6:06pm Jun 1 2011
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OOC: Maybe she could have some kind of minor emergency in their path? Sigh... anyway, in that anime, the main characters all live in the same bording house. It just kinda reminded me of that.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
6:18pm Jun 1 2011
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(Hm. Lemme think of something... entertaining. :u ... I GOT IT LET ME TYPE NOW 8D ) Shay was silently walking along the sidewalk. It was light gray with cracks. Quite... old-ish. All of a sudden, she tripped on her own feet and splatted down on the ground. "Again?!" she muttered annoyedly. Luckily, her hands had caught her fall. But they were scraped and cut in some places. One of her knees also had a partially bleeding scrape, too. "Crap.." Getting up, she continued on, trying to find something like a water fountain... or something. "A penny?!" Shay exclaimed. She walked forward a few steps bent down and picked it up. Straightening, she thunked her head on a pipe connected to some roof-thing. "Gah!" she said. The world spun around her. Running forward - that was the only command her head gave her at the moment - she saw distorted shapes ahead. Sliding to a halt, Shay didn't interpret her distance well, and lightly brushed against Lamia's arm. Falling down again, she couldn't help but wince. The world was still sort of... dead to her. Looking up, the people had... OMG, FIVE EYES?!? SEVEN?!? FOUR ARMS?!? TENTACLES?!?! WHAT WAS THIS?!?! "OMG WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!??! IS THIS 2012 EARLY?!?! OH MY GOOOOOOOOODDD!!!" she screamed, scrambling backwards. Eventually her body let up and Shay laid sprawled out on the ground. The day had been long and she was tired. And now the world had gone crazy. ...Wait, it had stopped shaking... everything was fine now. Ow... stupid pipe...
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:24pm Jun 1 2011
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Lamia gave the strange person a cautious look as she approached her, hands out. She was afraid that she might be attacked again. Her voice was low and steady when she spoke. "Hey... Hey... are you ok? Calm down... We're all friends here. Are you all right?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
6:33pm Jun 1 2011
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Shay looked up and saw.. a normal human. Pfffft. She was so stupid. Plus, what she had just done was make a fool of herself. "Um, sorry. Sorry sorry sorry, sooo sorry..." she mumbled, brushing herself off and getting up. "Uh, I've been having a bad day... I hit my head on a stupid frickin' pipe, then I thought you guys were aliens.. heh heh... Sorry. I just... it's... a complicated day. Please don't see me as a weird person, I'm really not. I'm fine, just a few scrapes and cuts and.. numbness." Frowning, Shay could only look down at her feet. Hm, would someone burst out laughing? She hoped not.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:46pm Jun 1 2011
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Fighting a smile, Lamia moved quickly forward to check on the girl. How on earth could she have pulled all that off? "Here, let me check your head. If you were seeing things, it might be serious. I'm sorry you're having a bad day." As she spoke, Onyx moved past her and stood in front of the girl, offering his substantial back for her support.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
6:50pm Jun 1 2011
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((Ooh, ooh, I'll post now. XD))
6:59pm Jun 1 2011
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"Let me handle this one." Jade said, stepping around Lamia to stand directly infront of the new girl. "Now, I need you to look straight at me, ok?" She began, holding a finger out infront of her nose. "Follow the finger, don't move your head." She instructed, moving the finger to left and the right. Then she moved it up and down. After that she reached into her pocket where she kept a kit of stuff. She pulled out a little case, or bag really, and opened it. Inside was a spare blade, bandages, certain drugs and a mini flashlight. She pulled out the flashlight and turned it on, stuffing the rest of the contents back into her pocket. "Excuse me." She muttered, stepping forward and tilting the girl's head back a fraction of an inch. Shining the flashlight in her eyes quickly, she as.sessed the condition. "Alright, I don't believe you have a concusion but you deffinately should be a little more careful. I had a friend once who slipped into a coma after a blow to the head..." She trailed off in thought as she shoved the flashlight in her pocket with the other items. "Actually, do you think she could come with us? I want to make sure if she is ok." She smiled, a little. Even for the small crimes and tough attitude she put up, Jade actually did care for the safety of others. The knife she only used for intimidation and protection against attackers, which she always took care of after wounding them.
7:13pm Jun 1 2011
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Lamia smiled and stepped back, allowing Jade to take charge. She watched the examination with interest, seeing the girl's competancy. When Jade turned back and asked her question, Lamia nodded. "Of course! We're having food as well. And maybe if you're with us, we can catch you before you fall again," she said, indicating the other girl's skinned knees. "I'm Lamia. The big lunk dog standing there is Onyx."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
7:18pm Jun 1 2011
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"I'm Jade, by the way, and this here lovely creature is Jake. Mind your wallet, he likes to chew on them." Jade smiled mischeviously, winking in the direction of Galaxy for the bird is who caught her to begin with. "According to the feather duster over there, I am 'Stealin' all your wallets girl'. Please do mind the lies coming from it's mouth." She chuckled at her joke, a genuine smile crossing her features. It had been so long since she had laughed with others, and she found that it felt rather good.
10:30pm Jun 1 2011
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Watching the scene with a grin Holly decided to stand back until introductions had begun. This was just too interesting to interrupt. Finally, seeing a safe opening, she stepped forward, scratching the big black tom behind his ear. "I'm Holly LaFayette, and this is my cat, Samhain. I'm sorry that you've been having a bad day, but hopefully it'll be better now?" She smiled hopefully, pale gold eyes wide with a wide range of emotions. People would call her face expressive, and it would be a serious understatement.
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12:52am Jun 2 2011
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OOC: Going to wait till everyone introduces themselves. Bump

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:05pm Jun 2 2011
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Haruki grinned widely at the new girl. "Hiya. I'm Haruki, but you may call me Haru." He gestured to his birdie friend, who'd only just awoken. "My 'feather duster' here is Galaxy." At that, the bird tookf off and fluttered in a crooked spiral, as she liked to do. "Galaxy, that's my name!" The silver specks on her feathes glinted. "Pleasure to meet you." A strange feeling overcame the petite boy as he glanced around, realizing something. Everyone here had a pet. With the exception of the new girl, it seemed. What was the reasoning for this? And these animals- they were all inteligent and unique. Something suspicious was going on here.
I\'m back.
5:52pm Jun 2 2011
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"Ah, thank you all.. But I think I'm fine now," Shay said with a smile. Her few bleeding cuts no longer expelled blood and were forming small scabs, which she was glad about. "I'm Shay, also. Hello to you, Holly, Jade, Haru, and Lamia. Along with your wonderful pets." At the mention of pets, inside, Shay saddened. She had always wanted a pet - especially a dog or puppy. But her exerior remained cheerful. Always, she seemed to find a happy medium about pets. If other people had them, she still had fun with them, without the responsibility of one of her own. Though she knew she could handle it if she set her mind on it. "So, I guess I'll be coming along with you all. I think it'll be a great.... adventure." she said proudly.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:49am Jun 3 2011
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Lamia stuck her hand out in greeting. "Nice to meet you, Shay! Welcome to the madhouse! Lucky you, it's feeding time. We were planning a cookout when we ran into you. Or rather, when you ran into us. Think you can walk, sweetie?" Without waiting for an answer, she moved beside Shay and reached out her hand. "Come on, it's only a few blocks more. Do you remember that big old mansion on Main? That's where we're headed." She began walking slowly, waiting to make sure Shay wasn't going to fall.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:35pm Jun 3 2011
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"Heh, the madhouse," Shay said with a smile. "And I can walk, of course." So that's what she did - walked. "Hm, what are we going to eat at this cookout?" What if.. Mmmm. What if it was steak, chicken, or mushrooms? That was the food her father used to always make on his grill, along with other things, of course. But perhaps they'd have something else. Shay was known to be picky, but trying new things was one of her goals. If there was something she wasn't sure about, she was going to try it at this cookout! (Yes, Shay is actually one of the picky eaters. c; Like me! )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:28pm Jun 3 2011
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Holly lept toward Shay at the question, eyes wide with joy. Food talk. That was something she could do. "Well, I'm thinking about throwing together this old chicken recipe. I got it from my Nonna, but tweaked it a little around high school when I was sent to a private boarding academy. I don't know how well it'll go over, but I do love to make it. Are you okay with chicken? I'll be making pasta, too, and I've got homemade sauce that I just finished canning." Wow. This girl, she could really talk about food.
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3:39pm Jun 3 2011
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"Oooh, that sounds good! I love pasta and chicken especially. And I sure think that your sauce will be wonderful along with your chicken," Shay said. "What is your favorite food? Or perhaps foodS? Oh, and what ingerdients are in your sauce?" Gah. Was she rambling? -fail-
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:53pm Jun 3 2011
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ooc:// :3 You should not ask Holly these questions. Her mother's mother is Italian. She can ramble for ages about food... "Well, I love gnocchi, which are little potato pasta, but only if they're homemade. I haven't found a restaurant yet that can make them the way I do. As for the sauce, I grow my own roma tomatoes in a planter outside my windows, roast them with salt and paper in the oven, then puree them and boil that with oregano, garlic, a little onion, basil, and a bay leaf. My dad taught me how to do all that." She smiled, the happiness just bubbling out of her in a fountain. Her pale gold eyes lit up, as did the rest of her face. This was comfortable.
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4:03pm Jun 3 2011
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Lamia walked behind the two, towards the middle of the pack, laughing as they started talkiing about food. "When was the last time you guys ate?" she asked jokingly. To Shay she said, "I got a great deat on hamburgers and hotdogs. And there's always sweet iced tea and lemonade at the house. Holly's chicken and pasta. And I had the butter softening for a triple chocolate cake, so I'll make that up as well." Soon, the group had reached the mansion. It really was enourmous, the size of a small hotel. It stood four stories high, faced with red brick covered with climbing ivy. The shutters were a bright white. "Once again, don't ask me what posessed my grandfather to build 18 bedrooms. I don't know. But welcome in!" Lamia said as she ushered them in. "This ground floor is the general living space. Down here we have the kitchen, living room, den, formal dining room and ball room. Upstairs are the bedrooms, with the master in the second. There's a small bedroom in the attic and a play room downstairs." She led the way up a grand staircase to the first floor. "I'll show you all to rooms where you can rest or freshen up if you like." On the first floor there were two bedrooms, one Lamia's. She showed Holly the other one. "Here you go Holly. I hope it suits." The room took up half of the second floor and came complete with an en suite bathroom. The bathroom was done in pale gold marble with pink veins running through it. There was a white vanity and a huge sunken tub. The bed room itself was also done in shades of pale gold, white and pink, with a queen sized bed in the center of the room and a large bay window with seat. White painted bookshelves lined one wall. OOC: guys gotta go to work. I'll let holly respond before I finish this tonight.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:26pm Jun 3 2011
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Haruki stood still, taking a gander at this enormous structure. Some people were just better off. Stumbling a little, he stepped through the large front doors, glaring about the interior. This place was classy, no doubt. He peered into a nearby mirror, gasping and leaping backwards when he noticed the colors in his hair had been reversed. Instead of a white base with black tips, he'd a black base with white tips. He glanced away for a mere moment. When he looked back to the mirror, his reflection showed normal again. The confused boy only assumed it was from a lack of sleep. Or food, for that matter. Shrugging off the peculiar image he'd seen in the mirror, Haru wandered away, metting up with the rest of the group. When he saw Holly's room, he only hoped he'd get lucky and get one this nice.
I\'m back.