12:16pm Jul 1 2011
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(Bump. Where is everyody? D; )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:23pm Jul 1 2011
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((Instead of bumping, you could post a response... Have you heard from Kate?))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:23pm Jul 1 2011
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Dreamblade smiled at his fire, eyes twinkling. "Indeed. I believe that they suit us quite well, our names. Of course, that's how it's meant to be, is it not?" Quietly he turned to the Princess, who stood silent and strong, though her hands shook as they reached out to Samhain's large head. "Your Highness. What shall our next move be?" At first the girl said nothing, then broke intosoft, hysteric laughter. "Why ask me? What do I know that the rest of you don't? You are all here to protect me, the weak, defenseless princess in her ivory tower. No, if you seek guidance, go to the one who was destined from the beginning to be your leader. She brought you all together, then and now." With a helpless look in her piercing eyes she turned, resting them on Nightfyre. Dreamblade followed that gaze, going to stand by Dreamfyre.
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
11:43pm Jul 1 2011
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Jade, no it was Dreamfyre now... Something she was going to have to get used to. Dreamfyre stood proud and strong, despite the sapped energy from the ambush. She bowed her head slightly in apology. "I am sorry guys. This is all my fault, had I listened to you guys in the first place..." She trailed off, looking at the body of what used to be her friend. A single tear fell to the ground before she shook her head and looked up at the apparent leader, Nightfyre. "Whatever the decision, I am with you all the way. And don't be silly, Princess, we don't protect you because you are weak. We protect you because we care for your safety. You aren't defensless and you deffinately aren't weak. Nobody that was weak could cook like you do." Nightfyre smiled with reas.surance. It was true, every word of it. Memories and feeling flooded back to her of her actual being of Dreamfyre. She recited the words that she knew to feel for Princess Eternity. Songblade stood, a look of disgust crossing his features at the enemy who dareed show his face and then run like a coward. "Sure we will remember. It's not hard at all to forget the name of a coward." He growled sarcastically, turning to his sister. Even as this new, or well old and forgotten then redescovered, person he still thought of Nightfyre as being his sister. He still couldn't remember much about his past family and what happened to them... But he didn't think that mattered to him now. He had met these people and they were his new family now, no need to be sorrowful about something forever lost. It was time to live in the moment. "We will be forever by your side, not to protect you becuase we must... But to protect our best friend." He smiled, trying to cheer up the girl. He nodded in agreement with Dreamfyre's words. "Hey, I finaly found a use for this old sword. Might as well give it orders." He chuckled as he looked to Nightfyre for instructions.
1:07am Jul 2 2011
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Nightfyre stood for a few moments, staring at the spot Lord Axel had stood silently. At Eternity's comment, she turned around, a frown on her face. After staring for a few moments, she moved forward and dropped to one knee in front of the girl, her right hand fisted over her heart. "Right now, I am speaking as Nightfyre to the High Princess Eternity. In our previous life, we swore feality to you, for many reasons. Those reasons still remain. As Nighfyre, I wish to renew my oath, because I still consider myself bound by it." She looked up at Eternity, who had become her friend in the short span of a few hours. "I, Nightfyre, pledge to you, the High Princess Eternity, to uphold the honor you have bestowed upon me. I pledge to protect you, and to encourage you, for the rest of my days." The words were the same pledge that they all had made, another lifetime ago, except for one addition. Nightfyre rose and turned to the others. "I want you all to know that, as your friend, sister, and leader, I make the same pledge to you. I will stand beside each of you, as long as I have breath." She allowed her transformation to dissolve, becoming Lamia again, with Onyx at her side. "As your friend, I'm thankful, for each one of you. I won't protect you because I have to. None of us are weak," she cast a harsh glance at Eternity, wanting her to realize that she was being silly. "Eternity, you backed that lacky down. Dreamfyre, you held out, even without your full powers. Songblade, Dreamblade, you backed me up, defended Dreamfyre even when she was down. We all have our strengths and we are a team. Come on guys, let's go home." She gave a big smile. "I'm sure Robert is worried."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
7:12am Jul 2 2011
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Shay smiled, despite the fact that she had missed everything and had sort of a hole in everything that was happening. So that meant part of everything didn't make too much sense. But altogether, when you put up the pieces of information she knew, she could make a prettty rough outline. But nothing was in her right place to say. She shouldn't speak for the time being.... except... "Does anybody seriously know who that guy was? Um.. Lord Axel, was it? What did he mean by what he said.. like that this isn't the only thing we'll encounter?" Shay asked semi-quietly as she started to go towards the entrance/exit.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -