2:25pm Jun 15 2011
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Lamia rolled her eyes at the antics. She sent a look Haurki's way. She would have a conversation with him later. She felt Onyx lean against her and had a momentary vision of a massive black wolf with deep blue eyes and luxuriant black fur with a pattern like white flames ringing his tail. Somehow she knew that this was her friend's true form. Hugging the dog/wolf, she looked up again, meeting Holly and Jareth's eyes. As the oldest three, they would try to take on as much as they could. She felt the conviction in her heart and could see it in the other two's faces as well. "High Princess Eternity..." she said slowly, before a thought came to her suddenly. "Wait, guys! I have something... I'll be right back!" With that, she jumped up and ran into the house, Onyx hot on her heels. She came back from her room a few moments later with several sheets on cream colored paper. "This is it. These are from my dream journal. They're dated right before those murders started happening, so maybe a month ago. Listen.." and she began to read. "This dream was so real. It was almost like a memory... I was coming home from something, some kind of important meeting, I think, but when I got home, the village was desolated. It was a mideval village sort of, with thached houses and a well in the center. Anyway, there were people lying everywhere, dead, from some kind of horrible disese, it seemed. It looked like they had bleed to death without a wound. Everyone was gone, even my family. I was sobbing, walking through the town, looking for a surviver, when I heard the baby crying. I ran to the house and found him in a locked room. His mother had killed herself before she could touch him and give him the Blood Plauge. I took him with me when I left to go, back to whereever it was I had been before. The funny thing was, he reminded me of what Kuro might have been like as a baby." She looked up at the others, a single tear flowing down her face. "Maybe it has been coming to me before ya'll because I'm supposed to be the leader. I don't know. There are other dreams here, ones that I think are about all of ya'll..." OOC: Yes, I am from Alabama, hence the ya'll. Lamia is Southern too.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
7:17pm Jun 15 2011
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(SO. MUCH. HAPPPENEEDDD. ...without meee! D; ) Shay gasped when everything was explained. Throughout everything she remained silent. She was.. Songfyre? What's a Songfyre? Well, the real question was Who is Songfyre. But the answer would be... herself. The whole thing threw her world off balance. Could this be true? No way. It sounds like an old legend or a fairy tale. Yes, she loved those types of stories, but this one.. it was true. Wait.. Was it true? Like, for reals? "I.. I'm Songfyre?" she said softly. "And.. Kurogane is my.. partner? Wha..? I just.. I don't.. It's all just so.." Shay struggled with her words, trying to pick the right ones. Except she couldn't find anything to add on at the moment. After a pause, she knew. "It's so unreal." One thing, though, one thing, eluded her. "Robert.. Since all of the Blades and Fyres are supposed to have companions and everybody here seems to have one, why don't I have mine? Is it just that I haven't found it yet or will I never find one or do I not get one or... or.." (Here's your ever-awaited post. ;D )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:55am Jun 16 2011
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Lamia hurried to the distraught girl and knelt down next to her, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. "I'm sure you have one. We just have to find him, or her." She gave Robert a pleading look. "Maybe... maybe we could go to the pound? Or something?" Onyx leaned against Shay, giving her all the comfort he could. The big dog liked Shay's face, trying to make her laugh. Lamia gazed around the table, hoping for other ideas.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:14am Jun 16 2011
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Robert nodded, smiling reassuringly. "Of course. You are undoubtedly a Fyre, and all fyres have a bonded animal. Even the princess has her Samhain. He's probably been following you at a distance, and just hasn't shown himself yet." With a throaty 'mrow' Samhain padded daintily across the table, purring loudly. He placed a paw on Shay's hand, staring straight into her eyes with that bright yellow gaze. Giggling, Holly followed him. "Sammy agrees."
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5:38pm Jun 16 2011
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Shay smiled. "Aw, you guys don't have to care so much about me.. I guess maybe he just hasn't shown up, like you said, Robert." This news made her feel a bit better and the comfort of new friends was even nicer. A recent memory popped into her head. When she had fallen before down on the ground and had her vision about the Blood Plague, something wetted her face. Like licking. Maybe her bonded animal was following her! By now she was sure of it. Whatever species, he was following her and hopefully keeping her safe. It was, after all, supposedly due to her companion being there that she even realized she was still alive. Shay lit up quickly after she had a knowing of this information. Being a Fyre wasn't so bad after all. Well... maybe just not yet. "Robert, what does this mean we're going to do? Exactly how does this whole Fyre thing work? Because right now... I don't really think I look or act much like a Fyre probably would."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:06pm Jun 17 2011
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- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
10:19pm Jun 17 2011
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Lamia looked around the table, assessing each face. "It has something to do with those weird murders. It has to. There's something weird about them... What do you guys think? Do you agree?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:36pm Jun 17 2011
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Robert just nodded, watching for the reactions of the young ones. It was up to them to figure this out for themselves. Recognizing the ex pression, Holly turned her attention back to Lamia. "I think you're right. We're like superheroes, right?" Jareth nodded, waiting for the next part of whatever deduction she'd come up with. "Well, in the comics, the bad guy always commits a bunch of crimes on the hero's turf to draw him out. So, whoever's behind all this is sending us a message. Like... 'Come and stop up, or more people are going to die.' So... what do we do about it?" The challenge was clear in her eyes. If she really was some kind of princess or something, she couldn't let innocent people die. That just wasn't something princesses did. ... Right?
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10:47pm Jun 17 2011
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"Who was our enemy before, Robert? What was their name?" She looked around at everyone again. These people were going to be her friends. She knew that. So she would protect them with everything she had. It was her nature. "We wouldn't need our memories to fight if it was anyone else..."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:22pm Jun 17 2011
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"I actually did notice how strange these murders were. Nobody I talked with knew anything about the guy, so he deffinately is not from around here. I'll do some more digging though, maybe get us more information if I can?" Jade already had her cell phone out and was texting away to an old aquaintance of hers. She was deep in the black markets and all of the gangs were familiar to her except for these murders. They were out of place and didn't fit the puzzle, unless a new puzzle had been added to the box. Jake nodded. "I think we should stay low for a little while and let Miss Jade over here find out what she can before we decide anything else. In the mean time, Robert could teach us a little more about our powers and stuff." He suggested, looking around the table.
11:25pm Jun 17 2011
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"They were the Council of Dominion. Most likely, they keep themselves hidden from anyone who might recognize them here. Also, I apologize, but there is nothing I can teach any of you about your powers. Not only do I not know anything about them, but even if I did, it's something you have to remember."
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7:21pm Jun 18 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:50pm Jun 18 2011
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(Um... Shay's question was never answered. O.o )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
11:20pm Jun 18 2011
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((I think we're working our way around to that. Instead of Robert just knowing everything, he's having to learn some things at the same time as everyone else. We know who our enemy is now, and we suspect what they might be doing, but we don't know where they are or what they want or why they want it.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:24pm Jun 18 2011
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"Alright, I might have something. I have to meet my friend so we can do a little digging, and if I'm not back by morning.... Do something." Jade said, not sure what they would do if she didn't come back. She was, technically speaking, a criminal. She stood up from the table and called to Jake who immediately came to her side. ((ACK I am so sorry. That is an illiterate post not worthy of this roleplay. DX I just couldn't think of what else to write. SOME ONE PLEASE HELP ME> :C ))
11:53pm Jun 18 2011
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Lamia gave Jade a quick look of concern. "Should you really be going by yourself right now? If they're really after us?" She was at the girl's side in a heartbeat. "Maybe one of us should go with you." ((Let's just get it past this awkward part. I'm thinking somehow you and your partner should be attacked and Fyre and the Blades come swooping down to save the day. P.S. Your guardian should tell you how to transform. They talk.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:23pm Jun 19 2011
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Nodding, Holly's eyes filled with concern. Having one of their own out by themselves just felt all wrong to the girl. A shiver ran down her spine, and she shuddered. "Totally. I just don't feel like it's safe for any of us to be out alone right now." Samhain met her gaze, mirroring her concern. So this definitely wasn't right.
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1:41am Jun 20 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:07am Jun 20 2011
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"Don't be silly. I have Jake and I am going to meet a friend after all. Everything will be just fine. Don't worry about it." Jade smiled reas.suringly before she turned and began to run. If these people were serious about their gut feelings, she didn't want to be persuaded out of being helpful. Jade could feel it, something was wrong but she also knew that what she was about to do was helpful to others. A life of crime and she had never once thought of being a hero, and now to find out she was one! Her whole world had just been turned upside down, she needed the alone time anyway. Jake barked with support but it was apparent that he was worried as well. Before any of the others could stop her, Jade was out the door and well on her way to her friend's house. Kurogane sighed. "She has just set out on a path that will only lead her to pain. I sure hope she knows what she is doing." He said, as if he were predicting her route. He didn't know how he knew, but he just did. Something was wrong, dangerous even, about the decision Jade had made. "Sakura. I want you to follow her. I will be right behind you." He commanded his bird, who immediately nodded and took flight. The moment that she was out of sight and around the building, Kurogane stood from his chair. "I'm going to follow her. Something doesn't feel right and I know you feel it too. If we are supposed to be these amazing hero-type figures, then let's start by helping out one of our own." He declared, running upstairs and grabbing his new sword. He had learned how to use one long ago, and he was certain that he could weild it now. "Anyone else want to come?" He smiled, gripping the hilt of his katana.
2:16am Jun 20 2011
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Lamia nodded at her brother, not having had time to offer Jade her cell phone. "Let's go. I have a bad feeling. I understand her feeling the need to be alone, but, something has me afraid..." She stood and Onyx stood with her. "She'll be ok. Even if something happens, we'll get her out of it. Right guys?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!