2:03am Jun 12 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:29pm Jun 12 2011
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(Hullo. c: )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:08pm Jun 12 2011
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((I'm here but I don't really want dream blade. XD))
6:41pm Jun 12 2011
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(Me neither. :c )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
11:51pm Jun 12 2011
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((We can go on without him, but it leaves Dreamfyre without a partner. Up to ya'll))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:50am Jun 13 2011
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ooc:// I'll take him? I like the name Jareth. It reminds my of Labyrinth, that Jim Henson movie with David Bowie looking all evil and gorgeous. :3
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1:58pm Jun 13 2011
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((Lol, go Rein! I wouldn't mind being with out a partner but if Rein takes Jareth then ten times better. I just didn't want my own partner and have three characters as well. ;) ))
10:54pm Jun 13 2011
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((Yeah I don't blame you. Welcome to it Reina. I think he'll be a good addition. I just didn't want to do it since I'm doing the Court of Dominion too, and that's gonna have to be several characters. Oh, if you guys want to add romance in, that would be great. Doesn't have to happen, doesn't have to be between partners, but it would be cool. And, yes, David Bowie was absolutly to die for in that movie. Actually listening to the soundtrack now as I type this. Soon as you post his intro, we'll get back into swing with this.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:24am Jun 14 2011
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A knock sounded at the door, and before anyone else could move, Holly was up an running to answer it. Upon pulling the door open, she saw a very pretty man standing there, smiling and waving akwardly. 'Why did I have to pick the nice neighborhood? Rich people are always the meanest, ad from the looks of this house, this family's gotta be loaded. I just ho-' The thought was cut short as a golden head peeked out, mimicked by a smaller, furrier, black face. Girl, cat. Huh. It took Jareth a moment to collect his thoughts, being so startled by the sight answering the door. "Uh, hi. My name is Jareth, and I'm going around the neighborhood taking collections for the homeless shelter and soup kitchen, and was wondering if you'd be willing t-" "Sure, but we're having dinner right now. Hey, you should come in and eat with us!" Wow, this girl was f- Before he knew it Jareth was being pulled through a strange, ornate, and beautiful house by a strange, elegant, and beautiful girl. 'Huh. Why am I not at all worried by this?' Shrugging the thought away, Jareth decided that it didn't matter. Then there was barking behind him, and Jareth turned to see Mischief, looking happier and more at home than he ever had. Well, if Mischief thought it was okay... Suddenly he was thrown into a room full of people, the scent of a ton of delicious somethings hitting his nose all at once, and he was tossed into an empty chair between a guy with a bird and a girl with a black dog. And it felt totally natural. The weirdgirl who'd brought him here began introductions, grinning ear to ear. "Alrighty. Hope you all don't mind, but the minute I saw this guy, I thought... 'Wow. Another one.' 'Cause whatever it is that brought us together, I think Jareth here has it. Jareth, you're sitting next to Shay and Kurogane. The nice lady at the head of the table is Lamia, the girl with the husky mix ike yours is Jade, and the other guy with the bird -raven, I think?- is Haruki, and my name is Holly. Oh, and the stately gentleman in the tux is Robery. Everyone, whaddya think?" Even as she spoke the Holly girl was getting a plate for him, even though it was totally not necessary. He began to eat, distracted enough by how awesome the food was to not really care that the waves of complaints were about to begin.
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1:34pm Jun 14 2011
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Lamia gave her new friend a knowing smile. As soon as she had seen the man, she knew that he fit. How he was going to take that news, she would soon find out. Laughing, she introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Lamia, as Holly has already said. Please, disregard the craziness. She's not REALLY insane. Just a little... hyper. However, welcome to our home. What brings you here, today?" She trailed off, in her mind adding, 'of all days...' There was something about him that was so familiar, more so than with any of the others, though she felt as though they had all once been intimate friends. She was staring, but didn't realize it, when she noticed the dog beside him. "And who is the charming dog beside you?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:56pm Jun 14 2011
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Turning to the girl who'd bee introduced as Lamia, Jareth gave a shy smile, scratching the back of his head as he always did when nervous. "Actually, I was going door-to-door for donations. Homeless shelter. Oh, and this guy? This is my boy, Mischief. He's always been there for me, no matter what. Really well trained, too, even though I never did a thing to get him like that. Just kinda happened." This was all so strange. And the comment that Holly girl had made about him having a certain something. How crazy was that? Totally freakin' insane, that's what it was. Then... Silence. The kind of silence that only comes from total destruction. The wind brings to me the scent of smoke and delotion, disease and death. I'm on my knees, dressed... Strangely. I look down the row, and the people I see are familiar, but... different. Only just barely different from the people I'd been looking at seconds before. Each of them has an animal by their sides, and human and animal alike are in the same position as me, humbling ourselves to... I finally look up, curious as to whom I'm showing reverance. A woman stands there, like that crazy chick only perfect. She has a panther or some other huge black feline, its shoulders reaching her hips, it's gold eyes regarding us with quiet regret. A similar look is in the woman's eyes, also pale gold, though it's mixed with deep sorrow. One more I turn to the others, finding that the face nearest me is... The chick who had spoken to me. She looks... Warm. Reassuring. A bondmate, a friend. Mine. With that word ressoundng through his head Jareth snapped out of the vision, looking around at the people seated with him. Holly, at least, was staring at him, some kind of recognition flaring across her face, as well as his own mind. It was her. The black tomcat in her lap practically grinned, if cats could do that. The old guy is watching me too, looking kind of expectant. Too weird. "Okay... Has that happened to anyone else today? All I know is I just had this weird vision where we were all us but different, and there was smoke and burning and all that craziness. Seriously creepy. And our animals were there too, only changed. Like... Holly, was it? Your cat was freakin' panther. Please tell me I'm not the only one." ooc:// Hope 'all don't mind the implied accent. I've just decided that Jareth is native to the Broncs.
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10:09pm Jun 14 2011
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Kurogane almost dropped his fork, his head turning to look at the new comer beside him. It had been a while since he had that same dream, that of a burning city, or burning people. He and the girl that had adopted him as a brother were both there with a group of others. His eyes widened in recognition as he realized he knew each of the faces already. He had seen each of them in this same dream that this boy had just described. He nodded, his eyes flickering to Sakura who was eyeing him with concern. He could still remember the fear he felt when he saw his beloved bird catch fire but now knew that flames were harmless to her... A pheonix. He could also remember mentioned panther and a large blue entity that had gaurded the girl to his other side. He looked over at her to find that she was having the same reaction. Jade coughed, choking on her food until Kurogane wacked her on the back and the food swallowed down. Gasping for breath she looked around the table at the boy. "Ya, just earlier. Almost fell down the stairs, good thing we had reached the landing right Lamia? Wait, so has everybody had this weird thing before." She looked around and recieved a weird grin from a cat, a look of recognition from Holly, a nod from Kurogane and an exclamation from Sakura and her dog Jake. ((Fail T.T))
10:34pm Jun 14 2011
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ooc:// Yay for Jareth the loudmouth! He is the catalyst. :3
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11:39pm Jun 14 2011
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OOC: Awesome! I don't know how much I can go into detail on the Blood Plauge, but you can guess kinda about it. I suppose I could email it to ya'll? Lamia nodded. "Yes, I've been having visions for a while now. Only, I had no faces, not untill today." She shuddered as she remembered the thing she had seen in her dreams. A ghost town, seemingly abandoned, but with the bodies of it's former inhabitants laying where they fell. Their eyes were empty, the tracks of blood over each one. She saw that room again, the one with the only living person in the town, a tiny baby. She looked at Kurogane. "Are these memories?" she asked the table at large.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:02am Jun 15 2011
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At the inquiry Robert stood, causing both Jareth and Holly to look to him, falling eerily silent. "I was hoping you all would come to that conclusion. Since you have all begun having them, it is time that I can reveal their meaning. Holly, I am only sorry that I could not tell you sooner, but it as decided that the truth should reveal itself to you." He took a deep breath, his cool blue eyes as calm as ever. "They are indeed memories. You are all of another time and place, sent to this period in Earth's history to prevent great catastrophy, and to defend the leader of our people, the High Princess Eternity. You are the Fyres and their companions, the blades, and together along with your bondbeasts you are the heroes of your world. Ad you, Holly... You are the last of the royal family. And I am Lord Rolland, and on our planet I was your most trusted advisor, who hid you during the time of the Blood Plague. I was chosen to follow you and make sure that all of you remained safe until the time came for you to awaken your powers. Now that you have all had the flashbacks, it must be nearing that time." For a moment, both Holly and Jareth were silent. Suddenly, the usually very skeptical Jareth shrugged, nodding. "Makes sense, actually. How else would we have all come together like this all at once? Not to mention all of us having the same visions? That's, like, a one in nine billion chance. I totally get this." Holly nodded as well, smiling. "It does fit really well. I mean... look at us. Seven complete strangers with oddly brilliant animals, whom we have never had to train, and who seem to recognize each other as well as all us. I don't see a more reasonable explanation showing itself. So, you're all, like, Supeman-type-people, and I'm some long lost princess. How are we going to handle this situation?"
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12:04am Jun 15 2011
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((OOC: Much as I want to continue this, I'm going to wait on the others.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:52am Jun 15 2011
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"Well, I guess it sort of makes sense. I mean, I have been in so many fights and not once have I ever really lost no matter the odds. I'm faster than the guys and stronger too, but what I don't understand is why we don't have thesse memories until now. I feel like I have lived on this planet all my life.... I have no memory of coming here or anything of a childhood here but, it just doesn't seem right." Jade trailed off, her mind wandering deep into thought. Beside her, Kurogane almost burst out laughing. "Fyres and Blades and The long lost High Princess Eternity? It sounds like a bed time story for children. Weird dreams or not. If I'm a Blade, then Sakura over there is a pheonix." He chuckled slightly, until he realized he had just called himself a Blade. He brushed it off as quick thinking and a random choice, a lucky guess. He looked over at the rest of them, all of the animals looking quite pleased at this butler's words. Sakura hopped down from her pearch and circled the butler, finaly landing on his shoulder. The sun hit her feathers in such a way, that it indeed look as if she were ablaze. "Er, just a coincidence. There is no way." He folded his arms across his chest, recieving a dirty look from Sakura and even Jake.
12:34pm Jun 15 2011
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"Yay! We're heroes!" Galaxy took off in an excited flutter. Haru just sat there, bewildered. It made sense, yes, but it seemed very strange. "Am I a Fyre, or a Blade? Oh, do I have superpowers?!" The boy was getting a little too creative with this. "I want X-ray vision, and I wanna be able to fly, and have a cool cape!" "I wanna cape too, mwwrrawk!" His eager bird sounded, settling beside him. The silver twinkles against her black feathers were gleaming extra bright, her crimson eyes alight with wonder. ((Can't think of much XD When will they start fighting and whatnot? Hmm, I think I may change Galaxy's gender. I see it as more of a male. I'll have something happen to show its a male later, if I decide to.))
I\'m back.
1:43pm Jun 15 2011
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((Just waiting on Ice, then we'll really get this going.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:53pm Jun 15 2011
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Robert shrugged off Kurogane's disbelief, chuckling. "You have only now begun having the memories because the time is nearing when you will need to fully remember your true past. And Mr. Kurogane, your bird's actions were no coincidence. She meant to show you that you were indeed correct. You are correct in that you are a Blade; all of you gentlemen are companions to the Fyres, with your own gifts. Mr. Kurogane, you are Songblade, match to Miss Shay, who is Songfyre. Next is Mr. Jareth, the Dreamblade to Miss Jade's Dreamfyre. Finally, young Mr. Haruki, you are Nightblade, and Miss Lamia is your Nightfyre. She was the leader of the Fyres, which is most likely why she feels so comfortable being the one to gather you all under her roof. The feeling of being native to Earth is natural. After all, that is how we intended it to be. It would not do to have all of you feeling horriblyout of place all your lives, though I'm certain that all of you would have moments you felt you didn't belong here. I apologize if any of this seems confusing for you. It is a most strange thing to one born of this planet, but it is your truth." Holly smiled at him, nodding. "I think that this is just about the coolest thing ever. Not even because I'm a princess, but because I have powers." Jareth gave a small cheer, eyes lighting up as he turned to Jade. "You and me? We're the Dream Team! Get it? Dreamfyre, Dreamblade? Dream Team? Ah? Aaaaah?"
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