11:23am May 16 2010
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Posts: 354
They kept us in cages, one stacked on top of the other. The smell of death was strong. The two legs would come in and one of us would leave out, never to be seen again. Mother and child separated, and if you resist thier adavances you where killed on the spot. They ran tests on us, putting different elements into us giving us powers. They kept us sedated we wouldn't run away, but one day I manged to escape, freeing most of us in the process. Some made it out others didn't. So now we are on the run trying to found our place in this world, our FREEDOM. Setting: 2050 on the planet Ritu. Humans are in a war with another planet and have been testing on animals to use them as weapons. Any type of animal imaginable from the smallest insect to the largest elephant. Some of the animals have manged to escaped and are trying to find their way back to the wild away from humans, and away from this war. Can they find it? Their own FREEDOM. Rules: - You can choose any animal you would like to be, doubles are ok.
- You can have as many Characters as you can handle
- No killing off characters without asking
- Romance is allowed
- Gore and cussing is allowed just keep it Pg13 please
Bios: - Name/Age
- Power/Animal
- Deion/Picture
- Other

11:24am May 16 2010
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Posts: 354
- Name/Age: Raijin,Adult Male
- Power/Animal: Thunder/Fox
- Deion/Picture: Raijin is very protective and trustworthy. Can be silly sometimes, but when the time comes he can step up and do his part. Raijin is the one who freed most of the animals from the facility, so now he has become an unwanted leader.
 - Other: Raijin has an younger brother still locked in the facility. He wants to go back and free him but is conflicting due to his unwanted leader position.
1:16pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 3:15pm May 16 2010)
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Posts: 4,258
Name: Zangra Age: 16 Power: Control over the element fire Animaml: wolf Deion: a proud wolf that should not be angered, very tempermental. Picture:  Other: runs away after being forced to track down escaped animals.
4:10am May 17 2010
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Posts: 1,588
- Name/Age Chari, young lioness Cub
- Power/Animal light, Lion
- Deion/Picture normal lion cub, but with white paws and white wings, Blue eyes
- Other one of the escapees
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
10:23am May 17 2010
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Posts: 12,418
name: Tyckaz power: to control water elements age:14 in dog years animal: wolf deion: plain black but white around the nose gender: female other: has 1 sister and 1 brother. the sister named cappilla and the brother is kopasile. an excapie
 (Banner made by Kina)
10:36am May 17 2010
Posts: 1,586
1. Name/Age: Ceres/ 5 years Power: Wind/Ice Animal: White Tiger Deion: Ceres is majestic and sometimes vain. She is a large, beautiful white tiger, with stripes that are black or sometimes a very dark blue. Her eyes are dark and icy, except when she is utilizing her powers; it is then that they turn a light unanimous grey. She has a butterfly nose where part is pink and the other half is black
10:41am May 17 2010 (last edited on 9:35am May 18 2010)
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Posts: 145
Maizen, teenaged Quoll Aligned with the wind tle="ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting"> 
Terribley aggressive and distrustful. She managed to escape her captive after a well coordinated attack when they took her from her cage for an experiment. There are several peices of testing machinery stick embeded in her flesh which is very painful. Some of her wounds are badly infected.
10:44am May 17 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Raykay female tiger earth she is very powerful
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10:50am May 17 2010 (last edited on 10:52am May 17 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 354
I ran with a romp, playing, toying with the human. The stolen meat in my mouth the source of his anger. "Ha ha! I laughed at him" He shot at us but our speed an power was no match. I turned on him and zapped thunder sparks at his feet. I laughed again, stupid humans. "Come on guys!" My team was with me all with their own stolen goods.
10:56am May 17 2010
Posts: 1,586
Mouth secured around a piece of some poor animal's leg, I slunk around empty cages, trying to ignore the strong smell of death that made my icy eyes water. I tried not to look at the deceased, as the decaying bodies or bones would give me nightmars for weeks. I heard a gunshot ahead of me, and Raijin's bright tail bobbing far ahead. I smiled to myself, realizing that the human did not know I was still back here. In a flash I bolted forward and bowled him over, catching him by surprise. He fell crashing to the ground, and I quickly froze the ground beneath him so that he fell everytime he tried to rise. My powers felt so good; I had never been as fully alive as this to utilize them in such a manner. I was curious to see what was the full extent of them, and without a second look I bounded after Raijin and the others, laughing wildly.
11:06am May 17 2010
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Posts: 12,418
"Hi, everyone" I yelled "Hey, Raykay!" Tyckaz said
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11:13am May 17 2010
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Posts: 145
All at once there came a tremendous cacophony of crashing and screeching from the foliage ahead of the group. Leaves and sticks exploded from some low scrob bushes as a dark figure erupted from the plants just in front of the racing Raijin. Snarling and foaming at the mouth, Monzie shook away the leaves and bramble stuck in her fur and the silvery wires and machine parts stabbing into her back. Angrily she turned and began to tear at the offending plant and machine debree, effectivley reopening several stinking, puss filled wounds. She seemed oblivious of the approaching group, instead cursing and howling loudly as she worked.
11:24am May 17 2010
Posts: 1,586
Caught entirely by surprise, Ceres stopped and looked ahead uncertainly. Clutching her meal firmly in her mouth, she sat, waiting to see how the others would react to such a creature. Far behind she could still hear gunshots and yelling but it didn't seem as though the humans would give a chase. The bloody quoll looked crazy, maddened with pain and trauma, and the last thing she wanted to do was get herseld shredded by it. Against better judgement she approached Monzie and waited, not knowing what to do next.
11:25am May 17 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Raykay looked around. "What are you doing here?" Monzie said," Duh, working" "sorry!" "Well, don't"
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11:35am May 17 2010
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Posts: 354
"Raykay, Tyckaz! What's up?" I ran to Ceres. "Ready to get out of here? To much commotion and I think the Quoll is mad. I shook my fur out and it crackled with the static inside the hollow tips. Picking up the meat I walked over to the Quoll. She looked like she needed help. I inched closer to her, careful not to anger her. Bowing in submission I asked " Hello are you ok? Want to come with us?"
11:44am May 17 2010
Posts: 1,586
Ceres nodded, twitching her long tail. "I've been dying to get out of here my whole life." she replied. Her body agreed, and her muscles trembled with life. She was not as toned as a young tiger should be, and she was quite skinny with her ribs showing slightly, but she could feel the energy ready to burst out of her. She couldn't contain it much longer, and if she didn't control it soon she would probably freeze everything in her immediate surroundings.
11:50am May 17 2010
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Posts: 12,418
i looked around. "do they want her to come. cause i sure don't want her to come." i thought. "No i'm good thanks" "thank God!" maybe i wasn't clear when i told my imagination to leave me alone. i kept seeing things. "Tyckaz? Are you okay?" Ceres asked "No. I keep seeing things so i threw water at it. but it's siking me out!"
 (Banner made by Kina)
2:19pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 1,588
a little lion cub with white paws and wings looked up at the fox, "I can distract them for a bit, slow them down"
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
2:27pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 145
((Guys... Tri... PLEASE don't control my charactor!! @_@')) Monzie turned towards the voices, and stumbled in surprise. Her head thudded hard on the packed earth as she tumbled back but she was up again, quick as lightning, fur bristling and teeth bared. "What? Tchktchktchk!" She shreiked angrily. "Who are you? What do you want? Your with the filthy humans, you lot are! I won't have! You can't take me back!" Despite the nonsense she screamed, her anger was not so easily quelled and she bristled her fur feircly, barring many tiny razor teeth. All at once a strong gust blew up around the group and the animals were struck with hundreds of strong miniature whirlwinds. No damage was done but after everyone had righted themselves they saw Monzie with her nose baried a a particularily nasty looking scar over her shoulder, struggling to lock her jaws on a stubborn strip of steel embedded there.
2:48pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 1,588
Chari, taken by surprise, made the room go black as midnight in winter. "sorry"
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment