6:23pm Jun 21 2011
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Shadow made a snorting noise before laying by Kazumi, Alek and the eggs. She felt hurt that he thought just because he was illegal that she wouldn't stay with him. Even if he left what would be wrong with her being with him. Even if she stayed here no one could know what might happen while he wasn't around. Kazumi nodded before looking at Shadow. "Whats wronf girl?" She asked her as she petted Shadow's head as Shadow made a small whining noise and nuzzled her.
6:25pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((You know the eggs are in a barn, right? Dragons don't fit in barns. o.o))
6:32pm Jun 21 2011
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((O.o erm erm erm well lets say they are close to the exit and its just Shadows head thats in the barn XD))
6:35pm Jun 21 2011
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((Mkay... -waits- There's really not much I can do with that. :P))
6:38pm Jun 21 2011
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Posts: 5,406
((you could have Siren run over and pull her away to talk to her or something XD or have an egg hatch))
6:41pm Jun 21 2011
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((Yeah, because that's totally something Siren would do. -sarcastic- And only two total are going to hatch, I've decided. :P That way we each get one. Female dragon here I come! Haha Xd All of the dragons I play in this are male. :P I'mma wait for Ribun and full to post too, that way there's more to type))
6:46pm Jun 21 2011
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((But like, the only thing I can think of posting is Sylvester saying 'Awsome' again. xDD'))
6:48pm Jun 21 2011
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((Hmm.. I think we need Sam and Lady Lucie to do something.))
9:30pm Jun 21 2011
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Sam blinked. "Wow, Venus is an acid spitter? I didn't know." Lady Lucie noticed Sam and lumbered over, licking his face a cooing happily. Sam laughed and patted her nose. Sam turned to Kevia. "You know, we should meet more often," Sam smiled and kissed her again. It felt good, just being close to her.
9:40pm Jun 26 2011
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"We should," Kevia agreed. Venus nudged her protectively with his nose, growling quietly, though the sound was still there. Kevia only chuckled and poked the dragon backwards, "Relax, Venus," she said smoothly. She went over and checked his back to make sure Sylvester was still there. She unhooked the small dragine from the harness and held him close, patting the dragon's side. "You can go and hunt now, darling, you deserve it." Venus sighed. "Humans..." he said. He sat down stubbornly for a moment before deciding that he actually was hungry. "Hey, lady Lucie, do you want to come hunting with me?" he asked, proud of himself for coming up with the idea. Surely, traveling with a larger dragon would bring in more food. --- Alek was silent for a moment, sitting comfortably in his wooden chair, and unsure what he should say. "Hey, is that egg moving?" he asked, pointing to the centermost egg in the incubator, wriggling slightly and knocking its neighbors out of place. Alek took the egg and placed it on the soft hay in the barn, then, changed his mind and brought it outside so that the dragons could watch. It appeared that Siren had already gone though, back to his hiding place, Alek suspected.

9:51pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Can I be one of Siren and Shadow's babies? :3 If that's all right.))
"Sounds good. Two will surely bring more meat. No cows, though," Lady Lucie warned. "we can go to the forest on the east side of the property."
9:57pm Jun 26 2011
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Sylvester squirmed a little as he was unhooked, a little sad that he wasn't going to be on the dragon's back anymore. He was unable to hold back a small yawn, his hyperness before starting to wear off and the days events setting in. He felt his eyes start to droop, but he fought it away, wanting to stay alert even though he also wanted to sleep.
10:56am Jun 27 2011
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"Lead the way!" Venus chirped, spreading his wings and taking to the air. He circled above for a moment, waiting for the dragoness. ((That's fine by me full! As a future rule of thumb, only two eggs can hatch out of each clutch. For realism's sake, and for the sake of keeping dragon populations at a manageable number. :3 Shadow's clutch can be the first and only exception to the rule in question, since Kazumi took such good care of them. :P)) Kevia stroked Sylvester comfortingly. "Is there somewhere I can set Sylvester for a nap?" she asked, scratching his ear absently, "I think he's worn out."
12:17pm Jun 27 2011
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((Yay XD)) Kazumi watched as another one started moving. She picked the egg up and called for Alec "heres another one" she said to him as she walked halfway incase another egg started to move. Shadow watched the eggs making small purring and cooing noises as if trying to pursaid the hatchlings out of the egg. The small egg in Kazumis arms moved about madly nearly getting dropped because it was moving so much. the egg was black but had small silver markings on it showing signs of both parents.
12:26pm Jun 27 2011
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The creature inside the first egg was clawing visciously at the shell of the egg, its claws poking holes in the leathery shell. It hissed and was panting in a short break. Sticking its tongue out like a snake to taste the crisp air outside. It hissed in delight at the taste and made another mad struggle to get out. It was a good ten minutes before it broke the shell. It looked like a snake with short legs. She had a black hide, like the shell, with a bright silver stripe down her spine and short stripes under her eyes, which were also a silvery shade. Her head was large, and when she opened her mouth to hiss, it revealed sharp, serrated teeth. "Hello there little one," Alek said, bending down to a crouch to get a better look at the dragonet. It was a wonderful specimen, but it looked less like Shadow and Siren than it did something new. The dragonet chirped in greet, lookigna t Alek sideways with one of her eyes. She hissed, and raised spines along her back slightly. She blinked and stared around at her surroundings. There was only one other dragon around, so she simply assumed that it was her mother. She spread two leathery black wings, which looke gray in the sun. Alek cautiously picked up the dragonet by the middle holding it up to the sun to better examine her. "She seems healthy," he said, as the dragonet playfully gnawed his fingers, and grasped his arm with tiny claws. "I think I'll call her Vrai, which means true in french. It seems fitting." Vrai chirped and flapped her wings to free herself from Alek's grasp. She thudded to the ground, but got up and was completely unscathed. She scrambled over to the other egg, putting her front two arms on the still solid shell and sniffing at it, screeching into the egg, as if telling it to wake up.

1:42pm Jun 27 2011
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Kazumi put the Egg down and stood near Alek before smiling at Vrai. "So our idea that they would looke like Shadow are out the window." She said laughing as she watched the other egg move around on the floor. Suddenly the egg stopped moving before a four little legs came out from the top. The egg then turned over and moved around on the little legs makeing Kazumi laugh as she watched. Hearing a noise the egg turned and ran full force into what the egg thought made the noise but eged up being Shadow. Shadow watched the egg as it backed up and ran back into her making the egg crack and fall off a small looking dragon. The Dragonet looked around before looking up at Shadow and giving a squik in suprise and happyness before Spreading her wings and flapping them. The wings where full silver while the Dragonet what black. Where the wings and body met though the silver swirled around before it blended into the black making it look like they wings where painted and the paint hadn't dried as it swirled on her body. Kazumi picked the dragonet up and smiled as she cuddled into her showing that she was as friendly as Shadow was as a hatchling. "I think we should name her Tess" She said smiling before looking at Alec. "I'm not very creative with names." She said with a small giggle as she put Tess down and smiled as she ran over to her sister and copied her. Shadow raised her head to the sky to tell Siren the news that 2 out of 5 eggs where hatched and that she didn't know if anymore where going to hatch or not. She hoped for a reply but didn't know if he would or not. ((Wow i think i had verble diaria XD))

6:10pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 6:13pm Jun 27 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
"Is Sylvester fine with cats?" Sam asked, "because I have two of my own, and I have a cat basket for them. They mostly live in the barn though, so they're most likely not there."
The third egg shook violently, rocking back and forth. The egg landed on it side, and a large crack was on the egg. A tiny foot cracked through the egg, and then the other, and then the whole baby tumbled out of the egg. The dragon was silver, with a black, skunk-like stripe down it's back. It had a black muzzle, and black paws. It was she-dragon.
Lady lucie lifted up into the sky, and headed towards the forest. "I hunted over the left side of the forest yesterday," she bobbed her head. "so, we should stay to the right, because there'll be more prey. Hopefully we'll get a deer, or maybe even a moose or wildcat." Ladu Lucie licked her lips.
((Derp. that okay? It's she-dragon, and it can be named anything you want.))
6:51pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 4,848
Sylvester quietly purred in response to Sam's question. Cats were cool, he was around cats a lot as his breeder liked cats as much as Dragines. He even played with the kittens frequently when he was there. The idea of a nice comfortable basket made him become even more tired, now he didn't even attempt to hide it.
7:25pm Jun 27 2011
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"I think so," Kevia answered, though she wasn't sure. She had never owned a dragine before, but she knew each was different. Sylvester was so tired though, that she was sure he wouldn't mind. ((Can I play one of the cats? Sierra <3)) --- Alek whipped his head around to the barn, where one of the eggs fell abruptly out of the incubator. "Well that's odd," Alek said, walking over and examining the dragonet. It seemed just as healthy as the others, despite the two out of every clutch rule. He carefully picked it up and brought it over to the others, sitting down and setting it in his lap to see if it was even-tempered or not. "Looks like your caretaking paid off ofter all, Kazumi," Alek said, bringing Kazumi's attention to the third chick. "We'll call you Zani." Vrai chirped in greeting at her sisters, panting for a moment before letting out another long shriek, airing her wings out in the gentle breeze. Alek lifted Zani out of his lap and stood, "I suppose you three are hungry," he said, "It's tradition that you eat your egg shells, but..." Vrai was staring at her own shell in disdain. It didn't seem to be very edible. "I'll be back. Sam keeps salted meat at the house." --- Venus nodded curtly, the wind drowning out whatever reply he may have formed as he zipped silently to the right forest. On silent wings, he flew near the treetops, using his sharp eyesight to spot movement. When he saw something large trudging about, he landed gingerly in a large tree. It was helpful being a smaller dragon sometimes. Upon closer examination, he realised that the creature was a grizzly bear. He wondered privately how they tasted. As Lady Lucie's shadow fell over them, Venus pounced, spitting acid with his bite, melting the bear's spine. It had little chance to retaliate as Venus bit its hea off, and made a point of swallowing it whole, a difficult task for him, even with a snake-like jaw. He was never a fan of chewing.

8:22pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Okay. XD Maybe, the cats could be attracted to Sylv and fight for his affection and attention? |3 Sierra and mine, Lala, then? Could they be almost exactly alike longhair siamese cats? Sam likes his pure breeds. :3))
"Okay. Is he fine to pick up?" sam quizzed, making sure before he went to pick the dragine up.
The dragonet, now christened Zani, quickly ate her egg then ate Vrai's, quickly glancing at her two siblings, in case they wanted to steal it from her.
Lady Lucie hovered for a moment, then congratulated Venus on a good catch. "Nice job," she said, heading up to scan the forest again. She spotted something, and dived down carefully. She blinked, and went up again with a powerful burst of wings. "Venus," she whispered, "I think there's a wild dragon, over there."