4:22pm Nov 3 2010
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Kazumi laughed "yes they do and Shadow would fly but she doesn't want to leave your dragon in the dust" she said laughing again before gentely kicking Shadow making her flap her wings as she took off into the air. She flew next to Siren before grinning and flying only half her normal speed which made her faster then Siren.
5:03pm Nov 3 2010
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"Oh, right." He was horrible talking to people,besides his father. "You wanna fly, girl?" He asked Lady Lucie, who nodded vigorusly. "I'll race ya!" Sam said, swinging onto the dragons soft scales. "Hee yah!" Lady Lucie burst into flight, hovering just above the ground. "I'm going to leave in three... two... " He paused.
4:29pm Nov 4 2010
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Siren struggled to keep up with Shadow, and tried to remain slightly below her in case Alek fell. "It seems Shadow is a big fan of Siren" Alek chuckled, noticing Shadow's behavior right away. "Maybe for Dragon breeding, we could use them for our project." Alek paused. "Have you charted Shadow's cycle yet?" Kevi squeaked in surprise, not any time for replying as she strapped herself into the ragged saddle that nested between mars's wings. She dug her heels into Mars's side just in time to match Lucie's accent. Kevi watched Lady Lucie fly for a short time. Her movements were so much more fluid than those of her own dragon.
4:35pm Nov 4 2010
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Ladie Lucie banked left and right upon Sam's commands. Lady Lucie was fast, but had to rest at least three times over a five hour periods, whereas some dragons can go that far with only one rest. He gave Lady Lucie a sharp kick to the belly, and she let loose an elegant steam of fire. He pushed her as fast as she could go. Less than a minute later, he came in front of the WE cla'ssroom building. He settled his dragon down, then hopped off, leaving her untied. Lady Lucie was like a well trained horse, you let it's reins down, and it'll stay there without leaving.
4:45pm Nov 4 2010
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Kevi gazed at Lucie in awe. A fire-breather! There weren't very many fire-breathing, pure-breed dragons, and even less mixed breed. The trait was certainly rare. Kevi wondered if mars had any abilities. A more common one was acid-spitting, but there was also an ear-splitting roar that was unique to Chinese dragons, and the occasional Japanese, that was never found in the ones around here. Kevi was sure that there were others too, she just didn't know what they were. Mars hovered slightly above the ground before landing, and Kevi leaped off and tied her to the bike-stand before walking into the clas.sroom. ((Hmmm, it doesn't look as if we have a WE teacher. Should I have Miss Sharp teach, or Miss Quence?))
4:46pm Nov 4 2010
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Kazumi nodded "yes it seems she does" she said smiling before thinking "i think her next season is sometime this month." She said thinking about it more before they landed at the WE building after going around it for a while.
4:49pm Nov 4 2010
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Alek staggered off of Shadow and headed into the building, not bothering to tie Siren up. "Well, I have money, we could go to the clinic and get her screened every day until we are positive that she's got a perfect egg somewhere in there." He said. "Siren would be utterly disappointed otherwise"
4:51pm Nov 4 2010 (last edited on 4:56pm Nov 4 2010)
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Kazumi looked at him "i couldn't let you pay for it everyday" she said sighing knowing she didn't have the money to do it once she then looked up smiling "doesn't the school have a free clinic here for dragons and other animals?" She asked him smiling more. ((douple post sorry))
4:52pm Nov 4 2010
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"Does your dragon have a special ability?" He asked Kevi, as they(He) walked up the steps. He'd always liked special-ability dragons, even if it was just common acid-spitting ones. He always wondered what prevented all dragons from doing it? _FAIL_
((Meh, can Miss Sharp teach? I have no idea what to do for WE. XD))
5:13pm Nov 4 2010
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"The clinic is free" Alek agreed, "But screening isn't. It's a lengthy process, and takes a lot of energy and heavy machinery. And it has to be repeated if the dragon moves." "I don't think so" Kevi said. "I've had her since she was a hatchling, but she hasn't done anything peculiar." Kevi said, following Sam down the stairs into the dimly lit clas.sroom. She sat in a desk that was next to his, and waited for miss Sharp to start clas.s once again.
5:19pm Nov 4 2010
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Kazumi nodded "oh i guess it makes scence" she said before looking at Shadow "so wanna get screened girl?" She asked Shadow smiling as she nodded making a purring noise as she nuzzled Alek happily.
5:22pm Nov 4 2010
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"How does Miss Sharp manage, talking about one thing, and then the next, to the almost exactly same group of people?" Sam whispered to Kevi. Before she answered, he looked out the window casually, looking at all the dragons, trying to spot his. Then, it dawned on him. Lady Lucie wasn't there. "Kevi!" Sam said urgently. "I can't see Lady Lucie outside! I put her right by that tree." He pointed to the Weeping willow that was growing out of circle of soil.
5:19pm Nov 5 2010
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6:17pm Nov 5 2010
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Alek chuckled and stroked Shadow. "You're not gonna like it, I can tell you that," he said as he made his way into the building and took his seat. Kevi shrugged. "She might have gone out to hunt, dragons do that"
6:22pm Nov 5 2010
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"Right, she probably did." He calmed down, and as soon as he did, Lady Lucie came swooping back to where she had been. She contendedly crunched on an animal Sam couldn't identify. He bet it was a sheep. Lucie loved sheep.
6:27pm Nov 5 2010
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Kazumi looked at him and tilted her head before she looked at Shadow "right youv'e hunted haven't you?" She asked her as Shadow nodded making Kazumi smile again "right then please don't fly away i will get really worried" she said to her as she pet her still smiling. ((O.o what if Yuki walked into WE randomly because she was bored or something haha))
6:32pm Nov 5 2010
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((Hmmm, that'd be fine.)) Miss Sharp tapped the chalkboard. "Time to start!" she said loudly. "Who can tell me one of the smartest non-domestic, unnatural animal there is?" she said, beginning cl*censored* with a question. "Sam, what do you think?" she asked, tilting her head expectantly. (The answer is the Psygir btw, but it is debatable with Death Horses since they are so rare and no one knows much about their intelligence)
6:35pm Nov 5 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((this would be a good time for Yuki to walk in after the answer and say it is a death horse XD)) Kazumi sat in the very back of the clas.sroom. She hoped that she wasn't asked any questions because she was sure that the teacher hated her for ruining her first clas.s and she really didn't want to get in trouble again for not knowing the answerr.
6:38pm Nov 5 2010
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((Could Sam have a Psygir please?))
6:39pm Nov 5 2010 (last edited on 6:39pm Nov 5 2010)
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"Death horse." Sam said without hesitation. -fail-