6:40pm Nov 5 2010
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6:52pm Nov 5 2010
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((full- I'm afraid the answer is no. Psygirs are only found in the wild, and are a fierce predator that is impossible to tame. Even if you had one, what would you do with it other than use it to threaten your enemies or show off that you have something no one else does?)) Miss Sharp shook her head. "The correct answer is Psygir. Little is known about the intelligence of a natural death horse because they are so rare, so we must always as.sume that Psygirs are the smartest. Today we will learn how to defend yourself against a psygir, and to so so, I have brought a war companion version in, borrowed from a friend" she said. She tapped the covered cage in the corner that no one had seemed to notice in the beginning. "Of course, if we had a good dragon with us, they would be able to tear a lone psygir to shreds, but a pack of psygirs is a deadly thing. Can anyone tell me what a pack of psygirs is called?" she asked, gazing around the clas.sroom. "Kevi?" "A murder" Kevi said, eying the cage. "Like crows because of the deadly consequences of meeting one." "Write that down everyone!" Miss sharp crowed.

6:59pm Nov 5 2010
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Kazumi wrote down what the teacher was saying every word just so that the teacher wouldn't say she was doing nothing. She didn't know what the animal was but she wanted to learn about it. After hearing about what miss Sharp was saying she knocked on the door and walked in. "I belive that Sam was right death horse's are very smart and they are very deadly evne with a dragon you will not be able to fight one off the young may be but not an adult." She said to her while smiling and tilting her head she had worked with a few psygirs in the past and found that if you have their complete trust then they become predictable while even if you have a death horses trust there is still a chance they would do something you didn't think they would do.
8:01pm Nov 5 2010
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((Sam wouldn't really 'own' it, it would just come to him sometimes if it needed food, shelter, or protection. It won't even have a name, and it'll appear rarely in the roleplay.))
8:05pm Nov 5 2010
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Sam wanted to argue, but he bit his tounge, and wrote down a whole explaination sentence, so when they took a test, if this was on it, he could just copy it down. The reason he thought Death Horses were smarter, is that Psygirs have been caught by human traps before. The Death Horse had never been recorded as being caught in one.
10:02pm Nov 5 2010
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((lol hasn't he seen Yuki talking lol shes the headmisstress XD))
11:52am Nov 6 2010
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Miss Sharp curtsied lightly at the headmaster. "Miss Snow, if you'd please" Miss Sharp said, a bit irritated. "I'm trying to teach a clas.s, when we are tested on psygirs, there will only be one right answer."
12:58pm Nov 6 2010
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Yuki smiled at Miss Sharp "i know you are but i can say in my life i have seen more psygirs caputred then i have Death dragons i think some of my animals are half Psygirs but i have only known of 1 Death horse that has been captured but it had escaped." She said smiling thinking about the Death horse in her forest but also thinking if she should go to the black markets to see if any more had been taken and hope there was a female for him there.
1:19pm Nov 6 2010
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"There simply aren't enough death horses in the world to prove their intelligence as a species, Miss Snow" Miss Sharp said with a faint growl. "May I teach my clas.s now?"
4:49pm Nov 6 2010
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((foxwolf tells me its not letting her post.))
8:08am Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((omg its let me back on res *thanks all and any gods* oh thank you))
2:56pm Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Shall we move it back here? *Looks nervously at Wajas forums* It's... too different for me. DX))
3:29pm Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((i think we should haha))
3:39pm Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Welcome back! *hugs Res* Who <3s my siggy?))
3:41pm Nov 11 2010
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((my full post is on the other site because it isnt letting me post it on here so sorry short XD)) Yuki walked out of the door.
3:47pm Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Miss Sharp growled and mumbled irritatedly. "Telling me how to teach my cl*censored*" she growled. She let out a huff. "We are learning about psygirs" she said, back in her teaching voice. "Anyone who argues will be marked down on their test. Now, who can tell me what psygirs eat? This is an easy one, Kazumi? What do you think?"
3:51pm Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((i <3 your siggy lol everyone clickith mine XDD)) Kazumi quickly looked up "erm is it meat?" She asked she was unsure as to what they ate but she had a feeling it was meat.
3:53pm Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 5,279
"Of course it's meat" Miss Sharp said with a raised eyebrow. Miss Sharp addressed the cl*censored* again. "Write this down everyone, Psygirs will hunt anything and everything they can catch and fit into their mouth, which includes humans if you're not careful. War animals like the one I have brought to cl*censored* today, however, are trained not to."
3:58pm Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi was writting everything down. She made sure not to leave anything out as she listened to Miss Sharp she really didn't want to get in trouble.
4:02pm Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 5,279
"Now, we move on to defending yourself. First of all, you won't want to go into their territory without a companion like a dragon that can protect you, but, if for some reason, you find yourself by yourself in a forest, and realize that you're being hunted, the best thing to do is climb a tree. Because of the psygir's awkward stance, they cannot climb, so pick a good, high tree." Miss Sharp said. "If there are no trees, you take dirt from the ground and rub it all over yourself until the murder of psygirs it viewed, and then proceed to throw dirt up as much as you can to block their view. Any questions?"
Alek raised his hand nervously. "Do we have to memorize all of this?"
"If you want to survive you do." Miss Sharp said.