9:32pm Jun 20 2011
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((ASDFGHJKL. My internet like. Spazzed out and I couldn't go on the computer at allll. And since I don't have school, or anything, and my mom still works I was home alone all day without the internet. :C PITTY ME FOOLS. ... Uh. I dunno what to post in the RP part. xD'))
9:37pm Jun 20 2011
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((I hereby repost for ribunny! While feeling pity for her!)) Venus made a low swoop and parachuted his wings slightly to land gently on the ground. "It's alright, little dragine," he said, "Your wings will grow in time. Not many hatchlings your age can do much more than glide, you should be proud."
9:42pm Jun 20 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Well, in Kevia+Sam world they were having a sexy moment and the waiter interrupted it. XD))
Sam turned back to Kevia. "When we get our stuff, you want to just head back?" He asked, feeling a little bit more strength in their relationship.
9:58pm Jun 20 2011
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"Sure," Kevia answered. The blood was rushing to her cheeks in bluch still though, a belated effect of their moment, she supposed. She groaned and banged her head on the table. "I'm hopeless," she confessed.
10:02pm Jun 20 2011
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"What makes you say that?" Sam grinned. "you can't have no hope when I'm around." The waiter came with the bagel and the water. "here you go," he said, and he walked away.
10:16pm Jun 20 2011
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((Lol, thanks Whatevia~ <3)) Sylvester couldn't help smiling a bit. "Awesome!" He said, the almost instinctive Dragine pride starting to kick in. "I bet I'll learn how to fly in no time!" He stretched out his wings and test flapped a few times, ignoring the slight pain he felt from his sore muscles. "No time at all!"
10:25pm Jun 20 2011
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((NP~)) "I'll bet you will!" Venus agreed. He looked up; Lady Lucie was still flying, waiting for them, it seemed. "Come on, get on my back! I want to try fire-breathing too!" -- "I'm being a girl today," Kevia said, looking up and pointing at her pink face. She took a sip of the icewater absently. The blush seemed to be wearing off. She huffed at herself. Stupid hormones.
10:31pm Jun 20 2011
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"Should we head back now?" Sam suggested, looking out at the path.
10:44pm Jun 20 2011
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"Kay!" Sylvester said, leaping onto Venus' back, landing on it with his cat half's agility. He felt energy going through his veins, like he was ready for anything! He couldn't wait to try fire breathing, he bet he'd be able to get it in a snap, and if he didn't, he'd keep trying! He barely kept himself contained as he waited for Venus to lift off.
7:38am Jun 21 2011
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Kazumi nodded before getting the eggs and taking them to the barn. Shadow looked at him. "then i'm going with you" She said making a purring noise showing he wouldn't change her mind. Yuki smiled at Alek and nodded. "Yes it's me ive just brought this dragon for Same to use as a stud. He is very rare and would be useful for him. I have to many in the school and thought I could give him to Sam." She said smiling before spotting Siren with a black dragon on him. She smiled before looking at Alek. "I see you found Kazumi and Shadow" she said with a small laugh.
11:50am Jun 21 2011
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Alek shrugged. "I don't know if Sam will use him, he's already got a lot of dragons," Alek stated, "But he's out right now, why don't you come back later?" "They need you here," Siren argued. --- "Yeah, sure," Kevia said, standing up and smiling shortly. "I wonder what the dragons are doing. Do you think we should have tied them up or something?" --- Venus gave a happy roar and sprang into the air quickly. He found it unlikely that the dragine would fall, but it was a possibility. "Alright Lucie, how did you do the fire thing again?" he asked, flying in circles, because his wing joints were too few to be able to efficiently hover.
12:34pm Jun 21 2011
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Yuki nodded. "Very well tell Sam i was here will you." She said beofre turning and walking back to the school the Dragon behind her watching Siren and Shadow before getting pulled be Yuki. He then turned and walked with her but not before looking back at them hoping he would see the female again. Shadow looked at him. "If they need me they can call" she said to him.
5:42pm Jun 21 2011
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((Shadow is acting pretty clingy. :P)) "Shadow," Siren said sternly, standing up, "I love you, I love our eggs, but we cannot be together every minute of the day. You may visit when the humans do, which is often, no doubt, but I am not welcome here." "I will," Alek promised, waving goodbye to the Headmaster of the Academy and then walking back to where Kazumi was sitting near the eggs. He peered into their container, and smiled. They seemed much more comfortable. He stroked their black leathery shells once before pulling up a wooden chair and sitting next to Kazumi. "What do you think they'll look like?" he asked.
5:44pm Jun 21 2011
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"You take a deep, noiseless breath in, and then let it out as if you were blowing on a fire to help the flames burn," Lady lucie instructed, "if it doesn't work, try a few times. If you feel you're doing it perfect, and nothing's coming out, not even smoke, you probably don't have a fire gland." ---
"Nah," sam shook his head. "I think they're fine." he stood up, and helped Kevia out of her chair with a grin. "Let's go."
5:52pm Jun 21 2011
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Venus's flight path faltered slightly, and then he flew in a straight line, his wings flat and gliding. He did as instructed, taking a deep breath without making sound, and let it out gently. Naturally, nothing happened. He wasn't bred from flame-producing dragons. But he did feel something. It was like a tingling in the back of his throat. Curious, he tipped his head down and breathed out normally, hacking some spittle as well. The bright blue liquid rained down onto the canopy of trees they had begun to fly over, melting away the bark and leaves. "Woah! Cool!" he said, swerving back to the front of the farm to Lady Lucie. He repeated and spat more acid onto the bare ground, burning deep holes into the pasture. "Did you see that?" --- Kevia smiled, charmed. Sam was such a gentleman, as she remembered. "Thank you," she said. She took his hand in hers and they walked back to the farm. (<3) When they got there, Kevia frowned. Venus had just spat a rain of acid onto the ground, dangerously close to Sam's own house. "Huh, he's an acid-spitter. Who knew?"

5:52pm Jun 21 2011
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((you try being away from the father of your eggs and see how you act XD)) Shadow made a growling noise at him. "I didn't ask for every minute of the day did i" She said before turning and walking back, more like stomping, back to the humans as she made growling noises as she walked. She missed him alot and he was acting like he didn't want her to be with him. She didn't care if he wasn't allowed there she could of always came back to check the eggs if she wanted to she just wanted to be with him and to catch up with the time they had missed together. Kazumi looked at the eggs and tilted her head. "I think some will be like Siren in size but like Shadow in colour" she said smiling more.
5:59pm Jun 21 2011
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((I haven't laid eggs in a while, thank you very much XDDDD)) "I read in my studies that the shell of an egg is always the color of the mother's scales," Alek said, "But they can hatch to be any color in the spectrum between the two. As for size, the medium sized gene that Shadow has is dominant to heavy weight, so they'll be Shadow's size, most likely, or they could end up stunted for whatever reason." Alek thought for a moment more. "I hope that they have Shadow's body structure, since she's so fast. They'll be good flyers." Siren whined, "Shadow, come back," he said. "I didn't mean it like that, it's just that I can't stay, or it'd risk us both getting seized by the humans and killed. I'm an illegal dragon, and any of our eggs could have the condition. If the humans know that they're mine as well, they might just smash them on principle."
6:00pm Jun 21 2011
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"Cool. You can spit acid." Lady Lucie flapped her wings, in a way dragons would clap. "Don't burn anything," she waned, "or Sam will be 'spitting' mad." She chuckled at her own joke. --- ((<3<3 I GTG, I'll write Sam's piece in a mo.))
6:12pm Jun 21 2011 (last edited on 6:12pm Jun 21 2011)
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"Wow!" Sylvester said when Venus spit his acid. "That's awesome! I bet it could burn to the bone of something that's alive." He flicked his tail from side to side in excitement. "I bet you'd do really well in fights, like, you see another dragon breathing fire, and you would be all, 'Fire's great and all, but check out this!' Then you'd spit your acid on them and melt their scales and stuff!" ((As you can tell, Sylvester is a bit hyper right now. xD))
6:15pm Jun 21 2011
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Venus gave a hearty laugh. "Kevia and I camped near a bard's home once, and he sang a tale of the great acid-spitters of the old dragons, how they flew in an arrow-formation and slaughtered all those who opposed them. Acid didn't kill right away, but drew anyone who was hit to agony, and usually suicide. It was fabulous, and he sung it so well!" He landed roughly on the ground. Kevia and Sam were back, it seemed.