7:38pm Nov 11 2010
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Sam quickly got out of his seat and grabbed his book. After carefully pushing in his chair, he headed outside to give Lady Lucie a treat. The treat was a pacage of Mr. Noodles, which Lady Lucie seemed fond of. She'd take the whole thing, wrappings, packet and all. He shook the bag loudly, and Lady Lucies ears shot up. She waddled over to Sam and started what's called 'dragon purring', which is a lot different than a cat's purr. It sounds more like a mix between a cheetah meowing and a lion roaring, ten times volume. "Okay, okay!" Sam laughed. "You great baffoon, here yah go!" He hurtled the Mr.Noodles packet as high as it could go, and Lady Lucie shot into the air, crunching it with her giant, pyramid-like teeth. "Good girl, no down." Lady Lucie did as she was bid. "How 'bout going for a ride, girl?" He whispered in her ear. She bobbed her head up and down exitedly. "Good!" He said, swinging into his dragons saddle. "yah!"
7:51pm Nov 11 2010
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Kevi chuckled at Lady Lucie, and ran out of the school room. "Hey, where do you think you're going?" she asked with a good natured attitude. Mars gave a little chirp and slipped out of the trees behind Kevi, blinking curiously at Lucie and Sam.
7:52pm Nov 11 2010
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Kazumi slowly got up as she walked outside seeing Shadow sitting there with a goofy look on her face as she watched a fly buzz around her head. Seeing this made Kazumi laugh before walking over and petting her "where you that bored here?" she asked her as Shadow nuzzled her purring as she did. Yuki walked around with the not so small cub following her with a smile on her face. As Yuki looked back at the smiling cat she laughed making her look at her 'mum' before running over and pouncing in her arms as Yuki petted her as she walked closer to the students smiling as she looked at them. Kaze walked out of the clas.sroom as he got outside he made a loud whistleing noise and soon a red dragon with black markings landed in front of him. He then petted the dragon in a good boy way and walked somewhere where it was quiet where he could read and study up on what they learnt today and maybe get ahead as well.
7:57pm Nov 11 2010
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"Hmm, I dunno." sam said. "For a ride, I guess." Lady Lucie chirped back at Mars, cocking her hewad from thje sky. "I guess I'm just going to birds-eye-view the place from a few angles. Besides, Lady Lucie needs to stretch her wings."
7:58pm Nov 11 2010 (last edited on 8:00pm Nov 11 2010)
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Alek followed Kazumi out cooly, a light smile on his face as he watched Shadow. Siren let out a unique0high pitched dragon-purr and nuzzled Shadow sweetly, settling down next to her. Alek blinked with confusion, but let a slight chuckle as he patted Siren's side. "What happened when we were in clas.s buddy?" he laughed, rubbing his neck. "Well, I suppose I'll just wait here" Kevi chirped, leaning against Mars. She cats a side glance at kaze, then looked back.
8:03pm Nov 11 2010
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Kazumi smiled seeing Shadow nuzzle him back while making a cute little noise. "I don't know and i guess unless they start to talk we might never know" she said with a laugh as she smiled at the dragons. Kaze looked up when he felt eyes on him. Seeing Kevi look away he shrugged and looked back at his book already being half way through it which was about 2 or 3 weeks ahead of the clas.s.
8:06pm Nov 11 2010 (last edited on 8:46pm Nov 11 2010)
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((So, is Ashton accepted? I know his bio isn't as beefy as Aven's so I'll try and add more. And for my intro, should I say that they missed the cl*censored*es? Or should they just have been hidding silently at the back of the cl*censored*? I was gonna go for the late to cl*censored* thing XP Edit: Ill go for both. I have to go to bed soon so this post may be a fail.)) Aven hurried on up the road toward the Academy. She was panting and her limbs were aching from the run. She looked up to the sky for a moment, she didn't see the shiny figure of her gold dragon anywhere. Normally, if she were this late she would have ridden the great animal, but he seemed to have a mind of his own, he left when he wanted and came when he felt like. Sure, he was tame, loyal and loved her as much as a dragon could but still he left when she needed him the most, although it was partially her fault for allowing him to leave. She looked at the road ahead of her, she was coming close to the school. Oh thank God. She thought, as she picked up a little more speed. I should not have let Grandfather tak me into going to the lodge with him. I knew it would take a good couple hours to get back. Then again, she didn't have a choice, what Wilhelm Aberforth wanted, he got. PLus it was a reuinion(sp?) so she had to go, though she did wish to stay with Ashton. He wasn't wlecome at things like that. They Aberforths were to proud, hell they didn't really like her all that much either, considering her father gave her her mother last name. As she neared the school she saw that the kids and their dragons where just hanging out in the courtyard. They didn't seem in a rush to go anywhere. She slowed herself down. She padded the pocket of her blue dress and pulled out her Grandfather's pocket watch. She let out a little sound that came out like a sob and squeak. Cl*censored* was over, she had missed both of them. She let out a soft sighed and slipped the watch back into her pocket. She pushed some of her black hair from her face, and looked around. Cl*censored* had just ended and now it was free time. She brought her hand to her mouth and tried to calm her breathing, her face was flushed, from her run. She turned her blue eyes back up to the sky hoping to see Alcyone but he was no where. She then turned her attention to the trees. Where she saw a little white shape hidden behind the green leaves. A small smile played on her pink lips. She let out a little whistle, and the white shape rustled it wings before flying towards her. Managing to scare a couple kinds along the way. It landed on her arm. She stroked it feathers and murmered something softly before turning to look t her surroundings. She didn't really know anyone considering she was rather shy and anti-social, and tended to keep to herself. She at least hoped to see her Uncle. It was so odd thinking of Ashton like that, he was her age. How could he possibly be her Uncle? But alas he was, which made things awkward, because by right she should call him uncle but it felt weird calling him that, especially when they were kids. She came out of her thoughts, when she heard a roar some ways off. She smiled slightly, she knew that was him. She put her fingers in her mouth and let out a loud whistle. She figured everyone would turn to look at the weird girl with the owl, but she didn't really mind. (Fail ending. Working on Ashton. It may take a while. Typing and intro for one character take most of my creativaty so Ashton will most likely be a fail.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:24pm Nov 11 2010
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((lol i would go for the hiding in the back of clas.s XD))
8:26pm Nov 11 2010
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Sam shrugged. "See you, then?" He said, as he lifted into the sky. Laady Lucie murrped at Mars one more time as she leapt into the sky. "Higher!" Sam yelled, just as he kicked the dragons belly, making her let loose another stream of fire. He loved doing that. SoonLady Lucie was high enough that he could see almost the whole campus. "Wow..." He breathed.
8:32pm Nov 11 2010
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Yuki looked up seeing a student up high in the air sighing she whistled having her dragon Max land infront of her as she jumped on him and flew up to the student while holding Holly the little cub. "You know you have to be careful up here if you go too high you become a target for the animals in the wood who think you are food, so please reframe from going higher then the tree tops" she said in a stern but soft voice. She cared about the students and don't want them or their dragons hurt because of the wild animals in the forest.
8:47pm Nov 11 2010 (last edited on 9:20pm Nov 11 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
((Alright, Aven is done. I"ll have Ashton's up under this post, so it looks neater.)) Edit:I gtg for the night.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:24pm Nov 12 2010
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5:46pm Nov 12 2010
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9:40pm Nov 12 2010
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((I'm just going to say they're accepted Serenity. Lovely bio. :) )) Kevi snorted and let out a huff. "Yeah, see ya." she growled to herself, fixing her short hair indignantly. She yelled and shooed Mars, not in the mood to fly with her ill-formed, excuse for a dragon. She would only end up comparing herself to Sam and his insanely well shaped dragon, and imagining the value of the others he said that he had. She sat down on the warm gras.s and fell onto her back, staring at the clouds, and trying to ignore the silhouette of Lucie. She was having one of her mood fits, and being practically abandoned by Sam didn't help any. She glanced again at the one guy, Kaze, but closed her eyes and drifted into a cat-nap. Alek smiled at the pair of dragons. "Hey Kazumi, why don't we go into the forest and see if we can find something interesting?"
9:48pm Nov 12 2010
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Kazumi looked at him before tilting her head "are we allowed in the forest?" She asked him not knowing if they where or wern't allowed in there and she didn't want to get into trouble for going in there. Kaze was watching Kevi seeing her look at him before going asleep made him smirk before closing his book and standing up before looking at Kevi's Dragon Mars. He tilted his head he walked over to her slowly "hello there" he said quietly not wanting to scare her.
9:52pm Nov 12 2010
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Kevi blinked her eyes open and looked up at Kaze. "Hello." she said without moving. Mars gave a slight chirp, slithering clumsily around Kaze to intertwine herself into a large tree. She was indeed a strange dragon... "Do we have to be?" Alek said with a sly smile. "We have two dragons with us, what could possibly go wrong?"
9:55pm Nov 12 2010 (last edited on 9:56pm Nov 12 2010)
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Kaze watched Mars before looking at Kevi "hello" he said to her in his normal bored tone of voice. He could hear a noise and looked back seeing his own dragon slowly moving towards Mars. He didn't mind who his dragon bred with it was only his animals back home he did mind about. So seeing him going near Mars didn't bother him that much as it would other people. Kazumi looked at him before sighing "why do i have a bad feeling about this." She sighed before nodding at him "ok lets go." She said to him smiling.
10:03pm Nov 12 2010
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Mars let out a growl, not in the mood to socialize when her human was so close to another that she didn't know. "What do you want?" Kevi snapped, mood getting the better of her. She suddenly felt awkward laying down like she was, but she was here first. Nevertheless, she sat up and stood to her full height, glaring at Kaze moodily, her arms crossed. "If you don't want to its fine" Alek said with a shrug.
10:24pm Nov 12 2010
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Kazumi shrugged "it might be better then sitting around here doing nothing." She said with a smile as she walked closer to him as she smiled at him. Kaze glared back at her. "I wanted nothing to do with you." He said before walking away and to his dragon he could see no benifit in becoming friends with Kevi so there was no point waisting his time in talking to her.
10:28pm Nov 12 2010
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Kevi ran up and shoved Kaze's shoulder angrily. "You don't just walk up and say hello to someone when they;re sleeping when you don't want anything" she snapped angrily, clenching her fists. Mars gave a growl and snapped a tree branch, emphasizing Kevi's point. Alek grinned and climbed onto Siren's back.