10:34pm Jun 27 2011
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((Great! That's exactly how I imagined Sierra! But... you know Sylvester is a kitten still, right?)) "Is it female?" Venus asked curiously, munching on his catch, dripping gore into the forest as he took flight again. He sniffed the air, and shivered. He could tell that whatever it was, it was larger than he was. "Maybe we should go..." he said, tearing a limb off of his bear and offering it to Lady Lucie. "We can always go hunting again later." --- "Yeah," Kevia said, passing the young dragine to Sam carefully. He was already asleep, and she didn't want to disturb him. She patted his head once more before Sam took him away to the house. She sat down on the grass, not sure what else she should be doing, since her dragon was out hunting. --- Alek came back soon with some dry meat, setting it down in front of the hatchlings. -fail-
10:45pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 11:49pm Jun 27 2011)
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((It' called baby crushes~ They think he's just so cute, and they want to mother him, but the other one wants to too, so they fight a bit.))
"I dunno, but I believe so," said Lady Lucie, taking her share of the bear. "his, or her, horns were curved, or at least it looked like it, so he or she should be female." ---
"You can come in with me, inside, if you want," Sam invited Kevia, gesturing toward his mansion. Sam secretly thought she might steal something from him, but he pushed that out his mind. ---
Zani squealed and grabbed the largest chunk of them all. She hauled it to the corner and hissed viciously if any of her other siblings came near. She took her time eating it, as if gloating over it.
((Lulz. XD I love how the front page hasn't been edited at all since we died in the other version of this roleplay.))
11:17am Jun 28 2011
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Kazumi smiled glad that her looking after the eggs helped one more be hatched. She watched the Dragonets happily watchign as Tess ran over to her egg and began eating it while watching Zani incase she wanted some. She might be nice but when a meal is involved she would turn mean if someone was after her share. Shadow listened out for Sirens call back or for something to show he had heared her. Hearing nothing she lay behind Kazumi and watched the Hatchlings as two of them ate their egg shells and one looking like it was the most horrid thing in the world.
5:04pm Jun 28 2011
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Vrai hissed and trotted over to her sister, the spikes on her back rising threateningly. Zani had eaten her egg, and then taken the largest peice of meat available? Not on her watch, no. She took the chunkc in her jaws and tugged, trying to pry it away from her. ((Hmm... I should probably get on that... XD)) "Let's just come back later," Venus suggested, veering back on the path to Sam's ranch. He wondered privately if the dragon in the wild was hostile, and would have tried to attack. He didn't like close fighting very much, but he figured that he would be able to do some serious damage from afar if Lady Lucie attacked it; assuming that he didn't hit her with the acid. Of course, that would be much too risky. "Oh, okay," Kevia said, hesitating for a moment, and glancing to the skies for a moment before following him into the huge house. She gazed at the house itself for a moment. How could anyone possibly live with so much extra space?
5:10pm Jun 28 2011
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Tess grabbed a smaller bit of meat and lay by Kazumi and her mum as she watched them fight over some food. She didn't know why they where fighting just that it was over some meat. Shadow rolled her eyes and stood up before walking over to the Hatchlings and splitting the meat before picking up Vrai and moving her so she was next to Tess So she could keep them appart and stop their fights. She didn't want them too hurt before they could fly. After that she could care less how much they fought. Kazumi giggled as she watched how Shadow dealt with the Hatchlings acting like a real mother would. She reached her hand down and pet Tess as she looked around wondering what life would be like for them now.
5:29pm Jun 28 2011
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Zani hissed, and tugged it back, though a little bit ripped and was now in Vrai's possesion. She began wolfing down the piece she still had as fast as she could. --- Sam entered the second kitchen, which was mostly used as a storage room, and went to a table, which, underneath it, was a cat-basket. He saw it was occupied by two cats, who were curled up together happily. "Well, hello guys," Sam grinned, rubbing both their heads."you don't mind sharing for a while?" Lala stretched, blinking. She untangled herself from her sister and purred at Sam. "That's Lala, and the one still in the basket is Sierra. The only way to tell them apart is their noses. Lala's is black, Sierra's is white.(that okay?) Sam put Sylvester down, though his hand ready to pick up him in case the two egular housecats reacted badly.
11:36am Jun 29 2011
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11:42am Jun 29 2011
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Vrai chirped mockingly at her sister and ripped a large bite out of the peice she had gained, her spines smoothed down shortly as she finished her meal. She let her mother carry her around to her flank, and she could no longer see Zani. Mildly annoyed, she hurried to scramble back over, but was blocked by Shadow's paw. Vrai whined slightly. She wanted to be with her other sister! Arguments were fun! --- ((S'fine)) Sierra stretched drowsily, coming out of the crate. She blinked further awake when she saw the kitten-- or so she assumed he was a kitten. He was just as large as she was, and reminded her of a small dragon. "Oh! How cute!" she purred, sniffing his sleeping flank curiously. --- "When they're three months old, we'll put them in harness," Alek said, remembering the tip from Dragon Taming class all those years ago, "Else they might go wild."
11:47am Jun 29 2011
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Kazumi looked at Alec and nodded before smiling at Vrai. "It seems like she likes fightin" She said giggleing watching as Shadow kept blocking her from her sister to stop a fight. Shadow then picked up Zani and pas.sed her to Alec to keep her out of trouble and away from Vrai. She then looked at Tess seeing the small hatchling asleep next to Kazumi. Kazumi looked inside the barn at the other tow eggs sadly. "What are we going to do about those two eggs?" She asked him sadly thinking about how they didn't make it.
1:58pm Jun 29 2011
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Sylvester blinked sleepily at the two cats, slowly waking up a bit so he'd be able to respond without slurring his speech. He tilted his head to the side when... Sierra was her name? Talked to him. It was another language, but he still could understand it. "Um.. Thank you." He meowed, surprised at how his voice sounded. He was speaking the way they were.. A little weird, but cool too! He had a bit of a draconic.. Accent almost, at least to a cat's ear, and he probably had an accent for the dragons too, but that accent would be more feline. "My name's Sylvester, yours is Sierra, right? Sam said it was before."
2:05pm Jun 29 2011
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"Ahem. Lala here, too," Lala said cheerfully, as she went to sit beside her sister. "we ive here, with sam. What's your name?" Lala sniffed Sylvester. "You smell different, like us, but... like the dragons, too. I haven't been down to the barn in a while. Hmm. Sister, don't you think we should go down for a visit later?" she turned to her sister. Lala was a quick talker. She'd be talking about one thing, then the next. She has a delicate accent, too.
5:54pm Jun 29 2011
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"He just said he was Sylvester, or weren't you listening?" Sierra purred, "Your accent is so cute! I am Sierra indeed, and Lala, I think I would rather stay here with our new friend." Kevia laughed at the cats' apparent fascination with the dragine, "They get along well, I think." --- "Hm, I'm not sure exactly. Sam prefers to deal with eggs himself," Alek confessed, scratching his head contemplatively. "It seems wrong to just throw them away..." Alek scratched Zani's head when Shadow set her near him. He chuckled at Vrai still trying to get past the dragoness's paw.
10:00pm Jun 29 2011
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"No, not right now! Later!" Lala said, "I'd much rather stay here then go to the dragon pen right now."
Sam smiled. "Yeah, I think they're talking to eachother. I guess dragines can speak cat and dragon and human, in the account of Ribunny's dragine?" ---
Zani let out a dragon purr as Alek scratched her head. She would normally have bit him, but she liked the treatment.
((Actually, Sam feeds them to the cows. Makes the cows stronger, and they taste better. :P))
5:32am Jun 30 2011
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Kazumi smiled at him. "Do you want me to stay here while you get Sam or come with you?" She asked him tilting her head as she looked at him. Shadow put her paw ontop on Vrai keeping her immoblile. "Listen little one you are not going to fight with your sister until you can fly so calm down." She said to her in dragon tounge. She then looked back to the sky she didn't know if siren was ok or not.
8:10pm Jun 30 2011
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"I'm sure there are instructions in the barn or something, stay here with the hatchlings," Alek said. He patted Shadow on the side. She seemed anxious. "You can go and visit Siren when the hatchlings can properly fly on their own, for now, we should keep them here, at the farm, where they're safe from wild animals," he said, heading off to the barn to look for instructions. ((Well, fullmoon, it's your farm. Are there instructions? XD)) "They're certainly capable of learning just about any language, it seems," Kevia chuckled. "You three get along then, Sylvester: behave. If you set anything on fire, I'll gut you," she said with a playful wink, stroking her dragine dismissively.
11:50pm Jun 30 2011
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((Yes. In the supply room, with the medicine kit+medicine list and uses and such, on the white cabinet on the middle shelf. XD -I like adding details- ))
-doesn't know how to post with Sam XD-
9:29pm Jul 3 2011
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((I'm not really sure what to make Kevia do either... Hrm...)) Seeing that Sylvester was occupied with the cats, Kevia walked out of Sam's house to see if Venus was back. She smiled at seeing the dragon sunbathing, sprawled accross the expansive lawn with a bulging belly. She approached him quietly, and noticed he was sleeping. She sighed and stroked his neck absently, and unhooked his riding harness. Alek searched the barn for a little while, and then smiled at the white cabinet. On the middle shelf, he found a medicine kit, and inside were bold instructions on feeding unhatched or dead eggs to the cows, which apparently made them and their milk taste better. "Huh, cool," Alek said, carrying the two unfortunate eggs from Shadow's clutch to the cow pens and put them in the feed. Vrai sighed, finally giving up the struggle, rather annoyed by her mother. She screeched, expressing her annoyance, but otherwise lay limp under the dragon's paw.
7:30am Jul 4 2011
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Shadow gave a dragonish grin as she licked Vrai's head before moving her closer to Tess but made sure to keep her tail over Vrai incase of her trying to get away. Kazumi laughed as she watched them. "Well Shadow you are a fair but stricked mother" she said laughing still as she pet Tess gentaly. Tess looked at her sister and nuzzled her trying to make her feel better about not being able to fight.
7:50pm Jul 7 2011
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((Ribunnnyyyy... Reply to the kitties.. :c)) "Hey Sam?" Kevia said, peeking back into the grand hall curiously, not stepping in for fear of intruding, despite having been invited inside before. "I think I'm going to head out. Do you want to keep Sylvester for tonight with your cats? Or should I take him?" --- "I think Shadow's being sort of cruel. Vrai only wants to play," Alek said, walking over and freeing the limp hatchling, who jumped up ad licked Alek's face in thanks. Alek laughed and held Vrai for a moment, and then patted Tess's head.
10:35am Jul 8 2011
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((Wait what'd they say again? ._.))