2:51pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 145
((Why does everyone make such short undeive posts?))
3:01pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 1,588
((MAJOR WRITER'S BLOCK and the fact that most of the others arn't on))
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
5:29pm May 17 2010
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The humans were getting impatient, I could feel it. Finaly after a while they took me out of my cage. I was one of the ones the escapees left behind. I had begged and pleaded but the left me behind. "Go find the runaways. You had better come back, we will know where you are so dont try to escape." The humans told me strapping a colar to my neck. I waited patiently and ran out the door when they were done. I began sniffing the air, raised my head and howled as I picked up the scent I was looking for.
8:45pm May 17 2010 (last edited on 8:45pm May 17 2010)
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Posts: 1,588
Chari didn't know how to contol her power, it just happened when she was scared, mad or really happy. she did her best to restore light to the place they were standing.
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
10:07pm May 17 2010
Posts: 1,586
Anger flared in Ceres' eyes, and they began to fade to a light grey. Her fur was ruffled by the blasts of whirlwinds and the power was already threatening to burst out of her. Out of nowhere a strong wind began to blow, and the cold cut everyone's coats like knives. Ceres stood, meat forgotten at her feet, focusing on the crazy quoll before her. She opened her wide jaws and a blast of sound like thunder rushed forth, and with it a stream of ice. At the last moment Ceres yanked her head to the side and the ice barely missed hitting the poor, hurt creature. Gradually the winds stopped, and Ceres' eyes returned to their normal color. She sighed heavily, taking in what she had almost done. She had the power to kill.. never before had she such control over it. Suddenly hungry, she stretched before laying down to start gnawing on the piece of meat as if she had done nothing only seconds before.
8:28am May 18 2010
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Posts: 145
((I'mma changin' my charries name in case I want to use my second charactor who is actually called Monzie~ 0.o Hope nobody minds. It's Maizen now, not a huge difference.)) The bloody Quoll stood still, never waivering for a second as the mighty blast of ice narrowly missed her. She was either crazy or totally fearless and, as Ceres dropped her attention to her meal, the beast began to cackle insanley. "Tchktchk! Not bad, not bad!" Maizen luaghed, staring into the white tiger's cold eyes "You may turn out to be a worthy oppenent after all- or a valuable allie..." At this she sneered "If you stay on my good side!" Then she turned towards the others and surveyed the group with steely eyes. "Well?" She snapped hoarsley. "What are the rest of ya standin' around for? An invitation?" ((Sorry, I just have to make make charactor grouchy <X3 ))
8:44am May 18 2010
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"Man this forest is thick. I dont know how they would survive out here, I woner why they left. At least there are no bug..." I had smelled something so I backed up a few paces. "There it is again." I followed the smell until I heard voices, crouching i looked through the brush at two other creatures. The smell had been the meat one was carrying, "That will be their down fall" I said to my self allowing my self growl just loud enough for the others to hear. I would enjoy a good chase.
1:51pm May 18 2010
Posts: 1,586
Ceres scoffed as Maizen addressed her, crunching bones between her fearsome teeth. "Whether your enemy or ally, that is up to you," She said. There was a low growl from the bushes, and Ceres stood up, unalarmed, picking up the remains of her meal and turning away. Nothing ever threatened her, and though mentally scarred she disregarded everything around her. The only things she hated were cages and that strange liquid that the humans injected her with every now and then, but now that she was free and away from them, she would hold her own. Dominate if she had to. It was in her blood. She turned to look at the quoll, crouched down in half madness. "We were waiting on you. I'm dying to leave this place."
1:55pm May 18 2010
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Raykay was folowing me. I was worried. Leave me alone. Leave me alone, Ray. Why, t? i couldn't talk.
 (Banner made by Kina)
2:04pm May 18 2010 (last edited on 4:33pm May 18 2010)
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Posts: 6,590
- Name/Age: Silviana (silvie), 15-16
- Power/Animal : darkness/wolf
- Deion/Picture: A fierce, powerful and dangerous creature, but also very beautiful physically....kills and moves on, for the most part rp it out...when angered the white fades to black..her best quality is shes fast and agile, and can outrun most. Has anger issues...

- Other: ((emeraldwing approved, she says hi...shes nxt to me! XD)) worked with Zangra in tracking down the escaped animals...
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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2:04pm May 18 2010
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((can i join?))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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2:15pm May 18 2010
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I was surprised by Ceres's calmness, and growled even louder both trying to scare this odd being and calling my partner, Silvie. "Silvie... where are you? You were supposed to stay with me." I was a bit annoyed at her empty mindedness but i couldnt stay mad at her... she had that kind of a face. "Run while you still can, for the humans will take you back soon enough." I said louder making sure they knew i was here, letting my anger towards them show in my voice. ((hey funa... oh ya im am sitting next to you... you dont have to ask just post.))
2:31pm May 18 2010 (last edited on 2:31pm May 18 2010)
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2:42pm May 18 2010 (last edited on 2:43pm May 18 2010)
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((haha hey emerald! and i talk in first person right? and here i go...)) Silvie was an independent hunter...I stalked the forest alone, I and my partner, Zangra, split up and searched for the runaways, we could cover more ground in this fashion. Suddenly, I rose my head and my nose caught the scent of my partner fused with that of an unknown stranger..a runaway, she found one..I thought deviously, as I felt my lip curl into a wicked grin, as I took off at a swift run through the brush. The sunlight speckled my dark fur as I raced underneath the tall trees and through the undergrowth...my snarls could be heard long before I arrived, I knew, but then I made a swift jump and emerged from the dark brush, and landed on the opposite side of my partner. My dark fur pricked and my eyes were a blood red as I felt my dagger like claws rub against the hard earth. I lowered my head and let out a low growl...
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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6:12pm May 18 2010
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Having my partner there for back up allowed me to show my face. I jumped high over the crush and landed gracefully on the ground, my tails flowing behind me. "You will regret not taking me with you." I snarled with amusement. I would surely frighten her now. "Oh Silvie, why dont you come play with my new friend?" I yelled over my shoulder not taking my eyes off the prey. "Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You can choose, all you have to do is tell me where the rest are so we can all return home safely." I already knew the answer and was looking forward to the taste of blood in my mouth.
6:18pm May 18 2010
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I heard Zangra's call, My lip curled, revealing my blade-like teeth...A low growl echoed out of my throat as I began to circle my unfortunate prey. My ears were flat against my scalp and my fur was on end, displaying a threatening appearence. I made a quick motion and knocked the prey to the ground... I jumped back and continued to circle my disabled prey, coming to a halt and returning to an attack stance... I gave a cold chuckle as I growled again... the drive to kill was strong, if the prisoner did not cooperate I would taste its blood in my jaws as I strip flesh from bone.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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6:35pm May 18 2010
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Watching my partner circle Ceres, I tensed. Silvie's white fur was begining to turn black. "Oh boy, Silvie, ease up. If you kill it now, then how are we going to find the others?" I asked patiently, though my paws wanted to be on the move, running after the poor runaways. "You will have your chance later but finding them is our top priority right now." I told Silvie as I walked forward taking the meat Ceres had dropped, taking a bite of it and p@ssing it to Silvie.
7:16pm May 18 2010
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I ignored the meat, and stared at Zangra...I then rolled my eyes and slowly rose my head highly, getting out of my attack stance. I then concealed my teeth behind my lips. My dark green eyes were cold and annoyed, but I slowly relaxed my fur and tried to forget the drive to kill. I relaxed my muscles and sat on my hindquarters a low growl errupting from my throat
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
9:52pm May 18 2010
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8:15am May 19 2010
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All at once the wind around them erupted like a wild storm had been summoned. From beside Ceres there came a dark flash and Maizen lunged high in the air above Sylvia's head. Suddenly, it was as if all the air was sucked from below and the trio were left gasping and choking before it all came slamming down on the Dark Wolf's head like a ton of bricks. Sylvia was knocked heavily to the ground, the breath knocked from her and her body throbbing in pain. Before she had time to recover the maddened Quoll landed hard on her head and began to shred her face with wicked claws and needle like teeth. Then, almost as soon as the lightning barraige had began, it was over and Sylvia lay shocked and in great pain, crushed and slashed. Maizen landed easily back to back with Ceres and luaghed heartily. "Let's make it allies then, shall we?"