4:38pm Jun 3 2011
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Taking one step into the beautifully lush room, Holly's jaw dropped. "This... This is... Mine?" Her eyes struggled to take in everything at once, from the gold leafing to the pink, soft and sweet... It was perfect. It reminded her of the drawing room at Mark Twain's house, all delicate pink, gold, and ivory, where even the walls were embroidered with a sweet rose pattern. She immediately ran to the bed, spinning off one of the posts to flop herself down with an oomph. "Perfect" came out "Pffk", muffled by the thick, fluffy duvet, comforter, quilt combination. A knock sounded gently, and Holly was back up in an instant, looking demurely to the black-clad butler by the door. He was a dignified gentleman, though by no means old at a rather handsome thirty-something. His eyes, a fierce blue, were usually sharp and calculating, though at that moment they were softly amused as they watched Holly. "Young Missus, I have left the fixings in the kitchen, then located the servant's quarters, where I have deposited my belongings. I trust that you find your living arrangements to be satisfactory?" She smiled, nodding politely. "Of course, Robert. And if you would, I would like you to join us for dinner. If it makes you more comfortable, you may escort me down and help to serve the wine." He returned the smile, nodding, then offered his arm. Together they went to the kitchen, and set to work marinading the chicken and stocking up the grill. The pasta went in last, and was done about the same time as the meat. She even cooked the hamburgers and hot-dogs, grilling some veggies and keeping some raw, setting out the condiments and all the dining ware. Perfect.
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5:22pm Jun 3 2011
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((I was thinking that because your original storyline consisted of her being blind[which I overlooked a little at the beginning] I was wondering if I should just have her blind when she is in her other form?)) Jade couldn't help but stare as she entered the living space. The place was huge... 18 rooms she had said? It was like the mansions in the old books she used to read. "Woah, you could hold an entire ball in this place." She mentioned out loud, taking in the size of the building. "You mind if I scope out the kitchen? I can make a mean tiramisu, that is if you don't mind." She looked about at the world around her and found that it had changed. She tripped on her feet and fell to her knees, eyes glazing over. The beautiful house was no longer around her, but instead she could feel the heat of fire, smell the blood and decay. Her eyes began to water with the terrible sensation. She couldn't see and that was what frightened her the most. She let out a scream and fell backwards, her eyes flying open to find her self... back in the mansion.
11:42pm Jun 3 2011
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ooc:// Bump
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1:32am Jun 4 2011
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Lamia smiled at Holly, glad she liked her room. Turning to the other two, she said, "Come on!" and led the way out. When Jade spoke, she stopped to agree, but was startled to see her fall backwards. She lept forward to check on her, relieved that the had already gained the third story. At least Jade had not fallen on the stairs. Kneeling down beside her, Laima found that she had already opened her eyes. "Hey, you ok?" she asked the girl softly, swearing she could faintly detect the faint scent of smoke, though the grill had yet to be lit. "Come on, let's let you rest for a bit, sweetie." She wrapped an arm around her to help her up, but realized that she could feel the poor girl's ribs. She refrained from saying anything, however, and simply led the girl and the remaining party to the room she had chosen for her. The room was large, though not as large as the ones on the second floor. It still had an en suite bathroom, but this one was done in shades of cool gray slate with golden fixtures. The bedroom was painted a deep royal blue with sprays of silver stars arranged in constellations. The window was a little smaller, without a seat, and was adorned by deep, thick silver tapastries that were pulled back. Off in the corner sat a little table with gypsey colored clothes covering it, and big soft leather poofs arranged it. Laima helped the girl to the bed and let her arrange herself, saying, "Get some rest, Jade. We'll come get you when dinner is ready." She led the others out of the room and softly closed the door behind her.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:44am Jun 4 2011
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OOC: Sorry, trying to break this up some so it's not so hard to read. Originaly, Dreamfyre was blind in her normal form, but was able to see in her transformation. I think we can leave it like it is, since we're so far in and it would be really hard to write a blind battle scene. IC: "OK, Shay, your room is on this floor as well. Just a couple doors down, actually." Lamia let them to another room, just as large as the others. In this one, the bathroom was paneled in deep red ceder wood and all the fixtures were weathered bronze. The bedroom was paneled in the same wood, except for one wall that was painted deep forest green. The windows had heavy curtains in a rich burgandy and in the corner was a little faux fireplace filled with deep green, rich red, and fresh cream candles of all hights and sizes. Next to the fireplace sat a massive arm chair, upolstered in leather, with a matching footstool. There was also a large bookshelf built into the wall surrounding the window. "I hope this is ok? If you don't like it, we can find you another," she said, realizing that she sounded like the girl was moving in. Oh, well, she thought. Something is telling me this is right. Somehow or another, these people are my responsibility to protect. If they need santuary, than I will provide it. Lamia didn't know where her instincts were coming from, but she was going to trust them.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:04pm Jun 4 2011
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"I guess you saved the best for last." Haruki chimed in, the last guest to recieve a room. Patiently, and yet eagerly, he rocked on his feet, observing the room given to Shay. Gorgeous and perfect, as the others had been. He gave thought to how long he'd stay, and what he'd do after that. But of course, that didn't mean much to Haru, who was busy enjoying his lengthened childhood. He then peered around to look for Galaxy, who happily rounded a corner in a relaxed tweet. The bird flew just above him, dropping a newspaper directly into his arms. Almost unwillingly, he read the headline: Unknown Murderer Strikes Again. He shuddered. That wasn't a good sign. But what he should've wondered was: Why his bird had brought this to him? ((Lol, blind battle scene XD And I remember you said that strange killings started happening and then the members of Fyre start getting flashes. Figured I could incorperate that here since I don't have much to do yet.))
I\'m back.
12:52pm Jun 4 2011
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(Woooooahhh. o.o Rooms = coolness. ) Shay just stared with her mouth partially open. Whoa. This place was, like, supreme! And everything was beautiful... All deep, earthy tones, reminding her of a forest. She liked forests. They were always breathtaking and had amazing scenery, and this room almost replicated that. The bed was a deep red color with some creamy-tan sheets, which she absolutely adored. The bathroom was stunning, too, and... Oh, it was perfect. "Thank you so much, Lamia..!" she said. "This is great! I mean, the room's fantastic, and I... I just can't... This can't be expressed in words. Just... thanks so much. Again." Shay smiled with an obviously large amount of joy. (Pffft, partially fail post, but neeh.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:07pm Jun 4 2011
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Lamia looked back at Haruki. "You did ask for the top floor..." she said with a little smile, stating the obvious. Turning back to Shay she laughed at the girl's exubriance. "Of course. This one seemed to suit you somehow. I'm glad you like it. Feel free to get a bath and relax. I'll come grab you when dinner is ready." With another smile, she ushered Haruki and Galaxy out the door, with Onyx following close behind. "Is that another article about those weird killings?" she asked. "There's something familiar about them. It so... weird." By this time they had climbed through the third floor and up to the attic. "You'll be by yourself up here. But there's access to a little porch on the roof, so I'm sure Galaxy will like it." There was one door at the end of a short hallway. Opening it, she revealed the final room. It's walls were a warm burgandy, with black kanji symbols painted on them. The flooring was polished bamboo with takimi mats scattered across it. The large bed was low to the ground and sat in a black frame. Light could be seen shining faintly through the plain paper screen that stood in front of the glass door. There was a table set into a sunken square indentation with large, soft pillows strewn all about it in the corner across from the door. The bathroom was all dary gray granite and silver fixtures, with a large walk in shower, fronted by a sheet of crystal clear glass, instead of a tub. "Is this ok?" Lamia asked.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:31pm Jun 4 2011
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((OMG! I completely forgot about my other character! Hey Kate? Can you have Galaxy spot a hawk out side the window or something. I really have no idea of how to bring Kurogane in/ XD *Fails*))
10:45pm Jun 4 2011
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"Yeah, apparently, a man was killed in his office while working a late shift. How awful." Haru sounded more mature as he said this, as if he'd taken on a more gentle personality. But he was suddenly himself again when he saw his room. "Its not ok." He paused, staring blankly into the doorway. "...Because its amazing!" His face was aglow. It was as if she'd known he was a fan of Japanese culture. In fact, it was scarcely know that he was a blackbelt in karate, and that he did rather enjoy meditating. He immeadiatly settled on the bed, rolling on his side in preperation for a nap. Galaxy, in the meantime, welcomed herself into the room, snatching at the handle of the door to the deck on the roof. She managed to side the door open, being made up of a light sort of glass. She flittered outside, perching on the railing. With a tilt of the head, she noticed another avian creature. "Another bird?" She chimed, herself even sounding more mature. And almost human- like, I might add. But this bird looked a little more fierce than herself, and of a different coloration. It wasn't your typical bird. But then again, Galaxy was far from being an average bird as well. In fact, the silver glitter on her wings glistened in the moonlight, the white tips of her feathers contrasting the black. How could those humans find these animals to be natural? ((There ya go, Emerald ^_^))
I\'m back.
1:11am Jun 5 2011
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OOC: OK, Emerald, I have an idea. In the original storyline, Lamia's entire town is decimated by the Red Plauge. She is spared, because she is away from the town. She comes home to find that there is no one alive. As she's walking through the town, she hears a baby crying. She breaks into the house to discover the baby locked in a room with his mother, who had stabbed herself to keep from giving him the plauge, since it was spread through touch. Maybe Kurogane could be that baby, and has been like a brother to Lamia, so can come into the house whenever he wants?

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
7:58am Jun 5 2011
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((Oh, ok. Ya that works just great! Thanks to both of you.)) The large hawk turned it's head at the sound of a voice, she was expecting one of her masters' friends but instead rested her eyes upon a raven that was quite unique. She stared at the bird, not at all confused by it's speech but rather curious that another avian such as herself could talk with out being a colorfull parrot. She nodded her head in response to the bird's observation. Then she threw her head back and her wings stretch to full wingspan to open the air way. She let out a screetch that was not at all terrible to listen to, in fact it had almost a tune to it. But has she let the air out of her lungs, it came forth soundling like the name she had been given. 'Saaaaakura!' Sakura's master had given her the name Sakura because of the way her hunting call had sounded to him. He had been away from the city then, on a camping trip not too long ago. She turned her eyes back to the streets below, watching for her master's return. She squaked a little with his appearance as he rounded the corner of the street. Nodding a slight farewell to the other bird she jumped lightly off the side of the building. Her wings snapped out to catch the light breeze and she glided down to her master's side. She announced her approach and circled above his head until he offered his arm out as a landing spot. She dove for it, coming gently down upon his outstreched right arm. Being careful as to not harm him with her talons she hooked her pointed toes around his arm rather that dig them into him, like she would do on a branch in the wild. Kurogane laughed a little as his hawk landed, still amazed at her ability to no rip his arms to shreds. He whistled to the bird as he walked the final stretch to the house he and his best friend took refuge in. He knew that they were not related by blood but for all that it was worth, Lamia was just as much of a sister to him than any other biological family could. It was not blood that kept them together, but rather a strange unseen force that had brought them to meet. He believed the term for that was fate. His eyes glazed over for a moment, memories of the screams and dying calls of friends and family. He shook his head, not wanting to enter the prescence of his 'sister' in such a depressed state. He stood before the great masnion looking up where he could see that faint glisten of silver feathers. "I see you have made a friend." He smiled at Sakura before entering the large building. "I swear Lamia, this house seems to be getting bigger and bigger!" He called out into the house, listening to his voice echo. He knew that she could hear him anywhere in the house for an empty house did allow alot to be heard. Listening more he could hear slight voices, voices that were unfamiliar to him. "Lamia? Do we have guests or am I hearing things again?" He set the japaneese catanna that he had been carying in his left hand down against the wall. He bought it because it was such a beautiful blade, that he knew he could not leave the shop without it. Beside the fact, so many murders had been happening, he had to be sure that he and Lamia were safe in their own home. ((How was that? XD))
11:50am Jun 5 2011
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OOC: Great! Oh, and Reina, do you want to have the butler be from the past? Or would he be more like Alfred? Lamia heard Kurogane's voice and gave a happy little squeal. "He's home! He's gonna love this!" she cried as she ran down the stairs. She was quite out of breath by the time she hurried down the last grand flight. "Kuro! We have guests! And probably roommates! But don't worry. No one is on your floor. Holly is with me on the second, Jade and Shay are on the third, and Haruki is in the attic. And Holly brought her butler too!" She grabbed his hand, giggling girlishly, "Come on! We're having a cookout!"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:09pm Jun 5 2011
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Kurogane laughed to himself, the hyperness of Lamia always seemed to brighten the room. "Roommates huh? How ever did this happen." He asked playfully as he transfered Sakura from her pearch on his arm to sit upon his shoulder. "A cookout sounds nice, it has been a long time since we have had any fun at all." He quickly grabbed the blade again and turned to the girl. "Can I atleast go put this in my room first. I don't want it getting scratched during our little party. Do we Sakura, no scratches for this sword." Sakura squaked in agreement, slapping the back of his head with her wing on accident. He wiggled his hand free with a smile and rushed up the stairs to his room where he stashed the blade in the closet. Then he rushed back down to return to Lamia's side.
2:49pm Jun 5 2011
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ooc:// Well, it's kinda the same thing. XD Me=Batman obsessed. Also, when everyone is ready, Holly has everything ready. Apparently there's a large informal dining set in the garden on a beautiful stone patio, and the atmosphere was perfect so Holly and Robert set everything, and are now making last touches like a flowery centerpiece of blossoms gathered from the garden, and basically just having fun. Because this is their kind of fun.
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9:06pm Jun 5 2011
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OOC: They're close, but is he just really close in this time frame, or is he someone from the past? Maybe High Princess Eternity's father's most loyal advisor of something? Oh, there is also a pool in the back yard, for future referance. "To be honest, Kuro, I'm not sure how it happened. But it feels right, just like inviting you here felt right. It's going to work out. I'm sure of it. I think Holly has everything ready in the backyard. Why don't you go on out and I'll go get the others?" Lamia said, sliding her arm around his waist for a second before running upstairs to fetch everyone. Her first stop was Shay's room, since the girl had been wide awake when she left her. After a quick knock and a shout, she repeated the process with Haru and finally Jade. Having finished her task, she bounded down the stairs and out the patio door. "This looks amazing Holly! I'm sorry you had to do all the work."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:29pm Jun 5 2011
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She shook her head quickly, laughing. "Nonsense! Robert helped lots. Robert, this is Lamia, who so generously opened her home to us. Lamia, this is my friend Robert, who considers himself my butler. Please, everyone help yourselves. I hope that everything is alright." Sighing, Holly looked on the edge of breakdown until Robert placed a steadying hand on her shoulder. Instantly her breathing returned to normal, and she shrugged at Lamia. "I always worry that no one will like what I cook. I really don't know what I would do without Robert." ooc:// For Robert, I'm thinking from the past. Advisor to the Princess.
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10:25pm Jun 5 2011
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OOC: Sounds good. Don't worry about a bio this late in the game. We'll RP it out. I'm going to wait on the others before I reply, so as to avoid one liners.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:14am Jun 6 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:51am Jun 6 2011
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ooc:// XI People...
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