the day, and then she had the nerve to write me a letter. What is said is not important, and I'm not about to tell you. What happened then..." Kevia gripped her glass a little tighter and mustered another sip, "...well, I found her. Zem Tyler was looking for me, can you imagine? I met her in some remote village, and she killed Mars. Just like that. There was no rhyme or reason, only to flaunt her power, I suspect. Anyone else I would have attacked, but Zem Tyler was too much. She tried to sell me into slavery, but the family who happened to buy me was intent on setting me free and nursing me back to help. They gave me a dragon egg, the best of their breeds, so I was told, and here I have Venus," Kevia said, shrugging off the weight of the tale by leaning back in her chair slightly. "I raised Venus from hatching, and we flew to Aberdeen to make our fortune. I've done a few assassinations since, but I don't think I'm a criminal yet. They had it coming," Kevia paused, wondering what Sam's reaction would be to her lengthy story. Odds are, he would be appalled or something, he probably didn't picture Kevia as a killer. --- "Ooh! I do love flying!" Venus said with a grin, "Can dragines fly, Sylvester?" he asked curiously. --- The eggs were loaded safely into the harness in time, snug in their cases. "We should ride Siren back instead, so that Shadow can focus on flying straight and steady," Alek proposed. He chuckled at Kazumi when she came closer, realising that she was all sticky and wet. "I see that Siren approves."

9:22pm Jun 17 2011
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Sam blinked. Wow. She hasn't changed a bit, yet she's changed so much. "Wow. Poor Mrars." Sam was surprised Kevia had actually told him that much. "So, you want food?" It was a partly joking question, but mostly to try and change the mood. --
"Yeah, can they, Slyv?" Lady Lucie asked curiously.
9:27pm Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 5,279
"I wouldn't mind something," Kevia replied. She set the water down, for fear of breaking the glass, "Something with alcohol wouldn't hurt either, I can't believe I just spilled it all," Kevia said rubbing her temples for a second. "Being a breeder of dragons must be exciting," she said, "Do they ever fight?"
9:36pm Jun 17 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Sometimes," Sam frowned. "battles between pregnant she-dragons often happens, but we usually keep them in isolate pens. One time two males faught eachother over a she-dragon and..." Sam sighed. "I wasn't fast enough. High Top was killed." Sam smiled grimly. "Sad to say, it wa over Lady Lucie. She's quite the seducer."
9:43pm Jun 17 2011
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"Seductress," Kevia corrected him with a wink, "I managed to retain something in school," she laughed, "That is a shame about the dragons though. It's terrible when they die, I've learned." She reached into her pocket and took out a brown-purple scale, "I took this from Mars when she--you know. It's a good thing to remember them by. I read somewhere in my travels that no two dragons have the same scale, be it shape color or size, kind of like human fingerprints, or snowflakes."