9:49pm Jun 17 2011
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"I've never heard that before, but I guess it's understandable," Sam said, looking at his own fingerprints. "I wonder if I might see more of my old fellow schoolfriends. Three in one day, wow."
10:01pm Jun 17 2011
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"I wouldn't exactly call Alek and I friends," Kevia said with a faint chuckle, "But I get what you mean. Do you rember that guy I punched? Kaze? What do you think he's up to these days? He was always one of the shadier characters."
10:11pm Jun 17 2011
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"I don't know. Maybe he's on the other side of the world or something." Sam shrugged. -Pffftfail-
6:10am Jun 18 2011
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Kazumi laughed and nodded. "It seems so" she said smiling as she nodded. "yes that would be better but Shadow likes to show off for Siren so i don't know if she will try to show off or try to stay steady." She said worried.
5:45pm Jun 18 2011
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"Sam," Kevia said, hesitating for a moment and breaking eye contact, "Have you ever considered us more than friends?" She looked at him, trying not to betray too much of her thought process. She hoped he didn't find anything too... inappropriate in her question, but really, the thought always seemed to nag in the back of her mind, like the plague. Except the plague was bad. --- "If she shows off, she'll have Siren's rage to del with for dropping an egg, you don't need to worry," Alek said, climbing up to Siren's shoulder and extending a hand to help Kazumi up.
6:11pm Jun 18 2011
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Kazumi reached up and grabbed Alek's hand before getting up on Siren and looking at Shadow. "Well Shadow lets go to our new home" she said smiling at her happily. She hadn't been around anyone since school. all she had was the forest so it would be good to be somewhere where there are people to talk to.
6:20pm Jun 18 2011
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Sylvester stretched out his wings and took a few test flaps. "I.. I think I can fly, I've never tried before. I've seen my mother fly before though, and a few other purebred Dragines, so I probably can." He looked up at the Dragons, "Maybe I should watch you guys fly before I try so I can see how you do it."
6:23pm Jun 18 2011 (last edited on 6:26pm Jun 18 2011)
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Alek patted Siren's side and he took off, careful not to upset the earth as he went, Shadow in his... well, shadow. He flew slowly, especially compared to the Night Bringer carrying the eggs behind him. It seemed that Siren didn't want her to rush, but he could just as easily be encouraging her to try tricky flying maneuvers out of boredom. There was about an hour of travel ahead of them at this pace. Alek repositioned himself more comfortably to sit on his dragon's shoulders. Kazumi sat at the base of the neck, she seemed so relaxed. Alek sighed softly at her prescence and made himself comfortable, looking over Siren's mass to see Shadow flying. ((Ash... editing with response again -_-)) ((EDIT:: Here we are, Venus. :3)) Venus shook out his wings with a smile at the dragine, "No worries Sylvester, if you find that flying is a difficulty, I will carry you so long as you promis not to singe my scales so badly upon learning. He took a hasty step back and leaped into the air, his as he could. At the top of his jump, he gave a few great beats of the wing to get height, and glided for a while, until he came within a few feet of the ground, when he would flap again.

7:31pm Jun 18 2011
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Sylvester made sure to pay attention to everything that Venus did. He took a few breaths, not knowing he had the capability to do something as complicated as flying. He bunched up the muscles in his back legs and lept into the air, flapping as hard and fast as he could. He didn't fly, more like fell slowly to the ground. "At least I didn't fall.." He murmured. "Maybe if I took a running start." He tried to run and then jump, flapping his wings again, this time managing to ascend into the air, and even go around a bit, but he was forced to land after he got tired. "That takes a lot of work." He murmured, "But at least I know I can fly a little."
9:27pm Jun 18 2011
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Venus made a low swoop and parachuted his wings slightly to land gently on the ground. "It's alright, little dragine," he said, "Your wings will grow in time. Not many hatchlings your age can do much more than glide, you should be proud."
7:46am Jun 19 2011
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Kazumi closed her eyes as they flew it had been a while since she flew on a dragon. When Shadow had her clutch Kazumi didn't fly on her incase something happened.
4:19pm Jun 19 2011
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Sam felt as if a giant rock had been placed in his stomach. "Well.... yeah," he said slowly. "a kind of connection to you, I just can't understand it." He looked at her face, and realized he could look at it as if nothing had changed, she hadn't grown into the woman she had, wasn't older, was still a teenager going to school to learn how to plan out life.
9:00pm Jun 19 2011
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"I..." Kevia paused for a moment, taking in exactly what he said. She felt all melty inside, weak, vulnerable, she would only loose again. She wanted to be with Sam, of course, but she felt like she didn't owe herself the pleasure, or Sam the hurt that was to come the next time she had to leave. With Zem Tyler still out there, it was inevitable. The witch had to die. "...really?" she said, flustered, unable to really comprehend anything but disbelief. --- ((Fail much fox? XD There was a number of other things you could have done, like describe Shadow's flying peut-etre?)) Siren landed carefully in the landing area for Sam's breeding farms. It was a long time since he had been here, actually. His silver scales shook in contempt at the soft grass beneath his claws, so delicate. He looked up and saw several dragons flying around, one whom he recognized to be Lady Lucie, but the other was stranger to him. Siren was not a legal dragon. There were laws in place that forbid him from living, after hurting an actualy person. It was Yuki Snow and Denira Sharp who ultimately saved his life, by stalling the enforcers of said law long enough for Alek to recover and smuggle him away. He dipped his claws into the loose, sharp earth. Many other dragons knew this around these parts. The last time he flew here was when Alek first fled the Academy with him, and sought work with Sam. He had explained, at that time, his reasoning with the other dragons, but he left too quickly to know what they thought of him living. He settled comfortably into the grass, bending down so that the humans could safely get off. He growled quietly at his nagging chains. If he continued to grow, as dragons of his breed do constantly as they age, his days were certainly numbered. ((Hehe, felt like explaining Siren's being an outlaw, so that it's clear for everyone. :P)) Alek clambered off of the great Silver beast and smiled at Shadow as she made a smooth and delicate landing. He unloaded the eggs one at a time and set them on the cool grass, examining their shells for any cracks or blemishes.

1:21pm Jun 20 2011
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Kazumi got off as well before petting Siren. "Good boy. You where great." She said to him smiling at him. Shadow waited till all the eggs where gone before she ran over to Siren and pounced on him making small purring noises. Yuki walked to Sams breeding farm with a dragon following her. She bread the dragon for Sam to use as a stud knowing one couldn't have too many studs so that they had a number of choises. As she walked over she looked up in the sky as she looked to see if Sam was their.
6:00pm Jun 20 2011
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"Yes." Sam stared at Kevia and grabbed her hand with both of is. It felt awkward, but he didn't let go. "I'll help you find Zem, too."
8:50pm Jun 20 2011
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"No!" Kevia said, rushed. When she remembered where she was, she decided to lower her voice at least a little. "you'll get yourself killed, I don't want her to hunt you too," she said urgently. She looked at Sam, "I'm done hunting her, she can come for me if she wants trouble," she finished. She looked down at her hands, held in Sam's, and smiled. There was a pause, "My first lie," she admitted belatedly, "Yes, I will hunt for her, but not yet, and I don't want you wiith me when she finds me, or vice versa." --- Siren chuckled, "My dear, I cannot stay here. You know this." "Oh? I think someone's at the front gates, why don't you take the eggs to the incubation center, in that barn over there? I'll see who it is. I work here," Alek said with a smile, walking out front to see who it was. "Professor Snow? Is that you?" he guessed, approaching the figure.
8:57pm Jun 20 2011
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"But I want to be with you," Sam pressed her hand above his heart. "If I die, it's my own damn fault. I don't care." He wanted to kiss her, but he didn't know how she'd react. He didn't want her to storm out. Girls were strange like that.
9:00pm Jun 20 2011
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Kevia's heart was thudding so loud, she was sure that everyone heard it now. "Sam..." she breathed. She bit her tongue before she could say anything stupid, and then she leaned in and kissed him. "Thank you," she said, blinking back into reality for a moment. All she could think about was how she was going to hurt him someday.
9:12pm Jun 20 2011
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Sam leaned in and kissed her back. He took in a beep breath, and gave a small smile. He then realized no one had come to take his order. He looked around, and saw a waiter standing a few ways away, watching them and smiling. He walked over. "May I take your order?" He asked with a wink. "Oh, uh, I don't want anything," Sam said distractedly. "actually, a sesame seed bagel." The waiter turned to Kevia. "And the lady?"
9:17pm Jun 20 2011
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Kevia glared at the waiter, but couldn't find anything to threaten him about. "Icewater would be nice," she said in a small voice. She felt like sinking into her chair. Had everyone just been watching? Not that she was overly embarrassed, not ashamed in the least, to have kissed Sam, but it was just so... public. What would her mother think?" ((Lawl XD It take a special occasion to make Kevia think of her mother))