10:07am May 19 2010
Posts: 1,586
Ceres grinned, tail swishing ceaselessy but body standing motionless. She wasn't afraid of these two crazy wolves. Luckily, she had eaten her fill and didn't care to much about the rest of the meat; otherwise someone would have just stolen their last meal. "Great to you have you on the team, quoll." Ceres snarled, eyes flashing dangerously. "And if you two were paying attention, you would see the others lounging around." She added to the wolves. A loud roar ripped through the air, and the sound vibrated through the surrounding trees. Ceres felt the hot earth through her paws, and flexed her sharp nails. "Let's chill out a bit, shall we?" Her eyes flashed to a dull gray and she roared again, this time more fearsome than the last. A cold cutting wind rushed forth from the south, and focused itself on Zanga. The fire wolf was knocked off of her(?) feet, and as quickly as it happened Ceres bolted forward and reclaimed her meal. She scoffed, quite annoyed. "All this for a piece of meat? Please. I have better things to do." Shaking her grand head, she turned her back and stretched, sheathing her claws.
10:35am May 19 2010 (last edited on 11:05am May 19 2010)
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Posts: 354
((Man I've missed alot. Life just hit me.))
Trackers I growled. I growled in anger, fur crackling and bristling with static. I didn't understand why, and how they could track us when we all could get away and be free. "Leave now." I growled. "You have no business here if you are not one of us, Tracker." I sneered the last word, hatred dipping from every letter. My tail twitched in anticipation of an attack, hoping one of them launched themselves at me.
2:58pm May 19 2010 (last edited on 3:09pm May 19 2010)
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I had landed on my back hitting head pretty hard. Gosh it hurt so much, and i couldnt get away from the pain. "Slivie... go get them." I barely whispered but i knew that she would beable to hear my. I tried to get up and failed but i watched as Silvie's white faded to black again(?). "Remember when I told you that you couldnt have them... well i change my mind." and with that i hit the panick button on the colar. "they will be here soon so hurry." In my daze i had hardly noticed that my partner was out as well.
4:47pm May 19 2010
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I gave a cold chuckle as I rose from my spot...I cracked my neck and gave a wicked smile. "I was taught a long time ago that pain didnt matter..." it was true I could feel the pain and it hurt madly, but then I realized that I faced far worse in my short 16 years. My fur started to fade to black as I made a quick strike and lunged...Ceres flew several yards away as I dodged any attacks and rebounded with a sharp movement of my dagger like claws... blood stained my black paw as I made quick and agile movements landing gracefully next to Zangra... I knew I must have done quite some damage, and pain, even though I hardly tried... a snarl ripped through my throat as my eyes turned blood red. I turned to Quoll "such a shame when creatures have to take quick shots in order to avoid danger." my lip curled as I attacked, I used my swiftness to my advantage and bit down with a lot of my strength on Quolls leg, I heard the bones creak as it quickly snapped under my pressure I hope this one dosnt have healing powers, I face far to many of them. The impact of my strikes would come later, it would slow them down if they ran. My teeth were now stained with blood...my face was in shreds but the humans could repair that later... I let out a long howl before I slashed Quoll in the side and slammed him against a tree, the bark cracked under my force. I shrugged and let Quoll fall to the ground as I made a quick movement with my other paw, leaving a deep, painful, slash in his side, I felt the blood leak into my fur. I laughed deviously...most creatures didnt challenge me and it was fun to fight. I glared at Ceres, and was debating wether to attack, then things started getting hazy, the impact that Quoll gave me was coming back but I tried to hide my weakness. Should I finish them? I thought, then something came to me.... they might have the others scent... I sniffed the air and caught slight traces of other strange creatures, I let out a small smile, as the excitement showed in my eyes... I felt my fur change to white as I saw Quoll and Ceres's blood dying my white fur red. I relaxed my muscles and snickered loudly..."Zangra, its your turn." I smiled, for I really just wanted to leave, partially because these creatures began to bore me and I could collapse at any minute... I shook away the feeling and gave one last low snarl as I turned and jumped back through the brush, stalking my next prey...I recalled the battle and smiled to myself, they were in pain, and if no help arrived Quoll could lose his leg or they could both bleed to death...
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4:47pm May 19 2010
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((woah...long post))
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7:34pm May 19 2010
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((leaves rp))
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
7:48pm May 19 2010
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((join?)) - Name/Age: Zinc, 17
- Power/Animal: ice, wolf
- Deion/Picture: Dangerous but somewhat independent...he defends his friends and is a strong fighter...

- Other: another escaper
7:48pm May 19 2010
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((do I just jump in?))
8:13pm May 19 2010
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((deathy! *huggles* and yeah thats what i did...)) I turned and smelled the air, the brisk wind brought the stench of a runaway to my nose...I felt my lip curl as I imagined the unfortunate soul...I let out a long warning howl and once again was on the run, toward the unfamiliar smell...the runaway
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8:15pm May 19 2010
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((ok zincs in first person)) I senced a young she-wolf approaching, I backed away...her howl shook my bones, she sounded dangerous and threatening. But then I decided that if I ran it would show I was weak, and the attacker would simply hunt me down like prey...I growled and took a defensive position in the clearing, I faced the direction I thought she was coming from
8:17pm May 19 2010
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The scent of the runaway was unbearable, the drive to kill was more then ever, I senced his fear...this made me smile as I emerged from the brush and lunged....I knocked him to the ground in a single movement, and gave a low growl threateningly...I would disable this one.
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8:18pm May 19 2010
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I stood up having had healed myself, even though I could heal i wasnt very fast. Hitting another button on the colar, I shot a net out catching the wounded runaways. I hope the hurry, this wont last long. I hit the button that called them again rasing the urgency level.
8:19pm May 19 2010
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((hey funny!)) I was shocked at the she-wolf's speed... I looked at her, and my breath was taken...she was beautiful. I forced myself up, and felt a sudden sting of pain in my ribs as I collapsed to the ground again, the stranger had power as well...I had no choice I had to defend myself...I snarled and attacked
8:21pm May 19 2010
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I made a quick dodge and rebounded, slashing my attacker on the back...his white fur dyed red with his own blood...I smiled as he whimpered in pain...and my fur pricked once again, I ran and on my hind legs, clawed and bit his face and chest, blood splattered the battlefield, I was hardly scratched
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8:23pm May 19 2010
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I howled in pain as I collapsed on the ground once more, never have I faced an opponent like...her. I forced myself up and with some of my strength, managed to claw the female's face with my moveable paw...I tried to run but couldnt...I wouldnt run, I had to win this fight. I jumped and landed on top of the female, attacking with all my might
8:26pm May 19 2010
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I snarled as I felt my own blood drip down my face. I threw the male wolf off with my strong back legs, and flipped right side up, I ran and attacked the runaway and heard the crack of bones as I bit his side and limbs...he was no doubt in pain and the wounds I inflicted would no doubt become infected. I lunged and bit his neck...tearing off flesh to the bone, his blood leaked from my mouth as I gave a low growl.
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8:28pm May 19 2010
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I let out a desperate howl, the pain was unbearable...I felt my life be drained as my blood leaked from my wounds... I hardly touched her and she did this much damage. This female was strong, and no doubt trained...I saw her shadow over me as things began to blur...I just about lost this fight, "W-Will you S-Spare me?" I choked.
8:30pm May 19 2010
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My lip curled revealing a dark smile..."I give no mercy..." I growled in his ear...I was victorious I knew, and the humans would be proud of all the damage I had done today. Three runaways injured, this one almost dead. I let out a long howl to alert the humans as I gazed upon the unfortunate male.
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8:32pm May 19 2010
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My heart raced as I heard the vehicles of humans... I forced my eyes open and looked at her beauty...she worked for them, she was the hunter, and I was the prey. I felt as if I failed, I inhaled and felt a huge sting of pain echo throughout my shattered bones. I looked at her "R-Run away with me..." I choked, my eyes clenched shut with pain.
8:35pm May 19 2010
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(( peeps thats quite a fight you got goin on))