((Sorry for the wait, guys. Real life really doesn't like me much, apparently. Would you believe I got a broken loaner flute?))
As the two boys started to talk, Kyo padded over to sit next to the tree she had been so faithfully pummeling earlier. What a mess. She kept one ear swiveled back so that she could keep an ear out on the conversation; the rest of her mind mulled over what was bound to happen now.
God would happen, that was what. The head of the Sohma family would have to be informed, and the head would likely be... furious. Yup.
"What the -- why the he-ll do I have to explain it?!" she demanded, turning her head to glare at Yoichi, fur rising in fury.
Smug, no good, bas-tard, rat. She'd get him. One of these days... she'd get him. And that smug look too. "We transform into our animal when a member of the opposite gender hugs us," Kyo muttered. "And when we turn back--"
"--We're completely nak-ed," Kyo finished in a growl, glaring at Yoichi as she reached for her clothes.