6:41pm Nov 1 2010
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"Oh.." Sam blushed furiously. He hadn't meant to pry into Kevi's personal life, he was just curious. He watched nevously as Kevi led her figety dragon up to the teacher. This cl@ss was a nightmare. Well, exept for the fact he'd met Kevi... She was real nice, her dragon, too.
6:49pm Nov 1 2010
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Kazumi sniffled as she looked down "i'm sorry about Shadow if i had been a better trainer she might be ok with other dragons" she said to him as she pet Shadow a tear falling down her face feeling like she had failed Shadow by not being good enough of a trainer. Shadow looked up at Kazumi and made a whimpering noise, she didn't like it when Kazumi was sad.
6:58pm Nov 1 2010
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"I'm the one who should be sorry," Alek said, "I couldn't handle your dragon- and that's something we all learned in dragon taming." Alek shifted so he could pet Shadow as well. She was soft for a dragon. He frowned. "There's something peculiar about your dragon's scales" he said, completely changing the subject without realizing. Miss Sharp took a deep breath. The clas.s would never respect her now because of that little outburst. "Alright, Kevi, just walk Mars past Alek's dragon-" "Siren" Kevi interrupted. "Just walk Mars past Siren" Miss Sharp corrected herself, "and you know what to do from there." Kevi nodded, brining Mars around Siren once before stopping her beside them, like normal. "Now, what you do, is you stroke Mars's scales, and let Siren smell your hand." Miss Sharp instructed. Kevi did as she was told and the dragons looked at eachother and purred slightly. "There" Miss sharp said with a smile. "That should do it for today's lesson, step two of introducing them will be tomorrow, cl*censored* dismissed!" miss Sharp said quickly, hurrying off to her own dragons to settle them down. Kevi smiled and patted mars, who flew off to hunt. She went to Sam and stroked Lady Lucie. "I just can't get over how beautiful she is" she said.

7:06pm Nov 1 2010 (last edited on 7:12pm Nov 1 2010)
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Kazumi looked at Alek "no if i trained her better she would of stayed by you its my fault" she said before smiling. "Yes her scales are very soft but it's always been like that i think it might because her scales are so small it's abit like fur." She said smiling as Shadow made a purring noise showing that she was happy that Kazumi was smiling. Yuki looked at Faryn and smiled at him. "Hello" she said to him as she tilted her head watchign him as she stayed where she was not wanting him to run away.
7:08pm Nov 1 2010
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"I know." He smiled fondly. "But guess what? Golden Dragon eggs look almost exactly like a certain common dragon egg, and those eggs are usually thrown away. Only the best breeders can tell the difference. You know what Purple Cloud dragon eggs look like, right? Yellow, white spots? Well, Gold Dragon eggs look exactly like that, except they have a really small dot on the top and bottom of the egg. This is to defend it, see? Because Purple Cloud dragon eggs taste foul, so the Golden dragon eggs almost never get eaten.The female dragon hatches it into a Purple Dragon nest, and the female purple dragon takes care of it nontheless." He smiled. Then frowned. "You don't think I'm a brabbermouth, do you?" He asked.
7:15pm Nov 1 2010
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"That's odd. Black Crested dragons are known for their rough scales" Alek said. "Don't take Miss Sharp's words to heart though" he said "A friend of mine had her last year- she gets upset when her plans change" Kevi raised an eyebrow. Most of that had gone right over her head. "So Lucie is a purple dragon? Or a golden dragon?" she asked. It probably seemed like a dumb question, but she asked nonetheless.
7:18pm Nov 1 2010
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"I told you before, a Golden Dragon."Sam said, before staring around the courtyard. "It's quite pretty in the courtyard, isn't it?" He asked.
7:19pm Nov 1 2010
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Kazumi nodded at him while looking confused "then if she isnt a black crested dragon then what is she?" She asked him really confused as she looked down at Shadow as she rolled over showing her belly to Kazumi and on her belly was fur not scales which confused her even more.
7:24pm Nov 1 2010
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Alek shrugged. "She looks almost half gryphon to me." he said, bewildered and amused at the same time. He patted Shadow's belly with a chuckle. "What clas.s is next, do you know? I think it's WE." Kevi bit her lip and stared out into the courtyard, her eyes shining with memory. "It is" she agreed, numbly, feeling stupid for asking about something she'd already been told. Mars let out a roar overhead, blocking the sun as she glided down again. Kevi sighed with a slight chuckle. "Went to stretch your wings, eh?" she laughed, rubbing Mars's head.
7:30pm Nov 1 2010
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Kazumi shrugged "she might be" she said laughing as she pet Shadow again before thinking about the clas.s "yeah i have WE" she said to him as she got up and clicked her tounge making Shadow get up while going under Kazumi lifting her up on her back. She then looked at Alek while tilting her head wondering if he wanted to get on her as well but she looked at Siren wondering if he would be ok with it. It seems like it was just Uncle Sam she didn't like she didn't mind Siren and made purring noises when she was near him for some reason.
7:39pm Nov 1 2010
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((XDDD Shadow has a crush. Alek is so picky about pure breeding, he'll never want teh egger. XD)) "Should I just ride of Siren, or can she hold me too? She seems a lot less stubborn in flight then him" Alek laughed, punching his dragon affectionately. Siren let out a dragon-purr and bumped Alek forward into Shadow with his muzzle. Alek laughed, careful not to land on Shadow's sensitive wings as he fell. Faryn growled slightly, warning Yuki not to come closer. He stamped his sharp hoof like a feral Nyghtmare would do. He snorted, his serpentine tail flicking, and nearly splitting the tree behind him in half.
7:45pm Nov 1 2010
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((Kazumi would she loves Shadow and wouldn't want her sad XD)) Kazumi smiled at him "she is strong, she can hold both of us" She said smiling as she pet Shadow as she purred happily. Kazumi smiled as she looked at Siren smiling at how he was playful. Yuki smiled at him. "i'm not moving closer to you." She said to him she didn't move closer to him she knew what he was like and so she would wait for him to come to her because she trusted him.
7:51pm Nov 1 2010
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Faryn decided that this was getting awkward and began to back off. He pricked his ears, as if he heard something in the forest, then dashed off at full speed. He felt what she did, he didn't need to see her too. --- Alek smiled and got on Shadow with Kazumi, stroking her scaled. "I still can't believe how soft she is. Strange for a dragon"
7:55pm Nov 1 2010
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((Stroking her scaled? XD))
7:59pm Nov 1 2010
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Yuki smiled before getting up and started walking back to the school. She was relaxed and calm so she felt that she was going to check up on her animals. Kazumi laughed before Shadow moved towards Siren before she gentely brushed against him before running over to where the WE clas.s was. Kazumi smiled she loved feeling the wind in her hair and she knew that Shadow loved running and flying.
8:15pm Nov 1 2010
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Posts: 6,296
"amn!"Sam said. "I have to go to WE." He said to Kevi. "You got it too? If so, maybe we could walk there together?"
12:13pm Nov 2 2010
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2:42pm Nov 2 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((Sorry I haven't posted, but I don't know where to start now and you guys seem fine without me...))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
3:37pm Nov 3 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((D: Daiiissssy!!! You have to posteth! I will give you a million recaps before I let you quit! *sob*)) Kevi laughed slightly. "I don't know if I heard you right- did you say walk?" Kevi paused, a mischievous gleam in her eye, "When we're surrounded by dragons?" Alek blinked in surprise. "Don't most dragons prefer flying?" he asked, sparing a glance at Siren's form flying overhead.
4:06pm Nov 3 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((.. D8 Fien, Give meh a recap. XD Ju know I wouldn't leave so easily, for you roleplay is teh epicsauce.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...