4:32pm May 27 2011 (last edited on 4:49pm May 27 2011)
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((This thing was being stupid so I moved it to the post below. XD God help me this computer hates me.))
4:47pm May 27 2011
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((*Walks through imaginary door to LadyNightfyre's imaginary house* Why thank you very much. XD I just downed like 5 cookies.)) The tall girl leaned against the side of the building, watching as two girls came to the aid of a faint boy. Her blue eyes took in every movement, her ears recording every word. The evening shadows had progressed enough to allow her to stay hidden to the immediate gaze of others. She flipped her glossy hair over her shoulder, the red streak reflecting what little light it could touch. At her ankles sat a beautiful dog, what appeared to be a German Shepherd/Husky mix. His silvery grey fur and eyes that matched her own set him apart from other creatures. He was special, and she could feel it. "Jake, you know what to do?" She looked down to see that the dog actually nodded. You never cease to amaze me. She thought to herself, how amazing this dog really was. One day just started following her around, and without any warning began to play along with some of her little schemes like the one she was just about to pull. She crept along the other side of the wall, around the corner of the building so she could set herself up. She ran up and down in circles, getting her heart rate up and her breathing sped to a tired sound. Then she let out a scream. Breaking the circle, she split for the direction she had come and made her way straight for the group of people. "Help! This dog just came out of nowhere. Please somebody help me." She cried out, running into the group. Carefully and hopefully undetected, she slipped her hand into one of their pockets and grabbed the wallet. Quickly moving it to her jacket pocket she continued running, Jake catching up. All this took just a few seconds and then Jake barked. Pretending to trip, the girl fell down and turned over onto her back. He snagged the money from her with... A WINK?! Then he was gone, rounding the corner to wait for his new master. Now as she thought before, this was all without training, which was why she let him stick around. She stared off into space, seeming shocked by the whole procession. Another job well done, Jade. ((I will post for him in a little bit...)) This thing is being stupid. All that you see is almost how it should be.... It won't be nice to me today, XS. EDIT: Something is wrong with my computer. It's not supposed to be italicized and it wont let me undo it... I will restart, BRB.
6:35pm May 27 2011
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(Um. I'm going to post now. o.o Can Shay meet up with Lamia and the others later then become roommates? Also, she doesn't know about her guardian yet..) Shay was walking around town. Just a normal old day, like every other day. She was going back to her small apartment she somehow managed to afford. But on the way there, a sharp image flickered in her eyes. It was... her?!? And dshe was dressed in... something weird... Plus, two others were beside her. The land was desolate and blood-soaked. What was that? Waving off the ordeal like it was nothing, Shay continued onwards. It was probably truly nothing. I mean, who gets images in their head like that? Her imagination was most likely acting up. The more she thought about it, the more it'd "happen." And it did come back. A while later, the image came back, and for longer. It was staying. Shaking her head, Shay couldn't take the image off. Completely in shock, she fell backwards and landed on the ground with a loud thud. Taking in more details from the image, there were dead bodies. Was one... her mother..? Just then, it turned off like a TV. Black was all she saw. Oh no. Was Shay blind?!?! Something started to touch her face. I guess I can still feel.. she thought. It was.. wet. Slobbery, almost. Hm, could it be a-? Shay's vision decided to return then. Slowly, black faded back in to reality. Some pitter-patter was heard off in the distance. Looking around for the mystery-ob ject that had touched her face, she saw nothing but a town with people. That was... quite a strange epidemic. But now Shay knew that it was real.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:13pm May 27 2011 (last edited on 7:14pm May 27 2011)
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"I'm fine." Haruki displayed his typical, carefree grin. "Pleasure to meet you two." He narrowed his violet eyes in a friendly tilt of the head. "This, by the way, is Galaxy." And at those words, the bird fluttered to her companion, perching on his shoulder. And I might add that she was rather large to be a shoulder birdie. The bird seemed to concentrate on something for several moments, finally giving a cheerful caw. "Galaxy, Glalaxy!" The avian creature repeated, clearly very clever. The raven could surely give a parrot a run for thier money. It seemed to mimick the personality of it's human friend. But what this boy didn't know was that in an innocent and sudden attempt, his wallet had been stolen right out of his pocket. Not like he carried more that six dollars in there. I mean, he didn't even have a home, so how much cash could he possibly have? He glanced at the culprit, a girl younger than him who seemed to be in distress. A dog had chased her, and she now lay collapsed on the cement, like he once was. "You alright, miss?" He called curiously over his shoulder.
I\'m back.
1:22pm May 28 2011
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Lamia looked around her in confusion, taking in the tattered state of dress the two younger people were in. The dog had run off... Wait a moment. A dog that was attacking someone wouldn't just run off... That's weird... Standing, she moved away from the boy and went to check on the girl. Kneeling down she asked, "Are you ok? Did it hurt you? I've never seen a dog chase someone then just run off. Really weird... I'm Lamia." She turned and adressed the boy. "Hey, Galaxy, what's your friend's name? I never caught it." OOC: Sorry guys, I've been without internet for a while. And I'm about to go to work, though, so I'll be on again arount 10:30 Central time. Iceheart, sure we can meet up later. Right now I'm kinda seeing Lamia as a mother figure right now. Providing a home for everyone.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:13pm May 28 2011
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The bird seemed to be delighted that someone had asked her a question. But of course, she had to think and consider her answer carefully. "Haru, Haru, Haruki!" She sang in her screechy tone. But what could you expect from a bird? And a raven, at that. Haru was rather impressed. After all, he hadn't even told the bird his name. So how did she know? But he shrugged this off, simply glancing about the area with a satisfied grin. Galaxy, on the other hand, encircled her friend, still singing her melody. "Haru, Haru, Haruki!" She finally stopped when she decided to make some new friends, pivoting in the air to orbit the older girl. "Lamia, Lamia, Lam- Lam Lamia!" She was making a sort of game out of this. The avian creature flew a different pattern, zig- zagging beside the fallen girl, the one who'd been chased by the dog. "Doggy- girl, doggy- girl, stealin' all your wallets girl!" Apparently Galaxy had noticed something Haruki and the others hadn't.
I\'m back.
6:08pm May 28 2011
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Holly watched all this witha bemused grin, watching Lamia to gauge her reaction. It was all very sudden, almost as if it was staged. She had dabbled in Wicca during her teen years, and learned to recognize the feeling of fate in action. This was most defintely one of those times. She shrugged it off as she always had, watching the scene unfold with a grin. The commotion hid the appearance of a feline, slender and black as a shadow. He sat quietly by Holly's feet, and met her gaze with bright yellow eyes. Raising an eyebrow, she felt that stirring again. This time, she payed attention to it, taking a look around her. Each person she'd run into today had an animal at their side who seemed unusually intelligent and well trained. The cat looked up at her, as if reading her thoughts, and nodded. Holly's eyes widened with shock, and she crouched to be on level with the tom. "You are a very lovely cat. I'm going to call you Samhain, since you look like a witch's cat, the kind I see on Halloween decorations." She could've sworn that Samhain grinned, but she ignored it, rising. "Is there anything I can do to not feel useless?"
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11:47pm May 28 2011
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"No, I think I'm fine. Thanks." Jade stood to her feet, brushing dust off of her clothes. "Sorry, have I interupted something? I am Jade by the way." She looked around as if searching for a sighn of the dog but she knew that he would be gone by now. "People should really control their animals, and this town should do something about homeless mutts. Dangerous they are, very dangerous." She rolled her eyes, then resting on the bird. A raven, that could talk? She thought it was almost as weird as her well trained dog. She couldn't help but to laugh as the bird started stating everyone's name, but fell silent when the bird reached her. "What are you talking about? How am I 'stealing all your wallets girl'?" She put a hand on her hip, flipping her hair over her shoulder. The red streak fell loose from the others and remained in front, framing her face. "Well, you have enough brains to find a name for me, why don't you try explaining it." Her facial ex pression hinted at offended but her eyes gleamed with amusement. It had been the first time anyone had caught her, let alone been called out on it by a pet bird. Jade thought it time for skill number two; lying. She stared at the bird, waiting for it's response. She already had several stories lined up, as she always had a plan for everything regardless of her skills. Her eyes flickered to the girl with the cat, shrugging her shoulders once in a 'I don't really know' kind of way. But soon they were back onto the strange bird that seemed to mimick her own companions qualities. Very smart critters. I wonder if there is any connection to that... Nah, that's crazy, just keep your head in the game and think about this later. On second thought, never... This whole chain of events is a little too weird for me. Just get out as soon as you can. Search for a way out. Jade had a little mental battle with herself, sometimes she found amusement in them for she had no one else to talk to, really. But now was not the time for rediculous fantasies. ((Hehe, fail. Had to add a little extra fluff. XP))
1:27am May 29 2011
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"Stealing all your wallets girl' huh?" Lamia said as she raised her arm up for the raven to perch on. "You know, I read an article the other day. Appears there's been a string of robberies around town and all of them have been tied with a strange dog." She turned to look back at Holly, who seemed to be conversing with a cat. "Did you read it, Holly?" she asked with a grin. "Anyway," she continued, once again feeling an overwhelming cumpulsion to probable stupidity, "Are you guys hungry? I was picking up a steak for Onyx here and got a really great deal on some hamburger meat and hotdogs. I have plenty, if you'd like to join me?" She smiled at all three of them. "It'll be fun."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:41am May 29 2011
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Holly clapped her hands, grinning ear to ear. "And I just got plenty of chicken, certainly if I could run by my apartment and pick up some spices, then we could have a lovely dinner. Maybe some pasta, I just got done canning my sauces and whatnot, perhaps I could throw a small dessert together..." Her mind goes off a million places at once, wanting to, for some reason, make sure that everyone was properly fed and with good food. "And I even have a good wine, that might suit for the occasion. After all, I'm sure that meeting so many people is reason enough to celebrate?"
She looked around, positively beaming. It wasn't often that she got to meet so many people,and she felt better than she had in a long while. Being with this particular group just felt... Right. She knew nothing about them, but the same part of her head that had recently begun feeding her images was telling her that she shared something vital in common with this crowd. Not wanting to ask questions, she accepted the feeling as one of life's many mysteries and carried on.
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1:45am May 29 2011
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Lamia smiled hugely at the sugestion, then turned to the younger ones. "So how about it guys? I have a huge house that I kinda rattle around in, though Holly is my roommate now," with this she gave the other girl a smile. "I'd love to have you. And your animal friends. Even the dog," she said with a rueful smile at Jade.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:20pm May 29 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:59pm May 29 2011 (last edited on 3:00pm May 29 2011)
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Shay was still on the ground, cringing. Her knees were tucked into her chest and she was shivering with fright and shock. Everything was so... strange and.. scary. A tear fell down her cheek. Quickly she wiped it of and got up steadily. Onwards she walked, finally getting to her apartment. Getting out her keys, she unlocked the door and got in. Taking the elvator up to her floor, a question popped into her head. What would she eat? Gah, she wasn't even that hungry. Skipping out could be fine - just this once, though. Maybe she would take a walk? Stop by Walmart? Yeah, yeah.. That's fine. Getting the elevator to go back down to ground level, Shay embarked on another walk. Maybe it'd be... better this time...
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:55pm May 29 2011
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"M'rrawwwk." Galaxy uttered, perching on the offered arm momentarily. Spontaneously, she began to flitter around in a lopsided circle, starting on another of her melodies. "Watch out for this one, tricky one, tricky one! I like a tricky one, tricky one!" The bird actually seemed to enjoy the cleverness of this new girl. The feathered goofball was just getting into the groove of it when Haruki shot her an unusual glance. "Please don't bother our new friends, Galaxy." He didn't want to upset this sensitive avian beauty, so he kept his welcoming grin. The bird settled down, relaxing on the shoulder of her master and mirroring his joyful ex pression. "I'd love to come over." He paused for long enough to display an appreciative glare. "After all, you must be a better cook than me." It was well known that Haru couldn't cook, and could even burn soup. Heck, he'd probably have trouble preparing a bowl of cereal.
I\'m back.
4:28pm May 29 2011
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"Wonderful!" Lamia exclaimed, turning to look at Jade. "And you, dear?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:36pm May 29 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:27am May 30 2011
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ooc:// Emmy needs ta get over here...
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1:40am May 30 2011
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OOC: yeah I know. The whole thing is waiting on her...

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:11pm May 30 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:21pm May 30 2011
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ooc:// EMMY! DX<
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