8:37pm May 19 2010
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I gave a wicked smile at the male... "You are not worth my time." I growled coldly, as the humans drove up. "Our girl caught one!" one of the men called. I felt a man stroke my head as I stared at the male, the humans were giving him a checkup..."Its Zinc, never would have reconized him, his fur is dyed red." the large man grinned at me. I glared and bared my teeth, he wasnt my favorite..and I escaped the stroking of the average light skinned man. The doctor approached me..."Come here young girl, looks like your a bit scratched up." he said gently. The doctor was one human whom I trusted, he tried to help me escape. He injected a strange liquid into my blood and I felt my wounds faid, the pain gone. I nudged his hand as he stroked my side. I glared at the one who was apparently Zinc, "i will give mercy never again." I whispered coldly.
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8:42pm May 19 2010
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((emerald: yeah fun rocks at fights.)) I moved my head and opened my eyes, I saw dark shapes of my once human captors...my heart sank, I had lost, and was once again a prisoner. I couldnt move as they picked my limp body up...my fur dripped blood as they did so. I blinked and saw the she-wolf... I couldnt talk or move, my body was broken and bleeding, as they put me in a strong cage with blankets...something new of them... they closed the cage and shut the door...then to my surprise the she wolf jumped into the space next to me...she looked completely healed
8:44pm May 19 2010
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((haha thanks deathy <3)) I sat next to my prey as his eyes slowly closed..I knew it would take a while for the pain to fade, and I actuall didnt mind, I found it amusing, he challenged me, and lost...like most of my challengers. Zangra called for the humans, and they told me I should get a break, I breathed slowly and calmly, and lay my head down and relaxed as the scenery drifted by.
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8:50pm May 19 2010
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To my surprise the vehicle stopped and they unloaded me...I was put into the back of another truck as the she-wolf followed..I heard faint voices..."Take Zinc to the institute, we will take this land vehicle to Zangra, we believe she has two more..." a man said. Another stranger chuckled..."I will bring Silviana to, she earned her rest." the man said, as my cage was put into another truck, and the she wolf jumped up...Silviana....I will remember that name. And all went dark, when I awoke I was at the institute again, my heart sank for I was a prisoner again...Silviana had hunted me down, like she will the others, I just hope for their safety
8:53pm May 19 2010
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I didnt want to return to the institute, I wanted to hunt... but the men insisted, it was Zangra's turn. I sighed heavily and followed to the institute... Zinc was put next to my other few prizes... a group of 6 more runaways. I relaxed in front of the fire and slowly closed my eyes, there was a full day of hunting tomorrow, I knew, as the whimpers of my prisoners put me gently to sleep ((i think we should wait for the others.))
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8:54pm May 19 2010
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((all we did was fight and silvie captured Zinc, but ok :) ))
9:01pm May 19 2010
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((and the humans still yet to have found me lol))
10:08pm May 19 2010
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((can we post in third person? I'm having trouble remembering who is who))
2:28pm May 20 2010
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((umm idk im just following what everyone else is doing...))
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10:18am May 22 2010
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((still waiting for someone to find me... im so lonely with the escapees lol heeeelp, ya me too im following how other people with their style of writing. sorry, if we have to change, i wouldnt mind, try rmailing the creator about that... untill then im typing in first person although i kind of agree its getting hard to tell who is who.))
3:45pm May 23 2010
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10:09pm May 23 2010
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((Ok ill try to get this going again)) The humans are here. They will be a little dissapointed at the loss of one who had clawed out of the net but the one with health issues still remained. I whipered as one of the men helped me up. I was in pain but it was going away and I limped over to the waiting doctor, still slightly whimpering. They took the colar off while they examined my wounds. "OOOOW watch it that hurts." I growled at them. "Zangra is gonna be fine with some rest, although the ice and pounding could have made this worse." Yes a bed sounded nice, and i layed down right there and fell asleep.
11:19pm May 29 2010
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((hmmm i suppose i will help start this up again xD)) Silvie heard the calls of her prisoners as she basked in the fire's light. She gave a wicked grin as she relaxed and slowly dosed off to sleep.
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8:55pm Jul 26 2010
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((Please i knoow it died but please try and revive it)) Zangra awoke with a start, another one of the runaways were here and close too. She rose and limped in the direction of the sent, noting how slowly it seemed to move. "This is a bad idea, what if its a trap" she said to herself. but she couldnt help but to hope that maybe it was injured like her and would be an easy take down. She kept limping farther and farther away from the camp. She could now smell more sents beginning to mix with the original sent and Zangra soon became a little nervouse, but all the same she kept following the escapee.